RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME fcXVIL, NO. 15. RED BA^K, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1944. SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 14 PFC. Palendrano Hospitals Ask Elect Students To Be Heard Tonight Church Society Has Awarded Badge Council ConsiUers • Red Cross For To Council At Over Station WCAP Mr. and Mrs. Albert Palendrano i Gardiner S. Haring of Deal, for- of Willow street have received i merly of Lincroft, will discuss the Fourth Anniversary word that their son, PFC James Nurse's Aides Red Bank High proposed new constitution for New Nets? Dog/ Ordinance Palendrano haai been awarded the I Jersey tonight at 9 o'clock over combat Infantryman's badge. He j WCAP, Asbury Park, on your dial! Is stationed on Guam. Women Needed For Group to Compile Methodist Women Held at 1310, Wallace Street Parking Day Duty; Night Class School Handbook Birthday Party Monday To Finish Training —Pazicky, Adviser Measure Finally Adopted •- More than 50 persona attended The 17th nurses' aides The student council of Red Bank J The borough council, at a nject- ( the fourth anniversary meeting of being trained by the county Red • ing Monday night, passed on first 1 Red Cross Branch high school began its second year the Woman * Society of Christian Cross chapter at Fitkin hospital under the advisorship of William I reading an ordinance providing Was In Hospital Service of the Methodist church will complete their training next Pazicky last week by holding a pre-: penalties for persons who permit Monday night in Fellowship hall. Plans Program month and will then he ready to dogs to become nuisances by crin- election open forum to discuss stu-| : Mrs. Howard S. Higginson, presi do night duty at both Fitkin and dent and school problems as they tinually barking and howling or by Captured By Our o dent of the society aince its forma' Group to Make, Fill Monmouth Memorial hospitals. affected individual pupils. The: : damaging property. The penalty is tion, received a corsage. Classes are held two nights a week group was dismissed by Mr. • a line of $50, upon conviction in po- ; Boys From Nazis Mra. Frank Kuhl, program 258 Army Kit Bagc in the classroom of Fitkin hospital Pazicky with a word of caujtion as ; lice court, or a jail sentence of Io chairman, gave a resume of the school of nursing, with Mrs. Gladys to whom they should select for stu- day, oi both. group's activities. The society was Routine reports were given at a W. Sickles, R. N., American Red dent council and what the student i j The ordinance will come before Cpl. Cottrell Wounded, originally the Ladles' Aid society Cross nurse, nurse-instructor for meeting of the executive board of council meant to Red Bank. ! the council at its next meeting Oo- of the church, and at the sugges- aides, In charge. the Red Bank branch of the coun- The elections were held last I Jtober 17 for second and third read- Writes Father Some tion of national church..officials, ty Red Cross chapter last week atj Mrs."john J. Scully, a vice chair- 1 ings, at which tirne a public hear- all societies were combined as one Thursday in the homerooms. The the branch rooms in the Kridel • man of the nurses' aide corps, said following memberg °f 'he student ing will be held. J. George Goodall Of His Experience* . to be known as the Women's So- of Elm place, leader of a group of building on Broad street. Tentative j yesterday "When this class of 19 body were elected to the governing ciety of Christian Service. A pro- residents of his section who have plans for the fall and winter pro- j aides finish their training- we will I body of the school: room 1 Maf- Cpl. Robert Maynard Cottrejl, gram of music was given by Rich- grams were outlined by the auxil- '"'sought such a measure, took oc- ard Warner, tenor, and Miss LI I 'have approximately 150 active ] jorie ' Recinelli; room 2, Craig paratrooper, who was wounded iary chairmen and Mrs. Ralph 0. aides, but that does not begin to casion, when the meeting was lian Terhune, pianist. Lewis; room 3, Robert Richael; thrown open to the public by May- June 8 In the invasion of France, Willguss, branch chairman. fill the need and demand for more room 4, Ann Bruno; room 5, Donald has written a letter to his father, A quiz program was conducted Mrs. Addfson J. Howland report- aides. Hospital directors are con- or Charles R. English, to thank the by Miss Grace Allen. Members of Patterson; room 6, Barbara Strano: body for its action. The vote was William R. Cottrell of Fourth ed that many kit bags have been stantly asking for more, especially room A, Wallace McGregor; room street, Highlands, telling of being the winning