84— MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, Dec. 21, 1988 HOMES HOMES l•7ilHDU8TRIAL Automotive IFOR SALE FOR SALE I 3 'I pboperty WOOOBRIDGE Street. BOLTON. 6 room, 2'/j MANCHESTER. 3400 This covered front both raised ranch. Fin­ ^ Spgcioli»D#tf! square foot, fre e ­ CARS porch will bring hours ished family room, cus­ « »» standing Industrlgl FOR SALE of enloyment to this 3 tom wet bar. Great building. Loading views. $205,000. Flano bedroom remodeled dock, parking. Wood­ 1981 P O N TIA C T-1000. home. 2 cor garage Reolty, 646-5200. imfmrm/ IHEATM6/ MMCELLAHEOUS land Industrial Pork. 86,000 m iles. Runs plus affordable In the BOLTON. 5 room Ranch, CHILOGARE IlKOMETAX PLUMBHNt SERVICES Principals only. 643- great. Great winter will S140's. Blanchard & 1 both, 1 cor detached 2121. cor. New brakes. 643- Rossetto Realtors," garage, 1 acre lot. D A YC A R E for one child. 1534. $675.____________ $168,000. Flano Realty, 19M MCOMI TAXIS PJ'b PIi i i IiIm . Hm Ur i A G A Y A SON We're Selling Houses" Provided by loving MISCELLANEOUS 1979 MERCURY Cougar. 646-2482.P_____________ 646-5200______________ mother. Beginning ConauHallon ! Preparation Mr Cm o Mm Ii i i MASONRY N Bollera, pumpa, hot water FOR RERT Needs some work. $500 M A N C H ES TE R . Best buy BOLTON. 8 room Garri­ January 2nd. Call 646- Brick- block and stone, or best offer. 645-0610. son Colonial. Brand 5260. Individuala / tanka, new and ceramic tile, marble and In town. Oldie but goo­ replaoementa. concrete. GARAGE for rent. Nor- 1984 M ER C U R Y Marquis. die. 4 plus room Cope new. 4 bedrooms, 2Vi Bole Proprletora baths, central air. Lo­ FREE esriUATES No lob le too smolll thend of Manchester. One owner. Excellent on nice corner lot. GUANIIM 643-1823. condition. 39,000 miles. Aluminum sided, large cated on Cul-de-sac. Dan Moaler 6 4 9 -3 3 1 9 643-1649/^9916 262-7j41 or 427-1973 $274,900. Flano Realty, SERVICES Fully equipped. $5395 room hove been newly 633-2824.______________ painted. Brand new 646-5200.______________ CLEANING SERVICE furnace. Some owner BOLTON. Brand new MISCELLANEOUS BROCK BROTNERS Merchandls8 1983 CAMARO. Brown, 5 H art a aparUIng ohan homa speed, V-6,63,000 miles. financing, or rent with Contemporary! 4 bed­ tor Hta holldayal SERVICES Eice»allsa A UoiaeaplBB option to buy. Let's rooms, Including mas­ REMOOELH BuHdadne Lot hnpreysmem Good condition. $4200. NeNaMe teildenllel cteanlng. — Oruehed Stone tar Bale— 646-8645. talk. $117,900 Realty ter bedroom suite. 1'/i Tolland County area World, Benoit, HRWRESTREESEIIVICE Slone Driyswaya — Regraded acre lot. $325,000. Flano Iteferenoes evelloMa Buokal, truck 6 oMppar. Slump FURRITURE Frechette Associates, Realty, 646-5200. BlntM Isd llanrhfatpr BpraI5 646-7709.O_____________ 843-5775 FOdlRgi MR6PII9 WOffca RI696Nfy A eM ramoval. Frao aaUmaiaa. BOLTON. 2,500 Square PiNMl of OONSMINMON- Spatial oonaldaratlon tar 650-3781 D O U B LE Bed spring and TOLLAND. Price reduc­ toot. Contemporary. 