History Town of Hamden

History Town of Hamden

1786. Centenary of Hamde11, Connecticut. 1886. HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF HAMDEN, CON.NECTICUT, WITH AN ACCOUNT OF THE CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION, JUNE 15th, 1886. PREPARED A.ND PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE TOWN, UNDER THE EDITORIAL SUPERVISION OF "\VILLIAl\f P. BLAKE, CHAIRMAN OF TIIR CENTEN~IA.L EXECUTIVE COll:MITTBE. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY PRICE, LEE & CO., NEW HAVEN. JANUARY, 1888. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1$8,, BY PRICE, LEE & CO., In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. iii CONTENTS. PA.RT I. CELEBRATION OF THE CENTENARY. .. LIST OF COMMITTEES. Vll-Vlll INITIATORY PROCEEDINGS. 1-4 CENTENNIAL CO)E\IITTEE-LIST OF INVITED GUESTS. HA)IDEN CENTEXNIAL CELEBRATION. 5-10 COMMEMOP.ATIVE EXERCISES-PROCESSION-LOAN EXHIBITION­ ORDER OF EXERCISES. OPENING PRAYER. 11-12 REV. AUSTIN PUTNAM. OPENING ADDRESS. 13-20 WILLIAM P. BLAKE-THE ACT OF INCORPORATION. CENTENNIAL HYMN. · 20 GOVERNOR HARRISON' s ADDRESS. 21-22 THE FLAG OF OUR UNION. 23-35 BY HON. N. D. SPERRY. PROFESSOR 8I:MEON E. BALDWIN'S ADDRESS. 36-38 ADDRESSES AND REMARKS. 29-45 REV. l\IR. D. MAC 2\IULLEN, PASTOR OF' THE METHODIST SOCIE­ TY, HA.:\IDEN PLAINS-REV. FATHER HUGH .:\!ALLON-HON. HENRY TUTTLE-2\IR. IVES, OF ~IT. CARMEL-COL. A. H. ROBERTSON, OF NEW HAVEN. THE LOAN EXHIBITION. 46-48 LIST OF OBJECTS, AND OF EXHIBITORS. iv H.AJIDEN CENTENARY. P A. R 'I, I I . HISTORICAL AND DESCl{.IP'flVE. TITLE, BOUNDARIES AND rroPOG RAPHY. 49-62 PURCHASE OF LAND FRO~I THE INDlAXS-ROYAL CHARTEl~ OF 1662-EXTENT AND BOUXDARIES OF THE TOWN-:\IAPS OF THE TOWN, AND ITS AREA-ORIGIN OF THE GENERAL FOR)I OF THE SURFACE-PICTURESQUE SCENEl~Y-LEGENDS OF THE BLUE HILLS -SELECTIONS FROM THE POEM OF THE "SLEEPIXG GIANT." SKETCH OF THE GEOLOGY. 63-70 THE NEW RED SANDSTONE-METAMORPHOSED SANDSTONE-GLA­ CIATION OF THE REGION-RIVEI~ DRIFT AND TERRACE FORMA­ TION-DEPOSITS OF SAND AND CLAY-VARIETY OF SOIL-MIN­ ERAL DEPOSITS. HISTORY OF MINING IN HAMDEN. 71-74 J. H. DICKERMAN-MlNlNG LEASES-NATIVE COPPER-TALLMAN'S MINE. FOREST TREES. 75-82 J. H. DICKERMAN-GROWTH ON OLD FIELDS-MARKET AND VALUE OF TIMBER-ESTIMATE OF CONSUMPTION-EXHAUSTION OF THE SOIL BY FORESTS-PROTECTION FROM LIGHTNING-CULTIVATION OF FOREST TREES-LIST OF NATIVE VARIETIES OF FOREST TREES. AGRICULTURE. 83-90 J. H. DICKERMAN-CORN AND CORN :MEAL-HORSES AND CATTLE -FERTILIZERS-VITICULTURE-TOBACCO CULTURE-PEACH CUL• TUBE-DAIRY-CHERRY AND MULBERRY TREES. PUBLIC WORKS. 91-108 CHESHIRE ROAD-ROAD OR WAY TO THE PLAINS-FARMINGTON ROAD-HARTFORD AND NEW HA VEN TURNPIKE-CHESHIRE TURN­ PIKE COMPANY-FARMINGTON CANAL COMPANY-NEW HAVEN AND NORTHAMPTON COMPANY-NEW HAVEN AND NORTHAMPTON RAILROAD-CONSOLIDATED ROAD TO HARTFORD AND SPRING­ FIBLD-NEW HAVEN WATER COMPANY-WHITNEY DAM-THE COV­ ERED RRIDGE-WINTERGREEN LAKE WATERWORKS-MT. CARMEL WATER COMPANY-EAST ROCK PARK. MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY. 109-169 INTRODUCTORY NOTICE-IRON WORKS AT SALTONSTALL LAKE­ SILK-UTILIZATION OF l\IILL RIVER-THE COTTOX GIN-WHITl-."'EY ARMORY-THE MANUFACTURE OF FIRE AR~IS-WHITNEY UNIFOR­ MITY SYSTEM-WHITNEY ARMS COMPANY-BORING TOOLS, AU­ GERS, GIMLETS, ETC., W. A. IVES & CO.