Thresher poll results McGovem plurality on campus; Nixon ahead in precinct On September 19, the day the whole story, though. While Raza candidate Ramsey Muniz, from this group. Grover got ferent colleges. The matter cei-- of the Texas state gubernator- off-campus students chose Mc- 3.1% would write in Sissy five. tainly warrants further study. ial conventions, the Thresher Govern over Nixon by a better Farenthold, and 12.4% would While no attempt was made While space does not permit than 2 to 1 margin, those liv- not vote. to distinguish between those polled the Rice campu's about publication of raw data, it will ing on the Rice campus went off-campus students who are its political preferences. be available to interested 41.7% for Nixoi\, 34.6% for In the senatorial race, 47.2% Houston residents living at parties in the Thresher office. 220 students (slightly over McGovern, and 18.6% uncom- back Democrat Barefoot San- home and those who maintain 8% of the undergraduates) mitted, with the remainder not ders, 22.1% support incumbent apartments near campus, such The Thresher has released were chosen at random and voting-. Since the boundaries of Republican John, Tower, and a breakdoAvn might also have poll results to both Houston contacted by telephone, and Rice University outline Pre- 2.13% prefer Democratic ex- been interesting. newspapers, and plans to re- asked their Presidential pre- cinct 361, with the off-campus senator Ralph Yarborough. 19% Off-campus students also led peat the poll in the weeks ference and party affiliation. vote split among other polling are undecided, and 8.6% will in percentage of Texas voters; before Nov. 7. Again, anyone Those registered in Texas were places, the campus.may actually cast no vote. 88.3%, as opposed to 70% for interested, either in aiding with also asked their senatorial and present a rather conservative When asked about party affi- those living on-campus. Inci- the poll or in keeping the poll- gubernatorial preferences. front in November. liation, 63.2% of the Rice stu- dentally, any eligible Rice stu- sters honest, is urged to con- The presidential results were dents called themselves inde- dent may register and vote in ttct the Thresher office. More the biggest surprise. Rice stu- However, if state races are pendents, 23.2% say they are Texas, regardless of previous detailed analysis of results, as dents, supposed to be a highly considered, Rice is definitely Democrats, and 10.9% are Re- out-of-state registrations. well as such extras as chi- liberal group, gave a bare plu- liberal. In the governor's race, publican. Although samples from each square result checks, would be raility of 41.7% to McGovern. 41% of the Texas students are Again, however, off-campus college were a little small for practical with a little more 35.7% back President Nixon, still undecided. 26.8% favor students were much more li- accurate determination, there work; the creation of a mechan- 18.7% are still undecided, and Democrat Dolph Briscoe, and beral; 4 out of 54 admitted to seems to be little significant ism for campus polls on any 3.8% will not vote. 9.3% prefer Republican Hank being Republican. Senator Tow- difference in political persua- subject of interest is a worth- This statistic does not tell Grover. 6.8% would vote for La er also polled only four votes sion between members of dif- while possibility. the no guts no glory thresre? volume 60, number 5 thursday, September 21, 1972 Trudeau sees 'Doonesbury' as an autobiographical effort by DEAN ORNISH businessman he invited, me to graphical than perceptual, the . The Doonesbury comic strip Michael Doonesbury's sexual I happened to be mailing a have lunch with him. Although campus being simply a micro- began as a supplement to the inadequacies, particularly at the letter in the post office in New he would not allow me to tape cosmic setting for the charac- Yale Daily News, and satirized mixers—at* one time ho "was Haven, Ct., this summer and I record the discussion, the fol- ters to interrelate, much as Yale life, especially activities referred to as Mike "the mix" noticed that the person stand- lowing is what I remember of Walt Kelly's Pogo uses a such as mixers. The Yalie ex- Doonesbury. 