North Lanarkshire Council DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT Planning Applications for consideration of Planning and Environment Committee Committee Date : 11 September, 2002 AGEMDA ITEM NO. .......................3 Ordnance Survey maps reproduced from Ordnance Survey with permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved 9 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE 11 SEPTEMBER 2002 Page No. Application No. Applicant DevelopmentlLocus Recommendation 14 NI02100301IFUL Kevin & Carol Melia Change Of Use of Class 5 and Refuse Agricultural Land to Form Equestrian Centre, (Incl. Stables, Office, Store and Temp. Caravan). Site to the North of Greenside Farm Waterhead Road Palacerigg, Cumbernauld 19 N/02100584/FUL Hutchison 3G Erection of a 25 Metre High Grant Telecommunications Monopole and Associated Equipment Site to the South East of 6 Deerdykes Road Westfield, Cumbernauld 22 N/02/00659/F UL Orange Personal Erection of an 11.8 Metre High Refuse Communications Communications Post and Ancillary Services Limited Equipment Site to the North of 10 Ben Lawers Drive, Balloch, Cumbernauld 30 Nl021006741FUL David Kerr Construction of Garage with Two Upper Grant Floor Rooms Helenslea Castlecary Road Castlecary, Cumbernauld 35 N/02/00675/F U L Mrs Helen Sutherland Change of Use of Yard to Vehicle Sales Grant (In Retrospect) 12 Old Gartloch Road Gartcosh 42 N102100684lFUL Rock Res Limited Residential Development (62 Units) Grant (P) Lochend Road Gartcosh 51 N102100753lFUL Orange Personal Erection of a 15 Metre High Grant Communications Telecommunications Post and Services Ltd Associated Equipment Site to the North West of Balloch Road Balloch. Cumbernauld 56 N/02/00902/FUL Church Of Scotland Extension to Church Hall Grant Chryston Church Of Scotland Blackwoods Crescent Moodiesburn 59 N102/01048/AMD J B Bennett (Contracts) Construction of a Dwellinghouse Grant Ltd Plot 51, Barr Farm Manse Road, Kilsyth 64 N102101051IFUL J B Bennett (Contracts) Formation of a Landscaped Feature Grant Ltd Site Adjacent to Manse Road I South Barrwood Road Kilsyth 69 C102/00241IADV Woolworths Plc Erection of Internally Illuminated Pole Refuse Sign and Fascia Signs (in retrospect)- Town Park South Circular Road Coatbridge 73 CIO2/00277/FUL Mr & Mrs M Fadzean Erection of Double Garage and Grant Conservatory - 4 Woodend Drive Airdrie 10 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE 11 SEPTEMBER 2002 Page No. Application No. Applicant DevelopmentlLocus Recommendation 77 C/O2/00518/ADV Auto Masters Erection of Directional Advert Refuse Land West Of Entrance To Flowerhill Industrial Estate Flowerhill Street Airdrie 80 C/02/00727/FUL Persimmon Partnerships Erection of 85 Dwellinghouses Grant (Scotland) Ltd Land South of 24-30 And 15-101 Ailsa Road Coatbridge 87 C/O2100761/FUL Mrs Patricia Robertson Siting of Snack Bar Former Filling Grant Station West of Springfield Road Edinburgh Road Newhouse 93 C/02/00771/OUT Mrs Marion Wall Erection of Dwelling (In Outline) Refuse (P) Blackton House Greengairs Airdrie 98 C102/00806lREM James Hamilton Erection of Stables and Siting of Grant Temporary Residential Accommodation Land at Gimmerscroft Moffat Mills Roughrigg Road Airdrie 102 C/02100822/OUT Robert Speirs Erection of 6 Flatted Dwellinghouses (In Grant Outline) -14 Lauchope Street Chapelhall 106 C/02100824/OUT Mrs C McAllister Erection of Dwellinghouse (In Outline) Refuse (P) Site South of Ramoan House West of 37-39 Whitelaw Avenue Glenboig Coatbridge 111 C/02/0083O/FUL RAL Limited Change of Use of Vacant Shop Unit to Refuse Mixed Use Comprising 760 sqft of Class 1 Use 780 sqft Gaming Centre and 940 sqft Ancillary Staff Facilities and Storage - 103 Main Street Coatbridge 118 Cl02/00847/OUT J. Duffy Residential Development (In Outline) Refuse (P) Land South of Deanstone Place Ca rnbroe 125 C102/00851IFUL Mr M Rea Change of Use of Class 1 Shop to Hot Refuse Food Cafeteria and Take-Away at 81 Main Street Coatbridge 128 C/02100875/FUL Hutchinson 3G UK Erection of 15m High Grant Telecommunications Mast and associated Cabinet and Compound at Land South East of Whitehill Farm Gartcosh 131 Cl02/008791ADV Score Outdoor (Scotland) Erection of 2 x 48 Sheet Externally Refuse Ltd Illuminated Advertising Hoardings at Land North West Of 234 Glenmavis Road Airdrie 134 C/02/00928/FUL Mavisbank Properties Ltd Conversion of Domestic GaragelStore Refuse to Dwellinghouse (Part Retrospective) at 2 Alexander Street Airdrie 11 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE 11 SEPTEMBER 2002 Page No. Application No. Applicant DevelopmentlLocus Recommendation 140 C102/00996/FU L 02 (UK) Ltd. Erection of 15M High Grant Telecommunications Tower and Associated Cabinet and Compound - 7 Hollandhurst Road Coatbridge 143 C1021009981FU L Sinclair Upton Siting of Mobile Snack Van Car