Weather DISTRIBUTION •It* tmtwtom m. TObAY m* mm, *&> aim. «. vv- Mie rhiwlliwii toatgbt and to- 24,000 mm*, low «bont«, Men about 7 Red Bank Are% J M. SnaeVqri varUMt doudiaew, DIAL 741-0010 wirm and humid. NORTHERN MONMOUTH'S HOME NEWSPAPER Uiu«d dulsr. p through frldt?. E*ew4 Clus Poiujt VOL. 87, NO. 45 Plid u iUd : tad *t AddMoniJ Mailing Office*. FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1964 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Humphrey Blasts Goldwater LBJ: 'Courage vs. Timidity' 1 By JACK BELL son stood last night in the blaz- maintain the status quo. It is undivided by creed or color, un- equivalent of Rep. William E. man "facing backward—against ATLANTIC CITY (AP) - Ac- tig lights on the podium to tell between those who welcome the torn by suspicion or strife." Miller, the GOP vice presidential the mainstream of history." ippting their nominations with thousands of Democrats at the future and those who turn iway Justice nominee, in the campaign. "The American presidency," from its promise." [he roaring tributes of the Dem- closing session of their conven- To accomplish this, he said Humphrey extolled Johnson «s he said, "is not the place for * ocratic convention, President tion that they had enlisted their He pledged "A constant, pa- that "those who break the law— "the President of all the people" man who is impetuous in one mo- Johnson and Sen. Hubert H. energies in a crusade to build tient effort to move the world those who create disorder — and invited "responsible and pro- ment and indecisive in the next; Humphrey turned quickly today "the great society" in a tu- toward peace." whether in the North or in the gressive Republicans" to enlist who is violently for something to the practical business of shap- multuous world. South—must be caught and under the Democratic banner. one day, and violently opposed ing a campaign aimed at defeat- Applauded I will use the full resources brought to justice." He added: on the next; whose statements ing their Republican opponents. The President, interrupted time of the federal government" to "In every part of this country Earlier in th« day, addressing on matters of major policy are a nearly unruly rally of about In the span of the morning and again by applause, said in assure fair play to all Americans, the law must be respected and so confusing and contradictory 15,000 young Democrats, he cau- hours before they take off at accepting nomination for a first he continued, adding that his tal- violence must be checked." that neither friend nor foe taows noon for a weekend at the LBJ four-year elective term that the ents would be directed toward Humphrey gave the crowd a tioned them not to boo the men- where he stands . ." tion of Goldwater's name. His ranch near Johnson City, Tex., election is "not between liberals "bringing our nation together in lot more to yell about. Before all this began the con- the President and Humphrey, his and conservatives, party and unity." The ebullient Minnesota sena- theme: "Be kind to Republicans, vention had its moment of emo- vice presidential running mate, party, platform and platform." "In pursuit of this common tor flailed away at Republican they might join us." tion last night when Attorney arranged to brief the party's "It is between courage and purpose," he said, "I believe we presidential nominee Barry Gold- Both Barrels General Robert F, Kennedy, who national committee on their fast- timidity," he shouted. "It is be- shall someday see an America water in his acceptance speech. As the convention howled ap- had been sitting somberly on forming political plans. tween those who see what can that knows no North, or South, His tack indicated that the Dem- proval, Humphrey let Goldwater a s(ep awaiting his turn, climbed First Humphrey and then John- be, and those who want only to no East, or West—an America ocrats will have a punch-slinging have it with both barrels as a (See DEMOCRATS, Page 3) Democratic Attitude: ALL OVER BUT THE SWEEPING — On|y the rubble of four days of convention activity remained as silence set- tled aarly today over the floor of Atlantic City Conven- tion Hall where Democrats ended their rational conclave. Register photographer snapped this small section as typi- Cautious Optimism cal of the desolatt scene in the vast hall after it had been abandoned. ATLANTIC CITY (AP) - Democratic lead- kansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois. Iowa, ers are leaving this convention city expressing Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, optimism—and some caution—about the party's Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, chances in the November election. Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, West Virginia, Wis- Some admit to worry over the possibility of consin. Merchants Say a white "backlash" against Negro demonstra- Democratic leaders in 17 other states—in- tions and the Civil Rights Act. cluding some usually Republican ones—figure This is particularly true among leaders they have a good chance to win, or at least 4 from Southern states, Several from that area their best in several years. could see the Johnson-Humphrey ticket's pros- These are Arizona, California, Colorado, Convention An pects as no better than even, if that much. Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, And some of the Southerners expect local Maine, Montana, New Hampshire, New Mexi- and state candidates to run separately from the co, North Carolina, Utah, Vermont, Washing- national ticket. ton and Wyoming. HURRICANE-STACKED — Cleo's 110-mile an hour winds stacked thaie planas to. Of the leaders of 37 states contacted by the The states in which the Democratic chances gather yesterday at Miami Airport. Some of the parked planet were overturned Economic Bust' Associated Press during the convention, 18 were rated at no better than even—or were not and others were torn apart as they were bounced around by the hiqh winds, ATLANTIC CITY, (AP) The owner of one specialty placed their states solidly in the Johnson- rated—are Nebraska, South Carolina, Louisiana, Many local business irien are shop on the boardwalk said he Humphrey corner in November. They are Ar- Mississippi and Virginia. (AP Wirephete) hoping that prosperity will re- was "perfectly delighted. This turn to Atlantic City as the is the most important week this Democrats .depart today after city ever had. Lots of people their national- nominating con- wlho haven't been here in. years vention. have been reintroduced to the city. Cleo, Weaker But Dangerous, Heads North Complaints of poor business during the convention week have Had Impact "We've had an impact hen been heard along the boardwalk CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP)- milM an hourVhit Cape Kenne-mained up at Brunswick, Ga.,| The storm was moving at about but the death toll still was climb- countryside, bringing to 124 the from retail traders and enter- and whether it is reflected now Hurricane Cleo, weakened by a dy with wind* that peaked at and' gal' e warning' s extende. d. to i1-0 m.p.h. ing in the southwestern tip of official death toll from Monday'* tainment owners. or in the future makes no dif- multi-million dollar rampage up 65 m.p.h. Hatteras. Cleo took no lives In Florida, Haiti, far behind in the Carib- howling winds.. , ference," he said. Others, including cabbies, Florida's papulous East Coast, That was 10 miles below hurri- bean. Hit (Guadeloupe Others, including Hamid, thought the convention was a slapped harmlessly at the na- cane strength, not enough to In the Haitian port city of Les Earlier, Cleo killed 14 on the agreed that while immediate re- tion's space center today. cause serious damage to the Cayes, Cleo killed 80 persons, French island of Guadeloupe. boon. turns were poor, the convention With a curving, 2,5004iule path sprawling facility, which was destroyed or damaged nearly ev- There was no definite estimate Although it was too soon for may be a good puller over the of death and destruction behind prepared to weather winds more See No Weekend ery building and left the popula- of the damage to the Miami an accurate tally of business in long haul. than twice that velocity. tion of 20,000 bewildered and metropolitan area, which bore (he city for the week, most city "We wanted the convention fo her, Cleo swept slowly north- officials agree it will be far ward from Cape Kennedy and Rockets Okay with little food. the brunt of Cleo's fury yester- the prestige and the future," said Authorities reported yesterday day. below the $30 million predicted Hamid. coastal residents as far north as Six giant space rockets rode Threat for Shore that M other persons were known State damage survey teams Cape Hatteras, N. C, braced tor before the convention and be- One restaurant owner wroti out the storm lashed securely to her approach. to have died in the surrounding (See OLEO, Page 2) tween 20 to 50 per cent off for the city to ask for more adver- their launching pads and crews a normal August week. tising of the resort "in order "She's still mighty dangerous," resumed the work of readying LONG BRANCH-Hurricane Cleo offers no weekend threat "Business is better on Feb. to get back some of the summe a forecaster warned. them for firing. to the Metropolitan area and may never reach here at al). So reported William D. Martin, U. S. weather observer, 15 than it is now," says George crowds which have been drasti- Cleo, which left Miami and 200 The Weather Bureau at Miami last night. The death-dealing storm was on a course due north Hamid Sr., owner of the Steel cally driven away by the miles of Florida's "Gold Coast" said Cleo was expected to move and moving only at about 12 miles an hour.
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