Shikellamy High School Cover Sheet ● Names & Positions (Pages 7-9) ● Homeless Act (Page 35) ● Senior Pranks (Page 41) ● Summer School / Credit Recovery (Page 41) Page | 1 Page | 2 Shikellamy High School Student Handbook Guidelines for Student Attendance and Discipline 2020 – 2021 Student Handbook Receipt This is to verify that I/we have read the 2020-2021 Student Handbook and understand what is included in it. If I have any questions concerning this information, I am welcome to contact the high school principals or guidance counselors. __________________________________ ____________ (Parent/Guardian Print) (Date) __________________________________ (Parent/Guardian Signature) __________________________________ ____________ (Student Print) (Date) __________________________________ (Student Signature) Page | 3 Page | 4 SHIKELLAMY HIGH SCHOOL “ BRAVES ” STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020 - 2021 Marc Freeman, Principal David Bacher, Assistant Principal 600 Walnut Street Sunbury, PA 17801 (570) 286 -3700 Page | 5 IMPORTANT NOTES The rules you are about to read in this code of conduct supplement are in addition to our broad, discretionary authority to maintain safety, order and discipline in the school zone. These rules support, but do not limit, our authority. These guidelines are not intended to be all inclusive as they do not always cover every situation and condition. Therefore, if in the judgement of the HS administration, a student’s behavior is not defined in the Code of Student Conduct, the administration will take appropriate action in the best interest of the student and the school. SHIKELLAMY HIGH SCHOOL HANDBOOK This handbook is designed to forward essential information in all areas of student life. Hopefully, the material in this book will be of interest and value to every student. Each student is encouraged to share the contents of this manual with parents so that all interested parties are aware of the opportunities, as well as policies and procedures of Shikellamy School District and Shikellamy High School. MESSAGE TO THE STUDENTS On behalf of the faculty and staff of Shikellamy High School, we would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Shikellamy High School for the 2020-2021 school year. We want to make this year academically challenging while helping you to achieve the goals that you have set for yourself. You can benefit from everything that Shikellamy High School has to offer by being actively involved in your classes as well as in the programs, clubs and activities offered throughout the school year. We are here to help you make your years at Shikellamy High School successful, and we welcome the opportunity to assist you as you proceed through your high school career. The information presented in this handbook has been developed to help you become familiar with the facilities, activities, and guidelines that pertain to Shikellamy High School, and will make you more aware of the procedures and programs at our school. Please read this handbook carefully, and take the time to review it with your parents. Have a great year! MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Shikellamy School District is to challenge and excite learners to be all that they can be as responsible citizens for the 21st Century. SHIKELLAMY HIGH SCHOOL’S ALMA MATER Hail! Alma Mater Fair, We sing to thee Praises to dear S.H.S. and love that shall endless be, so, Hail! Alma Mater Fair, Triumph o’er all, We are faithful to thy bidding when e’re you call. Hail! Alma Mater Fair, Blue, Maroon, and White Loyal to our colors that shall proudly wave on for right, so, Hail! Alma Mater Fair, Hail! to thy name, March on to thy glorious vic-t’ries and to thy fame. Page | 6 SCHOOL COLORS Blue, Maroon, and White MASCOT The Brave Shikellamy High School Professional and Support Staff A DMINISTRATION MA RC FR EEMAN P RINCIPAL D AVID B ACHER A SSISTANT P RINCIPAL A IDES R HONDA D UNN * PE RSONAL LO RI E ROH * CL ASSROOM MA RION W ALLS * L IFE S KILLS T ERESITA K ESSLER * C AFETERIA J ACKIE HA INES * P ERSONAL J USTINA H INKLE * C AFETERIA S UANN H INKLE * PE RSONAL K ATIE E VERETT * L-S UPPORT A NNA H EIM * L IFE S KILLS A RT IN GRID HO WARD 315 J ENNIFER SH AY 300 A THLETIC DI RECTOR T IM FO OR AD O FFICE A TTENDANCE O FFICE / HO ME SC HOOL VI SITOR LE W D ELLEGROTTI B AND / C HORUS S COTT C AREY 