I I SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 1984 Volume 36, No.1 TABLE OF CONI American September/October, 19 Editorial ........... , ....... The Officers' Corner ........ FENCING(ISSN 002·8436) Letter to the Editor ...... Official publication of the National Calendar of Events .. United States Fencing Assn. Inc. Postmaster: Send all returns and changes of ad­ Notes From the Olympics ... dress to: USFA, 1750 East Boulder St.,Colorado Results, 1984 Olympics ...... Springs, CO 80909. Visiting Olympians ......... AMERICAN FENCING magazine (ISSN 002- by Scott Knies 8436) is published bi-monthly for $7.50 for non­ Image Matching, Part II ..... members by United States Fencing Association, by Kenneth Morgareidge Inc., 1750 East Boulder St., Colorado Springs, CO 80909. Second class postage paid at Colorado Winners of JI. Art Contest .. ,. Springs, CO and additional mailing offices. New View of Sabre Directing by Orban and Keane ",1978 Amateur Fencers League of America, Inc. Dedicated to the memory of Bulletin Board: JOSE R. deCAPRILES, 1912-1969 Coaches' Accreditation, Kada MIGUEL A. deCAPRILES, 1906-1981 Atlanta Open, Maccabiah Gal CanadianHeroes,Cleveland C Editor: Mary T. Huddleson Temple Collegiate ........ Art Director: Diane King Technical Talks ............. Business Manager: Anne Whiting by Joe Byrnes COu 8::;: Send all contributions and correspondence to: OJ Results: :1. AMERICAN FENCING Garden State Games; Birmini 2201 Bywood Drive 10..4 0:= Beach Blanket; Mid-Atlantic ~ Q . OJ Oakland, CA 94602 Southeast JI. Camp ....... > Q8~ USFA President: Lewis Siegel W U:J ~CD USFA Secretary: Fred Rhodes, D.D.S., 458 West U1 u ~ Briar Place, Chicago, IL 60657. - Z lD ~ l)ubli~heJ bi-mvlllhly. Sub"uiption for Hun member" of the U1 US1-A i.:, S7 5011\ tlw U.5. and '19.L'( dse\A,.here. Opinionsexpres­ ex: 'II LL~ 0~ ex: ex: C!: sed in articles do not necessarily reflect the view of W:J QJZ(\J or the US FA. WW <l:::;: CONTRIBUTORS PLEASE NOTE. Articles, re­ > I- OJ U (j) OJ I-::I: W C f-' () sults of competitions, letters to the Editor, Z QJ W . photos and cartoons are cordially solicited. All ~I-O Z :E manuscripts must be typewritten, double <t ~:i!8f-(j) spaced, on one side of the paper only, with wide ~I-en I- 0 (j)~ borders. Photos should be matte finish and :J W ex: :2<l: «« with a complete caption. Unsolicited manu­ o (!j u..~ g[ scripts cannot be returned uitless submitted with O::I:w a stamped self addressed envelope< No > ~~z0<l: z.!: en LL(j) anonymous articles accepted. 0 0) DEADLINE FOR ISSUES Issue Date Closing Date Mailing Date For Copy ON THE COVER NOVIDEC OCT 10 DEC 1 Mauro Numa, 1984 Olylllpic gold mea JAN/FEB DEC 10 FEB 1 Illdividual Foil. Photo by Robert MilIa MAR/APR FEB 10 APR 1 EDITORIAL Bravo for the letter-writers' We actually had gathering of athletes from all parts of the world. more than the expected few seconds of Olympic Certainly world championships in individual -by Lewis Siegel & C fencing shown on television. Certainly the in­ sports cannot compare with the diversity and terest shown by all of you whu tuuk the time to interest generated in the Olympics. Dear Fencers and Friends of Fencing: tie-in with our sport and that 1 write to ABC had something to do with it. Some With Westbrook having captured a bronze to talk to them about becomin~ of you sent us copies of your well-written letters medal, is U.s. fencing on a winning streak? Only We need your help! We are trying to and we know of one eighth grade math teacher (a Peter knows the years of practice, pressure, and upgrade the entire Fencing Program in cial sponsor? Who can convin, fencer) whu had her students compose and sign hard work which that medal represents. The next America (recreational, junior, and or Sony, or Panasonic to dona an epistle to Mr. Roone Arledge, whom we fuuryears will tell us whether anyone is "'iIIingto senior). We want to raise the level of USFA video cameras and dec thank, along with the eighth graders and other equal his efforts. Meanwhile, we congratulate utilized at clinics, circuit event: writers. fencing in our country to rival the top Peter and try to bask, however briefly, in his the divisions to aid us in tead Was the '84 Olympics a success? The answer is reflected glory. European competitors. Other sports a definite "Yes''', even for fencing, which proba­ Let us then tum to the immediate matter at have set out similar goals and ac­ disseminating knowledge aro bly suffered as much as any sport from the East hand: getting our own organizational house in complished it, so can we. It's going to country? European boycott. The withdrawal of some 40% order. Our new administration is calling for vol­ take