DCN 396 BRAC 95 Data Call #I ACTIVITY: 63 126 DATA CALL 1: GENERAL INSTALLATION IFFORMATION 1. AClWlTY: Follow example as provided in the table below (de~ete the examples when providing your input). If any of the questions have multiple response: ,please provide all. If any of the information requested is subject to change between now and the end of Fiscal Year (FY) 1995 due to known redesignations, reaiignments/closures or other acti In, provide current and projected data and so annotate. O Name 0clal name O Complete Mailing Address COMMANDER CODE OF RECIPIENT NAVA~RWAR&NWPNDIV 521 9TH STREET POINT MUGU, CA 93042-5001 NAVAIRWARCENWPNDIV POINT MUGU CA " PRIMARY UIC: 63126 (Plant Account UIC for Plant Account Holders) Enter this number as the Activity identifier at the top of each I )ata Call response page. OALLOTHERUIC(s): 68936 PURPOSE: NP .WCWPNS 49145 Pt vlugu Non-DBOF 0429A NC,,WS 49 146 NP .WSDBOF 2. PLANT ACCOUNT HOLDER: OYes X No - (check one) BRAC 95 Data Call #1 ACTIVITY: 63126 3. ACTMTY TYPE: Choose most appropriate type that describes yc ur activity and completely answer all questions. O HOST COMMAND: A host command is an activity that pro! ides facilities for its own functions and the functions of other (tenant) activities. A host has acct buntability for Class 1 (land), andlor Class 2 (buildings, structures, and utilities) property, re zardless of occupancy. It can also be a tenant at other host activities. Yes X No - (check or e) O TENANT COMMAND: A tenant command is an activity or I [nit that occupies facilities for which another activity (i.e., the host) has accountability. A tenant may have several hosts, although one is usually designated its primary host. If answer is "Ye: ," provide best known information for your primary host only. Yes - No A (check or .e) Primary Host (current) UIC: Primary Host (as of 01 Oct 1995) UIC: Primary Host (as of 01 Oct 2001) UIC: O INDEPENDENT AClWlTY: For the purposes of this Data Zall, this is the "catch-all" designator, and is defined as any activity not previously identified as a host or a tenant. The activity may occupy owned or leased space. Government Owned/Con ractor Operated facilities should be included in this designation if not covered elsewhere. Yes - No A (check or [e) BRAC 95 Data Call #1 ACTIVITY: 63126 4. SPECIAL AREAS: List all Special Areas. Special Areas are defm :d as Class 11Class 2 property for which your command has responsibility that is not locatec on or contiguous to main complex. APPROXIMATELY 10 MIL~S INSTRUMENTE SURFACE CRAFT AND SUR :ACE TARGETS, INCLUDING 50-FC OT BERTHING PIER AT THE POI :T HUENEME NAVAL COMPLE: ;(NAVAL CONSTRUCTION BATTALIOF I CENTER) 5 MILES NORMEST OF BACKGROUND FOR WEAPO QS APPROXIMATELY 60 kES WITH 10,000-Fool NOTE: Not classified as a NAVFAC-defined special area, the Sea "est Range is 36,000 square miles extending southwesterly from the Point Mugu main base aplroximately 125 miles, and measures approximately 250 miles northwest to southeast. Encon~passesSan Nicolas, Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa, San Miguel, San Clemente, and Prince Islands. In addition, the airspace above the Sea Test Range is controlled by NAWCWPNS Point Mugu. Comr lercial aircraft transiting this area are controlled via joint coordination of NAWCWPNS i,nd the Federal Aviation Administration. ~3;r2;. , pgiI~L;J,22L .- $8 \A 4 ~9*\''~'' BRAC 95 Data Call #1 ACTIVITY: 63126 5. DETACHMENTS: If your activity has detachments at other locatic )ns, please list them in the table below. The above "Detachments" are listed as those formally established in accordance with OPNAV INST 5450.169D. In addition, the Point Mugu site of the Weapc ns Division has employees whose permanent duty stations are other than Point Mugu, but an:not officially identified to "Detachments." These employees carry the Point Mugu 63126 UI( :. Their duty stations are as follows. Beaufort, South Carolina Brunswick, Maine Camp Pendleton, California Cecil Field, Florida Cherry Point, North Carolina China Lake, California Dallas, Texas Eglin AFB, Florida El Toro, California Fort Huachuca, Arizona Futemma, Japan Iwakuni, Japan Jacksonville, Florida Jacksonville, North Carolina Kaneohe, Hawaii Kauai Island, Hawaii Lemoore, California Miramar Naval Air Station, California Nanh Island Naval Air Station, California Norfolk, Virginia Okinawa Island, Japan Sigonella, Sicily, Italy Spokane, Washington Virginia Beach, Virginia Whidbey Island, NAS, Washington White Sands, New Mexico Yuma, Arizona BRAC 95 Data Call #1 ACTIVITY: 63 126 6. BRAC IMPACT: Were you affected by previous Base Closure an( i Realignment decisions (BRAC-88, -91, and/or -93)? If so, please provide a brief narrative. BRAC-88 (BRAC I) UPDATES BRAC-88 had no impact on the Point Mugu site. BRAC-91 (BRAC 11) UPDATE a. As a result of BRAC-91, the NAWCWPNS Division st~dup on 1 January 1992 combining Naval Weapons Center (NWC), China Lake; Pacific