MttaW e. MOM ir« ; wcrrriUD. MJ Westfield Sale Days - Today - Tomorrow - Saturday Board Candidate m Meet School THE WESTFIELD LEADER Tonlght~8. PM. Tft« Leading and Hott Widely Circuited Weekly Hetnpaper In Union County Published Second Clam Poitaf e Paid EIGHTY-SECOND YEAR—No. 25 Every Thursday WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1972 at We.tfleld, N!j. II More Opposition Westfield $10.1 Million School Budget To Intersection Sale8 Da*s A public meeting with members of the Mayor's Traffic and Parking Opposed by Kalbacher, WE A Committee will be held in the Municipal Building Feb. 30 at 8 p.m., May- or Donn A. Snyder announced at the Town Council meeting Tuesday Underway A |10.1 million school budget, termed by some a* "inadequate" and night. The meeting, he said, has been arranged to give resident! an op- Sales promotion chairman for the others as too high, will be presented to voters Tuesday, r*b. I. Tfce portunity to discus? proposals which have been made, presumably par- Westfield Area Chamber of Com- Board of Education approved, by an H vote, the amount for •cbesi ticularly those concerning the al- • merce, Tom MacQuaide of Dresden Johnson Says Carroll Cites use for. the 1WJ-73 year after a three hour public nearinc Tuesday teration of the Mountain Ave-East Curtaini, has announced that tradi- night in the Westfield High School auditorium. Broad St. intersection and t h e tional Wettfield Sales Day*'will be Educator Needed Divisiveness ———— —:— The total budget reflects a •.»! widening of the latter thorough- held today, through Saturday. percent increase over the current fare. Participating members will be Dr. James Carroll, an Independent Public to Question year's with *.« to bo rerfeed by tax- Overwhelming opposition to these opea until 9 p.m. tonight. - On School Board candidate for the Westfeld Board of ation. IM.Mo more than ttfl-M. projects was expressed by an over- "'Exceptional values will be of- Candidates Tonight Education, ballot position number 5, Largest tingle increase is for tea- flow audience. F. A. Macpheraon of fered shoppers, as usual, and In Dr. James Johnson, candidate for Six cantfUatn for three scale IM Canterbury Rd. presented the keeping with the many years of chers' salaries, up taw/wo. Thai en Ike Bear* ef EaacaUaa wUI amount, according to George Pin- council with a petition of 651 names WesUield's businesses leading the appear befete Me yaMIe Height and Miss Pamela Kaczynski of SU way in service to customers," Mr. MM. BETTY LOUISE OLIVE ty, school board president, is con- e at Ike animal eaatMates atgM sidered adequate for (Ms account Kimball Ave. presented one signed MacQuaide said. in the Board of Education L jf J_*' Ml.t thiMg Dr Ca_ sekedalea' far (a.m. al Koaat by 109 Westfield school students. Identification of participating mem- even though negotiations for a new ,*«lon « Feb. 8. It is not between %%•£!%f atoW: wtt Jaalor High Sehaal by the contract have not been completed Both opposed the changes at the bers will be by the large blue and To Share Views Uagae el Weaaea Vaien. intersection. A resolution adopted gold banners bearing the town crier with the WeattieU Education As- . group of candidates and the present th gfLJ*^ Education" atribut bv A vtetttoa perl* wUI roUow sociation. He refused to ditcuas tot at the corporate meeting of the symbol of the retail division. They On YWs Policy board. The choice is among six can- , ^ ^ brief preaeautlaaa fcy Ike eaa- Presbyterian Church Monday night, are: Adler's of Westfield. Austers, the very mal| mwfln u number of teachers included to this dMates, Clarence TraxeU, Jamea item, or Increases bainf considered, also in opposition, was also pre- Baron's Drug Store, Robert E. Brun- Jakasaa, l—\, Ciaracea, Clark sented. ner Inc., Castle Bootery, Central because of the contract talks now to Leslie, Dr. James CarreU aad progress. Harrison T. Watson Jr. of 702 Jersey Bank It Trust, Clara Louise Osuglas Campbell. East Broad St., a spokesman for the Shop, Corset Shop, Dresden Cur- Mrs. Betty Louise Olive of the education? For" ^^12^1 ^ werHasf'vear^ "^ "^ " , the. increased' need for teachers newly formed Ad Hoc Citizens Com- tains. Elm Radio k TV Inc., Ep-YWCA national staff will address „,„, been a teacher and adminis- ^,* IM^M! L ».» ™» »„.. at the high school "is almost totatty mittee Against the Widening of stein's Bootery, Felice, Geiger Cider members and guests at the West- trator at the junior high, high school My interest is not new nor pass- the result of plena for double ses- Mill * Restaurant, Grill's Silk k field YWCA's 41st annual meeting and college level. Westfield should ing, since I was born and raised