$15.00 Logistics & Transport Volumenz 18 Issue 4 THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF CILT NEW ZEALAND June 2020 NAPIER PORT – building for the future ON THE ROAD AGAIN! – Our transport modes’ recovery after Covid-19 DraftFrom Newbooming Zealand to beleaguered Rail Plan released – the Oceania cruise market RoVE,Port Nelson CoVEs – andgateway WDCs to –the the top reform of the of South vocational education ContainerCo’sIndependent contractor electric heavy or an vehicle employee? hits the road ON THE COVER InterCity, NZ’s national coach service, LOGISTICS & TRANSPORT NZ restarted on Queen’s Birthday IS THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF Weekend after the Covid-19 lockdown. THE CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF To read about how our other transport LOGISTICS & TRANSPORT NZ modes fared, see pages 4–9. Photo courtesy of Entrada Travel Group 13 Contents On the road again 4 From booming to beleaguered – the Oceania cruise market 10 Port Nelson – gateway to the top of the South 13 GPS 2021 16 10 Independent contractor or an employee? 18 CILT NZ congratulates Morris McFall QSM 19 In the next edition The editorial team welcomes expressions of interest for submitting an article for the September 2020 edition of this journal. Contributors should in the first instance contact the editorial convenor, Murray King (email [email protected]) to discuss their article. 18 Deadline for the September 2020 edition: Friday 21 August 2020 16 4 SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT CILT … If you enjoy reading this magazine and think others would too, please share it with others – forward to a friend or leave a printed copy out on the coffee table or at reception at work CILT NZ National Office: Advertising Contact: Published under contract by: PO Box 1281, Shortland Street, CILT national office Aston Publishing Ltd Auckland Tel: 09 368 4970, Email: [email protected] PO Box 340173, Birkenhead, Tel: 09 368 4970, Fax: 09 368 4971 Editorial Contact: Auckland 0746, New Zealand ISSN 2703-3236 (Print) Lynne Richardson, Aston Publishing Ltd Fax: 09 480 4768 ISSN 2703-3244 (Online) Tel: 09 481 3005, Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Disclaimer: This publication is the official magazine of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport New Zealand Inc (CILT NZ). It is published quarterly. All material appearing in this publication is copyright and may not be reproduced without the permission of CILT NZ. The views expressed in this publication are not those of the editorial committee, CILT NZ, its council, officers or Aston Publishing Ltd, unless expressly stated as such. June 2020 3 Nominations open for the 2020 CILT Photo by Mel Waite Photography Mel Waite by Photo Rick van Barneveld, winner of the Sir Bob Owens Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Logistics, NZ Awards Supply Chain Sector and Community in 2019, with CILT NZ president Keith Robinson EACH YEAR, CILT NZ recognises individu- category have completed some incredible raise health and safety issues, a health and als and organisations for their academic, research with wide application in the field safety risk management programme, regular industry expertise and overall excellence of transport, logistics and supply chain,” audit reports and evidence of collaboration with a series of awards presented at the says Fiona. “All research is required to be with others to achieve the highest levels of annual gala evening and celebratory dinner. original and innovative, and demonstrate health and safety within the organisation,” This year, the awards have had a bit of an a clear potential to improve one or more Fiona explains. Judging will include a site overhaul. Awards convenor Fiona Knight elements in their chosen field of study. visit by one of the judges. says it’s time for businesses to put their The prize of $3000 goes towards the award The final award in this category is for the thinking hats on and get their nominations winner’s attendance at a conference in Rising Star/Young Employee of the Year, in for consideration. Australasia to present the results of their sponsored by DRD Consulting. “This award “We know that organisations and indi- thesis. They must also make a presentation was introduced last year and we received viduals in the transport, logistics and to a CILT event or meeting.” many really good nominations,” Fiona supply chain sector truly appreciate being notes. “I’m hoping to see more young pro- recognised for their efforts to improve Communications and fessionals under the age of 35 being nomi- their business or personal standing, either industry category nated by their employers this year too.” through innovation, education and training, The CILT Communications Award has a long or through research and development of history and recognises the best article or Excellence awards new products and services,” she says. “CILT presentation on an aspect of supply chain There is no change to the awards in the NZ wants