Thursday, March 8, 2012 WWW.APALACHTIMES.COM VOL. 126 ISSUE 45 50¢ xxxxxOut to see Camp Gordon Johnston Days this Voters back school tax levy weekend This weekend, March 8 - 10, celebrate Carrabelle By David Adlerstein half-mil from capital outlay monies to history by attending Camp Times City Editor operating revenue, which the school Gordon Johnston Days. On district fi rst did in fall 2008 after the Friday evening, March 9, Franklin County voters reassured half-mil referendum was passed by American Legion Post 82, in the school district Tuesday they had voters in the spring, also at a special Lanark Village hosts a free its back, approving by a 54 to 46 per- election. seafood buffet. Active duty cent margin a four-year extension of This time, though, the margin was troops are welcome to at- the half-mil operating revenue levy. closer than the nearly 64 percent ap- tend. Live music provided. With 829 votes in favor, and 703 proval the levy secured four years On March 10, the parade against, the levy was given the ago. will start at 10:45 a.m. on US thumbs up by voters in Apalachico- “It (the margin) is not what I had Highway 98, featuring vin- la, Carrabelle and Eastpoint, while hoped for but it’s a win so I’ll take it. tage World War WII vehicles, those places where retirees are more See VOTERS A8 marching bands, and more, numerous — Alligator Point, Lanark with a free lunch afterwards Village and St. George Island — each said no. Superintendent Nina Marks gives at the fi re house. That eve- a thumbs-up after learning of the ning there will be a dinner The levy’s victory at the special and dance at the municipal election means the school district levy’s passage at the Supervisor complex auditorium. Public will extend until June 30, 2016 a levy of Elections offi ce Tuesday welcome at all events. fi rst approved by citizens in spring evening. 2008. The levy continues the shift of a DAVID ADLERSTEIN | The Times The Germans are coming On Friday March 9, a con- tingent of German World War II SS Grenadiers will bivouac at the old high school foot- ball fi eld at the Carrabelle Home grown hot stuff Municipal Complex, part of a historic re-enactment group out of Quincy. On Sat- urday at 2 p.m. March 10 the Apalachicola fi refi ghters’ chili wins cook-off contingent will demonstrate German infantry tactics on By David Adlerstein team in at least the past de- the old Gulf State Communi- Times Staff Writers cade, and quite possibly in all The Apalachicola Volunteer Fire ty Bank property. There will 30 years of the event, to win Department, from left, Ashley Teat, be live fi re demonstrations, The Apalachicola Volun- top prize at the annual St. Craig Gibson, Mark Van Amberg, with blanks, using weapons teer Fire Department made George Island Regional Char- Fonda Davis, Jr., and Charma carried by German World their hometown proud ity Chili Cook-off and Auction. Buchhalter celebrate their win. War II soldiers. No charge Saturday as “Love” was the secret in- to attendees but please fol- they became gredient, according to Ashley low the safe distance areas the fi rst Teat, who joined with fellow marked by re-enactors. local fi refi ghters Mark Van Am- berg, Charma Buchhalter, Full moon tours at Fonda Davis, Jr., Mike Cates, Scott Harper and Anthony Crooked River Light On Friday March 9, See HOT STUFF A7 from 7-9 p.m. come to the Crooked River Light House Park for Full Moon Tower Tours. Climb tickets will be $10, which includes bever- age and a pastry. Moonlight maritime movies will also be included, so please bring a chair. For more info contact Crooked River Lighthouse Association at crookedriver- lighthouse.org. What’s at the Dixie? On Friday, March 9 watch the Maharajah Flamenco Trio perform moving and dy- namic “Flamenco Neuvo.” On Saturday, March 10, The Sarah Mac Band returns for their third season with their Photos by DAVID ADLERSTEIN | The Times joyous blend of blues, rock, jazz and soul. Both shows Winning for the second year in a row in the start at 8 p.m. and admission crock pot competition were, from left, Ryan is $20. For more info, call Katie McFarland prepares to judge a Austin, Scott Abercrombie and J.G. Carver, with 653-3200. bowl of chili. Team Spice Boys out of Hoover, Ala. xxxxx Index Opinion . .A4 Society . A10 Renovation work riles courthouse ghost Faith . A11 Outdoors . A12 By Lois Swoboda late night hours to avoid disrupt- The light came back on. The Sports . A13 Times Staff Writer ing courthouse business. switch had been in the