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Thosa too larga to ba fiim^s A des taux de rMuction diffirents. antiraly inciudad in ona axposura ara filmad Lorsqua la document est trop grand pour Atra baginning in tha uppar iaft hand cornar, laft to raproduit an un saul clichA, il est filmA A partir right and top to bottom, as many framas as de I'angia supArieur gauche, de gauche A raquirad. Tha following droite. diagrams illustrata tha et de haut e^ baa. an prenant mathod: ie nombre d'imagea nAcessaire. Las diagrammes suivants illustrant la mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 32 X fm' #^ * ;-^ " KERR, BROWN & CO.. H;A.IwIIIjT02Sr, C. AV., ^i^si^'i f^ I iiv _> IN DRY (JOODS AND (JROOERIES. Ri: -* STOCK LIST AXI> IDI-A.K.Y FOR. ises IMHI.ISIIKIt uv MA .M 1 I, TON, c, w , /^''^^^uM't^LCU -e} . w T o c i<: T. I s '1^ STAPLE I DEPARTMENT. MANCHESTER, CLA8COW. DUNDEE AND AMERICAN COOD8. * ^ • ^fc ghe muck attention to this department of our busine.^ so n. (Jroy Clotton.s 'l(^ U) \[) indi. Domestic Make. •'^f!»flf]ii|)o]l;un. *' T Cloth. '• Shoetinovs (ij to 7i» in^.], i^lpuchpfl ,lo. Twilled and Plain Shirtin<r.s, 27 to IJG inch Lono- Cloths. Yarn Bleached Domestic Bleached Scotch Hollands. Wio-aii, 33to36inch. Croydon Dowlas. Derby do. Striped Jean Shirtings, 27 to 32 in "' '' •< American.* Scotch. •< i.- Chockec Hi,f„ „ , White. I , " i , ', . Chocolate atid White. I BuryJeans, Drab, Slate A: Browns. Corset do. do. do do .Sateen do Drab. Slatc^ l^.-imrase and Buff. ' Denims, Blue. .* " Brown. Mottled Twills, Extra I Stout. -^^«i, liiuigo, Eijcrlish & American '' Grey Twilled. *' Bleached and Finished " Granite. I KIOKK, UHow.S .t Co. Ticks, HIik; jiiid White. " Hliu', U("(l iiiid Wliiic. *' \ivd and Whito Slripcd. ((iiiloii KliiniK'Is, [rnhloiulicl " Hioiidicd. Amcnciiii '• ,|,,_ Oinjrl„ini,s, Curlislo, sol\ " finish. Scotch. " iMuslii,. " (icnnun Clicck. I ,, | iM.rnitiirc Chocks, Hi.ic ,im(1 While.! " Hhu' it ()niii(>-e.| " 'Striped Hi„(. ^, iind Whfte.i , t I I5oii^;;h1 Stnpes, JJhu; iind While. ! .," " ^5Iii<' JiiidOniiioe. Riulwuy,3 *^ IJhie and White | li''<l ai.d s., ;'„ ",., While. Nhot I Derry, Mine iind White. *' nine " und ()mn„<. I " " Hook Fohl A^sorledi C()h)ur,s und .Mixtures, tnush, Hluo J}()rder(>d. ih " Yarn, ]Jieaclied. " Kussiiin in Ends. Osnuhurors, 24 to 27 inch. Fhix, 2.S ,^ /' inch. I'oriarShectinos, Tow, ;{l.i to "{(J inch. ' ^ " Fhix, ,'{»; . inch. L-anuda Hu-^r,,,^.^^ ,•„ i,, j/|.^^ .^,,,, I ow. Sf.parator Ch)th lor Maehinerv Hessian, Striped, 51 inch. '\ I'hiin, 54 inch. owehi, IJh.e 1 Hordered, all ,he,, I willed and Diaper. iowellino-,l)iaper,Lincn & Cotton. " Damask. " Hleached Cotton Hack aback, a llnbleached Linen do. Bhiached do. do. do. Dressed do. Ohiss Cloth, Checked and Phiin. i i lUMir.TON, «•. \y Cout CllMVllH. V«',st ('iiruiis. ;' VVi-uns, Mlack. tliecso Cloth Yarn, IJIoachcd. Window Ilt.lliiud, Whih. u„d |{„ff; V('M.Miar.and(J„(|,i,. H|i,„|Cut|„„ all widths. ' I ' 4 'lish JiilKMlH, HIcHcJH'd ; t Undn-sscd Holland. t Drcss.'d (|„. ^ {./^'"""^ <lo. foi- : Mantles I-jinen Drill, : Hh^achfd. : Funncrs' do. Hiflc I ,!,,_ ' I'nion Table Damask, iJicaH.ed h h Hnd V. I>iecd do. Union Tal)|«. Diced, (fnbh'ach.Ml. Linen u <^ HK,ie|„M| and linhlesiehed. 'J'ahle C|„ths, Unbleached, Diced and Damask, | to > 2 ;' " Reached,' "do. r.. J able Napkins. B Tray Cloths.;^.; Jg^ 5^ J able Covers, Union^A', All-Wool Ijineii and Cotton Dowles. ('of ton Diapers ^ to i. Linen do. do. Diaper Clouting. Seandess Ba;<s, various qualilies. Cotton Hattin"-, Fine " '\ '' Heavy. Waddinf,^, J^jack and Whiter Bed Cords, Manilla. Hemp. Haiter Rope, Jute. " _ " Russian Hemp. I'lougi. Liuo, J„te and Hemp. ' <;andle Wick. Wrappinjr l\vii,os. Bag Twines, Scotch and Canadian. Cotton Viirn, (Jrcv. Mil.;.. ' j Madder. „ Ol'ailirc. tiirpct Wiir|), (;,.,.v j PRINT Wo • , DEPARTMENT « '"'aiicv Madders i '• u 1!'"['\V'/;'l'''^l^"MsMMdCuvn.s. J Froricli Fancy. j 'i " : '''loiiiiccd. I » " <']iintz. Fa. i- " Silk , Finish. M , Black and lied -yraddcr. I "''^ 2- '' f Tnrkov. i K ^"d Black and J White. !c wlaek and [)ovp. Hlnck j and Whito Silk '• I Finish. 1 i ^^f''^«ia Pii.lvJi.ift;LiIaecV'nino ' *• * * 1 I :^-^avvand Whife. Navv ' : and Oran-f Navy (Ireon and White. t 1 '-'"tfia RecrattaShirtin-.Strip'd and Fanev. ^ Funn'turc J^iim. ^ and ^. «. S<Mf Colored , Can.bnes, all euhas. ^RESS GOODS DEPARTMENT S Black Cohnros 7. Fancy I*araniaftas /'* Orlean:^. HAMILTON-, c. u < ( 1 Jiliick J)cmi.Liisfn. •t Mpiitii do. 1 " N'Toiias jiiidS('r'^(w I 4' Colored (Mivassi.-u, J.„.;,,,>s nil shades. I |st,^;,..da..dci.,M.k,..rw'''^'"""''-i riiiicv V Crossov<T '• ass of (roods, j litions to (lie l»liicl< V and White .' 'Die ^rr,..|( Silk Striped and J Clu'dved do.
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