SCIENTIFIC ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS, AND SYMBOLS This table lists some abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols References encountered in the physical sciences. Most entries in italic type are symbols for physical quantities; for more details on these, see 1. Quantities, Units, and Symbols in Physical Chemistry, Third Edition, the table “Symbols and Terminology for Physical and Chemical IUPAC 2007, RSC Publishing, 2007. Quantities” in this section. Additional information on units may be 2. Kotyk, A., Quantities, Symbols, Units, and Abbreviations in the Life found in the table “International System of Units (SI)” in Section 1. Sciences, Humana Press, Totawa, NJ, 1999. 3. Rhodes, P. H., The Organic Chemist’s Desk Reference, Chapman & Many of the terms to which these abbreviations refer are included Hall, London, 1995. in the tables “Definitions of Scientific Terms” in Section 2 and 4. Minkin, V., Glossary of Terms used in Theoretical Organic Chemistry, “Techniques for Materials Characterization” in Section 12. Useful Pure Appl. Chem. 71, 1919–1981, 1999. references for further information are given below. 5. Brown, R. D., Ed., Acronyms Used in Theoretical Chemistry, Pure Publication practices vary with regard to the use of capital or low- Appl. Chem. 68, 387–456, 1996. er case letters for many abbreviations. An effort has been made to 6. Quantities and Units, ISO Standards Handbook, Third Edition, follow the most common practices in this table, but much variation International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, 1993. is found in the literature. Likewise, policies on the use of periods in 7. Cohen, E. R., and Giacomo, P., Symbols, Units, Nomenclature, and an abbreviation vary considerably. Periods are generally omitted in Fundamental Constants in Physics, Physica 146A, 1–68, 1987. 8. Chemical Acronyms Database, Indiana University, <www.oscar.chem. this table unless they are necessary for clarity. Periods should never indiana.edu/cfdocs/ libchem/acronyms/ acronymsearch.html>. appear in SI units. The SI prefixes (m, k, M, etc.) are included here, 9. Acronyms and Symbols, <www3.interscience.wiley.com/stasa/>. but they should never be used alone. Selected combinations of these 10. IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology (Gold Book), <gold- prefixes with SI units (e.g., mg, kV, MW) are also included. book.iupac.org>. Abbreviations are listed in alphabetical order without regard to 11. IUPAC-IUB Joint Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature, Pure & case. Entries beginning with Greek letters fall at the end of the table. Appl. Chem. 56, 595, 1984. A ampere; alanine; adenine (in genetic code) Ado adenosine Å ångström ADP adenosine diphosphate; ammonium dihydrogen A absorbance; area; Helmholtz energy; mass number phosphate ads adsorption A Hall coefficient H AE appearance energy A atomic weight (relative atomic mass) r ae eon (109 years) a atto (SI prefix for 10–18) AEP 1-(2-aminoethyl)piperazine a absorption coefficient; acceleration; activity; van der Waals constant AEPD 2-amino-2-ethyl-1,3-propanediol a0 Bohr radius AES atomic emission spectroscopy; Auger electron AAA acetoacetanilide spectroscopy AF audio frequency Aad 2-aminoadipic acid AFM atomic force microscopy AAF 2-(acetylamino)fluorene Ahx 2-aminohexanoic acid AAN aminoacetonitrile AI artificial intelligence AAO acetaldehyde oxime AIBN 2,2’-azobis[isobutyronitrile] AAS atomic absorption spectroscopy AICA 5-amino-1H-imidazole-4-carboxamide ABA abscisic acid; acrylonitrile-butadiene acrylate AIM atoms in molecules (method) Abe abequose AIP aluminum isopropoxide ABL B-acetylbutyrolactone Al Alfén number ABS acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymer Ala alanine abs absolute alc alcohol Abu 2-aminobutanoic acid ALE atomic layer epitaxy Ac acetyl; acetate aliph. aliphatic ac, AC alternating current alk. alkaline ACAC acetylacetone All allose Aces 2-[(2-amino-2-oxoethyl)amino]ethanesulfonic acid Alt altrose ACS acrylonitrile-chlorinated polyethylene-styrene copolymer AM amplitude modulation ACT activated complex theory Am amyl ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone am amorphous solid A/D analog to digital AMA acrylate maleic anhydride terpolymer Ad adamantyl AMMA acrylate-methyl methacrylate copolymer Ada [(carbamoylmethyl)imino]diacetic acid AMP adenosine monophosphate Ade adenine AMPD 2-amino-2-methyl-1,3-propanediol ADI acceptable daily intake AMS accelerator mass spectrometry 2-29 2-30 Scientific Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols AMTCS amyltrichlorosilane [trichloropentylsilane] BBP benzyl butyl phthalate amu atomic mass unit (recommended symbol is u) BCB bromocresol blue AN acetonitrile; acrylonitrile bcc body centered cubic anh, anhyd anhydrous BCF bioconcentration factor ANOVA analysis of variance BCG bromocresol green antilog antilogarithm BCME bis(chloromethyl) ether ANTU 1-naphthalenylthiourea BCNU N,N’-bis(2-chloroethyl)-N-nitrosourea AO atomic orbital BCP