Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana in Varanasi District – Union Bank of India PMJDY was inaugurated in Varanasi on August 28, 2014. The inauguration programme was attended by Shri Kalraj Mishra, Hon’ble Minister of MSME, GoI, Shri Arun Tiwari, CMD, Union Bank, General Managers of various other banks, NGOs and other dignitaries. PMJDY received huge response from the general public across all cadres in Varanasi District. Varanasi District is comprised of 3 Tehsils, 8 Blocks, 702 Gram Panchayats and 1289 Villages are allocated in 346 Sub Service Areas (SSAs) as guided by State Level Bankers’ Committee, Uttar Pradesh under direct supervision of Dept. of Financial Services, GoI. The banking requirement of the people of Varanasi District is catered to by 354 Branches of different banks under co-ordination of Union Bank of India as the Lead Bank. These 346 SSAs and 138 Wards are allocated among different banks functioning in Varanasi District within which Union Bank as the lead bank has an allotment of 106 SSAs consisting of 324 villages and 43 Wards. Survey has been conducted to ascertain the financially excluded households in all the villages as well as the wards by the respective banks to whom the areas have been allotted. All the 572001 households are covered under PMJDY to have their bank linkage. We are issuing RuPay Debit Cards and Passbooks apart from Aadhar enrollment/seeding to all the account holders under PMJDY so that they get the benefit of insurance and Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT). Jayapur village, which was adopted on 07.11.2014 by our Hon’ble Prime Minister under “Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana”, is situated about 30 KM away from Varanasi City. Our Jayapur branch is located there, and our Bank has made energetic efforts to see that the benefit of PMJDY Mission is extended to the villagers of Jayapur and their way/standard of living is upgraded. A programme was conducted at Jayapur on 19.11.2014 in view of the visit of our worthy ED Sir, Shri Rakesh Sethi sab. There was a gathering of about 300 villagers in the programme. A Nritya Natika was staged on PMJDY and financial inclusion for awareness of village people. Loans of Rs.45.30 lacs were distributed to total 67 borrowers, along with cards/passbooks, by our ED Sir in the programme on that particular day. Certain efforts vis-à-vis success to achieve our goals at Jayapur village are depicted below. Therefore this is a success story of both Jayapur Village and the PMJDY beneficiaries. Our Bank has opened 1276 Savings Bank Accounts, and issued RuPay Cards/PINs & Passbooks to cover all the households of Jayapur village so that they can be linked to banking system and grow their banking habit. To educate the villagers and to increase their financial awareness level, we have conducted training and awareness camps through our RSETI & FLCC. Our FLCC has also conducted seminars for financial literacy and awareness building of the people of Jayapur. Besides weekly camps, Mega Account Opening camps and AADHAR Enrollment camps are also conducted with utmost commitment so that the benefit is reached to the common mass. The role of Lead Bank in implementation of PMJDY and DBT is appreciated by the Govt. Depts and Ministry as well as by SLBC meeting held on 1st December 2014 at Lucknow where a special mention was made that Varanasi is the first District in UP to cover all the households by opening accounts under PMJDY i.e. bringing all the households under banking fold. To make the women of the village educated and financially benefitted, a Training Camp on Garment Manufacturing, Stitching and Embroidery was conducted at Jayapur village by our RSETI Varanasi in November 2014, where 35 village women were given training. The village women (all of whom have PMJDY accounts) have started their economic activity to increase their family income. Twenty four of these women were also given micro credit for procurement of the raw materials like cloth, threads etc to produce garments. These garments are being sold to the nearest mandi about 8 km away from Jayapur village (& also to Varanasi City) by the male members of their families. Our branch has given Union Green Card as follow up action of PMJDY account opening. Door to door knock is given to