DUXBURY PARK, DUXBURY HALL ROAD, CHORLEY, PR7 4AT Proposed Development of Children’s Adventure Play Area and Miniature Golf Course PLANNING STATEMENT March 2021 PLANNING STATEMENT DUXBURY PARK, CHORLEY REPORT CONTROL Document Planning Statement Project Duxbury Hall Client Glendale Golf Limited Job Number 21-1052 Z:\Client files\21-1002 to 21-\21-1052 Adventure Play and Golf - Duxbury File storage Park Document Checking Primary Author: Rachael Leather Initialled: RL Contributor: Initialled: Reviewer: Catherine Johns Initialled: CJ Revision Status Issue Date Status Checked for issue 1 05.03.2021 DRAFT_v1 2 30.03.2021 ISSUE VERSION CJ 3 4 Page / 2 PLANNING STATEMENT DUXBURY PARK, CHORLEY CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 2 SITE DESCRIPTION 3 PLANNING HISTORY 4 PRE-APPLICATION ADVICE 5 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 6 TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS 7 PLANNING POLICY CONTEXT 8 PLANNING POLICY ASSESSMENT 9 CONCLUSIONS Page / 3 PLANNING STATEMENT DUXBURY PARK, CHORLEY /1 INTRODUCTION 1.1. PWA Planning is retained by Glendale Golf Limited (‘the applicant’) to progress a full planning application for the development of a children’s adventure play area and miniature golf course (‘the proposed development’) at Duxbury Park, Duxbury Hall Road, Chorley, Lancashire, PR7 4AT (‘the application site’). The planning application is made to Chorley Council (‘the Local Planning Authority’) as a full planning application and relates to the red edge application site boundary defined on the Location Plan. 1.2. Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires planning applications to be determined in accordance with the Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. This Planning Statement will demonstrate that the proposals accord with the provisions of the relevant policies of the Development Plan, and moreover that there are other significant material considerations which indicate that planning permission ought to be granted. In addition, the Statement will seek to demonstrate that there are no technical reasons which could hinder the grant of planning permission. 1.3. A previous scheme for a proposed children’s play area was approved within the site, on 7th February 2020 under permission ref. 19/01165/FUL. This scheme proposes a similar scheme for a children’s play area, albeit a different layout and additional proposed miniature golf course, as discussed in detail within this statement. 1.4. This Statement should be read in conjunction with the submitted application package, which includes the following documents: • 1APP form and certificates • Drawn Information: o Location Plan 1:2500 o Location Plan 1:1250 (ref. EAD_071_01) o Existing Site Plan (ref. EAD_071_02) o Proposed Site Plan (ref. EAD_71_03) Page / 4 PLANNING STATEMENT DUXBURY PARK, CHORLEY o Golf Course Layout Plan (ref. 3300 GA And Hole By Holes). o Mayflower Layout Plan and Elevations (ref. 3300 Mayflower ship). • Planning Statement (this document); • Tree Survey and Arboricultural Impact Assessment; • Coal Mining Risk Assessment; • Ecological Appraisal; • Heritage Statement; and • CIL Forms. Page / 5 PLANNING STATEMENT DUXBURY PARK, CHORLEY /2 SITE DESCRIPTION 2.1. The application site comprises of public open space associated with Duxbury Park, which is located approximately 2.9km south of Chorley and 2.4km north of Adlington. The site is owned by Chorley Council, but managed and run by the applicants, Glendale Golf. 2.2. The site is irregular in shape, comprising mainly of a lawned area enclosed by mature trees, woodland paths and areas of formal and informal planting, which wraps around the Duxbury Park Business Centre and Duxbury Golf Clubhouse. Directly in front of the Golf Clubhouse within the site is an existing play area comprising a sand pit, play equipment and seating areas. The site topography is generally flat, with the exception of the western edge which falls down to the River Yarrow Valley. 2.3. To the northwest of the site is the Duxbury Park Business Centre and Golf Clubhouse. The golf course extends to the south, east and north of the application site. Parking is currently provided to the northwest of the Business Centre, with additional parking located along Duxbury Hall Drive which serves the club. 2.4. The boundary of the site consists of a mixture of stone walls, fencing and mature trees, which largely screens the site from surrounding viewpoints. 