Park - Grant Faraday Retail Park Coatbridge 146 C/02101088/ADV The Sofa Warehouse Erection of Advertising Hoarding - Refusal (Scotland) Ltd 260 Main Street Coatbridge 149 C102/01092/NID North Lanarkshire Construction of Concrete Recreational Grant (P) Council Skate Park, Multi Sport Court and Associated Boundary Fence, Floodlights and Parking Area - Airdrie Leisure Centre Motherwell Street Airdrie 156 S102/00078/FUL Eastlake Developments Proposed Access Road Grant Access Road south of 2 Carfin Industrial Estate, Buchan Road, Carfin, Motherwell 163 S/02/00438/0 UT Kevin Ritchie Erection of 2 Nos. 2 Storey Gr,ant Dwellinghouses with Integral Garages (In Outline) Land west of Junction with Carfin Road, Glenmore Road, Motherwell 169 S/02/00534/FU L Marjory Kennedy Upfilling of Land from Pond Material (in Grant retrospect) - Greenhill Farm, Greenhill Road, Cleland 174 S/02100574/AMD Taylor Homes (Scotland) Erection of 10 Dwellinghouses and Refuse Ltd. Formation of Access Road (Amendment to Planning Permission SI01/014341FUL) Land South of 225 Shottskirk Road, Shotts 179 S102/006201FUL Taylor Homes (Scotland) Erection of Dwellinghouse, Garage and Grant Ltd. Access Road Southernmost Part of Land South of 225 Shottskirk Road, Quarry Road, Shotts 185 S102/0062910UT A & A Neil Architects Erection of LoungelRestaurant and Grant Discotheque (In Outline) Land to west of 117 Station Road, Shotts 192 S/02/0064410UT Colin And Rosaleen Erection of Dwellinghouse (in outline) Grant Jenkins Land North Of 77-89 Main Street Shotts 196 S1021008261FUL Mr H Hussain The Demolition of Existing Shop Unit & Grant Construction of Larger Replacement 72 Carfin Road, Motherwell 199 S/02/00835/OUT Mr Wm McCluskey Erection of 1 No. Dwelling (in outline) Grant 236 Jerviston Street. New Stevenston 12 APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE II SEPTEMBER 2002 Page No. Application No. Applicant DevelopmentlLocus Recommendation S/O2/00903/0 UT James Edwards Erection of One Dwellinghouse (in Grant outline) Land East of 100 Bellshill Road, Uddingston S/02/00908/FUL Stephen Frame Siting of Mobile Snack Bar in Car Park Refuse Snack Bar at CPA, Calderhead Road, Shotts S/02/0091OIFUL Sarah Nisbet Erection of Mobile Snack Bar in Car Grant Park Snack Bar at Coltness Industrial Park Main Street. Newmains S/02/01033/FUL Mr M Cathcart House Extension Grant 72 Beechwood Gardens Bellshill S/02/01063/AMD Mr Brian McFarlane Erection of Upper Balcony to Rear Grant Elevation, Including Screen to South Facing Elevation 86 Biggar Road, Cleland S/O2/01069lFUL Terex UK Ltd Recladding of Buildings Grant Terex, Kirk Road, Newhouse, Motherwell S/02/00678/FUL D Lees & C McAlister New Semi-Detached House Block Refuse Land West of 4 Springhill View, Shotts N/02/00684/FUL If approved, S75 Agreement to be concluded C/02/00771/OUT If approved refer to Scottish Ministers: Contrary to Policy C/02/00824/OUT If approved refer to Scottish Ministers: Contrary to Policy C102/0084710UT If approved refer to Scottish Ministers: Contrary to Policy C/02/010921NID If approved refer to Scottish Ministers: Objections received 13 Application No: N/02/00301/FUL Date Registered: 15th March 2002 Applicant: Kevin & Carol Melia 25 Blairdennon Avenue Mood ies bu rn Agent G M Robb 9 Newlyn Drive Melrose Development: Change of Use of Class 5 (Industrial) and Agricultural Land to form an Equestrian Centre, (Including Stables, Office, Store) and the siting of a Residential Caravan on a temporary basis. Location: Greenside Farm, Waterhead Road, Palacerigg, Cumbernauld Ward: 60: Carbrain East Grid Reference: 276684673461 File Reference: N/02/00301/FUL Site History: N/00/00456/0UT -Construction of 5 Dwellinghouses. Refused 6 March 2001 by the Scottish Ministers. N/00/01548/FUL - Erection of a 15m. high telecommunications mast, equipment cabin and compound. Granted 31 December 2001 N/01/01048/FUL - Conversion of barn to form domestic garage Granted 3 October 2001 N/01/01012/FUL - Renovation of derelict farmhouse and barn to form dwelling & stables. Granted 10 October 2001 N/01/01081/FUL - Change of use from agricultural land to caravan storage. Granted 5 November 2001 N/01/01156/FUL - Erection of a 15m. high telecommunications tree mast. Granted 14 November 2001 Development Plan: The property is covered by open space policies in the Cumbernauld Local Plan. Contrary to Development Plan: No, but requires justification for the residential accommodation. Consultations: NLC Community Services (Comments) Scottish Natural Heritage (Corn ments) Scottish Water (No Objections) British Gas Transco (Com ments) Scottish Power (Objections) The Coal Authority (No Objections) NLC Finance (Objections) Representations: None Received Newspaper Advertisement: Not Required 14 \ - -T?-----=i \\ /I // produced by
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