« TRANSACTIONS OF THK NORFOLK & NORWICH NATURALISTS’ SOCIETY. fVOLS. I. and II. abk Edited by T. SOUTHWELL, Hon. Sec.] — The Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society has for its objects : 1. The Practical study of Natural Science. 2. The protection, by its influence with landowners and others, of indigenous species requiring protection, and the circulation of information which may dispel prejudices leading to their destruction. 3. The discouragement of the practice of destroying the rarer species of birds that occasionally visit the County, and of exterminating rare plants in their native localities. 4. The record of facts and traditions connected with the habits, distribution, and former abundance or otherwise of animals and plants which have become extinct in the County; and the use of all legitimate means to prevent the extermination of existing species, more especially those known to be diminishing in numbers. 5. The publication of Papers on Natural History, contributed to the Society, especially such as relate to the County of Norfolk. 6. The facilitating a friendly intercourse between local Naturalists, by means of Meetings for the reading and discussion of papers and for the exhibition of specimens, supplemented by Field-meetings and Excursions, with a view to extend the study of Natural Science on a sound and systematic basis. TRANSACTIONS OF THK NORFOLK AND NORWICH NATURALISTS’ SOCIETY. VOL. II. 1874—75 to 1878 — 79 . $Iorhncb : PRINTED BY FLETCHER AND SON. CONTENTS ALPHABETICAL LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. Amyot T. E., 12 Babinciton C. C., M.A., F.R.S., 380 BARRETT CHARLES G., 51 Bayfield T. G., V.l\, 213 Bridgman J. B., V.P., 62, 111, 227, 275 Cordeaux J., 261, 555 Edwards J., 490 Geldart II. I)., V.P., 1, 71, 228, 229, 335 Glasspoole Hampden G., 25, 2(59 Gurney J. H., F.Z.S., 19, 223, 224, 488, 611 Gurney J. IT., Jun., F.Z.S., 225, 226, 187, 528, 611 IIaemer F. W., F.G.S., 355, 377, 501 Johnson IIandall, 279 Kimberley, The Earl of, V.P., 46 Kitton F., Y.P., Hon. F.R.M.S., 336, 429 Lowe J., M.D., 227, 613, 614, 615, 616 Lubbock Mrs. and Professor Newton, 3S8 Marsham Rev. II. P. and Professor Bell, 133 Newton Alfred, M.A., F.R.S., 251 Norgate Frank, 195, 458 PLowRionT Charles B., 130, 260, 335 Assistant Quinton John, Jun., Secretary, 56, 217, 325, 470, 602 SoUTnWELL Thomas, F.Z.S., Honorary Secretary, 31, 60, 61, 125, 222, 258, 333, 538, 611, 612 Stevenson Henry, F.L.S., V.P., 64, 206, 292, 306, 478, 591 Todd J. T., 488 Woodward II. B., F.G.S., 563, 612 VI ALPHABETICAL LIST OP SUBJECTS. Aculeate Hymenoptera, Notes on, 275 i Decoys, Norfolk, 538 Ambrosia peruviana in Norfolk, 228 Dolphin, White-beaked, 333 Eider, 312 Appendicularia flabellum, light emit- I Duck, ted by, on being crushed, 616 „ Golden-eye, 594 Arderon William, F.R.S., Memoir „ Long-tailed, 599 of, 429 „ Red-crested Whistling, first Arvicola glariolus, 60 British killed, 225 Avocets, 315 „ Tufted, 316, 597 Auks, Little, 598, 600 „ White-eyed, 601 Ducks, Pochard and Tufted, nesting Baillon’s Crake, 65 in Norfolk, 210, 316, 482 Balaenoptera musculus, 61, 222 Bats in Norfolk, 458 Eagles, Sea, 214 Bees collecting pollen, 226 Eastern Golden Plover, 213 Edible Progs in Norfolk, 254 „ monstrosity in Nomada suc- cincta, 227 Eider Duck, 312 Biographical Notices of— Ermine, 466 Several Norfolk Botanists, 25 Pauna and Flora of Norfolk— Arderon William, F.R.S., 429 