8 MywoToiNAofdiwlrwKiiNOt aldarly and handidappad. mattress with brass tion. Attractive well rooms, 4 bedrooms, Ja­ Quality Homa mtufNAig your 06N9 * 06R ubF SNOW REMOVAL. headboard. Good con­ CLYDE kept Cope In o quiet cuzzi In master bed­ 647-7SS3 Residential- dition. $125. Divan bed CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. neighborhood on cul- room, family room. Claaning Sarvica N M Coae^ M ia Commercial. Drive­ that makes Into double ROUTE t3, VERNON Thursday, Dec. 22,1988 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm 30 Cents de-sac. Master bed­ $337,000. Flano Realty, Serving the Manoheetor area GSL Building Mainte­ ways, etarttng at $15. bed. $75. Coll 647-9033. es Monta Carlo *6995 room with private 646-5200. Personal daanlne aarvloa 6 4 3 -1 7 2 0 Ad. far Mam nance Co. Commercl- Call Bob, 87^8841^____ M Elacira T Typa *10,495 deck. New 24x24 pres­ MANCHESTER. Six dsslgnad to hsrMNa the al/ResIdeittlal building ITV/STEREO/ sure treated deck In room Ranch. 3 bed­ lealdantlal dsanlng needs for repairs and home Im­ APPLIARCE8 83 Buick Regal *6995 bock yard. Septic sys­ rooms, 1.5 baths, fin­ the busy profiaalonal. Call FARRAAn) REM00CUN6 provements. Interior THIS Si»ACE S8 Marc Lynx *2675 tem Is two years old. ished family room, today for your fras homa Room addWona, dooka, roof­ and exterior pointing, 85 Fort Eacotl 4 Or. *4395 j Coll for more details. aasasamant light carpentry. Com­ •59.47 . TV . Sanyo. 19 Inch, color. Florida Sun Room. ing. akMng. artndowa and gull- Excellent condition. 86 Skylark 4 Dr. *8995 $172,000. Realty World, ara. All lypaa of romodallne and plete lanitorlal ser­ for 24 intBrttoits $180,000. Flano Realty, 429-7785 $50. 646-0599. ae Celebrity 4 Dr. *7695 Benoit, Frechette As- 646-5200. lepalra. Call Bob Farmnd, Jr. vice. Experienced, rel­ Call 643-2711 soclotes, 646-7709.0 iable, free estimates. ae Caprice 4 Or. *9995 Sabotage suspected in crash Bm . 647-6809 AVAILABLE Imme­ c l e a n i n g ' 643-0304. ___for^ttallB FUEL OIL/COAL/ 85 Century Wgn. *8595 diately. Manchester. C0HD0MIHIUM8 Servlet ns the Manchaafar a wn- Rb b . 6 4 5 -6849 FIREWOOO FOR SALE llmanncaraaHahaitandralla- 86 Century 4 Dr. *8995 Cute aluminum sided Me causla fa claan yaur hams, & 84 Skyhawk Wag. *5995 Cape. Eat-In kitchen, aWIca ar rrlndawa 9 years sx- KITCHEN BATH A SEASONED firewood for 87 LaSabta 4 Dr. *10,995 PRICED To sell at Bea­ earlanca and rafarancaa Call sole. Cut, split and dining room with built- 87 Spectrum 2 Dr. *7995 Jumbo jet may have con HIM. Close to hik­ Loutla far o free aatlmata. PAMTRIB/ delivered. $35 per load. in hutch, 3 bedrooms, 1 N REMODELING 86 Cola. Euro 4 Or. *7995 cor garage. Fenced ing and sledding. One 742-0267 PAPERM6 742-1182. yard. $131,900. D.W. bedroom, third floor From the .smallest repair to the largest renovation, unit. $87,900. Sentry 8 7 2 -9 1 1 1 Fish Reolty, 643-1591.□ our own craftsmen do the complete Job — IPETSARD exploded in the air Reol Estote, 643-4060.D M AN CH ES TER . Stately HOUSE CLEANING Woll Papering A neatly and on schedule. SUPPLIES Colonial. Super loca­ OW NER will assist with SERVICES Pointing Visit our showroom or call for a free estimate. tion, with o lovely flat closing costs. Three Spend time wHh your family SCHALLER By Maureen Johnson bedrooms and 2 baths. RealdentlM, Cem m erdol, FR E E to good home. yard Is the setting for durinf the hollilays, let oa Refartncet B Inauranct. 