5663 NOTICES program authorized under the Pennsylvania Agricultural DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Fair Act (act) (3 P.S. §§ 1501—1508.1). It prescribes how Controlled Plant and Noxious Weed Committee the available funds appropriated by the General Assembly Virtual Meeting shall be distributed. This Annual Plan is authorized by section 8(a) of the act (3 P.S. § 1508(a)), has been The Department of Agriculture (Department) an- prepared with the assistance and advice of the Agricul- nounces a virtual public meeting of the Controlled Plant tural Fair Advisory Committee (Committee), and was and Noxious Weed Committee (Committee), established approved by that Committee at its September 21, 2020, by 3 Pa.C.S. § 1511 (relating to designation of noxious meeting. weeds and controlled plants). The meeting will be held The act authorizes the Department to make grants to at 1 p.m. on October 22, 2020, by means of teleconference. organizations conducting eligible agricultural fairs, State- The call in number 1-267-332-8737. The conference ID wide agricultural organizations which contribute to the # 18849425. development of agriculture and agribusiness and to eli- The purpose of the virtual public meeting is to consider gible agricultural youth groups for support of their pro- the addition of seven plants to the noxious weed list. If grams. time permits, these seven plants will be considered at Funds appropriated by the General Assembly to fund this meeting: the act in FY 2020-2021 shall be dispersed by the • Japanese Angelica Tree (Aralia elata) Proposed Class Department as follows, on a funds-available basis, in the AorB following order of priority: • Japanese Hops (Humulus japonica) Proposed Class B 1. First priority shall be given to grants to finance a • portion of a fair’s operating costs. These costs include, but Common Reed (Phragmites australis spp. australis) are not limited to, the cost of exhibiting agribusiness Proposed Class B products, materials and equipment, conducting agricul- • Oriental Bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus) Proposed tural or agribusiness educational activities and demon- Class B strations, and awarding premiums to contest and exhibit winners at the agricultural fair. For these grants, the • Black Swallowort (Vincetoxium nigrum syn, maximum payment shall be as allowed for each Class Cynachum louiseae) Proposed Class B Fair under section 5(1)(i)(A) of the act (3 P.S. • Pale Swallowort (Vincetoxium rossicum syn. § 1505(1)(i)(A)). These maximum payments range from Cynachum rossicum) Proposed Class B $2,500 to $14,000, depending on the Class Fair involved. • Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) Proposed Class B 2. Second priority shall be given to grants to finance a Public comment will be accepted either in person at the portion of the agricultural premiums identified in section meeting or in writing prior to the virtual public meeting. 5(1)(i)(B) of the act. For these grants, the maximum Written comments may be sent to [email protected] or the payment shall not exceed $15,000. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry 3. Third priority shall be given to grants to reimburse Noxious Weed Program, 2301 North Cameron Street, a county agricultural society, or an independent agricul- Harrisburg, PA 17110. Written comments must be re- tural society, that conducts harness horse racing at its ceived by October 21, 2020, to be considered. Written annual agricultural fair, other than races for colts and comments will become a part of the record, with the same fillies 2 and 3 years of age, in an amount equal to that force as if presented during the meeting. used during the annual agricultural fair as purse money The virtual public meeting agenda is as follows: presen- for harness horse racing, track and stable maintenance, tation of background information on plants for consider- starting gate rental and the cost of harness horse racing ation; public comment period; Committee discussion; officials during the annual fair. For these grants, the Committee action on plants under consideration; and new maximum amount of reimbursement shall be as allowed business. under section 5(1)(iii) of the act. This maximum amount is $13,000, at least $4,000 of which must be used to Individuals with questions regarding this meeting reimburse purse money. should contact the Department at (717) 787-4843. RUSSELL C. REDDING, 4. Fourth priority shall be given to grants to reimburse Secretary a county agricultural society, or an independent agricul- tural society, that conducts harness horse racing for [Pa.B. Doc. No. 20-1392. Filed for public inspection October 9, 2020, 9:00 a.m.] 2-year-old and 3-year-old colts and fillies at its annual agricultural fair. For these grants, the maximum amount of reimbursement shall be as allowed under section 5(1)(iv) of the act. This maximum amount is $7,600. 