-CANDEE .RUBBER CO.-MT. C01'{TE2VTS. V CARMEL AXLE WORKS; BY JAMES IVES-XEW HAVEN WEB CO.­ CARRIAGE HARDWARE: WOODRUFF, )IILLEI~ & CO.-CARRIAGE SPRINGS-:\lT. C..\.IDIEL BOLT CO.-CAP..RL\GE POLE WORKS;~GRAN­ NISS & HFSSELL-P.APER BOX WORKS-MT. CAI-OIEL SCI!EW WORKS: JAMES IVES & E. s. PJEP.CE-PRrXIX(;, SI!L\RS-SILK; R s. CLARK & CO.-SMALL BELLS; R. S. CLARK & CO.-RRICK INDGST1~1...:..ICE­ HORSE ROE AND PLAXTIXG :\lACHii\E, SIIAEES-GYPSU'M :\IILL­ SA W :\IILL AND FLO UH )IILL: ANDREW~. SCHOOLS AND EDUCATION. 170-174 SCHOOL DISTRICTS, TEACHERS AND ATTEXDANCE-THE RECTORY SCHOOL; EVEREST. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 175-199 PARISH OF MOUNT CAR:\IEL-:'.\[OUNT CAR'.\lF.L cnrRCH AND SO­ CIETY; HIGG INS-HA:'.\IDEX EAST PLAIN SOCIETY-; PrTK.A:'.\I-GRACE CHURCH, PROTESTAXT EPISCOPAL; E\"EREST-HA:'.\IDEK METHO­ DISM: :\lAC :\Il"'."LLEX-ST. :'.\IAl·ff'S P.O:'.\IAN CATHOLIC CHUI!CH; REV. FATHER )I.ALLON-NEW LEBANON :\IISSION. MILITARY HISTORY. 200-206 WILLIA:\[ T. S)IITH-INDIAN AND FRENCH WARS-SEVENTEENTH COMPANY :\IUSTER ROLL-DEFENCE OF NEW HAVEN-WAR OF 1812 -WAR OF THE REBELLION. EXTRACTS FH.Ol\I THE To,vN RECORDS. 207-217 RECORD OF THE FIRST TOWN MEETING-TAXES, HIGHWAYS, ETC. -TOWN BURDE~S-CONSTITUTIONAL CONVE~TION-PLAINS AND EAST FARMS HIGHWAY-INOCULATION FOH. S:\IALL-POX-ST A)IP­ ING LEATHER; SECESSION: ESTRA1S-WOODBRIDGE BOUNDARY; TOWN-HOFSE-WORK-HOliSE-POOR-GEESE AND GEESE-KIND; TOWN LINE-HARTFORD TUR~PIKE-TOWN POOR-CONSTITUTION FOR STATE OF CONNECTICUT-PRESIDENTL\.L ELECTORS-PHY­ SICIAN-CANAL-HORSES AND CATTLE. THE PooR OF THE To,vN. 218-220 BY C. P. AUGUR-EATILY PROVISION FOP. THE POOR-THE TOWN FARM-THE ATWATER FUND. POPULATION. 221-223 IN 1786-CHIEF CENTERS OF POPULATION-EXTENSION OF CITY POPULATION-STATISTICS OF POPULATIOX. SocIETIES. 224-226 DAY SPRING LODGE, :\IA.SONIC; .ANCIE~T ORDER OF HIBERNIANS. ~.,A~fIL y HISTORY NOTICES. 227-312 ALLING-BASSETT-BENHA)I-BLAKE-BRADLEY- BRISTOL-CHAT­ TERTON - DICKERMAN - FORD - GIL BERT- GOODY EAR- EATON­ IVES - LEEK- :\IATHER-:\IIX-PARDEE-PIERPONT-PUTNAM­ WHITNEY-WHlTIXG. TAXATION-RECORDS. 313-316 ELLS WORTH B. COOPER. vi HAJlDEN CENTENARY. LIST OF FREEjlEN ADMITT}~D. 317-323 LIST OF SELECTMEN ELECTED. 323-328 LIST OF REPRESENTATIVES AND SENATORS FROM HAMDEN. • . 328-331 ILLUSTRATIONS. STEEL ENGRAVED PORTRAIT OF ELI WHITNEY-FRONTISPIECE. BUILDINGS OF ~EW HAVE~ WEB CO)lPANY, TO FACE PAGE 14';. LIST OF COMMITTEES. vii HAMDEN CENTENNIAL CO1\1MITTEE, Appointed by the Town Ocwber 5th, 1885. Wm. P. Blake, Ellsworth B. Cooper, L. A. Dickerman, A. J. Doolittle, Henry :Munson, E. W. Potter, Rev. Austin Putnam, Henry Tuttle, J. J. Webb. Selectmen: Charles P. Augur, W. W. vVoodru.fI, Thomas Cannon. CENTENNIAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, Appointed by the Town January 4th, 1886. Wm. P. Blake, Henry :Munson: Ellsworth B. Cooper, Henry Tuttle. Selectmen: Charles P. Augur, W.W. Woodruff, Thomas Cannon. SUB COMMITTEES, .Appointed by the Executi·ve Committee. ON RECEPTION. J. J. Webb, George H. Allen, G. S. Benham, H. W. Munson, C. A. Burleigh, B. A. :Mann, Norris B. Mix. ON COLLATION. J. B. Gilbert, William S. Mann, Dana H. Cooper, Edward D. Sanford. ON SEATS AND TABLES, A. J. Doolittle, George A. Bassett, Silas