The Inventory of the Warren Beck Collection #347

The Inventory of the Warren Beck Collection #347

The Inventory of the Warren Beck Collection #347 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center Beck, Warren Gift of 1967 Box l 1. "Into Tnin Air" - "Rough Revisions on carbon of first typed version" - 34 pp. typescript with halo. corr. in "short story" form. 2 carbon typescript letters concerning "proposed novel~' 279 pp. Carbon typescript with holo. corr. and 2 pp. holog-.caph. 2. Into Thin Air Carbon typescript with holo. corr. 279 pp. In three folders. Box 2 3. "Original Longhand Mss. of Into Thin Air" Holograph. 506 pp. 9 pp. typescript with holo. corr. In 4 folders. Box 2-3 4. "M:tnuscripts, typescripts, working notes & revisions" Typescript. 146 pp., for Man in Motion. Typescript with halo .. corr. 376 pp. Holograph 138 pp. Carbon typescript. 177 pp. 2 articles. Box 4 ;j. Portions of manuscript revisions for "wan in Motion" Typescript with bolo. corr. 171 pp. 6. "Yan in Motfon" Typescript with halo. corr. 197 pp. Page Proofs . 7. "Final· Score" Author's proofs . 2 copies; each with author's autograph signature. 8. "Panse unaer The Sky" Galleys; in envelope. 9. "The Rest Is Silence 11 Holograph. 175 pp. / I Beck, Warren Continued Box 5 10. "Abstract and Chronicle" Typescript with halo. corr. 32 pp. In folder. J.J./ 11Huck Finn at Phelps Farm" Holograph. 68 pp. In folder. 12. 11 0rbit 11 Holograph 57 pp. 13. 11 0rbit 11 Holograph. 68 pp. Different version. I Box 5 111-. "Tae Money" - 2 versions; halo; 1)62 p, - "original draft" 2) 71 p. Box 6 15. "No Continuing City" - 2 versions; halo; 1) 20 p. - "Original draft" 2) 20 p. 16. "All Brothers are M:m" - 2,) versions; halo. 1) 29 p. - "first draft" 2) 17 p. 17. "Ask M:3 No More" - 2 versions; halo; 1) 6 pages- "first draft" 2) 26 pages 18. "The Child is Father" - 2 versions; halo; 1) 18 p . - "first draft" 2) 22 p. 19. "Felix" - 2 versions; holo; 1) 30 p. - "first draft" 2) 26 p. 20. "Years Brought to an End" 60 p. halo; 11 21. "A Verdict of Innocence - l) l~ 7 p holo . ; 2) 2 versions of carbon typescript, 13 pages. 22. "Shadow of Turning" - four versions; holctgraph. 1) first dra:ft - 14 p : 2) second " - 20 p. 3) third " - 22 p 11. ) fourth " - 26 :p. 23. "The Clean Platter" - 4 vers.ions; 1) 18 p · - "original draft" - holo 2) 20 p · - holo 3) 1,. p. - holo. 4)8p.- carbon typescript. Box 7 24. "Edge of Doom" - 3 versions 1) 62 p. holo. 2) 27 p . type - "original type 11 3) 27 p. carbon typescript with holo. 25. "Detour in the Dark" - l+5 p. carbon typescript. 26. "The Far Whistle" - 50 p • holo; 27. "Differences" - 23 p • holo.; in envelope. 28. "Fusion in Fiction" - 48 p. holo; "original form of 11 'Abstract & Chronicle' ; envelope 29. "Woman's Work" - 2 versions holo; 1) 21 p, - "original draft" 2) 27 p • ; in envelope Box 8 30. "Pause Under the Sky" - page proofs - 2 sets. 31. "Faulkner Trilogy" - 148 p. carbon typescript 32. "lfe.nsion" - 51 pages carbon typescript with holo. corr. Printed 11 1. "Conception and Technique - COLLEGE ENGLISH; IVe.rch, 1950 - p. 308+ 2. "Faulkner's Point of View" - College Englisht p. 736+ 11 Box 8 3. "Art and Formula in the Short Story - College English; Nov. 1943; p. 55+ 11 1~. "Boundaries of Poetry - College English; l'/arch, 1943; p. 342. 