dedication, imagination, hard We need numerous goods of our strongest fencing nations leaves some­ unteers and we hope they have an overwhelming vices, not to mention cash thing to be desired in a competition. However, work, cooperation, contacts, money, response from all parts of the country. The task complish the task at hand; bu one calUlUt win medals by withdrawing. The Ita­ our leaders then will have before them is to figure and the resources of those who con­ lians, the French, the West Germans were there, out what to do with the volunteers, once they tinually ask: "Is there any way I can attract the support we need i as well as tha Romanialls and the Chinese. We have them. help?" given the opportunity to e had some excellent fencing, including that pro­ Do we have any volunteers to send in toAmeri­ We need a corporate sponsor (or "right" door and approach an duced by the Canadians and the Americans. can Fencing representative and interesting news ear. vVe are creating a public We can probably safely say that the Olympics, sponsors) to take our program to heart from sections and divisions? We suspect that kit that will show the corporat although slightly skewed, are here to stay. No there is a guod deal more fencing activity gOillg and aid us in achieving our goals. There one seems ready to give up this great quadrennial on than is reported all a nationalleve!. -MTH are many ways that many kinds of we can generate enough good people and companies can help and positive media attention to jus this doesn't only mean by giving support. So if you have a "( relative, or just an idea of w A Winning Text for Your Fencing Class monetary donations, because donated goods and services are as good as might see or talk to at a corr Basic Foil Fencing money. For instance, we spend please write and let us know. Second Edition thousands of dollars a year on domestic One other note, the one thi By Charles Simonian and international air fares, hotel ac­ member in the USF A can do t The Ohio State University commodations, and auto rentals. Who to encourage family members, 1982/104 pages/Paper/S7.95 and those fencers who have no ISBN 0-8403-2726-9 amongst our "fencing family" has a re­ lative or friend who can aid us in secur­ done so, to join the U5FA. T Basic Foil Fencing is an up-to-date text that presents the latest members we have on our ro fencing rules for competition. It covers equipment for fencing. ing an airline to be the "Official Airline elementary bouts. rules and officiation. history of fencing. class of the U5FA", in exchange for airline better the "case" we can mak organization. teaching ideas. and references. tickets? Who knows some way or cause. So please, get out and age membership. It will hel Order Your Copy Today! someone who can help us convince Hil­ ton, or Holiday Inns, or Sheraton to be body. Please---------------------- send me Basic Foil Fencing by Charles Simonian. (40272602) __. Yes, I would like to receive a copy for adoption consideration the "Official Hotel of the USFA", in Course nam~ _____. Enroll. Sem/Qtr _______ exchange for hotel rooms around the world? Likewise, who can help us at­ __ Yes, I would like to purchase a copy. (Check/Money Order enclosed) tract a rental car company, etc? Who Name Address ------:c:-:--:---,;=:--~----- can help us convince the manufacturer Affiliation City State/Zip _____ of the THREE MUSKETEERS candy ~ 1042 bar; or Oldsmobile Cutlass; Buick 1111 ~.~ 1V:n~all/'H~~t ~~~ing 0Jmpany LeSabre; Wilkinson Sword Blades; f=~ Touche Pens, that they have a natural PRIEUR NATIONAL CALENDAR OF EVENTS 1984-85 DATE EVENT PLACE NOV. 2,3 *TEMPLE OPEN, COLLEGIATE PHILA. PA SPORTS 9,10 *CIRCUIT #1: MEN'S FOIL Duel @ Dallas DALLAS,TX TWO CENTURIES OF EXPERIENCE 10,11 *ClRCUIT # 1: WOMEN'S FOIL - Duel @ Dallas DALLAS, TX AT YOUR SERVICE 17,18 *PENN STATE OPEN, COLLEGIATE PENN STAT] PARIS 24,25 *CIRCUIT #1: MEN'S EPEE - Grand Prix CLEVELANI: DEC. CIRCUIT #1: MEN'S SABRE - S. Jose Classic SAN JOSE, C DISTRIBUTORS 1,2 *CIRCUIT #2: WOMEN'S FOIL - Csiszar PHILA., PA 2 *CSISZAR WOMEN'S EPEE PHILA., PA American Fencers Zivkovic 9 NIWFA CHRISTMAS COLLEGIATE INVITATIONAL T.B.A. Supply Modem Fencing Equipment 8,9 *CIRCUIT #2: MEN'S FOIL Michel Alaux N.Y.C. 1180 Folsom SL 77 Arnold Road San Francisco, CA Wellesley Hills, MA JAN. 12,13 USFA COLLEGIATE OPEN T.B.A. 94103 02181 12,13 *ClRCUIT #3: MEN'S FOIL - D' Asaro SAN JOSE, ( 20 CIRCUIT #2: MEN'S SABRE - Pillar NYC. 26,27 *CIRCUIT #3: WOMEN'S FOIL - Helene Mayer SAN FRANC Southern California Fencers Equipment Individual & Team 5335 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood, Calif.
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