offer UGC to all the eligible farmers of that village. This has improved their cropping pattern and this helped them to repay their earlier loans with the Sahukars (local money lenders) who used to exploit them. PMJDY beneficiaries who are milk men in the village are now sending their milk to the nearby mandi to get better price with the help of bicycle purchased by the household getting micro credit from our branch. The villagers, who have adopted the banking habit through PMJDY, are encouraged for small entrepreneurship and given micro credits for economic activities. Small shop keepers are given loans for procuring the raw materials as well as for purchasing bicycles for conveyance/carrying their produce. As a result of this the remote village is seeing transformation at a faster pace, into a developed location more in keeping with the intrinsic potential of the area. Finally we may say that our Bank has used the focus given by PMJDY Scheme to emphasize the importance of both financial literacy and economic development of the villagers. Our Bank is also contributing towards digitalization of village educational institutions, sanitation and medical facilities. “प्रधानमंत्री जन धन योजना” के अꅍत셍गत सफलता की कहानी - श्री लक्ष्मी शंकर यादव यूननयन बकℂ औफ़ इंडिया, जौनपुर , ऊ. प्र. यह कहानी उत्तर प्रदेश के जौनपरु जनपद के ननवासी श्री लक्ष्मी शंकर यादव की है जजन्होने “प्रधानमंत्री जन धन योजना” के अन्तर्तग बकℂ म े खाता खुलवाकर अपनी आर्थकग जथथनत स饃ु ढ़ की है। ग्राम- जमाइथा, प्रखण्ड - ससरकोनी के ननवासी श्री लक्ष्मी शंकर यादव जी के पररवार मे 3 बेटियााँ व 1 बेिा सटहत 6 सदथयो का पररवार है । जजसके भरण पोषण की परू ी जि륍मेदारी श्री यादव के ऊपर है। बचपन से ही उपेक्षा के सशकार होने के कारण 煍यादा पढ़ाई सलखाई नहीं कर सके। अंतत: जीववकोपाजगन के सलए एक फोिो-थिेि की दकु ान श셂ु की। आर्थकग जथथनत द셁ु थत न होने के कारण दकु ान से आमदनी भी संतोषजनक नहीं थी। लक्ष्मी शकं र यादव का ककसी भी बकℂ मे कोई भी खाता नहीं था। उनको प्रतीत था की बकℂ मे खाता तो धनाढ्य लोर्ो का ही खुलता है। उनके जैसे र्रीबो के सलए बकℂ मे कोई थथान नही ं है। लेककन उनके इस समथक को “प्रधानमंत्री जन धन योजना” द्वारा दरू ककया र्या। माननीय प्रधानमन्त्री जी द्वारा 28-08-2014 को आरंभ ककए र्ए “स륍पणू ग ववत्तीय समावेशन” कायगक्रम के अन्तर्गत देश के प्रत्येक पररवारⴂ का (मख्ु यत: मटहला सदथयो का ) बकℂ म े इस खाता खोलना सनु नजचचत ककया र्या । साथ ही एिीएम काडग , धन अंतरण, ऋण, बीमा व प्रत्यक्ष लाभ अंतरण जैसी सवु वधाओ को इससे जोड़ा र्या। भववष्य म े “आधार संख्या” द्वारा जोड़कर इसेअर्धक सलु भ बनाये जान े की योजना है। इसी योजना के अन्तर्तग श्री लक्ष्मी शंकर यादव जी ने टदनांक 31-10-2014 को जनपद के अग्रणी बकℂ “यनू नयन बकℂ औफ़ इंडडया” के “ववकास भवन” शाखा म े अपना एक बचत खाता खुलवाया। जजसका खाता संख्या है-585802130000010. पासबकु व एिीएम काडग भी समय पर प्राप्त हो र्ए।खाते का पररचालन भी संतोषजनक है। आरंभ मे एिीएम उपयोर् पर कु छ संदेह था परंत ु बकℂ द्वारा आचवासन व सहयोर् करने पर उन्होने एिीएम पररचालन भी श셂ु कर टदया है। उन्हे ओवरड्राफ्ि ऋण सवु वधाओ से भी यक्ु त ककया जाएर्ा। उन्हे एिीएम काडग पर समलने वाल े 1.00 लाख 셁 के दर्ु िग ना बीमा व 0.30 लाख 셁 के जीवन बीमा की भी जानकारी है। लक्ष्मी शकं र जी आज बहुत खुश है । बकℂ मे खाता होना उनके सपनⴂ के साकार होने जैसा है। अपनी दकु ान से प्राप्त बचत की रासश को वे अपने बकℂ खाते मे ही रखते है और ज셂रत पड़ने पर ननकालते भी है। इस प्रकार बकℂ कं र् की प्रककया उन्हे आसान लार्ने लर्ी है। अब वे आत्मववचवास के साथ अपनी ववत्तीय ज셂रतⴂ की योजना बनात े है। आज वे अपना पासबकु व एिीएम काड ग बड़ े ही र्व ग के साथ रखत े है और ज셂रत पड़न े पर दसू रⴂ लोर्ो को भी इस योजना से जुडन े की बात कहत े है। उन्हे अग्रणी बकℂ द्वारा “ग्रामीण थवरोजर्ार प्रसशक्षण संथथान” स े नन:श쥍ु क प्रसशक्षण व ववत्तीय जार्셂कता संबजन्धत सभी जानकररया भी महु ैया कराई र्ई है । उन्हे बचत को प्रोत्साटहत व ऋण का सदपु योर् करने की ववथततृ जानकारी भी दी र्यी है जजसके माध्यम से वे अपनी आजीववका बेहतर तरीके से चला रहे है। कु ल समलकर श्री लक्ष्मी शकं र यादव जी के जीवन म े “प्रधानमंत्री जन धन योजना” न े अभतू पवू ग पररवतनग ककए है। सही मायन े मे यह योजना उन हरेक र्रीबो के सपने को साकार करने जैसा है जजन्हे बकℂ ो की मख्ु य धारा स े जोड़ने को महती ज셂रत है। बकℂ ो द्वारा सहरोर्ात्मक रवयै ा अपनान े व दथतावेजो के सरलीकरण से “प्रधानमंत्री जन धन योजना” ने अपार सफलता प्राप्त की है और उन तमाम चहे रो को मथु कु राहि दी है जजसमे एक नाम श्री लक्ष्मी शकं र यादव का भी है। धन्यबाद ! प्रेषक अग्रणी जजला प्रबन्धक यनू नयन बकℂ औफ़ इंडडया जौनपरु , ऊ.
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