2462 SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 10 MARCH, 1915. 2989 Private J. Harper, 3rd Battalion, 8024 Acting Corporal J. Nolan, 1st Battalion,, Gloucestershire Regiment. East Yorkshire Regiment. 6742 Serjeant G. W. Harrington, 2nd Batta- 9083 Acting Serjeant H. Notley, 1st Batta- lion, Durham Light Infantry. lion, Cheshire Regiment. 4613 Private P. Hennigan, 1st Battalion, 7265 Private L. J. Penney, 1st Battalion, Irish Guards. Royal Berkshire Regiment. 7624 Company Serjeant-Major H. Heywood, 1254 Lance-Serjeant J. Port, 9th Battalion, 1st Battalion, Manchester Regiment. Highland Light Infantry (T.F.). 6444 Corporal H. B. Hilton, 1st Battalion, 8355 Private F. Pryer, 2nd Battalion, Nor- King's Royal Rifle Corps. folk Regiment (for services at Busra, Turkey B.431- Private A. E. Holton, 3rd Battalion, in Asia). Rifle Brigade. 1392 Private A. Reid, 1st Battalion, Seaforth- 5557 Private R. J. Hopkins, Royal Army Highlanders. Medical Corps. 4796 Private F. Richardson, 2nd Battalion,. 7024 Private W. Hotchkins, 1st Battalion, Coldstream Guards. Gloucestershire Regiment. 6484 Private T. Rickman, 1st Battalion, Scots- 7712 Private L. Hughes, 2nd Battalion, Dor- Gua-rds. setshire Regiment (for services at Busra, 5499 Company S>erjeant-M!ajor (acting iSer- Turkey in Asia). jeant-Major) J. Ring, 2nd Battalion, Royal Lance-Corporal (Acting Serjeant) C. F. Munster Fusiliers. G. Humphries, 1st Battalion, Manchester 1946 Private L. Rogers, 2nd Battalion, Welsh. Regiment (recently No. 207 in the Army Regiment. Service Corps). 10001 Private J. Saville, 2nd Battalion, Cold- 9281 Lance-Corporal D. Hunt, 2nd Battalion, stream Guards-. Highland Light Infantry. 11973 Serjeant F. C. Scheidweiler, 3rd Batta- 9730 Acting Serjeant A. Jackson, 4th Batta- lion, Royal Fusiliers1 (attached Meerut- lion, Royal Fusiliers. Signal Company). 7352 Lance-Corporal W. Johnson, 2nd Batta- 5722 Company Serjeant-Major F. Seaman, 2nd lion, South Staffordshire Regiment. Battalion, Coldstream Guards. 38373 Corporal C. T. Jones, 28th Battery, 7784 Bandsman A. W. Sharpe, '2nd Battalion,. Royal Field Artillery. Norfolk Regiment (for services at Busra, 25436 Corporal J. Kells, 2nd Battery, Royal Turkey in Asia). Field Artillery. 8467 Private D. Sidey, 2nd Battalion, High- 10164 Private W. Kennedy, 1st Battalion, land Light Infantry. Connaught Rangers. 10373 Private A. Simpson, 1st Battalion,. 10441 Lance-Serjeant T. R. Kenny, 2nd Bat- Royal Scots. talion, Connaught Rangers. 9363 Corporal D. Smith, 1st Battalion, Sea- 5558 Company Serjeant-Major C. Kent, 2nd forth Highlanders. Battalion, Durham Light Infantry. 6666 Serjeant R. Snelling, 7th Dragoon 8062 Private J. Kerry, 1st Battalion, Seaforth Guards. Highlanders. 155 Private C. Storrie, 1st Battalion, Seaforth 28174 Corporal (Acting Serjeant) A. Lazzell, Highlanders. Motor Cyclist Section, Royal Engineers. 1828 Private C. Strachan, 2nd Battalion, 9496 Private S. B. Leslie, 2nd Battalion, Royal Highlanders. Coldstream Guards. 8038 Acting Serjeant W. Swan, 1st Battalion, 12326 Bandsman C. Lewis, 4th Battalion, Royal Highlanders. Royal Fusiliers. 6406 Corporal W. Thomas, 2nd° Battalion,. Welsh Regiment. 8657 Acting Corporal J. Lindsay, 1st Batta- 9210 Private A. V. T. Tripp, 1st Battalion, lion, East Lancashire Regiment. Scottish Rifles. 4254 Lance-Corporal J. W. Lockton, 3rd Bat- 2303 Acting Lance-Serjeant W. Usher, 1st. talion, Coldstream Guards. Battalion, Irish Guards. 7978 Acting Company Serjeant-Major S. 1883 Company Serjeant-Major E. Ventham,. Lodge, 1st Battalion, Northamptonshire 2nd Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery- Regiment. 5874 Private A. Warwick, 1st Battalion, Mid- 798 Lance-Corporal W. McDougal, 1st Batta- dlesex Regiment. lion, Seaforth Highlanders. 8757 Private J. Warwick, 2nd Battalion, Dur- 10640 Private D. McGarry, 1st Battalion, Sea- ham Light Infantry. forth Highlanders. 6819 Private D. White, 2nd Battalion, Cold- 5599 Corporal E. McGuire, 2nd Battalion, stream Guards. King's Royal Rifle Corps. 7616 Private F. C. Whitehorn, 3rd Battalion,. 2112 Serjeant (Acting Company Serjeant- Cbldstream Guards. Major) H. McVeigh, 1st Battalion, Irish 8836 Serjeant W. Wilcox, 1st Battalion, South- Guards. Wales Borderers. 1993 Private G. Mitchell, 2nd Battalion, Royal 11338 Acting Corporal E. J. Williams, 1st Bat- Highlanders. talion, South Wales Borderers. 8558 Private W. J. Moores, 2nd Battalion, 5927 Acting Corporal R. Williams, 1st Batta Dorsetshire Regiment (for services at Busra, lion, East Surrey Regiment. Turkey in Asia). 1114 Lance-Corporal A. Willis, 1st Battalion, "23658 Lance-Corporal A. R. Morgan, 12€h Manchester Regiment. Field Company, Royal Engineers. 1745 Lance-Corporal C. J. Wood, 1st Batta- 7521 Bandsman G. Mullenger, 2nd Battalion, lion, Manchester Regiment. Norfolk Regiment (for services at Busra, 936 Corporal W. Wrixton, 1st Battalion, Man- Turkey in Asia). chester Regiment. 9181 Private M. Murray, 1st Battalion, Con- 5891 Private (Acting Corporal) W. Young, 1st naught Rangers. Battalion, Royal Lancaster Regiment..
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