, l$fr,$ ,r:her 17-24, 1953. r<EESrNcts coNTEt{poRARy aRCrrrvES 13199 r[FINilxs{4!r .*; ISRIEL - ARAB STATES. rnfi ; Attack by Israeli Jordan."., A Foreign llinistry spokesman denied after the {Nff -ffirrrmeaa ao.Jordaaian,Village of - Heavy- E ifiimr Qibya. - Loss of meeturg that the attack on eibya had been nrade bv reEujar f,n*' su {|li tihndELro Life. - Mixed Armistice C:ommission's bondem- troops, and mumim attributed it to tiraeli virlagers *li;;.d"r.;;E;tl; ilmrd,rs r|d! af t\ttack. - Western Poryg1sl Request Security for been issued with arms for defensive' p;rp;;";, .who had .[,rmsiil ]Leeting. - British and U.S. Pr-otests to fsrael.'- been rllitr subjected. to many attaeks from ttri-Jbrar"ir"'.]a"'?? &'rdi[ixfi yfmn$east Pqimg Minister of -bV_ Israel. - Statements by the_ llorder, and s-ho had planned and canied uu*rc* trqp tLlum$i md- Embassies London. out the raid on c:rullur ruuil Joryianian in - Syriair their ol,n-initia iive._ tr iguies issued by thti;;.;ii-Governmeni tuw agailst_ lsraeli trIydro-Electric Proiect. - Egy;tian on uct. 17 shox'ed that 421 of Occupation of El-Auia Israeiis had been killed and m im [lNMr 4il.r*'*o by ldraeli F6iies. - w-oun_de{ by raiders from Jordan since 1950; thnt l2g hM- F.mdar Eisenhower appoints Peison-al li Representative of sabotage and of mining of roads and railrvavs had taken"ur"s 1ii S I[m Ilinsssions with Israel and Arab State6 on Mutual place ffilq,nmio during- the same period ; and that the Miied Armistice d Development. uommrssion lrad ,Jordan m qrb&ftllltih tbund guitty of I59 frontjer violations, \i '1ri:fe of about 5OO armed Israelis, alleged to have been and Israel of only 25, durilg tfre 12'months upio June fSSa.' ltttlttrliriur ir:ops, crossed the_ J,ordanian frontief during the night The Prime l{inister of Israel, ilr. David ,uL tdr. :.{-15 and attacked the village Ben_Gurion, made t of eibya, killing at least a radio broadcasb on Oct.,I9 in lhich he emphatically'denied i$li ,$r"r;i-rx--i. including men, women, and chil'dren (the number that the Qibl'a ailack had carried orrt 6y fsraeti reguiar SlioncL dltl rrli l! rt 6a.s subsequently stated to be 'worinding some _been 66), lorces, and in n'hich he said that tbe attack liad been jftFw lmilf, il[i, ,ni]le::. and destroyrng houses, a school, and the village ca-rried by fsraeli frontier settlers who had frequently t een { ffiiwlMll[ rilliiftlnlq iEf . The same force also bombarded the village of Shuqba, 9ut it e r$lMf' rst target of attacks from the Jordanian side of tire boider. {l!r0ilmll},1.!::.-: sone houses, rvhilst a supporting unit shelled the t Aftcr a mother and rurililri,,*u :i Badrus in retariatio' for a " her two children were kilied in their sleep in {l,tli..lluil# bounterrattack bv a smal the village of Yahud," saicl ., lrumu i:ion force. The raid was apparently Mr, Ben-Guion, tfr", <tn" setilers) nnii 'f,{fifhftt intenhed as a attacked tle.village of eibya on the other sirte of the"fiontier, i&s lnnllnmum,u i;r recent Jordanian attacks which on Israeli vilIages in the was one of the nain centres ot the murderous gangs. \vhilo the '|!18:ly .{l&rr0rr tuir'.r. in one of vshich a woman Government and her two children had deplores the shedtiing of innocent nfooa-Lt eibya, aU unifr il*ltm c[l,ld dgring the night of Oct. t2-18 by a hand-grenade the responsibility rests on the Jordanian Govemment, *niln- for ifr llllilwmrr :lto their home. yea,rs has tolerated and thereby encouagod aats of murder ard pillago against inhabitants of Israel. , ur jtr:r:rgency meeting of the l{ixed Armistice Commission Th; Government vigorouslj &mi$dmfrlt rejects the absnfal antl fantastic allegation that b00 mcn of the ','tmtl "r:" 15 condemned. the "cold-blooded murder', of the Israel defence forces took part ,flntilrillrr$iir.,r:ts in the action against eibya. We of Qibya as a breach of the armistice, and called have carlieal out a searching investigation, andlt is clear-boyonrl rlrllilillm. :ir!? Israeli authorities to take irnmediate and wigorons doubt that not a single army unit was absent tuom its tase on tUe r0trlflurrullitrB: to prevent a recurrence of such aggression, the night of the attack. , . \ye cannot conceive that the United Nations lrlffitun*l ::-tnbers of the Commission dissenting. The Jordanian w-otrlcl seek cqnsciously to apply different standarals ir their juaement rlNiuuNllmlfi :net on the same day to consider of acts of violence which have been going on for the past nv."iei"s recommendations by on Israel's bordem." llftluiprir-];reral Glubb Pasha, Chief of Staff of the Arab Legion, Mr. Ben-Gurion lfihtlr irilur :revention of firrther incidents, all leave for medbers Baid that Israel coulal not reconcile herself to the " one-sided warfare ,dl' l,!r* ir:'ion being cancelled. In