in sions and the additional now mini East Broad St, gave the council a Westfield, I have my business in Student Needs petition signed by 851 residents op- (Continued on page 4) on Friday, Feb. 4, at 12:45 p.m. have an educator on the Board of courses," Dr. Joseph E. Kssbkcner, JOHNFRAZEB Mrs. Olive, who has been a staff Education. Westfield, my children have attend- dissenting member of the board on posing this proposal. The mayor said > now attending WesUield the town was meeting Feb. 14 with consultant to the national board -a. which candidate will do the Demand Changes, the budget vote, aaid. "When these county officials on this question, Child Killed office of racial justice, is currently most to reach you and bring your experimental programs were con- Two residents asked the Council John Frazee, assigned to program development ideas to bear on the educational sidered by thus board of education, and public policy. She will speak problems of our town? During the Westfield, Campbell Says I questioned the estimated coat and for action on Senior Citizen hous- and fc ing, saying that is needed now. On Central Ave. on the YWCA imperative to elimi- past weeks I have set up a special impact on the system, but did not Oldest Native, nate racism, and give local mem- telephone line and have encouraged want nothing but the best "Certainly we are not going to .. We ar« now 'Mayor Snyder said that a commit- (Continued on page 2) solve today's educational problem* tee of the council had an appoint- Memorial services were held yes- bers an idea of what other Y's are, ^jters to call me at home. I have doing, and what steps have been jjpoken to many organizations and by taking a fixed position that what ment with officials in Trenton to- Dead at 98 terday for Sharon Freeswick, 2- II' 1~< - a was-dpne years ago is' good enough morrow to discuss the matter and year-old daughter of iMr. and Mrs.taken by, the national Y. Jhave responded candidly to your that he was .looking forward to John H. Frazee. WesUields old Thomas Freeswicfc of Ramsey, who (Continued on page 3) • Sue»tlona and to the editors at the n *,and prompt action. Tliirty senior dti- est native, dted Tuesday at the age died Saturday, in Rahway Hospital ,.^Hi'» Bye," Numerous groupa have Lfslie Concerned ^^^^*<i?*« - zens were in the audience. of » in Ashbrook Nursing Home following a three-car accident at •^informed me that 1 could not,ad- With Children candidate for the Feb. I Board of ^4Xhe«^t«aidenU aaked;,«*.. «Hw-^wh«c-ha^»ia».t«*i«i Monday from Central Av». and Sycamore at*,,, Winds Cause dress them because my opponents, Education election on ballot poettion had refused equal time at their meet- humtefj; "The need, and abilities cil for solutions to the traffic prob- the farnljy homestead at 1922 Cen- The aceddent occurred shortly be- to Windows, Trees Clark Leslie, Joint Civic Commit- *chool are changing and a higher tended _J_._____^ KrT,_ by lem on Central Ave., pointing oat trai Ave. fore noon when the child, grand- cares tee candidate for the Board of Edu- level of performance can be achieved 1» board «t the M|h act** the lack of sidewalks in parts of Born in Westfield. he had lived daughter of Mrs. Carolyn G. Merritt High winds here Tuesday after- on page : cation warned today that "our chil- by modifying curriculum and pro-wouk) add one more porM to the the area and the danger to school here all his Me. of 1M1 Orandviow Ave., was a pas- noon shattered at least four plate dren are becoming the forgotten cedures to take account of these de- school day to permit an addsnonl children. ' He was the ton of the late David sen8er in ner P81*"1*'* car- glass windows in the business dis- element in the current campaign." velopmentj." 13'4 percent usage of achool space. The council approved on ordi- t). and EliMbeth M. Frazee end Her mother, Mrs. Carol Frees- triet. A number of trees also were Whie faculty and students Regionalization, •"' % !fth the. he1- t"*™* Mr Cam»**u continued, "I have itance regulating industrial waste cjghth descender* of Joseph wick, is reported in critical condi- felled, including <a large one on Elm stil lattend schod for the on final reading, approved a var- an<| jiary Frazee. Joseph, who was tion at Overlook Hospital. Mr. St. and another on Ferris Fl. sion of budgets, regionalization, ra- ,ound studentg have number' of hours as they do now, Local Control the board feels tho (Continued on page 4) born in 1640 and died: in 1713, was Freeswiek was reported in satisfac- Numerous residents reported dam- cial balance the role of the JCC mature and j^ (Continued on page 2) tory condition.
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