University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository San Juan County Index, 1890-1902 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 7-4-1902 San Juan County Index, 07-04-1902 L. C. Grove Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sjc_index_news Recommended Citation Grove, L. C.. "San Juan County Index, 07-04-1902." (1902). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sjc_index_news/156 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in San Juan County Index, 1890-1902 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. j" i 1 JL.. t vci.u;;i; :u:i it.: o. mihy, july i, r MARKETS IN THE MINING TOWNS. i'.tiir Kcute r,ox Delivery. LEGAL NOTICES. Nutire is tinrebv loveo to the pnliic rroinnnr II' l l T K A n NTIir No. r,';.'.l. that the cntni'-- in elft ct July 1. : 2, Net fur I11I1II1 11 lun. A rovii-- df iniv:iti-!.':y- ; THE ONLY HARDWARE STORFJ IN !ii the lii;;hest cash price is paid fur f r pi-- i nit that th'i formanee of mail service u'l lie I. i.iitin-n- t of t he In! rnr. I.iiiiiI Olli.-- Bt A BranciiJ I NORTHWESTERN NEW MEXICO by tin: splendid winter apples at the trie in the Sviit i', V wM.ti n. Mv :u, i' Nie M i'H the star routes in stal"M terri- n tlie and ' n tlu f. lli. t iimi-i- I t.l'V r'fi thitl unite in.itktls of S,m Ju.v.i ounty, was as orchard of any locality in the 'niti d tories hereinafter named poinded thai, ' r lew i.'.l ti tit 1st í nt í Inn tu n nkfi Slates. We may lei :l I tin III "in.."rl i.f lu-- i l ilni. j ' I Hint f,!!iW: j;o farther and 11 addi'.iou r - K to em ing lhs mails to the C. II S sale & Co., ml i r. ..t ll I, ittn.le tho 'r I.SHt rniNTs axo nxn vay, a ' h nl 111 rt ill v , lit A Ni-- M ex- oils doors r.tsii oi The r.iaikcts for the products cf and it is fact, that apple various p 'st. ónices, r w ill be Ire, the carril I it J II VI i'i'1 ii'tniM. in: )' n'.'. bc-- l buyers from Chicago and ;'',m Ju.ui county are t!;e linmi' other r"nuir'd to deliver mad into all binen M it V A. SMI I'll ' Kll. whliiw of TliiilintH F. in Mi' l ll.Tt'HMf 1. n1 arhcts to 1'C found in nny locality cities the United States oay more and hang small (ih gs or satchels con- llrril. for the winter apples of San I'.-- liio V',. N K , SNV',. SI"',. XK'. SWii. jn the United S! ates, The reasons Juan taining mail on cranes or posts that may SI,. N W4. Sep. in, T. :iiN,, B. II W at T h n P h n t Vino? linn fir? (or 'hi.; an; cry apparent. The county the tree in the orchard lie elected along t ho of iuj bui.iuui I It ialo, biiiUUio una w Sin' nuiiiei, t lie etl.iwlitff v. it 'teswns tit prove line the route -- 40 to 60 miles away from a rail- h r nut hiiinuK restili'iire 11 pun niel cultivation county is located in the extreme under the following regulations of the I CiMrs in Str,ri. of Hi, nl Ptinl viz: Mexi- road than is 'paid for winter apples tt 'inlcrsinn llit-- t. N. M.. William F. northwestern corner of New department: A. Í 11 , a .N .... X..- ... - " in, ,re, M.. is e ttttl K. KooutT, Aztftt I - (u an GiiiCl toe .t iity, co Cul 1 in vioi Aliutl.l, Ulail, jM A ny living A N . M .'Oi'iir.-- ;t'r( oy of r',-c- N M pe.si'i) on or near the route s will till i I, Hardware, Tinware, Agricultural Iiiijilritu-nt- Coloia'io and the Rre.it mining dis- this son strange to some, but and not within the corporate limits of MAXl'l li. Ill t.liO. KmlstiT. it is HO niel , ,,1 TMees In (.'enii" (f Colo!, ido which include true because of the fine flavor any t mu w within rods of any post liilllitnt HOMKSTAIl IATRT Nil. 4 Villi. Durrícs and Glass. Mmü Orders Sclicittd trict' t . til ninl ti Ct'Cede J,eadville; and coloring, together with nllire, Alio desires Ids mall deposited at Nollee fur I'll It! leu tltin. Ci ipi'le Creek, and hih a given on line '.f the good keeping in aek-in- g point the the route ly Hc)nrtie,.,l ef tho Interior. I.atl'l Olltno tit u (lie (mining) of Si quality i I uUn ilh towns the carrier may provide