5. "Liberal Education and Democracy" - CollegB English; Dec. 191~4; p.' 131~ 6. "E. B. White" - College English; April, 191~6; p. 367t 11 7. "How Good is Sinclair Lewis? - College English; J§,nuary 1948; p. 173 -t- 8. "Abstract and Chronicle" - College English; Dec, 1959; p. 117 t- 9, "On a Parnassian Slope" - Story; June 1937; p. 60. 10. "Tae Blue Sash" - Story; .M:1rch, 1938; p. 57 11 11. "No Nightingale - Story; Jan-Feb 1939; p. 77 12, "Between Two Worlds" - Story; Mar. - Apr. 191~1; p. 47-r 13. "The Four-faced God 11 - Story; .tvay - June, 19~-2; p. 15t- 11~. "The First Fish" - Story; .Mar - April, 191~4; p. 43·+- 15. "The Crocus 11 - Stor;z; Spring, 1960; p. 78 +- Box 9 16. "Woman's Work" - Country Beautiful; Sept,; 1961; p. 2~- + 11 17. "Modern Testament - Country Beautiful; April, 1963; p. 52 f"" 11 18. "The Real Issue - Television's Subtler Violences - Country Beautiful; April - .tvay, 1964, p. 8 .;- 11 19. "Shadow of a Green Olive Tree - Prairie Schooner; Spring 1937; p. 29+- 20. "Beyond the Brow of the Hill" - Prairie Schooner; Fall, 1947; p. 249 t- Box 9 21. "The Child is Father" - Prairie Schooner; Summer, 1950; p. 180-t- 22. "After the War" - Prairie Schooner; Fall, 1950; p. 231 +- 23 . "Faullrner and the South" - The Antioch Review; Spring, 19l+1; p. 82~+ 24. "Years Brought to an End" - The Antioch Review; Fall, 1948; p. 346 + 25. "The M:mey" - The Antioch Review; Winter '60- '61; p. 1~41 + 26. "For Virginia Woolf" - American Prefaces; Suramer, 1942; p. 316 + 27. "William Faullrner "s Style" - American Prefaces; spring, 1941; p. 195+ 28. "Fire & Branch" - American Prefaces; autumn, 1940, p. 86+ Box 10 29. "Poetry Between Two Wars" - The Virginia Quarterly Review; summer, 1942; p. 359+ 30, "Personne" - T'ae Virginia, Quarterly Review; autumn, 1963; p. 5G2 + 31. "On the Way" - T'ae Virginia Quarterly Review; winter, 1946; p. 109 + 32, "Poison in Jest" - T'ae Virginia Quarterly Review; autumn, 1947; p. 543 +. 33. "Edge of Doom" - T'ae Virginia Quarterly Review; spring, 1949; p. 229 + 31~. "Faulkner in 'The .tvansion' " - The Virginia Quarterly Review; spring, 1960; p. 272 + 35, "Told with Gusto" - The Virginia Quarterly Review; auturnn, 1962, p. 681 + 36. "Faullrner: a Preface" - The Yale Review; autrnnn, 1962; p. 157 + 3 7. "Out of Line" - The Yale Review ; Sept. 194 5; p. 13 9 + Box 10 38, "Jake Boyd" - The North American Review; summer, 1938; p. 262 + 39, "Unity, Coherence, and ... ", The North American Reviev{; winter, 1937-38; p. 211+ Box 11 40. "Six: in a Booth" - The University of Kansas Review; autumn, 1945; P· 56 41. "Generations", The University Review; sunnner, 1939; p. 281 + 42. "After Sherwood Anderson" - The University of Kansas Review; s1)mmer, 191~8; p. 297 + 43,"Differences", The University of Kansas Review; winter, 1958; p. 91 + 1~4. "Orbit" - The Colorado Quarterly; winter, 