0 •>sj i CD I o o. 'sj (/) o 33 rr 3J o h ' i Sacrament To End Year of Faith THE m CD o X < < An archdioccsan class of 600 will re­ said the estimated size of the class was based ceive the sacrament of Confirmation in on inclusion o f all eligible unconfirmed per­ archdiocese, a sermon by Auxiliary "A primary goal of this Year of Faith Denver’s Auditorium arena June 2. Pen­ sons of high school age and older throughout Bishop James P. Shannon f>r St. Paul- is the restoration o f a sense of (iod in a tecost Sunday, as the final major observ­ the archdiocese. Minneapolis. and distribution of (’omniun- w'orld which seems headed to an affirma­ ance of the Year of Faith in the arch­ Each candidate for confirmation is to ion by 150 priests. tion of nothingness and despair,” the diocese, Archbishop James V. Casey an­ have an individual sponsor. Archbishop said in his June pastoral let­ nounced this week. Archbishop Casey said he hoped "large TH E Y E A R Ol* haith was prfH-laimed ter calling for participation of all Cathol­ Archbishop Casey asked the coopera­ delegations” from each parish would ac­ early last year by Po|>e Paul VI. and ics. tion of the priests in planning the event, company their parochial candidates to the opened on the day observed as the 1 • He pointed out the Pope’s apostolic let­ I to make it "truly significant for our ceremony. 900th anniversary of the martyrdom of ter proclaiming the Year of Faith was faith." The Confirmation class will end formal Sts. Peter and F’aul. "characterized by an entirely positive "Three visiting Bishops will join me in observance of the Year of Faith, which Archbishop Casey initially announced tone and by a sense o f serenity,” administering the Sacrament of Christian began lust June 29. in the archdiocese. plans for the ma.^s adult Confirmation The Archbishop’s pastoral also called Adulthood, and Bishop Hubert M. Newell Highlight of the year was the nationally ceremony in outlining plans for the whole for emphasis during the year on a "more o f Cheyenne will give the sermon," the publicized Year o f Faith Rally in Bears Year of Faith observance last June. In realistic practice o f our Christian faith Archbishop said. stadium lust Oct. 29. attended by more addition to the two large public observ­ which bids us to love our neighbor as THE CEREMONY is scheduled at than 30.000 despite bitter cold and snow, ances, the year is being marked bv regu­ ourselves, and to recognize that our 3: p.m. June 2 in the 7,000-seat arena at which featured concelebration of Mass by lar sermons and sch<M>l jjrograms on the neighbor is any human l>eing in need of 13th and Champa streets. The Archbishop Archbishop Casey and a dozen priests c f the mystery of the faith. our help.” New York Coalition Selection Of Laymen Organized ""More Than St. Louis — A coalition of more than a dozen major Catholic organizations and Favorable’ movements, called a "(>>mmitlee on C’ath- olic Concerns.” will meet in St, l/)uis New York — Reaction to Archbishop from April 25 to 27. The National (Con­ Terence Cooke’s appointment as Archbish­ ference of Catholic Bishops will be meet­ op of New York is "more than favorable," ing in the same city from April 23 In 25. say sources in the (iotham area. The initial conference of the coalition was supported by two dozen representa­ The new Ordinary was named to the tives o f national organizations who met New York see March 8. one week after here as a pro-tern steering committee. his 47th birthday. Archbishop Luigi Rai­ mondi, U.S. Apostolic Delegate, made the "We’re thinking of forming an or­ announcement slightly more than three ganization similar to th<‘ .American m<>nths after the death of the former Association of University I*rofcssors New York Ordinary. Cardinal Francis which has been so helpful here at St, Spellman. Louis University,” Thomas P. Neill, 53, DENVF ’ temporary chairman of the coalition, ARCHDIOC.. A N Archbishop Cooke, former Vicar told the "Register." Having the free­ EDI ’ CmA dom of not being part of the institu­ General and Auxiliary Bishop to Car­ Vol. LXII No. 32 dinal Spellman, is called by some tional structure of the Church, he said, the coalition members believe observers an "efficient, shrewd, and Thursday, March 14, 1968 good man who knows his new diocese they can feed helpful information to very well.” the Bishops about the trend of the laym en’s thoughts. The New York native took his major Neill, a professor of history, has been theological studies at St. Joseph's semi­ Archbishop nary. Dunwoodie. N.Y.. and was ordained Artists at Work at St. Louis U. for 25 years. Regarding to the priesthood by Cardinal Spellman the Bishops’ meeting, he stated: "We do Dec. 1. 