and erect . Suit 'i .i. ,i.,v mm I.I. 1'ni'J. Notien - and sbipDin . l irivi'ii l!rit the following iihitii'íI - NEW MEXICO Ttlluride. Rico, Rideway, suitable box or crane on the u roadside, i ' I AriX " r inn not ire of Ins hi r i nl Ion t n tu ii h ii Many 111 Ouray, I.a I'lala City and Duran-- , of the San Juau apples are loeated such a manner as to be reach-- t lilml linn f in ttl,iHirl of liitt íhími. an t that .shipped t.) European markets d 1,8 10 ivt ni '1 t y as practicable by fie I Aztec, ; New Mexico "iini M ill In. tiiniii, l.i.fnr. til" i'riitirt I'D. carrier rtilUout diHinou u log f rom the l.'i k i.f Sn a J it hi ronul y. ttl Aztiic, New Men- ino on July ji'.. nnj, 1 On the west arc the markets of The alfalfa that is raised on San veh lelo or horse, and such person síihíI 1. Utah in the mining and l'iniherinj; Juan county ranches is sold the file with the post master at the post AN'l'.OMO M. AUKYTIA, ollice to which Knr the K'i of tlie WV, B'T, W, K'i tit HWlj prions, ineludi;! Salt Lake and all year around for Ss a ton in the his mail is addressed of Sen. 3, I :il N.. K. 6 V. (which tat po-- n r: the towns i:i eolith western Utíih, r.tack on the ranch. Any sur.plus shall one of the two t lie until' s the fnllowliitr Witnissnit to prove offices on the route on eiihersido of and hi" en.'itininiiiK rexiileuru u laiii anil ctlltiviti iuu with Arizona to the west and south- that farmers may have is bought by to the box or a in uñ sniil Inml. vl r. : Aztec Livery, Feed iiFt crane) raiiueat .Iiim' Aiinii Ant iniiit ,?. Kiiino"ii, ef and Sale Stable writing fur of his mail to i tin-- .1 west and the great copper mines the cattlemen and stockmen of the delivery ! N. M.; ti o ti J..e Aln'oa, Ana.il.aLlo , southward. Colorado, Utah and portions of tile carrier for deposito at ttie designated BOYS! GIRLS! ( ninl ''arla, of A rholi". 'olo. point, at the risk of lhe addressee. --a MA I Kl, It. OTKHO, Register. BATES & RASH, - Proprietors. Thus surrounded by rich mining New Mexico. Large herds of 1 mnall bag or above p . The satchel described MM rar ittlt-fl- districts, with mountain cities and cattle are driven into San Ms Juan ss well the tiov or crane, must lie Notioe Ih lioreliy riren that the nitdnrsttrnfd mining mills, county on account of the mild, open provided by the person for whoso use it 'J it him Oik"lt the follovviTiii tlenrrilieii eittrHV towns, with smelters, - tli Ootid ItiKB and AU-it- ,1 Any bn ?: n ti t ttl Radille II,ir,.i on Hum). T"nre unit Stock Givuu - or girl who will oi itt inn ninoh niitr (iohi'iiirelor canon lu the iiii'iiui-- ini- IniiiS and 1 ie li - winleisand all the surplus hay is is intended without CKpense tolas lie. Hettt of Attention. (i"iio-a- l Livery liunini.im pimiue- f.-- 1 l.itrtiu San J nan cnlinty, N. viz: Traintiii ied. partnient. ;? secure i us TK. SUB- - iI ive mines with saw mills, planing ted out and these cattle are made One ri'.l yeitrllnii itne , hran'lnl croirt with Jt sholl be the duty of the postuiai.ter l mar- I SCRIPT! NS for the Kan- - jj Uy i'veit. ronrii'i-tfi- n't li ft nhlo, rhi one mills where thousands and thou- fat, ready for the finest beef at every such post cilice, upo a written yi'iuliiiK Imiler, lira.i.leil W N on tuft slue. i sa; City iVeekly Journal at , AZTEC, sands of men are employed every kets and the highest cash market order from any person living on or near 'i'he owner or ewnnr-- ofBaltl ilesrrlliitil anl-ni- NEW MEXICO. the route to deliver to the mail carrier the rate of 25 ce.its each, lj fnrllnt tllf same tit tlmellilof tilt Hevi'll week and month in the year at price at Durango, Colorado; our . I , . ... ! iiioiiilei from thn ilate of t he first publli-a- t ion for the route any mail matter placing making a .ota!...ot only nnlt-st- t ca-- h this entire, rliiltne.t liy t lit owner nr high wages, at rates, many of nearest railway point.
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