team were Mrs. Hig-completed for the armed forces. PFC. JAMES PALENDRANO women to work during the day. We unanimous. ginson, Mrs. Albert F. Linden- B, Leonard Porcelli; room C, shot through the chest, taken pris- The board voted to make and fill are starting a new day class Oc- Martha Wilson; room D, Elizabeth GARDINER S. HARING The council adapted on final oner by the Nazis and how a few struth', Mrs. Harold H. Coddlngton 258 more Army'kit bags. The bags PFC. Palendrano Is a member of tober 17, and we need applicants/' reading an ordinance to restrict and Mrs. George T. Lbvett. The Hardwick; room 20, Richard days later thej Ninth Division boy» will be filled with small toilet ar- the 77th division. In letters home Mr. Haring, who is the Demo- parking to one side of Wallace losing team was composed of Mre. Scully further explained Brown; room 21, William White; captured the hospital where he was ticles, reading material, pocket he writes: "The only trouble in that requirements for nurses' aides atic candidate for State Senator, street for a distance of 275 feet Mrs. Roger Squire, Mrs. Allan Car room 22, Jane Senion; room 23, Con-j is' located at the time. "I want on#. games and other items, at a cost fighting with Japs Is that they are that they be between the ages a EtUdent f COlonlal and staK Uom Broad 8treet This mea3u more crack at those yellow dogi men, Mrs. William Macdonald and of 75 cents per bag. never know when they are licked." eta Fioretti room32 Ann Well' " ° ' «' Miss Flora Wlllguss, of 18 and W, have a high school ner- room 30 Glorta Valet"" Z'1"^" °f Ncw JerSey and is We" introduced by Councilman Thomas just to even up the score," wrote Mlsg Flora Wlllguss, chairman of Mr. and Mrs. Palendrano have a education or its equivalent, and be d Ve a n M G W a d9eCOnde d CoUnc Mrs. Kelby Warden was chair by I the Highlands boy. ' the mending program for service second son in the service, Pvt. An-physically ilt. Arrangements are 33 Ralph Ma rall3!ir* t°. *l ^"^ ° **, ' T " * "- man of the refreshment committee man Kenneth M. Wyckoff, was also men at Fort Monmouth and the | thony Palendrano, who Is stationed made so that aides will receive euf- and hostess". Mrs. Lovett led de- passed by unanimous vote. group stationed at Eatontown' at Camp Shelby, Mississippi. flclent gas coupons' to attend the At the open forum Mr. Pazicky j votions, and Mrs. Macdonald, hymn Councilman Gopsill, chairman of classes, when there is no other brought forth some of the council singing. woods, announced that ber 12 No Opposition the river, docks and parks commit- means of transportation. The plans for the coming school year. Under the direction of Mrs. Fred workers have given more than 177 | tee, to which was referred by May- course consists of 80 hours of spe- The first project will be the com- Boyd, the ways and means depart- hours of volunteer service from Au- i or English the matter of postwar Roll Call Tuesday cialized training, lectures and su-piling of a student handbook for the ment earned $54 last month. Mrs. gust 20 to September 20. This] To Weinstein improvement of the Marine park pervised work In hospital wards, A high school. In this book will he Harold S. Baynton reported seven group, known as the "button bri- • and newly-acquired riverfront prop- nurses' aide makes a pledge to give statements of administrators, the kits had been filled with food for gade," also does considerable mend- At Sea Bright erty, reported that a committee of 150 hours of volunteer service history of Rea Bank, the faculty Liquor License Russian War Relief. Ing for Army hospitals in this area, representative citizens of the bor- too. year to a civilian hospital. and their schedules, syllabi of ough had accompanied him on an The society was invited to at- Rev. R. J. Squire, Dr. courses, study hints, schedule in- tend a meeting and minstrel show Branch surgical dressing workers Mrs. Lorraine R. Metzger, assist- Council Expected inspection trip last Saturday after- are completing an average of 70,- ing director of nursing at Fitkin formation for college students, noon. In the group were James to be given by the Married DeMaris Speakers rules and regulations, extra cur- Couplet' Bible class Friday, Octo- 000 dressings per month, according Memorial hospital school of nurs- To Restrict Number Humphreys, representing the Lions to the report given by Miss Julia ing, la nurse counselor for the pres- ricular activities, songs and cheers, club; J. Allen Mohn, Rotary club; ber 20, at > p. m., in Fellowship The annual roll call of the Sea McCauley, chairman of surgical ent class at Fitkin, and MM.
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