6 4 9 -5 4 0 0 Turkish Angora, The Associated Press this 3 bedroom Colon­ Also avollable for rent. clean your home. Call young, male, cat, neu­ ACURA Related stories, ial. Large kitchen and $100,000. Sentry Real ^erty'Mottaon, 449-4431 HERITAGE KITCHEN and tered. Found on front photos on page 18 dliilng area with pic­ Estate, 643-4060.n 742-0217 or 643-4642 USED CARS LOCKERBIE, Scotland - A aak for Diane or Michelle Gory McHugh, 443-9321 BATH CENTER, INC. door step, can't keep. ture window. French DRASTICALLY Re­ 645-1720. 87 Accord LXI ....*11,595 Pan Am Jumbo Jet apparently _____182 W. Middle Turnpike, Manchester door to lolousled duced. One year old 87 Accord LX I....*11,995 exploded in the air before crash­ The plane smashed into the porch. Formal dining Ranch style end unit. ing and killing all 259 people ground, destroying 40 houses, room with wainscot- Two bedrooms, first MISCELLANEOUS 86 Audi 4000S .... *10,395 FOR SALE aboard, and investigators fo­ triggering an explosion at a gas Ing, plus a finished rec floor laundry and gar­ I HOMES HOMES STORE ANO 87 Mazda RX7 ....*11,995 cused today on terrorist threats to room. $199,500. D.W. age. $119,900. Sentry Rentals 87 Toy. Corolla ...* 7,595 station and engulfing cars in Fish Realty, 643-1591 .□ Real Estote, 643-4060.D FOR RENT FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE EIGHT month old water- place a bomb on a Pan Am flames. 87 Toyota Q T .....* 9,995 VERNON. A traditional A Q U IE T country setting bed, $325. Courthouse airliner. The death toll rose to 259 today BOLTON. Manchester MANCHESTER. Nine O FFIC E Space for rent. One Gold membership, 66 LeSabre........... * 8,995 Colonial that was cus­ for this 2 bedroom ROOMS line. 8 room house, 3 or room, single family, Furnished or unfur­ The wreckage of the Boeing 747 when it was discovered that tom built for the pres­ Townhouse with I'/i 12'/2 months left for 88 Merc. Sable....* 6,995 FOR RENT 4 bedrooms, on 4 acres set back high above nished. Pleasant sur- $450. Compared to reg­ bound for New York with Christ­ another flight attendant had been ent owners, unique baths, decks, central with 2 to 3 car garage. East Middle Turnpike. roundlngs. 85 Audi Q T .........* 7.995 mas travelers scattered bodies on board, said Pamela Hanlon, a family room with ular price of $700 plus. a i r a n d garage. MANCHESTER. Sleep­ Nice country house. Available Imme- Manchester-East Hart­ 86 Audi 4000S .... *10.395 and wreckage over the country­ pegged board flooring, $133,900. Sentry Real Eric 649-3426.0 Pan Am spokeswoman. The vic­ ing room tor working $950 per month. Coll dlotely. $950/month. ford line, near high­ 85 Olds Clera ..... * 7,350 side and ravaged the village of tims included U.S. servicemen, 38 built In bookcases, for- Estate, 643-4060.O References and secur- IN-GROUND Pool tips, gentleman.
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