AM~ERICA PUBLISHED rx THE Il'iTEREST OF SCIEi'I'TIFIC RESEARCH AT TWENTIETH AND NOHTHA,\IPTON STHEET8, EASTON, P~~NNSYL\'.\NI.\ Board of Editors IluGH S. TAYLOI\ \Y. .I. C UNNINGHDI AHTHIJII K. PAHPAHT : AI\T1IlJll V. TOIlOLSKY VOLl ME 45 .JANUAHY 1957 NCMBEH L I SP EC IAL COMMEMORATIVE ISSUE S t U .II A XI .\" .ll'ION,I/. OfT ICNUS CONTENTS .1. \V. B ,\ nK f :R . P rt' .'f id"~ll l T . T. 1l00 ~~tJo: . Esecnt ioe St rrf'iaru D. H. PRENTJCl-: , T' r r asur er and CONTRIBUTORS ,'j f) Hillho.rse Avenue. New Haven II , Conn. RfJS .1 NATIONAL UFFI CEli.~ Page 6A \VALL.A~": It. Bnoo..s, Chairmalt N ews and Views DONAl,Ll B. PnF.:-';TIC.;, Director and T rea«­ IUI~r Communications [rom Dr. Barker a11<1 !)G l l illhouse Avenue , New IIa.\'P.Il 11, Con n . Dr, Brode, page'GA Agendas [or the Annual Con uenlions, COM,lfl T T F:lI' ON N ,ITIUN ,I/. I.ECT U UES JII I' S page SA Th e Plutonium Sto ri), page 12.\ F n .\ ~- K ;\'1. C A R P ENTEH, Director Correspondence, page 22A fiG l l illho use Avenue, New Haven II , Con n. THI, .U IER IC A N SCIENTIST is pub ­ Page I lish ed fi ve ti mes a year (J a nu a ry . ~I::Lrclt . JUOf" . Septem ber . Dece mber ) by the Soeiet v H UGH TAYLOR, Th ree Score Y ears of the ~ i~ m a. Xi a t t he :\'Ia ck Printing Co., :!Oth and Northampton S t.s., East on , Pu , and Ten BU,lRD OF EDITOIlS P. O. Box 703 , Prin cet on , x, ,J. Page 5 ~VI. J o .-\N' c. COOK S O K. Sec r ~ tn.T Y C. J .\NSKY, JR. , The Beqinninqs The A ~If:R ' CAS" Scn:' ·TlsT is e ntere d U ~ of Radio Astronomy second- cl u -e , matter at t he Easton . Pu. pos t o tfiee, under the Act of Au,:r;u ~ t 24, 19 12, A physieist-engineer pays tribute to t.he Addit ion al e ru.ry III the N ew l la ve n . Conn. , ofIi(~e . memory of his deceased broth er , Karl post December 9 , 194 :i. .Iansky, who was one of th e founders of EDITORIAL CORRE SPONDENC E an d th e scienc e of radio astronomy. Karl public utf on s for rev iew sho uld b e uddressed Junskv's life exemplifies devotion' to true to P. O. Box 70:l , Princeton, K, J . Tile sub­ mission of manuscripts is welco med but no seient.lfic ideals. How better ca n we pr e­ responaibility for safe keeping ur re turn ca n serve these ideals t.hnn by recording t.hfl h e assu me d . salient facts in such u life'? ADVERTISING C O R RESPONDE"'CE sho uld be addressed to the Ad ve rt.ixing Representut.ive , Mrs, Wi ltlum A. .lumes, Page 1:~ 2 17 Canner St reet, Now Haven , Co nn , GERALD S. H A II'K INS, Th e Deuelop­ C II A NG E OF ADDIlESS sho uld h" .., n t meni of Radio A sirononu) to : S i ~ n l:l. Xi . ij U Hillhouse Avenue , N ew Ha ve n 11. Conn. In artier to avoid th e loss T he scient.ist in charge of the Harvard of nn issue, se nd su ch not.i ce, promptly, Radio Moteor Project reviews the deve lop­ ~ivin~ fu ll name, prev ious address . lo cal or national affi liation 0 8 well a :-o the Hew ment of radio astronomy sinc e its incep­ udd resw. C lai ms for a lost issue m ust b e tion in 1932. The radio sky has been ruude within tiD dn ys of oublicat.ion. mapped, but th e causes of these mysteri­ S UB SCR IPT IO N C O R R E S I' O :-lDENCE ous signals from space ure st ill unknown. s ho u ld b e addressed to : Sig mn Xi , 5t.i H ill­ house Av enue. New Haven" II , C o n n. All chec ks sho u ld be made payable to Si gma X i. Page 28 Arrrrrua K. PARPART, Advancing A nn ual Subscription, $2.00 Frontiers in the Study of R£ology Simtle co py, ;.Or. Fo reig n Sub ... cription, 52 .;30. Co pvria bt.. IQ;jfj, b y T lle Soe iety Page :3-1 of the Hig lna X i. AHTHLR V. T O n OLSKY, Renolution in Pol ymer Chemistry Page 4-l Page 7D .;\H'I'llUH II. SNELL. A Survey of the .J.S. \VEI1\'1<;R, Ph?J.sical A nthro]JoloflY Particles of Phy~ics ... A n A ppraisal The Director of the Physics Division of the The Reader in Physical Anthropology at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the Oxford and author of Th e Piltdoioa For­ genial author of "Geneva Dairy, August, aery consented, during a visi t to the Inter­ 1955" in the October 195.5 issu e of the national Congress on Anthropology at American