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A!8 J VCVH `QJ1H:CC7 1$JVR RQH%IVJ .:CC GV ]`V%IVR Q GVCQJ$ Q .: Q` .V ]:` 7 HQJHV`JVR 1` 1$JVR G7 : R%C7 :% .Q`1<VR`V]`VVJ : 10V:JRVJ Q .VRV1$J: VRVI:1C:GQ0V511 . .V]`QQ`Q`:% .Q`1 7Q` .V`V]`VVJ : 10V8 1CVLV`8 Q8 RR VRLC% V` :$V Q` One-Year (1) Software Subscription and Support of existing RedMap Managepoint Software Date: 23 September 2020 Page 1 of 4 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY OFFICE Information Technology Infrastructure and Operations Department A. Description One-year (1) Software Maintenance and Support Services for the existing RedMap Managepoint Software Licenses. B. Justification/Purpose To provide software maintenance to the existing e-Library systems, Monetary Board (MB) and Office of Special Investigation (OSI), of BSP such that in case of software update/upgrade and/or errors will be encountered, the necessary patches/fixes including support services will be provided for the system’s continuous operation. C. Scope of Work The successful bidder shall be responsible for the software maintenance of the existing e- library systems of BSP for January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021. The software maintenance includes the following services and deliverables: 1. Provide Proof of Entitlement or Maintenance Agreement with start date based on the stipulated date in the Notice to Proceed (NTP) to be issued by the Information Technology Infrastructure and Operations Department (ITIOD) or until December 31, 2021. 2. Assessment of the current system and infrastructure in order to provide necessary recommendations/action plan. 3. Provide technical support and assistance on errors encountered, troubleshooting problems and system maintenance. Must ensure that the system is continuously updated with the latest supported software by having the latest fixes/patches necessary for the normal day-to-day operation of the e-library systems. 4. Supply, delivery and installation of necessary software updates, upgrades, patches and fixes necessary for the system. This includes upgrade to the latest version of ManagePoint. 5. Provide onsite Support Engineer/Technician to perform upgrades, system recovery, reinstallation and configuration of features/functions available in the system. 6. Conduct preventive maintenance for the duration of the maintenance agreement to determine status and/or performance of the system. 7. The successful bidder shall also provide the necessary training/re-training (skill transfer) to the assigned BSP system administrator/s and end-users for the new /current features/functions available for the system. 8. The successful bidder shall follow the conditions and services requirements stated in the Service Level Agreement (SLA, Annex A). One-Year (1) Software Subscription and Support of existing RedMap Managepoint Software Date: 23 September 2020 Page 2 of 4 D. Contract Period The contract period will be from 01 January 2021 to 31 December 2021. E. Mode of Procurement Direct Contracting to E-Copy Inc. since the company is authorized exclusively to market the Redmap Managepoint Software in the Philippines (Letter of Exclusivity). F. Estimated Cost Description Total Cost ManagePoint Enterprise Document Management Soluti on AMP for MB e-Library System PhP158,000.00 5 user licenses ManagePoint Enterprise Document Management Solution AMP for OSI Digitization PhP34,000.00 1 user license Total PhP192,000.00 (VAT Inclusive) Reference: See quotation copy from E-Copy G. Schedule of Payment Payment Deliverables Detailed Activities Percentage of Milestone Payment 1st Quarter Maintenance 1. Proof of Entitlement for One (1) Year of Year Agreement Software Maintenance and Support 2021 Services for the existing RedMap Managepoint Software Licenses , to be issued within 30 calendar days covering 01 January 2021 to 31 D ecember 2021 25% of the Onsite Support 2. Conduct quarterly preventive Contract Price Services maintenance and c orrective actions 3. Resolution of the Problem/Issues raised by BSP 4.
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