to recognise their hard work and management, logistics or transport. “We’re excellence category, these being the Young determination.” looking for nominations for written articles Achiever of the Year, the Norman Spen- This year, nominations for the awards from editors, publishers, writers or journal- cer Memorial Medal for Contribution to start closing on 15 August, with 31 August ists who have published original work Transport and the Institute, and the Sir Bob being the ultimate deadline for all. The about or relating to transport, logistics or Owens Award for Outstanding Contribu- various categories are outlined on the CILT supply chain management,” Fiona com- tion to the Logistics, Transport, Supply NZ website along with the criteria which ments. “Alternatively, we’re looking for the Chain Sector and Community. all nominations must meet. “We welcome best presentation to a supply chain, logis- “As always, the national council of CILT nominations from across the industry tics or transport forum, or a CILT meeting NZ will ask for nominations for the Nor- and from all transport modes,” Fiona says. in the past year.” man Spencer Memorial Medal and Sir Bob “Some of the awards are not restricted The Award for Excellence and Innovation Owens Award from among our own net- to CILT NZ members, so check the entry is proudly sponsored by Dexion. “This is a work of branches and sectors. Nominations criteria and start preparing your nomina- new award,” Fiona says. “It will be presented are to be supported by full details of the tion now.” to an organisation for a project or initiative nominee’s achievements, contributions to All nominations must be made electroni- that addresses a challenge they have faced community and experience,” Fiona says. cally – the nomination form can be down- in a unique way, and includes integrity in “The Young Achiever Award is open to loaded from the CILT NZ website along relationships and innovation in application anyone under the age of 35 years, but their with a declaration form regarding intellec- – values that Dexion holds dear. Nomina- employer or an appropriate professional tual property where necessary. tions must demonstrate the uniqueness association must sponsor the nominee for of the solution, which represents out-of- the award by sending a letter of endorse- Academic and research excellence the-box or cutting-edge original thinking, ment outlining their reasons for sponsoring This year there will be three awards for as well as the beneficial impact on the them.” academic and research excellence: the organisation.” And finally, there are still sponsorship MITO/CILT scholarship for a graduate of The Safety Made Simple Award is opportunities available for some of the MITO, the industry training organisation for another new award and will recognise awards, if there are any organisations that the logistics and transport sector; the top innovation or best practice in health and are keen to be involved. “Please do get in student in the CILT UK Diploma in Logis- safety in the transport and logistics sec- touch,” Fiona says. tics and Transport programme, run by the tors. “Nominations must include evidence Logistics Training Group; and the award for of a full commitment right through the Full criteria for the awards and nomination outstanding research achievement for a organisation to exceed the basic regulatory forms are available from the CILT NZ master’s dissertation or thesis. requirements for health and safety, includ- website: www.cilt.co.nz/awards/categories- “Previous award winners for the latter ing a culture where all staff are able to and-criteria/ 4 Logistics Logistics & Transport & Transport NZ NZ XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX On the road again By Lynne Richardson NEW ZEALAND has achieved what many other countries have failed to do – contained the spread of the coronavirus New Zealand’s freight and passenger transport operators are up and running again after the Covid-19 Covid-19 and eliminated community lockdown, many having to adapt to accommodate Government regulations transmission. Implementing a hard-line responding to the global pandemic,” says essential’ often blocked the way on ports approach to preventing the spread of the Road Transport Forum (RTF) chief execu- for those considered ‘essential’. All those disease, the NZ Government locked down tive Nick Leggett. “And we believe it will involved in the supply chain took a hit the country on 26 March 2020, with only be equally important through the recovery from the essential/non-essential labels as essential services allowed to function. On 8 as the value of export goods surpasses cost-effective freight movement relies on June, the country returned to a new normal, tourism, which has been largely disabled full vehicles on all legs of a journey – for albeit with stringent border restrictions and by global passenger travel disruptions and planes, trucks, trains and ships. a ban on foreign visitors.
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