ISLAM’s BOOKS ( islamsbooks.wordpress.com ) http://islamsbooks.wordpress.com/ The Translation of the Meanings of Sahih Al-Bukha^ri Arabic-English Volume 5 Franslated by: Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan Formerly Director, University Hospital Islamic University Al-Madina Al-Munawwara (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) LlJI DARUSSALAM Publishers and Distributors Riyadh - Saudi Arabia http://islamsbooks.wordpress.com/ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © $JA.I t..Wl jil, No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission of the publisher or the translator. Published by: jj jJ ytJJ J ji _ii DARUSSALAM Publishers and Distributors P.O. Box 22743, Riyadh 11416 Tel. 4033962 - Fax: 4021659 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Printed in July, 1997 Printing supervised by ABDUL MALIK MUJAHID Computerized Typesetting, designing and proof reading carried out at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia under the supervision of Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan assisted by a team of highly qualified persons. © Maktaba Oar us Salam, 1997 King Fahd National Library Cataloging-in-Publication Data AI-Bukhari, Muhammed Ibn Ismaiel Sahih A1-Bukhari\ translated by Muhammad Muhsin Khan.— Riyadh. 449p., 14x2lcm ISBN: 9960-717-31-3 (set) 9960-717-36-4 (v.5) 1— Al-Hadith - Six books I— Khan, Muhammad Muhsin (tr.) IL-Title 235.1 dc 0887/18 Legal Deposit no.0887/18 ISBN: 9960-717-31-3 (set) 9960-717-36-4 (V.5) http://islamsbooks.wordpress.com/ r- LJ .4LJI Jl) k4L*Jl 41 jJ ,t Jt 4 J*J ~I4L ja 4j L.13 U j) thj JkI JI -JUj)ij.UI r1 J 4I.S. Lt Z1 UI i( o • LJ 4L http://islamsbooks.wordpress.com/ (-Y!l -I ~ ~- U d'U J4- : j-511 Ol O) .0 ZL 4.4LlZA,.LU;L-WI ZL tL4UL LJ 4&?1 I i*JJ L IJjt Tii jo )h~ U...ai, LIJ , oJ- k.M jp 4, 4Jt Jk, L4 L .. ....'. ..' http://islamsbooks.wordpress.com/ tàJ 4i CONTENTS OF VOLUME FIVE 1 CONTENTS OF VOLUME FIVE 62— THE VIRTUES AND Zaid bin Häritha......................... 60 (18) CHAPTER. Narrations about MERITS OF THE COMPANIONS OF THE Usãma bin Zaid ......... ................. 61 (19) The merits of 'Abdullãh bin PROPHET .......................... 11 'Umar L41 i ....................... 63 (1) CHAPTER. The Companions of (20) CHAPTER. The virtues of the Prophet........................... 11 'Ammár and Hudhaifa .4!i. 64 (2) CHAPTER. The virtues of the (21) CHAPTER. The virtues of Abü emigrants (i.e., Muhcljinin)............ 12 'Ubaida bin Al-Jarrãh i 66 (3) CHAPTER. "Close the gates (in CHAPTER. The mention of Mus'ab the Mosque), except the gate of Abü bin'Umair................................ 67 Bakr.......................................... 15 (22) CHAPTER. The merits of Al- (4) CHAPTER. The merits of AbU Hasan and Al-Husain L4i 67 Bakr 15 (23) The merits of BilãI bin Rabãh, (5) CHAPTER. "If I were to take a freed slave of Abü Bakr 69 Khali!........................................ 16 (24) CHAPTER. Narrations about (6) CHAPTER. The merits of Ibn 'Abbãs L4L. 41 70 'Umar bin Al-Khattãb L- i 29 (25) CHAPTER. The merits of (7) CHAPTER. The virtues of Khãlid bin Al-Walid L 70 'Uthmãn bin 'Affãn ........ 37 (26) CHAPTER. The merits of (8) CHAPTER. Baja (pledge) of Salim, the freed slave of AbU 'Uthmfin bin 'Affãn as a caliph...... 42 Hudhaifa L 70 (9) CHAPTER. The merits of 'All CHAPTER. The merits of (27) bin AN Talib i 47 'Abdullãh bin Mas'ud ii 71 (10) CHAPTER. The merits of (28) CHAPTER. Narration about Ja'far bin AM Talib i 51 Mu'awiya 73 (11) CHAPTER. The mention of (29) CHAPTER. The merits of Al-'Abbãs i 52 Fatima .5LJ _L ........................ 74 (12) CHAPTER. The virtues of the (30) CHAPTER. The superiority of relatives of Allah's Messenger ... 53 'Aishah 74 (13) CHAPTER. The merits of Az- Zubair bin Al-'Awwam L. i 55 63— THE MERITS OF AL- (14) CHAPTER. (Narrations) about ANS4R ...... ........................... .... 78 Taiha bin 'Ubaidullãh .o . 57 (15) CHAPTER. The merits of Sa'd (1) CHAPTER. The merits of Al- bin AM Waqqa t4L ......... 57 Ansiir........................................ 78 (16) CHAPTER. Narrations about (2) CHAPTER. "But for the the sons-in-law of the Prophet .. 59 emigration, I would have been one (17) CHAPTER. The virtues of of the Ansdr." ............................ 79 http://islamsbooks.wordpress.com/ CONTENTS OF VOLUME FIVE 6 (3) CHAPTER. Brotherhood (25) CHAPTER. The building of the between the Anscir and the Ka'bah....................................... 103 Muhtijirun .................................. 80 (26) CHAPTER. The days of Pre- (4) CHAFFER. To love the AnsJr is Islamic Period of Ignorance.......... 104 a sign of Faith........................... 81 (27) CHAPTER. Al-Qasilma in the (5) CHAPTER. "You are from the Pre-Islãmic Period of Ignorance. 