1962; p. 241+ 45. "With All You've Got" - Tne Colorado Quarterly; summer, 1957; p. 93+ 11 46. "Needle's Eye - The Writer'~ Forum; May, 19!1.o; p. 3 + ( 2 copies ) i_q. "The Little Jap" - The Writer's Forum; July, 19Lw; p. 3+ (2 copies) 11 1~8. "Between Friends - The Writer'~ Forum; Dec. 1940; p. 3 + 49. "Dumb Show into Drama"; The English Journal; March, 1932; p. 220+ 11 50. "The Real Language of Men - The English Journal; November, 1934; p. 731+ 51. "Faullrner' s Point of View" - The English Journal; Jl/£1.y, 1941; p. 347+ 52. "Art and Formula in the Short Story"; The English Journal; Nov. 1943; p. 471 + 53, "Poetry's Chronic Disease"; The English Journal; Sept. 1944; p. 357 + 51~. "E. B, White" - The English Journal; April, 1946; p. 175+ 55. "How Good is Sinclair lewis"; The English Journal; Jan. 1948; p. l+ 11 56 . "No One Can Say - Players Jva.gaz in~ Jan, -Feb • , 193 7; p. 18+ Box 11 57. "Shadow of Turning" - New JYexico Quarterly Review; spring, 1946; p. 81 + 58. "The Rest is Silence" - The Kenyon Review; autlunn, 1960; p. 57~-. 59. "Another Milestone, 11 Poetry; October, 191~2; p. 386+ 60. "T11e Pure Elixir", Poetry; Dec. 1943; p. 166+ 61. "From the Most Yandrake Forest, 11 Poetry; July, 19lt7; p. 217+ 62. "The Perhaps Attainable," Poetry; Aug. 1911.7; p. 266. 63 • "War as a Climate, 11 Poetry; April, 1949; p. 1~8. 64. "Charles Lamb and the Quakers: Honorary Friend, '1 The Friends Historical Association Bulletin; autunm, 1954; p. 67. 65. "The Far Whistle", The Pacific Spectator; swnmer, 19~-9; p. 311+ 66. "Half a Loaf Onward," Southwest Review; Spring, 1956; p. 1511+ 67. "At Armt Kathie's, " Roch:y M:mntain Review; winter, 1944; p. 3 + 68. "111::ln in the Fields," Renascence; winter, 1956; p. 9, 6+ v Box 12 69. "Sensible, 11 Fantasy; 1941 (No, 1); p. 51 + 70. "Not Admit Impediments, 11 Epoch; spring; 1956, p. 1l~9+ 1 71. "N0 t Without Dust and Heat, :,,.2.1:l~Y-:A~u~_t, _ _;i.-239: p. 11-2 ~Decade; 72. "Instrument of Good, 11 Decad~-; Yay, 1939; p. 20+. 73, "Huckleberry Finn versus the Cash Boy, 11 Education; Sept. 1928; p. l+ 7~-. "Today, the Road, 11 Quarterly Review of Literature; spring, 75, "Clouds upon Camelot, 11 The English rrournal; Nov. 1956; p. 447 +. 76, "Where the Apple Reda.ens, 11 Frontier and Midland; autumn, 1937; p. 25+. Box 12 77. "A Iaure 1 leaf for Dan, " Banta'!'!_ Greek Exchange; Oct. 1941+; p. 263+. 78. "Parable of Love," Ve,demoiselle; May, 1958; p. 90+ 79, "The Shorter Happy Life of If.res • Mwomber, " Modern Fiction Studies; Nov. 1955; p. 28+ 80. "Huck Finn at Phelps Farm," Archives des lettres modernes; June-Sept.; 1958; p. l+ Mis ce llane ous 1. Page proofs of "The JY.ansion 11 by William Faullrner; "Ifzy­ Review Copy" (Beck ) • 2. "Snopes" by Elizabeth Kerr; Wis cons in Studies in Contemporary Literatrn;e; spring-summer, 1960; p. 66+; "contains my study notes and source of some of my controversial references, 11 W. B. BECK, WARREN Addenda December 1967 MI\NUSCRIPTS Box 13 1. INTO THIN AIR; "complete first long-hand draft"; 87 pp.

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