194,5. After ordination, he studied Students from the art department at Machebcuf work on ceramics not want to intrude or be hostile to their at Catholic University of America in which will be displayed at the art show which will be part of Fine Arts conference in any way. We're looking for States Role a cross fertilization of ideas.” Washington and at the University of Chi­ week at Machebeuf during the week of March 24. Left to right are Anne The two-fold purpose of the April cago, where he earned his master’s de­ Scanlon, Kevin McCoy, and Elaine Herick. sessions, a spokesman said, will be gree in social work. Of the Press to present topic papers on some major New’ York’s 10th Ordinary is said not concerns o f the U.S. Catholic Church to be "in the mold of a ’political’ person, New Orleans. La. — A Catholic paper and to organize the committee as a today that arbitrarily publi.shes only but more essentially in the cast o f a good broadly representative cross-section of J e f fC O Court Offers "favorable” news has already lost its base parish priest." He is noted for his thor­ priests. Religious, and laity at all of credibility. Archbishop Philip M. Han­ oughness and his realistic and open ap­ levels in the church. proach to the areas of concern created by Among the organizations represented nan of New Orleans stated here. the Second Vatican Council. Way All Can Join at the steering committee meeting were Writing in his archdiocesan newspaper, During his 22 years as priest. Arch­ the National Catholic Conference for In­ the Clarion Herald of New Orleans, the bishop Cooke has seen service in the terracial Justice, the Liturgical Confer­ prelate pointed out it was not established archdiocese as assistant pastor, chaplain ence, the Catholic Peace Fellowship, the as the official newspaper of the see. "This at the children’s home. Catholic charities Fight Against Crime Christian Family Movement, the National fact grants the newspaper's staff freedom worker, procurator of a seminary, secre- Association for Pastoral Renewal, the In­ to make editorial decisions — and to de­ • tary to Cardinal Spellman. Vicar General stitute for Freedom in the Church, the fend these decisions as often as they may and Chancellor of the archdioefese. It is By Paul H. H allett fendant for a moment or two and simply National Association of Laymen, the Na­ Ik? challenged. tional Council of Catholic Nlen, the Cath­ his broad background of experience that A new way of meeting the problems of fine or jail.” “This open policy under which the olic Press As.^ociation, the Institute of sees him welcomed to the archdiocese’s crime and juvenile delinQuency, one Clarion operates has made it a respect­ THE IDEA of enlisting the aid of Judeo-Christian Studies, the Conference ed voice in the community.” he added. number one post as "a man who knows which will enlist the efforts o f all men of of Major Religious Superiors, and the his new diocese very well.” the Judaco-Christian tradition, is being volunteers as counselors to the youths The Archbishop recognized that his who become charges of the court was first Catholic Theological Society. In addition, diocesan press could not fulfill its role Consecrated Auxiliary Bishop in De­ tried by the Jefferson County court. Mrs. a number of persons attended as indi- cember of 1965, Archbishop Cooke is one Marie H. Thomson, the clerk o f the court, tried some time ago in the municipal "unless it reflects the events which shape court of Royal Oak, Mich. Under this vidual.s. man's religious life here and now. Not all of the nation’s youngest Ordinaries — a member of Christ the Kin g parish in The coalition idea was proposed by a plan, a hopefully correctible misdemean­ the.se happenings are pleasant to n*call. certainly of a major see. Traditionally, the Evergreen, is enthusiastic over the possi­ group of St. Louis people, who invited all ant is assigned to a layman volunteer — New York post carries with it the title and bilities of this program and the co-opera­ Catholic organizations and many scholars Some we might prefer to forget. Hut a one counselor to each misdemeanant. It tion shown it in less than a year. and experts in various fields to become Catholic newspaper today which arbitrari­ rank o f Cardinal. Four New York Archbish­ was learned that the association of two "The area of the misdemeanant has co-participants.
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