Amman and other Jordanian " of the Arab States, whioh, he saitl, haa beln tryhg for flye years to destroy Israel by econonnio thlmufou :rq.nonsirations took place between 16-2O bloakaile aqtl ms '!rl Oct. in support boycott ia violation of ths U.N. g.uelriua ufil Chmter, anal by warfare m lfur llurE itnand for retaliatory lneasures against Israel, and on in violation of the armistice agreement. Aleging that the Araf: illiilm! :i .: gocds train in rsr'aeli territory-was blown up by a States were exploiting the Palesthe Arab refugees in their tenitories m$ rfitiilrililrLuri ,rrf, bn the Jerusalem-Ifaifa rafwav track n&r ihe with the object of {ndermining fsrael, ho rleclared in this connexion Jllhrmnlarrn:ur.a frontier, no casualties being causdd. that they hatt " cleniecl them homes in their countries, compelled fire ffi refugees to accept tho charity llllllrll Sritish, X,'rgnch, U.S. Foreign of the United Nations, and fept f,hen , and Ministers, during cleliborately in the vicirrity of Israel's frontiers for these perniciorn k lillllrtrurm' ciirir:-":ssions in London on Oct. 16 (seel B204 A), agreed thal purposes." After referrilg to the constant threats by the Aral dkr {b, rnrilfil,ti}; should be submitted for an urgent meeting of the States of a " second round," he declaneat : .. The Goyemrnent llli-,]:$: of i::";ritv Council to discuss relationJbetween Isiael and Isra€l aleclares before the whole civilized worlat that ajUrough we 'lliiillmr' urLr-boLiring A.rab Scates. The U.N. representatives of me a small and young State, and althouEh we know how to cLefend 'lillllhnr filr:e \I-estern Porvers accordingly subriritted identical olrselyes as when we were attacked by the Arab gtates five yoars lltlcirnrlr :l Oct. 17 to the presiclent the Seeuritv Council ago, we do not wish under ary circumgtances to baso oul relaiions if with our neighbox$ on p6ryil+.rm: an immedjate meeting, at which General Bennike force and the use of arms.,' ,illff,lfunurml :i Staif of the Truce Supervision Organization in . The following statement was issued try the Israeli Embassy ]flhtrturrr:lin:ru: should be present, to dis'cuss o'the tefision between in Lonclon on Oct. 19 : lhmuni :,:,1 the neighbouring Arab States, particular " On July 23, iL a commmication to the U.N. Secretary-General, with Israel pointed out that armistice lttiilltmrnr:r to recent aets of violence and to compliance with violations by Arabs during l95i had resultcd in 135 casualties, including 60 killecl, and no tewer than i[llr$ilr mrd:n:rment of general the armistice ag:reernents." 3,742 illegal border crossings. In the periotl January to October l9b3, ''nllhrn tsritish Nlinister of State, $Ir. Selwyn Lloyd, had 40 Israeli subjects were killed on the fsrael-Jordau border, ?9 were ili$irrurni"ri',- presented a Note of pro ;est to the Israeli Ambassador woundeal, and 23 taken prisoner. Since the Tripartite Declaration of r,i:rMr:n illr. Elath) on Oct. 16, A Foreign Oflice statement May 1950, 421 Israeli subjects have beer killecl anrt wountterl on the Isracl-Jordan border, anal there have been 128 cases sabotage, uuruIlrd :n the same day said that in the Biitish Government's of 860 armed attacks, antl 3,263 cases of theft.,, ;;l!1-.re ras " no possible justification for the action of the ii The sta,tement recalled that in March last, fsra,el had formal]y r:ned forces," which constituted " the g:ravest violation proposcal a high-level discrssion ilm :d the terms the armistice .lrill between fsrael and Jordau to of agreement and only consider steps to end borcler incidents, and addeal : ', It rvas not until llrlser o€ace in the area." The statement added: " I{,M. June that Jordan indioateal her acceptance of a more limited agree- r,l.-rr i:r Tel Aviv has been instructed to express to the ment knowll as a ' local commanders' agleement., fsracl has already ],vernment5: I Clrllllelu theLUE honortlUfIUf ofUt H.li.n.1ll. GovernmentUUVefIlItteIlU atAL thisLllS matle specilic suggestions, beyonrl its acceptance of tho local com- i:-r calculated attack. II.M. Government expects the manalels'agreement, for steps to rcduce bortler tension, and has ].: rernment to bring to justice those who are responsible continued to press for their consiileration. These proposals have been 1r :,:,Le rneasures to compensate the victims." trmetl tlo'wn by Jordan. Since then border violations havo continued unabated- and their character has changed for the worse. Israel hopes 'llllllur r- .S. State Department also issued a statement on Oct. 18 tha,t. appropriate steps wlll bo taken without de1a1r ieading to lllllliimr4 i:r the punishment of those involved in the attack on real pcace and a rerluction of tcnsion in the area.
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