5. Fifth priority shall be given to grants to reimburse a DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Statewide agricultural organization that conducts an agri- cultural fair and is otherwise eligible for grants under Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Annual Plan for Awarding section 5(2) of the act, for up to $2,000 of its fair’s Grants Under the Pennsylvania Agricultural Fair operating expenses (including premium payments) on a Act dollar-for-dollar basis, and for 50% of all additional premium costs that are not included in that initial This notice presents the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-2021 dollar-for-dollar reimbursement, up to a maximum Annual Plan (Annual Plan) of the Department of Agricul- amount of $10,000. The total maximum payment shall ture (Department) for the administration of the grant not exceed $12,000. PENNSYLVANIA BULLETIN, VOL. 50, NO. 41, OCTOBER 10, 2020 5664 NOTICES 6. Sixth priority shall be given to grants to countywide Tier 4: $3,500 for total enrollment of 3,001+ members or Statewide 4-H and Future Farmers of America (FFA) plus $1.50 for each traditional member and $1 for each or combined FFA and Future Homemakers of America school enrichment/special interest member, a maximum units of boys and girls under 21 years of age that are reimbursement of $9,000. eligible for grants under section 5(3) of the act. Grants ii. For actual expenses incurred for activities which shall be awarded in accordance with the requirements of contribute to the advancement of agriculture or agribusi- that provision of the act. ness by FFA Youth groups, a payment which will be a. The purpose of the act is to make funds available to calculated using the following formula, under authority of encourage the further development and improvement of section 5(3) of the act: this Commonwealth’s agricultural fairs, and to continue Tier I: County FFA Organizations with 100 members or the contribution of agricultural fairs to agriculture and less will receive base funding of $1,000 with an additional agribusiness by encouraging related careers, fostering $4 per member. agricultural production and agricultural product improve- ments, and promoting increased investments in agricul- Tier II: County FFA Organizations with 101 to 210 ture. This Commonwealth’s agricultural fairs also enrich members inclusive will receive a $2,000 base funding the life of the community by showcasing agricultural and with an additional $2 per member. agribusiness achievements, offering recreational opportu- Tier III: County FFA Organizations with 211 members nities and promoting tourism. For these reasons, the or more will receive funding of $2,000 with an additional Department encourages those agricultural youth groups $4 per member for every member over 210. that are eligible for grants under section 5(3) of the act to engage in projects and activities that are conducted at 7. Any funds remaining after the previous grants have agricultural fairs or that are of direct benefit to agricul- been awarded shall be utilized for capital improvement as tural fairs. provided in section 5(1)(ii) of the act. b. The Department will award grants to the agricul- Given the ongoing novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pan- tural youth groups previously described as follows: demic, the Department advises that the amount of fund- ing appropriated for dispersal in accordance with the act i. For actual expenses incurred for activities which and this Annual Plan may ultimately be less than in contribute to the advancement of agriculture or agribusi- previous years. Also, in the event subsequent COVID-19- ness by a 4-H Youth group, a payment which will be related legislation changes available funding amounts or calculated according to the following formula, under requires that expenditures of available funding be authority of section 5(3) of the act: reprioritized, the Department will publish a revised ver- Tier 1: $2,000 for total enrollment of up to 1,000 sion of this Annual Plan that is consistent with that members plus $1.50 for each traditional member and $1 legislation. for each school enrichment/special interest member. The Department will endeavor to disburse the previous Tier 2: $2,500 for total enrollment of 1,001 to 2,000 payments at the earliest date practicable. members plus $1.50 for each traditional member and $1 RUSSELL C. REDDING, for each school enrichment/special interest member. Secretary Tier 3: $3,000 for total enrollment of 2,001 to 3,000 [Pa.B. Doc. No. 20-1393. Filed for public inspection October 9, 2020, 9:00 a.m.] members plus $1.50 for each traditional member and $1 for each school enrichment/special interest member. DEPARTMENT OF BANKING AND SECURITIES Actions on Applications The Department of Banking and Securities (Department), under the authority in the Banking Code of 1965 (7 P.S. §§ 101—2204), the Department of Banking and Securities Code (71 P.S. §§ 733-1—733-1203) and 17 Pa.C.S.
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