Pai-t VI. Flowering Plants and Girdlestone C. S., 389 Perns. Section I., 71 Hamond Robert, 389 Ditto, Section II., 229 Hoy J. D., 390 Part VII. Diatomacesc, 336 Lubbock Rev. Richard, 292, 392 „ VIII. Hemiptera, 490 Marsham Robert, F.R.S., 134 „ IX. Hymenoptera, 617 Turner Dawson, E.ll.S., 392 Fieldfare, early appearance of, 65 Wigg Lilly, F.L.S., 269 „ late occurrence of, 316, 481 Woodward Samuel, 563 Fieldfares and Redwings, large Birds killed against tho Cromer arrivals of, 600 Lighthouse, 60 Flycatcher, Pied, 64 Bittern, 214, 312, 479, 594 Fork-tailed Petrel, 315 Blackbird, Singular Habit in, 596 Fox, 466 Black Guillemot, 207 Fulmar Petrel, 66, 211 „ Redstart, 215 ! Fungi observed at Brandon, 260 Black-lieaded Gulls, 314, 480 „ „ Scoulton Mere, 130 Black-tailed Godwit, 207 „ „ on Whale Bones, 335 Black-throated Diver, 66, 479 Gallinule, Green-backed, 318, 483 Blue-throated Warbler, 484 I Gannet, 479 Blue Tit and Redstart nesting in Gannet City, The, 528 skulls, 324 Godwit, Black -tailed, 207 nesting place of, Brambling, strange Golden-eye Duck, 594 481 1 Golden Oriole, 481, 595 Bramblings, Siskins, and Redpolls,601 Grebe, Great-crested, 316 Bunting, Black -headed, variety of, 599 | Grebes, Rod-necked and Sclavonian, Bustard, 306, 612 213, 479 Little, 594 „ 67, Great Grey Shrike, 215, 314, 480 Calyx of Roso, Note on, 616 Great Snipe, 211 | Cat, 466 I Grey-capped Wagtail, 226 Chillingham Wild Cattle, 51 Gull, Black-headed, 314, 480 Clathrocystis tcruginosa in Norfolk, „ Glaucus, 211 227 „ Little, 213 Cromer, Plants observed at, in 1875 „ Richardson’s Skua, 484 and ’76, 380 Guillemot, inland, 324 Crossbill, 600 „ Black, 207 Crows, Hooded, in summer, 315, 482 Gurney Miss Anna, Extracts from Cuckoo, 480 I Note-book of, 19 — 1 Vll I [are, 469 Migration of Rooks, &c., 212, 318 Harrier, Marsh, 596 „ Stonechat, 264 „ Montagu’s, Nesting in Nor- Migrants, Spring, at Breydon, 65 folk, 210 „ Winter, in the frost of Hawfinch, 313, 480, 600 1874, 67 Hawking, 224 „ Raptorial, 214, 320, 485,601 1 ledgeliog, 460 „ Winter, in the floods and Heron, Purple, 214, 317, 601 snow-storms of 1875—6, 215 „ Squacco, supposed occur- Migratory Waders, 211, 320, 485, 597 rence of, in Winter, 487 „ Water Hens, 312 Heronries in Norfolk, 64, 212, 316 Miscellaneous Notes and Observa- Hooded Crows observed in summer, tions, 60, 222, 333, 487, 611 315, 482 Mole, 461 Hoopoe, 209, 484 Montagu’s Harrier, Nesting of, in Norfolk, 210 Indications of Spring, 31 Mouse, 467 Kestrel, curious capture of, 595 Kimberley Estate, Birds observed on, Natural History Notes from Church- 46 wardens’ Accounts, 488, 611 Kingfishers and the floods, 599 Nest of Water Spider, 614 Kite, 485 Nesting Habits of Birds and Nesting Boxes, 195 Lesser Grey Shrike, 209 Nightingales, early arrival, 64 Redpoll, 594 „ Niglxt-jar and House Martin, late Spotted Woodpecker, 207, „ appearance of, 213 318, 480 Norfolk Birds in Mr. Doubleday's Letters relating to the Natural His- Collection, 225 tory of Norfolk, 388 „ Decoys, 538 Liceuse for Shooting in 1554, 614 „ Heronries, 64, 212, 316 Lincolnshire, Notes on Avi-Fauna „ Natural History, Letters re- of, 555 lating to, 388 Little Auk, 598, 600 „ Plover, 482 „ Bustard, 67, 594 Nomadasuccincta, monstrosity of, 227 Gull, 213 „ Notes on Norfolk Mammalia, 458 „ Owl, 316, 481 Long -tailed Duck, 599 Ornithological Notes in 1S74—5, 64 Macropis labiata, 62 „ 1875, 206 Magpies, 212, 314, 596, 597 „ „ 1876, 