Benham, H. W. Tuttle, E. B. Wallace. ON MUSIC. C. P. Augur, E. B. Cooper. viii IIA.MDEN CENTENARY. ON DECORATION. Wm. F. Smith, Arthur '\Voodruff. Chas. H. Chapman, Jared Benham. ON FLOWERS. J. H. Burton, Mrs. C. P. Augur, l\Irs. W. W. Woodruff, l\'Irs. D. D. Ives. ON LOAN EXHIBITION. )IAN AGERS, WILLIAM F. DOWNER. l\Irss EMMA DICKERMAN. SOLICITING CO:\Il!ITTEE. Mrs. Henry Tuttle, l\Irs. San1uel Todd, Miss Ella Leek, :Mrs. James Ives, 1\Irs. J. T. Henry, l\Irs. B. A. l\.Iann, Mrs. Charles Alling, 1\Irs. W. E. Davis, l\iirs. E. W. Potter, Mrs. G. S. Benham, :M:rs. J. B. Gilbert, l\Irs. Hobart Alling, Mrs. John E. Andrews, l\.Irs. G. A .. Burleigh, 1\Irs. W. W. Woodruff, Nrs. N. B. Mix, Mrs. A. 0. Beach, l\Irs. J. J. Webb, Mrs. J. A. ~.,arnswortll, :Miss Sarah Atwater, l\frs. H. ,v. l\Iunson, Mrs. Robert Dickerman, l\.iirs. Silas Benham, l\'Irs. L. J. Russell. ON SUNDAY SCHOOL PROCESSION. Eli G. Dickerman, Arthur Woodruff. CHIEF M.A.RSHAL, AID, Dennis S. Sanford. PART I. CELEBRATION OF TH~~ CENTENARY. INITIATORY PROCEEDING-S. ~~•T the annual To,vn 1'feeting of Ha1nclen, held Oc­ tober 5, 1885, the appi-oaching one hnndreclth an­ niversary of the incorporation of the to,vn, ancl the importance of tln1y eelebrating it, ,vas dis­ cussed and a co1n1nittee of nine 1·esidents of the to,vn was appointed to act in connection ,vith the Selectmen in draft­ ing a plan for the appropriate celebration of the event. The following named persons constituted this co1nmittee: ,vil­ liam P. Blake, Rev. Austin Putnam, Henry 1funson, Jan1es .J. \Vebb, Henry Tuttle, Ells-\vorth B. Coopei-, Ecl,vin W. Potter, Andrew J. Doolittle, Leverett..._\.. Dicker1nan, ,vith the SelEtct1nen: Charles P ...A .. ugur, \:V-r-alter ,,T_ \Vooclruff and Thomas Cannon. This committee ,vas instructed to report to an adjourned to,vn meeting, to be held on the first nionday of Jan nary, 1886. After several 1neetings ancl conferenees ,vith leading men of the to,vn, this Centennial Co1nn1ittee agreed upon a 2 HAMDEN CENTENARY. plan and reported it to the to,vn n1eeting as instructed. The committee proposed:- 1. That the celebration should be upon the third Tuesday in June, this being the anniversary of the first to""n meet­ ing under the incorporation. 2. That there should be a procession f orn1ed by thB various organizations, citizens and representatives of the manufacturing establishn1ents in the to,\"11. 3. The assembling of the inhabitants of the to""n, with invited guests, to listen to historical addresses and to music. 4. A collation for the guests of the town. 5. A loan exhibition of relics and objects historically in­ teresting. 6. The preparation of a history of the to,vn to be pub­ lished in connection with a report of the celebration. 7. That an executive committee of four persons should be appointed to act with the Selectn1en in carrying out the plan adopted by the town, and with power to appoint sub­ committees. 8. That an appropriation of one thousand dollars, or so much of it as might be necessary, should be made to cover the expenses. This report was unanimously accepted and adopted by the town, the appropriation was made, and the executive com­ mittee was appointed as follo"'"s: vVillian1 P.

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