Missile Test Center (PMTC), Point Mugu; and NWEF Albuquerque, and NOMTS White Sands in:o a single command. NAS Point Mugu was renamed NAWS Point Mugu, and NAWS China Lak: was established to perform basekeeper functions for NAWCWD China Lake. Over the past 2 yeas, continuous organizational consolidations have been ongoing to eliminate duplication of functions and reduce overhead infrastructures. In accordance with BRAC 91 NAWC Weapor s Division closed NWEF Albuquerque and in accordance with BRAC 93 established a detac lment on 4 June 1993, and realigned NOMTS to a detachment of the Weapons Division on 12 Ma 1 1992. b. BRAC-91 identified the closure of the Naval Air Development Center, Warminster, PA. As a result, the following Airborne Targets functions are transitionir g to the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division: 1. Systems Engineering 2. Development Support 3. Technical Support 4. Production Engineering Support 5. Acquisition Support The planned transfer of the above actions consists of an end strength c f 21 civilian positions. The targets organization has recommended and received approval to accelerate this schedule. Thirteen end strength transferred in FY 93, and an additional eight will complet :the transfer in FY 94. c. The Reliability Division, Point Mugu, was previously consolidated into the Engineering Department, China Lake in FY 92. Now, the Engineering Departmer .t at China Lake and the In- Service Engineering Department at Point Mugu are in the process of t eing combined to eliminate duplications of effort in the areas of engineering, logistics, product ! upport, and technical data. We expect this consolidation to be approved and initiated in February 1994. This is all part of the BRAC-91 concept for consolidation. d. While not specifically a BRAC action, it should be noted that the Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF),Hawaiian Area, formerly part of the NAWCWPNS organization, was transferred to the Commander in Chief, U. S. Pacific Fleet effective 1 October 1% 2. This action was affected by OPNAVNOTE 5450 09B2212U5 1079 dated 1 December 1992. BRAC-93 (BRAC 111) UPDATE a. The BRAC-93 decision to close Mare Island Naval Shipyard eliminated storage facilities for NAWCWPNS target ships. As a result, seven target ships located at Mare Island are being relocated to Bremerton, WA. Each operation requiring the use of one of these ships requires BRAC 95 Data Call #1 ACTIVITY: 63126 additional time and cost (approximately $80,000 per operation) i~.moving a target ship from Bremerton to the Sea Test Range and return, rather than from Mare Is .and and return. b. As a result of BRAC-93, DISA was to consolidate major D( ID data-processing facilities and personnel under its command. BRAC-93 incorrectly identified 2 Igovernment positions at the Point Mugu data-processing facility. The Unisys data-processing f kcility at Point Mugu has no government positions at this time. The Unisys data-processing faci ity at Point Mugu originally consisted of two Unisys 1170 series mainframes. In 1992, one of the se mainframes was excessed and the financial system that was running on it was rehosted to the C'hina Lake site. The number of government employees at the Point Mugu data-processing center :ontinued to decrease. After one mainframe was excessed and the financial system data process ng was transferred to China Lake, the number of government positions was reduced to a total o' two. The workload on the remaining mainframe computer is now being transferred to the China Lake data-processing center, and operations are being performed entirely by contractors. It is anticipated that by May 1994, the last mainframe at the Point Mugu data-processing center will be excessed and the data-processing center will be closed. The workload that is being transferred to he China Lake site will be accommodated without any increase in government positions. Thus, NAWCWPNS Point Mugu will not have its Unisys data-processing facility and thus will not ha\ e any facility or government positions to transfer to DISA. BRAC 95 Data Call #1 ACTIVITY: 63 126 7. MISSION: Do not simply report the standard mission statement. I stead, describe important functions in a bulletized format. Include anticipated mission changes a ~dbrief narrative explanation of change; also indicate if any current/projected mission ch mges are a result of previous BRAC-88, -91,-93 action(s). NAVAL AIR WARFARE CENTER WEAPONS DIVISION OVERVIEW UIC 68936 NAWCWPNS as a total entity represents the work of more than 8,000 civilian employees and 1,300 military personnel. It is the Navy's primary sector of scientific md technical knowledge for air warfare systems, guided missiles, and electronic warfare (EW). ts two primary sites, China Lake and Point Mugu, integrate DOD's largest and most completely instrumented land and sea test ranges.
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