306 Mammalia, Extinct, of Norfolk, 279 „ „ 1877, 478 „ Notes on Norfolk, 458 „ „ 1878, 594 Manx Shearwater, 483, 597 Ospreys, 596, 597 Marsh Harrier, 596 Otter, 465 Marsham-White Correspondence, 133 Owl, Little, 316, 481 Martens, &c., in Suffolk, 223 „ Short-eared, 207 of, in Marten, Pine, in Norfolk, 611 „ ,, abundance Martin, late appearance of, 213 1S76, 322 Mealy Redpolls and Siskins, 314, 479 „ Snowy, 318 Memoir of Arderon William, F.R.S., 429 Pastor, Rose-coloured, record of, in Lubbock Rev. R., 292 Norfolk, 225 Wigg Lilly, 269 Petrel, Fork-tailed, 315 Woodward Samuel, 563 Phalaropes, Red-necked and Grey, Meteorological Notes for 1874, 56 65, 211, 317 „ 1875, 217 Pheasants, strange nesting place of, „ „ 1876, 325 316 Pied Flycatcher, 6 „ ., 1877, 470 „ „ 1878. 602 Pilot Whale, 611 Vlll Pine Marten, Gil Snipes and Woodcocks, 66 Plants observed near Cromer in Snow Bunting, early appearance of, 1875-6, 380 482 Plover, Eastern Golden, 213 Snowy Owl, 318 „ Norfolk, 482 Spoonbills, 315, 484, 597 „ Stilt, 208, 317 Spotted Redshank, 209 Pochard and Tufted Duck nesting in Spring Migrants on Breydon, 65 Norfolk, 210, 316, 482 Squirrel, 467 Pochard, White-eyed, 601 Stilt Plover, 208, 317 Polecat, 466 Stock Dove, 613 Polish Swan, 258 Stonechats in Winter, 600 Presidential Address, 1875, 1 „ Migration of, 264 „ „ 1876, 111 Stone Curlew(see N orfoik Plover), 482 „ „ 1877, 243 Storks, Black and White, 484 „ „ 1878, 355 Swallow, late appearance of, 485 „ „ 1879, 501 Swallows and House Martins, 597 Puffin, 315, 600 Swan, Polish, 258 Purple Heron, 601 Swift, Swallow, and House Martin, Pyrola minor, 335 late appearance of, 65 Rabbit, 470 Tern, Sandwich, 213 Raptorial Migrants, 214, 320, 485, 601 Tiger Beetle, on habits of larva of, 615 Rat, 468 Tellina balthica and the Norwich Raven, 211, 318, 480 Crag, 377 Red-crested Whistling Duck, first British killed, 225 Vipers, 613 Red-necked and Sclavonian Grebes, Voles, 469 213, 479 Red-necked Phalaropes, 65, 211 Waders killed in close time, 595, 597 Redpolls, Mealy, and Siskin, 314, 179 „ Migrator}-, 211,320,485,597 Redpoll, Lesser, 594 Wagtail, Grey-capped, 226 Red-shank, Spotted, 209 Warbler, Blue-throated, 484f Redstart, Black, 215 „ Savi’s, 595 Rooks, Migratory, 212, 318 Water Hens, Migrato: Rorqual, Common, 61 Water Spider, nest of, Waxwings, 599 Sanderling, 596 Weasel, 465 Sand Martins nesting in sawdust Whale, Pilot, 611 heap, 317 “White-beaked Dolphin, 333 Sandwich Tern, 213 White-Marsbam Correspondence, 133 Savi’s Warbler, 595 Wigg, Lilly, Memoir of, 269 Sea Eagles, 214 Wild Cattle at Chillingham, 51 Severe Winter of 1739—40, 125 Wild-fowl Breeding in Norfolk, 210, Shearwater, Manx, 483, 597 316, 482 Shooting License, A.D., 1554, 614 „ in winter of 1874—5, 206 Shore Lark, 211, 311, 594 „ „ 1875—6, 312 Short-eared Owl, 207 Winfarthing Oak, 12 „ abundance of, in Winter Migrants in frosts of 1874, 67 1876, 322 „ floods, &c., of Shrew, 464 1875—6, 215 „ Lessor, 465 “Woodcocks, 484 Shrike, Great Grey, 215, 314, 480 „ near Norwich, 598 „ Lesser Grey, 209 „ drowned whilst migra- Skua, Richardson’s, 484 ting, 488 Smews, 312 Woodpecker, Lesser Spotted, 207, Snipe, Great, 211 318, 480, 595, 596 Snipe, Plover, &e., abundance of, 321 Woodward Samuel, Memoir of, 563 Lists Accounts Catalogues of Officers and Members, Statements of , and of Publications received, to be bound at the end of Volume.
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