November 20, 2009 | Volume VII, Issue 21 | LGBT Life in Maryland Colette Roberts, Chair of Local PFLAG Chapter, Steps Down / BY STEVE CHARING / You may have seen her leading the PFLAG-Columbia/Howard County GGBB invaders at the Bay Cafe contingent at the Baltimore and D.C. Pride parades. And you may have seen her at many other lgbt and community Happy Birthday, Guerilla Gay Bar Baltimore! events in the area. But after 15 years, Colette Roberts, the co-founder of the After only one year, GGBB is making a difference. familiar with or may not feel comfortable in if Howard County chapter of PFLAG— they are by themselves or in a small group.” Parents, Families and Friends of Les- / BY STEVE CHARING / Guerilla Gay Bar Baltimore was The popularity of GGBB took the found- bians and Gays—announced that she On the night Guerilla Gay Bar Baltimore launched last November as an means to of- ers by surprise. “I believe it has been a good is stepping down as chapter chairper- celebrated its 1st anniversary at Mother’s fer lgbt folks in the Baltimore area an alterna- year and we certainly have exceeded my son. She has held this position since Federal Hill Grille, three young women ap- tive to the local gay bar scene and perhaps expectations of the group,” explains Mark the chapter was founded. Her resigna- proached Byron Macfarlane, one of the two make new friends and allies outside the lgbt Yost, Jr., a lobbyist and law student who is tion is effective January 1, 2010. co-founders and leaders of the GGBB phe- community. the other co-founder and leader of GGBB. Citing personal reasons, Roberts nomenon who was standing at the front end “The primary goal of GGBB has been to “A year ago, Byron and I had hoped to have said her decision was difficult and of the bar. They asked him for the now fa- better integrate the lgbt and straight commu- a good time doing this and expected slow caused mixed emotions. “The past 15 miliar purplish stickers that adorn those who nities in Baltimore,” says Byron Macfarlane, steady growth. I think if you had told us that plus years have been the most valu- participate in the monthly ritual of “invading” an attorney and who is running as an openly we would be having crowds of 300 on aver- able and memorable years of my life,” a straight bar or club in Baltimore City. gay candidate for Register of Wills in How- age, we would have been shocked.” she wrote to her many friends and sup- But in this case, the three women ard County. “Along with that, we wanted to In fact, the crowds have often exceeded porters. “Watching this chapter grow weren’t lesbians. They were straight, and it’s provide members of our community with op- that amount each month. Both Yost and Mac- from inception, and knowing I was en- notable that even they wanted to be part of portunities to travel outside the ‘gayborhood’ farlane seek out Baltimore venues that cater trusted with helping guide it towards this growing movement. and see parts of the city they may not be -- continued on page 27 its success, is an unforgettable experi- ence that has changed me forever.” Under Colette Roberts’ leader- Community Saddened by Blade’s Demise other subsidiaries of Window Media learned ship, the chapter grew not only in size on Monday, November 16 that they were ef- but also in the impact it had on the Staff vows to re-launch as new publication fectively closing down their operations im- lives of those Howard County families mediately. The company filed for bankruptcy struggling with coming to terms with Members of the lgbt community across the under Chapter 7. a family member who are lgbt. As the country were shocked and saddened by the “Washington Blade, like all Window principal contact for the chapter, Rob- abrupt closing of the Washington Blade as Media, is closing today,” the newspaper an- erts periodically received phone calls well as other publications under the parent nounced on its Twitter page on November from parents and family members in company Window Media. 