2.5. The site is accessed from Duxbury Hall Road, which leads onto Duxbury Park Drive, a private estate road located on the western edge of the golf course leading to the existing car parks that serve the golf course and Duxbury Park Business Centre. Page / 6 PLANNING STATEMENT DUXBURY PARK, CHORLEY Figure 1: Aerial image showing site location (not to scale) (Source: Google Maps) 2.6. The application site is not within an area defined as at risk from flooding according to the Environment Agency’s Flood Risk Map and is not subject to any ecological designations. The site is not subject to any cultural heritage designations itself, although the grade II listed Duxbury Hall Coach house and Chorley Lodge are both located to the west of the application site. 2.7. The site lies within the Green Belt and is also within, but on the edge of, Yarrow Valley Country Park. The site is covered by a designation depicting the Minerals Safeguarding Area. Page / 7 PLANNING STATEMENT DUXBURY PARK, CHORLEY /3 PLANNING HISTORY 3.1. A search of the planning history of the site has been completed on Chorley Council’s planning search. As mentioned previously, there is extant consent for a children’s play area within the same site area, under planning permission ref. 19/01165/FUL, approved on 7th February 2020. The application at hand proposes a different layout and additional miniature golf course, as discussed in Section 5 of this statement. 3.2. The following applications, within wider site associated with Duxbury Hall, include: • Application ref. 20/00009/FUL. Demolition of Existing Building and Erection of Replacement Events Building. Withdrawn. 22nd February 2021. • Application ref. 19/00354/LBC. Listed Building Consent for Revised / Additional Ventilation detailing. Approved. 10th June 2019. • Application ref. 18/00786/LBC. Application for Listed Building Consent for Alterations to Roof / Ventilation Detailing. Approved 10th October 2018. • Application ref. 18/00515/LBC. Application for Listed Building Consent: Demolition of the External Porch, Internal and External Alterations, Replacement of and Installation of 1no. New Conservation Rooflight. Approved. 12th July 2018. • Application ref. 18/00514/FUL. Insertion of 1no. Conservation Roof Light to North Elevation. Approved. 13th July 2016. • Application ref. 16/00574/LBC. Proposed Installation of Four Conservation Rooflights fitted to the Existing West Elevation Roof. Approved .22nd August 2016. • Application ref. 16/00030/LBC. Installation of an internal single storey mezzanine floor and a new access staircase. Approved 8th March 2016. • Application ref. 15/0079/MNMA. Application for a MNMA to planning permission 15/00407/FUL. Approved. 10th September 2015. • Application ref. 15/00441/LBC. Listed Building Consent for annexe to side and rear of existing Cruck Barn to create additional office space. Approved. 2nd July 2015. Page / 8 PLANNING STATEMENT DUXBURY PARK, CHORLEY • Application ref. 15/00407/FUL. Proposed annexe to side and rear of existing Cruck Barn to create additional office space. Approved. 2nd July 2015. • Application ref. 12/00429/CTY. Remodelling works to improve quality and condition of golf course consisting of re-shaping works using imported inert soils and landscaping to enhance playability and drainage. Withdrawn 26/07/2012. • Application ref. 06/00555/LBC. Single Storey Extension to rear of offices. Refused. 3rd August 2006. • Application ref. 06/00554/FUL. Single Storey Extension to rear of offices. Refused. 3rd August 2006. Page / 9 PLANNING STATEMENT DUXBURY PARK, CHORLEY /4 PRE-APPLICATION ADVICE 4.1. Formal pre-application advice was requested from Chorley Council in September 2019 relating to two schemes; a replacement event venue with associated soft landscaping to be located within the walled garden (which was subject to a separate previous planning application which has subsequently been withdrawn) and the new adventure play area proposed by the application submitted herein, albeit with the addition of a miniature golf course. The pre-application enquiry also covered the development of cycle trails and landscaping within the wider site which are not proposed at this time. 4.2. On the whole, the pre-application response was very positive. Regarding the adventure play area, it was acknowledged in the Council’s pre-application response (provided as Appendix A) that this would constitute appropriate development within the Green Belt, falling within NPPF paragraph 145 (b) which allows for the ‘provision of appropriate facilities (in connection with the existing use of land or a change of use) for outdoor sport, outdoor recreation, cemeteries and burial grounds and allotments, as long as the facilities preserve the openness of the Green Belt and do not conflict with the purposes of including land within it.’ 4.3. The response went onto state that ‘…the play equipment would not comprise buildings of volume but are structures that would have a visual impact. As such the play equipment is likely to have a visual impact on openness although it would be contained close to the existing cluster of buildings and would not be open to longer distance
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