314 A MY R HINARD 313 B USINESS J ONATHAN E VANS 317 T IMOTHY FO OR 406 C OMMUNICATION AR TS ME LISSA BR OUSE 310 MA RK C OX 316 Page | 7 MA DISON A TTINGER 308 C HRISTY K RIEGER 311 B RETT MI CHAELS 309 A DRIANNE MO RRISON 303 P ETER S OLOMON 312 C USTODIANS T RACY B YERS R AYMAN DA MPMAN S TEVEN H ARE C ATHY FE NSTERMACHER GR ADY FE TTERMAN D ONNA RO THERMEL W ADE FA USEY A PRIL MA SSER E NGLISH S ECOND L ANGUAGE C ARLA FE RRY 209 F AMILY C ONSUMER SC IENCE ME GAN GR IMME FCS F OOD SER VICE R OBIN FE DDER B ETTY GI LBERT T ANA GO TSHALL MI CHELLE HU ERTA MA RY MI LLER LO RI Y ORDY P ENNY S ALTER J OYCE TR EGO G IFTED C OLLEEN E PLER- R UTHS 106 G UIDANCE F RED C OLEMAN GU IDANCE OF FICE E LIZABETH D EITRICH GU IDANCE OF FICE R OBERT D ONLAN GU IDANCE OF FICE I N S CHOOL S USPENSION M ONITOR J AMES E RMERT 212 JROTC 1S T SGT D ANIEL AL DERSON 204/207 L EARNING S UPPORT / SPEC IAL ED UCATION GA RRETT B LOOM 218 MI CHELE E RDMAN 206 R ACHEL GI TTENS 104 K AYLA H ULSIZER 115 S ANDY JO NES 404 H OLLY R OSHON 403 Page | 8 J ENNIFER SM ITH 401 H OLLY ZI MMERMAN 109 L IBRARY J ANE R EICHENBACH LI BRARY C HRISTINE S HEMORY LI BRARY A IDE M ATH ME LODEE B ROSIOUS 402 MI CHAEL GE ISWHITE 410 K EVIN H ARRY 408 D ONALD LE ITZEL 405 R YAN MC H ALE 407 T ODD TI LFORD 409 N URSE K AREN Y ORDY LU NGER N URSE’ S OF FICE O FFICE S TAFF MA RJORIE N EFF A TTENDANCE O FFICE T ARA S PENCER MA IN OF FICE K ELLY S TEVENS MA IN OF FICE P HYSICAL ED UCATION / HEA LTH A MBER H UMMER GY MNASIUM / 100 S AMMY S TROH GY MNASIUM GR EG B ANEY GY MNASIUM S CIENCE C OLLEEN E PLER- R UTHS 106 A LEXIS G UNDRUM 110 J ENNA MO WERY 306 K AYLA KA MINSKIE 108 Y VONNE FE RRANTE 305 J ODI S CHMIDT 302 T ROY S MITH 307 S OCIAL ST UDIES E LLEN B ERGER 203 Page | 9 K ENDRA D RESSLER 111 J ONATHAN S TEESE 112 MI CHELE W ALLACE 201 H EIDI MA CKEY 202 E RIC ZI EGLER 114 S OCIAL W ORKER MI CHAEL FA RRONATO 214 S PANISH LA NGUAGE I NTERPRETER S TUDENT TEA CHERS (J AN UARY 20, 2020 – M AY 3, 2020) S TUDY H ALL M ONITOR T RACY FE ESE C AFETERIA / 216 T ECHNOLOGY ED UCATION J OSHUA GR OZIER 413 J USTIN P AULHAMUS 411/412 W ORLD L ANGUAGES A UBYN JO HNSON 304 A DRIANNE MO RRISON 303 F RENCH TE ACHER 105 S HIKELLAMY V IRTUAL A CADEMY 101-104 E RIC A TTINGER GR EG B ANEY R ACHEL GI TTENS J OHNNY E VANS STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES Shikellamy students have consistently exhibited both the willingness and citizenship traits to accept the responsibilities expected of them as students in this high school. This is why it is such a pleasure to work with Shikellamy students. The following list of responsibilities is published to assist each student to reach a good understanding of these expectations: Page | 10 1. Student responsibilities as per Title 22 Chapter 12 include regular school attendance, conscientious effort in classroom work, and conformance to all school rules and regulations. Most of all, students share with the administration and faculty a responsibility to maintain a school climate that is conducive to wholesome learning and living. 2. No student has the right to interfere with the education of fellow students. It is the responsibility of each student to respect the rights of students, teachers, administrators, and all other persons who are involved in the education process. 3. Students should express their ideas and opinions in a respectful manner so as not to offend or demean others. STUDENTS AT SHIKELLAMY HIGH SCHOOL HAVE THE RESPONSIBILITY TO: ● Be aware of all rules and regulations for student behavior and conduct themselves in accordance with them. ● Be willing to volunteer information in matters relating to the health, safety, and welfare of the school community and the protection of school property. ● Dress and groom themselves so as to meet standards of safety and health and so as not to cause a substantive disruption to the education process. ● Assume that a rule is in full effect until it is waived, altered, or repealed. ● Assist the school staff in operating a safe school for all students enrolled. ● Be aware of and comply with state and local laws and ordinances. ● Exercise proper care when using school facilities and equipment. ● Attend school daily, except when excused, and be on time. ● Make all necessary arrangements for making up work when absent from school.
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