16. “Thank you for your support. (Keep fol- distress, and through patience and un- Employees of the Washington Blade, lowing us for developments.)” -- continued on page 27 Southern Voice, South Florida Blade, and -- continued on page 9 OUTSPOKEN The Maine Effect Co-Publishers steve charing Jim Becker, Jim Williams We are not ready for marriage equality [email protected] Executive Editor to be won at the ballot box. Jim Becker [email protected] Managing Editor Steve Charing WHEN PROPOSITION 8 SUCCEEDED IN CALIFORNIA A YEAR [email protected] AGO THERE WAS LEGITIMATE OUTRAGE THROUGHOUT GAY Production Director Hannah-Love Shibley NATION. HOW CAN JUSTICE AND EQUALITY FAIL IN A BLUE [email protected] STATE THAT WENT OVERWHELMINGLY FOR THE FIRST EVER Sales Director Mary Taylor AFRICAN-AMERICAN PRESIDENT? WITH ALL THE TIME TO [email protected] PREPARE FOR THE BATTLE, HOW DID LGBT LEADERS MAN- Leather Columnist Rodney Burger AGE TO SNATCH DEFEAT FROM THE JAWS OF VICTORY? Gossip Columnist Sam Kunz Blame was quickly affixed to African- and a ban of interracial marriage in the U.S. Contributing Writers Josh Aterovis, Jeffrey Clagett, Chuck Duncan, Rickie Green, American voters, the Mormon Church, se- While in some cases gay rights succeeded Jonathan Hernandez, Eva Hersh MD, Doug Ireland, Jay Loane, PS nior citizens, and a failure by lgbt Prop 8 to by referendum as in the case of Washing- Lorio, Meredith Moise, Sandy Rawls, Bob Roehr, Ben Ryland, Gregg effectively reach out to non-traditional sup- ton State, same-sex marriage, as has been Shapiro, Nate Sweeney, Larry Walker porters. With varying degrees, all of these demonstrated now in 31 states, is a non- Writing Intern factors led to a dismal outcome. starter among the voters. Marty Hoegg Graphics Then came Maine’s Question 1 on No- On this issue we must avoid such ballot Carol Baker, Bruce Garrett vember 3. Maine is a state with strong in- measures lest we continue to fail. There are Photographers dependent tendencies, a blue state with the far more motivated straight people voting issue to the voters. Skip Koritzer, Harry Lowinger only two moderate Republicans remaining against us than lgbt folks and allies can turn For proponents of same-sex marriage, Graphics / Photography Intern in the Senate, and marriage equality already out. It’s a numbers game, and we don’t yet that should be our greatest fear. Maryland is Michelle Alpert in place throughout New England except have the numbers. And we haven’t found an a blue state, as is California and Maine. And Web Editor Rhode Island. effective answer to the lies. put to a vote, we’d fail, too, unless our stories Aleksandra Saine There weren’t enough black voters in In Maryland, we [email protected] Maine to scapegoat this time. The Mormon have successfully Web Services “When we put two and two together, Just Girl! influence was not as dominating. And our fought off such ballot this time the answer is zero. Two 800-774-0953, www.just-girl.com side raised far more money than the op- initiatives ever since Distribution/Circulation position. We still managed to lose by six same-sex marriage blue states, two ballot measures, Jay Loane percent. has been thrust onto [email protected] Michael Serio When we put two and two together, this the agenda by way results the same: failure.” National Advertising Rep time the answer is zero. Two blue states, two of the Massachu- Rivendell Media ballot measures, results the same: failure. setts ruling in 2003. It’s easier to stonewall are told rather than the lies promulgated by 908-232-2021 In some ways the results in California here because same-sex marriage is not on our opponents. Founders Jim Becker, Joe Berg, Mike Chase, Lee Mooney (1959-2007), and Maine could have been reversed had we the books. In fact, our Constitution defines That’s where we all have a role. We Jim Williams been able to offset the scare tactics. Oppo- marriage to be a union between a man and need to get OUR message out to the voters nents of marriage equality used their money a woman. Therefore, elected officials do because our arguments are legitimate and Baltimore OUTloud to effectively instill fear by lying with scary not see the imperative for a constitutional truthful. P.O. Box 3640, Baltimore, MD 21214 messages about same-sex marriage and amendment, which would then be up for the 410-244-6780 www.baltimoreoutloud.com its influence on children. They succeeded voters to decide. Steve Charing’s OUTspoken blog is at www. in convincing the electorate that “defining” Instead, we try to win over legislators SteveCharing.blogspot.com. Additional Information marriage should not be left up to “activist” with the hope our governor signs marriage Baltimore OUTloud is published every other Friday by Pride Media, Ltd. in Baltimore, Maryland. Readers’ comments and judges. And, of course, the convenience of equality into law. That has not happened unsolicited materials are welcomed and may be sent to: Publisher@ cherry-picked Scripture always comes in yet, and it will be years away from such an Sign up online now for free baltimoreoutloud.com. All materials appearing in this newspaper are handy during these battles. eventuality. But if it did, a more powerful ef- the property of Pride Media, Ltd. and may not be reproduced without the written permission of the editor.
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