1 was always a ing in front of me was the the afternoon: swamp for its setting." (Al- periences many of the same terrible football player, and author of the Doonesbury com- though there may not be much B.D. (in reality, Bryan Dovvling, He explained: "Doonesbury problems as the Rice student, ic strip. With typical Rice ar- difference in the settings.) for the same reasons: Rice's an outstanding Yale football is not so much about a college r rogance I asked him if he would Trudeau takes a different view college system is patterned af- player of a few years back) campus as about myself and my consent to an interview for the from most cartoonists, who be- ter Yale's, and the male/female represented the fantasies I had Thresher, and like a typical own reflection—more autobio- lieve that the comics page of ratio at Yale is almost as bad of catching that end-zone pass the newspaper should be a tran- as it is at Rice. Although Tru- in the Harvard/Yale game." He quil izing experience, and cer- deau's present-day Doonesbury went on to say, "I guess that tainly not offending anyone. bears little resemblance to that Zonker is the most important Muniz seeks student vote This attitude often brings him character to me now." Ramsey Muniz, the Raza Uni- come tax or any form of sales of the early beginnings of the into conflict with newspapers da party nominee for governor, tax. He called for bilingual pro- strip, the Rice student would Trudeau's current plans are that syndicate his strip, as they attacked the established poli- grams in the schools, and re- have no trouble relating to the feel that controversial topics quite interesting. "My girl- tical parties and claimed that moval of the appointive system e a r 1 i e r episodes. "Michael should be kept in other areas friend is spending the year do- he" is the only real alternative for the governing boards of Doonesbury doesn't get put of the newspaper. For example, ing research in Hawaii. My for the state in a campaign ap- state universities. "It's time for down nearly so much now (he after a particular series on re- parents can't understand why pearance on the Rice campus the state to stop playing poli- doesn't cover his face with his ligion, the Houston Post wrote I'm not there with her, and Monday night. tical football with higher educa- hands as he once did), much him, "let us redefine our ob- I've had a hard time making Addressing a small group of tion," Muniz declared. in the same way that Charlie jectives." students and adults, Muniz Because of a lack of funds, Brown doesn't get rejected them understand . how can I called the supporters of Dolph the Raza Unida party is unable Asked if he would have trou- quite so much." In the begin- spend my life with someone in- Briscoe "racist conservatives" to run candidates for every of- ble continuing the strip once nings of the strip, the reader terested only.irt me? After all, and jokingly claimed that John he graduates (and leaves the knew that "there was no way I know what i m like." Trudeau Connally was "going steady campus), Trudeau replied: "I he was going to make it was in the midst of negotiat- with Nixon." spent all of last year in iso- through four panels with a ing a building in downtown "The Raza Unida party was lation in Colorado, but never girl." Like Trudeau, Doones- New Haven to be used as a felt a shortage of material. I originally founded to combat bury has mellowed somewhat. graphic art / photography / arts often measure my own respon- the problem of apathy among "The characters have matured school for inner-city youth who ses to the newspaper, for ex- Mexican-American voters," Mu- at about the same rate I have." wouldn't normally have oppor- ample." He will also be an ad- niz stated, but the party has tunities in this field, and sound- recently broadened its scope visor to the freshman college I asked him to explain his ed quite excited about this pro- and is now appealing for the at Yale for at least a few years choice of characters in the strip. ject. support of white liberals and after he graduates. "The strip began with B.D. and blacks. In fact, Muniz says that he has "received the en- dorsement of Dr. Ralph Aber- nathy and Coretta King." Dartmouth starts new calendar Muniz claimed that the RUP Hanover, N.H. (I.P.) — Be- dents in the Arts and Sciences. any one-12 month period, there- is the only party at the state cause of the new Dartmouth Actually, the new rate was fore requiring term rather than level actively seeking the sup- kelly hill Plan which decreases course re* announced on a "per term" annual charges. port of students. Muniz said fice statewide. However, Muniz quirements and institutes year- basis instead of the customary With the start of the Dart- that he is "not asking citizens predicts that the RUP will win round operation, Dartmouth base of the regular academic- mouth Plan, under which for- to join the party, but to vote for at least seven seats in the legis- College has managed to insti- year because in September the mal degree requirements have Muniz," in an effort to make lature, mostly from south Tex- tute a major hike in tuition and College will initiate its Dart- been changed from 36 to 33 RUP the "emerging second par- as.
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