109 most beloved people to me........... 82 (28) CHAPTER: The advent of the (6) CHAFFER. Followers of Ansãr 83 Prophet 4A ................................ 112 (7) CHAPTER. The superiority of (29) CHAPTER. (The troubles the families of the Ansiir.............. 83 which) the Mushriktin caused ........ 113 (8) CHAPTER. "Be patient till you (30) CHAPTER. The conversion of meet me at Al-Haud (Al-Kauthar)" 85 AbU Bakr i to Islam........ 116 (9) CHAPTER. "0 Allah! Improve (31) CHAPTER. The conversion of and make right the state of the Ansir Sa'd ; to Islam................ 117 and Mu/uijmm ." ......................... 86 (32) CHAPTER. About jinns........ 117 (10) CHAPTER. "... (they) give (33) CHAPTER. The conversion of them (emigrants) preference over AbU Dhar to Islam........ 118 themselves..." ............................. 87 (34) CHAPTER. The conversion of (11) CHAPTER. "Accept the good Sa'id bin Zaid i i to Islam... 120 of the good-doers amongst them, (35) CHAPTER. The conversion of and excuse the wrong-doers........... 88 'Umar Zi to Islam............. 120 (12) CHAFFER. The merits of Sa'd (36) CHAFFER. The splitting of the bin Mu'adh,; .................. 89 moon (into two pieces)................. 123 (13) CHAPTER. The merits of (37) CHAPTER. The emigration to Usaid and 'Abbad 41 i....... 91 Ethiopia..................................... 124 (14) CHAPTER. The virtues of (38) CHAPTER. The death of An- Mu'adh bin Jabal 91 Najãshi (the Negus)..................... 128 (15) CHAPTER The virtues of Sa'd (39) CHAPTER. Oath taken by the bin 'Ubãda 92 Mushrikiin against the Prophet .. 130 (16) CHAPTER. The virtues of (40) CHAPTER. The story of AbU Ubayy bin Ka'b........................... 92 Talib......................................... 130 (17) CHAPTER. The virtues of (41) CHAPTER. The narration Zaid bin Thãbit (: i .......... 93 about Al-Isra' (Journey by Night)... 131 (18) CHAFFER. The virtues of AbU (42) CHAPTER. Al-Mi raf........... 132 Taiha i 93 (43) CHAPTER. The deputation (19) CHAPTER. The virtues of of the Ansr to the Prophet , 'Abdullãh bin Salãm 94 at Makkah, and the Al-Aqaba (20) CHAPTER. The marriage of Pledge....................................... 137 the Prophet j with Khadija Zi (44) CHAFFER. Marriage of the L and her superiority................. 96 Prophet a with 'Aishah i 139 (21) CHAPTER. About Jarir bin (45) CHAFFER. The emigration of 'Abdullãh Al-Bajali 99 the Prophet to Al-Madina........ 141 (22) CHAPTER. About Hudhaifa (46) CHAPTER. The arrival of the bin Al-Yamãn............................. 100 Prophet it at Al-Madina.............. 162 (23) CHAPTER. About Hind bint (47) CHAPTER. The stay of the 'Utba bin Rabi'a 100 emigrants in Makkah after Ha ...... 168 (24) CHAFFER. Narration about (48) CHAPTER. When did the Zaid bin 'Amr bin Nufail.............. 101 Muslim calendar start7................. 168 http://islamsbooks.wordpress.com/ CONTENTS OF VOLUME FIVE l ,v4b 7 (49) CHAPTER. "0 Allah! Abu Rafi' 'Abdullah bin AN Al- Complete the emigration of my Huqaiq. ..................................... 223 Companions" ............................. 169 (17) CHAPTER. The Ghazwdi of (50) CHAPTER. How the Prophet ; Uhud........................................ 226 established the bond of brotherhood (18) CHAPTER: "... but Allah was between his Companions............... 170 their Wall .................................. 233 (51) CHAPTER.......................... 171 (19) CHAPTER. "But Allah indeed (52) CHAPTER. The coming of the has forgiven them." ..................... 238 Jews to the Prophet 40 on his arrival (20) CHAPTER. "(And remember) at Al-MadIna .............................. 173 when you ran away....................... 240 (53) CHAPTER. The conversion of (21) CHAPTER. "Then after the Salman Al-Farisi to Islam 175 distress, He sent down security for ; you............................................ 240 (22) CHAFFER. "Not for you is the 64— THE BOOK OF AL- decision...................................... 241 MAGHAZI ................................ 176 (23) CHAPTER. Narration (1) CHAPTER. The Ghazwti of Al- regarding Umm Salit..................... 242 'Ushaira or Al-Usaira . .................. 176 (24) CHAPTER. The martyrdom of (2) CHAPTER. The Prophet's Hamza ............................ 242 prediction about whom he thought (25) CHAPTER. The wounds would be killed at Badr................ 176 inflicted on the Prophet on the (3) CHAFFER. The story of the day (of the battle) of Ubud ........... 245 Ghazwd of Badr .......................... 178 (26) CHAPTER. "Those who (4) CHAPTER. "(Remember) when answered (the Call of) Allah and you sought help of your Lord and the Messenger..." ........................ 246 He answered you... verily, Allah is (27) CHAPTER. The Muslims who Severe in punishment." ................ 179 were killed on
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