off posi- One of the men was on a lad- tion. Tide Chart . A12 In the course of their work, der in the veterans services of- He chided the men, but they Classifi eds . A14-A15 the construction crew renovat- fi ce, a second man was on scaf- insisted neither had been any- ing the courthouse has stirred folding in the probation offi ce. where near the switch when the xxxxxContact Us up some dust, and maybe some- The two men were removing a lights went out. thing else as well. portion of the wall and could see They went back to work and Phone: 850-653-8868 Two weeks ago, some strange each other through the hole they the foreman went out into the Web: apalachtimes.com stuff happened to a crew work- had created. hall. He hadn’t been outside long E-mail: dadlerstein@starfl .com ing late at night in the building. The foreman of the crew, a when he heard a shout from one Fax: 850-653-8036 A portion of $500,000 in fed- clean-cut 30-something, was of the workers, and came right Circulation: 800-345-8688 eral stimulus money is being outside, preparing to install a back. used to install solar panels and concrete pad for a new air con- The light in the probation of- improve energy effi ciency. This ditioner. fi ce had gone out again. Once means ceilings and portions of Suddenly, the light in the pro- again, the switch was back in the walls must be removed to install bation offi ce went out. The two off position. And the confused ductwork and rewire the build- workers thought they had cut DEADLINES FOR NEXT WEEK: ing. a wire or tripped a breaker and See RENOVATION A8 School News & Society: 11 a.m. Friday On Feb. 23, three construc- went to tell their supervisor. Real Estate Ads: 11 a.m. Thursday tion workers were busily em- He checked the breakers and The ghost in question Legal Ads: 11 a.m. Friday ployed on the ground fl oor of the found none had been tripped. He was seen standing in this Classifi ed Display Ads: 11 a.m. Friday courthouse between 11 p.m. and walked back into the probation doorway. Classifi ed Line Ads: 5 p.m. Monday midnight. The crews often work offi ce and fl ipped the switch. LOIS SWOBODA | The Times A2 | The Times Local Thursday, March 8, 2012 Private vessels patrolled for victory during the war By Lois Swoboda Times Staff Writer VIEW THE GOVERNOR STONE During the World War II, The Governor Stone will be in Carrabelle or most of the the upsurge of patriotism in month of March, anchored at the City Wharf. Volunteers the United States seemed will open her for viewing each weekend. unparalleled anywhere in the In April the vessel will be on display and sailing in history of the nation. Apalachicola. Plan to visit the Antique and Classic Boat Surveys conducted at the Show April 20-21, and then see the Governor Stone the time found that 70 percent of the next weekend in Carrabelle for the Riverfront Festival. population, including more than 60 percent of high school students, favored mandatory military service for young men. Thousands from Aug. 8, 1941, noted the younger, she served as a training did not wait to be drafted and Sinbad had a Lathrop marine vessel for the Merchant Marine volunteered to serve. engine capable of cruising at during the war. On the home front, those 18 mph as well as a radio and When the war broke out, the not eligible for service on the onboard telephone, making her schooner sailed daily at the Inn battlefi eld worked in other “ideal for the task at hand.” by the Sea, a luxury resort in Pass capacities. The Civil Air Patrol The Sinbad III, which was Christian, Miss., operating under enrolled civilian spotters to scan moored before the war in the the name “Queen of the Fleet.” the skies for enemy aircrafts, join channel off Ten Foot Hole, was Some historians suspect her search-and-rescue missions and moved to the Avenue F dock. R.H. owner, Isaac Rhea, mistook her transport fuel and other supplies. Porter became her chief engineer for another wreck located nearby In Apalachicola, Alexander and Angelo Taranto her fi rst cook. when he salvaged the schooner. Key, who volunteered for the Three regular Coast Guard sailors In 1942, the federal Navy, briefl y headed up a group came over from headquarters in government purchased the of watchers who staffed the tower New Orleans to act as her crew. vessel from him for $1 and she of the Coombs Armory 24-hours The Sinbad III patrolled the coast was put into service as a training a day; ladies during the daylight from St.
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