bromocresol purple AOM angular overlap model BCPB bromochlorophenol blue AP ethylene-propylene copolymer BCPE 1,1-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethanol APAD 3-acetylpyridine adenine dinucleotide BCS Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (theory) APAP acetyl p-amino phenol (acetaminophen) BDE bond dissociation energy Ape 2-aminopentanoic acid BDEA butyldiethanolamime API atmospheric pressure ionization BDMA benzyldimethylamine Api apiose Bé Baumé APM atomic probe microanalysis BEBO bond energy bond order (method) Apm 2-aminopimelic acid BEI biological exposure index APO amorphous polyolefin BEM biological effect monitoring APPI atmospheric pressure photoionization BEP 2-butyl-2-ethyl-1,3-propanediol APS appearance potential spectroscopy; adenosine Bes 2-[bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]ethanesulfonic acid phosphosulfate BET Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (isotherm) APW augmented plane wave BeV billion electronvolt aq aqueous BGE butyl glycidyl ether Ar aryl BHA tert-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole Ara arabinose BHC benzene hexachloride [hexachlorobenzene] Ara-ol arabinitol Bhn Brinell hardness number Arg arginine BHT butylated hydroxytoluene [2,6-di-tert-butyl-4- ARPES angular resolved photoelectron spectroscopy methylphenol] AS acrylonitrile styrene copolymer Bi biot ASA acetylsalicylic acid; acrylonitrile-styrene-acrylonitrile Bicine N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)glycine block copolymer BIRD blackbody infrared radiative dissociation ASC 4-(acetylamino)benzenesulfonyl chloride Bistris 2-[bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-2-(hydroxymethyl) ASCII American National Standard Code for Information propane-1,3-diol Interchange Bistris- 1,3-bis[tris(hydroxymethyl)methylamino]propane ASE aromatic stabilization model propane Asn asparagine BLO H-butyrolactone Asp aspartic acid BN bond number; benzonitrile at atomization BNS nuclear backscattering spectroscopy ATCP 4-amino-3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinecarboxlic acid BO Born-Oppenheimer (approximation); bond order ATEE N-acetyl-L-tyrosine ethyl ester BOD biochemical oxygen demand ATLC adsorption thin layer chromatography BON C-hydroxynaphthoic acid atm standard atmosphere BP base peak (in mass spectrometry); benzo[a]pyrene ATP adenosine triphosphate bp boiling point; base pair ATR attenuated total internal reflection BPB bromophenol blue at.wt. atomic weight BPG 2,3-bis(phospho)-D-glycerate AU astronomical unit (ua is also used); polyurethane BPL C-propiolactone AUC area under the time-concentration curve BPO benzoyl peroxide av average bpy 2,2’-bipyridine avdp avoirdupois Bq becquerel B bel; asparagine or aspartic acid (unspecified) Br butyryl B magnetic flux density; second virial coefficient; BRE bond resonance energy susceptance BrUrd 5-bromouridine b barn BS Birge-Sponer extrapolation b van der Waals constant; molality BSE back scattered electron(s) BA benzyladenine BSSE basis set superposition error BAL British anti-Lewisite [2,3-dimercapto-1-propanol] BTMSA 1,2-bis(trimethylsilyl)acetylene BAP, BaP benzo[a]pyrene Btu British thermal unit bar bar (pressure unit) BTX benzene, toluene, and xylene bbl barrel Scientific Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols 2-31 Bu butyl CIDNP chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization bu bushel CIE countercurrent immunoelectrophoresis BVE butyl vinyl ether cir circular Bz benzoyl CKFF Cotton-Kraihanzel force field Bzl benzyl CL cathode luminescence (spectroscopy) C coulomb; cysteine; cytosine (in genetic code) CLT central limit theorem °C degree Celsius cm centimeter C capacitance; heat capacity; number concentration c.m. center of mass c centi (SI prefix for 10–2); combustion reaction CMC carboxymethylcellulose c amount concentration; specific heat; velocity c.m.c. critical micelle concentration c0 speed of light in vacuum CMO canonical molecular orbital CA collisional activation; cellulose acetate CMP cytidine 5’-monophosphate; chemical measurement ca. approximately process CN coordination number; cellulose nitrate CAB cellulose acetate butyrate CNDO complete neglect of differential overlap CADD computer-assisted drug design Co Cowling number cal calorie COC cycloolefin copolymer calc calculated COD chemical oxygen demand; 1,4-cyclooctadiene cAMP adenosine cyclic 3’,5’-(hydrogen phosphate) conc concentrated; concentration CAN ceric ammonium nitrate const constant CAR carbon fiber COOP crystal orbital overlap population CARS coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy cos cosine CAS complete active space cosh hyperbolic cosine CASRN Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number COSY correlation spectroscopy CAT computerized axial tomography; clear air turbulence COT 1,3,5,7-cyclooctatetraene CBE chemical beam epitaxy cot cotangent CBS complete basis set (of orbitals) coth hyperbolic cotangent CC coupled
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