Scientist accepts the invitation Philadelphia in September last, to provide of the Editors to review, for t.he 70th An­ the readers of the American Scientist with niversary issue, the present ideas concern­ an appraisal of U10 science of anthropology ing the fundamental particles of physics, at the mid-century mark. Puge 57 Page 88 .JOSEPII R. Rove», Psychology 1:10 G. EVELYN H UTCHINSON, 111al"­ Mid-Twentieth Century ~inalia A young psychologist takes a broad look AIleI' an ab sence of t.wo yea rs from the at th e present and future of his ar ea of pages of the Am erican Scientist, Professor study. Professor Royce has been primarily Hutchinson of Yale U nivers ity accepted working on animal behavior. He ha s car­ th e request of the Editors to contribute ried out research for the government on ce more, for the Sp ecial Anniver sary ranging from submariner aptitude tests to Issue, one of his channing essays on the flight experiences. He is Associate Profes­ state of science, on this occasion some SOl' of Psychology at t.he University of t.hought.s on the problem of evolution. Redlands, California. Page .'l0A Page 74 HVGH TAYLOR AND GUEST RE­ \:Y . .1. CC1\';\"l1\'GIIAM, Automolion. VIEWERS, The Scientists' Bookshelf BOOKSH ELF : HECEIVED FOR REVIEW (;ttl>5S by G. O. JONES; :340 pages ; SU.7;") ; John Wilc.,' & Sons 119 pages; S2.00; London : Methuen &: 1956. Co . Ltd., New York : John Wiley & A Folloio-U» Study of War Ne uroses by Sons, 1956. NaUMAN Q. BUll.L and GILIJERT \". Man and the Waters of the U pper Ohio BEEBE' Basin (a symposium); 393 p~ges ; Veterans Administrntion 100 pages; Pymat.uning Laborat ory of lViedieal Monograph, HJ55. Field Biology. Special Publication No. J, Musical .4cousiics (4th edit ion ) by 1956. Mars, the New Frontier: Low ell' s Hypothe­ CHARLES A. CULVER; 30;") pages; 86.00; }lcGmw-Hill Book sis by WELLS ALAN WEBB; 141 pages; Fearon Publishers, IDiiG. Co., 19:)6. The Hardiness of Plants (Vol. VIol' Aqron­ The Concept of Entropy in Communication, onuj] by J. LEVIT'l'; Liuinq Orqanisms and Thermodynamics 278 pages; $7.00; Academic Press, H!:)G. by Y. S. TOULOUKIAN ; Phys'ics and Clcemistru of the Ea rth, Vol . 1, 66 pages; S1.00; Bulletin No . 130, Engi­ edited by L. H. AHRENS, KALEHVO neering Experiment Station, Purdue RAI\"KA~IA, and S. H. R uxconx ; U ni versity, 1956 . 317 pages: 88 .00; :VlcGraw-llill Book California and the Southwest, edited by Co., HJ56. CLH'FORD M . ZIEREH; Landnuirks ill the His/or!! 4 fJ !l!Jiene by 37G pages; $11.25; J ohn Wil ey & Sons, HE:"RY E. Smarus'r: 1!l:)G. 78 pages; 83 .00 ; Oxford u nive rsity Elcmentary Cry stallography by M. J. Press, I !~5G. B UERGlm; l nsects and Spider»: A nook of [(eys with ii28 pages; $8 .75 ; J ohn Wiley & Sons, Biological Notes by C. 1'. FRn:DLANDEU 19:")6. and D. A. PRIEST; 124 pages; 82.7;";; Philosophioal Library, Experimental Physical Chemistry (5th edition) by F. DANIELS,.T. H. MATHEWS, 1956. Ceramics for the Archaeoloqist by AN:"A O. J. W. WILLIAMS, P . BENDER, and R. A. AI~BERTY; SHEPARD; 414 pages; Carnegie Institution of Wash­ 482 pages; 81.>..'50 ; :'dcGraw-Hili Book ington, 195G. Co., 1956. The Psucholoin, of Occupations by A:'oINE nOE ; i Continucd on paye 34.1) 4A THE BEGINNINGS OF RADIO ASTRONOMY* By C..M. J Al\SKY, .1R.. Jansky & Bailey, In c., Wa shin gt on , D . C. KARL Guthe Jansky was born October 22,190,), in what was then the Territory of Oklahoma. At that time his father was Dean of the College of Engineering at th e University of Oklahoma at l\orman. He was th e third son of Professor Cyril, Methodius Jansky and ~ellie Moreau Jansky. The following facts with respect to his parents ar e of interest. His father, now eighty-six years of age, was born in Ri chland County, Wisconsin , the son of Czech immigrants who cam e to thi s country on a sailing vessel in the early 1860's. Father Jansky sta rte d teaching school at the age of sixteen. He was a teacher throughout his active life, retiring as Professor of Ele ctrical Engineering at the Universi ty of Wisconsin.
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