Annual Report 2018–19 Published by Public Transport Development Authority operating as Public Transport Victoria 750 Collins Street, Docklands VIC 3008. © State of Victoria. Public Transport Victoria 2019 This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any process except in accordance with the Provisions of the Copyright Act 1968. ISSN 2202-8315 (Online) Print managed by Finsbury Green, Level 9, 124 Exhibition Street, Melbourne VIC 3000. This document is available in an accessible format at ptv.vic.gov.au 1 Public Transport Victoria Annual Report 2018–19 2018–19 Annual Report 3 Accountable Officer’s declaration Report of operations 4 Section 1 5 Year in review Section 2 39 Governance and organisational structure Section 3 47 Workforce data Section 4 53 Other disclosures Financial statements 69 Appendix 132 2 Public Transport Victoria Annual Report 2018–19 Abbreviations AAS Australian Accounting Standards LPG liquefied petroleum gas AASB Australian Accounting Standards Board LSL long service leave AEE annualised employee equivalent MBSC Melbourne bus services contracts AUD Australian dollar MJ megajoule ATO Australian Taxation Office MP Member of Parliament BAU business as usual MPSG Major Project Skills Guarantee CCTV closed circuit television MTIA Major Transport and Infrastructure CEO Chief Executive Officer Authority CNPL Civic Nexus Pty Ltd MTM Metro Trains Melbourne CSO community service obligation n/a not applicable cyl cylinder NPV net present value DAP data analytics platform NTT Nippon Telegraph and Telephone DEDJTR Department of Economic Development, NXP Next Experience Philips Jobs, Transport and Resources OHS occupational health and safety DELWP Department of Environment, Land, Water OVIC Office of the Victorian Information and Planning Commissioner DET Department of Education and Training PPE property, plant and equipment DHHS Department of Health and Human PPP Public Private Partnership Services PS principal scientist DoT Department of Transport PSO Protective Service Officer DTF Department of Treasury and Finance PTV Public Transport Victoria DWG Designated Working Group RTW return to work FOI Freedom of Information SDA Services and Development Agreement FRD Financial Reporting Direction STS senior technical specialist FTE full time equivalent t CO2 e tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent GPT General Property Trust TCV Treasury Corporation of Victoria GST Goods and Services Tax TfV Transport for Victoria HSR Health and Safety Representative UITP Union International des Transports Publics HSW Health, Safety and Wellbeing VAGO Victorian Auditor-General’s Office IBAC Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption VGV Valuer-General Victoria Commission VicFleet Victorian State Government vehicle pool ICT information communications technology VicTrack Victorian Rail Track Corporation IRP Issue Resolution Procedure VIPP Victorian Industry Participation Policy ISO International Organisation for Standardisation V/Line V/Line Corporation KMP key management personnel VMIA Victorian Managed Insurance Authority kg kilogram VPS Victorian Public Service km kilometre VWA Victorian WorkCover Authority yr year 3 2018–19 Annual Report Accountable Officer’s declaration 24 September 2019 The Hon Melissa Horne MP Minister for Public Transport 1 Spring Street Melbourne VIC 3000 Dear Minister Annual Report 2018–19 In accordance with the Financial Management Act 1994, I am pleased to present Public Transport Development Authority’s Annual Report for the year ending 30 June 2019. Jeroen Weimar Chief Executive Public Transport Development Authority operating as Public Transport Victoria 4 Public Transport Victoria Annual Report 2018–19 Report of Operations Section 1 Year in review 5 Section 1 Year in review Chief Executive’s foreword 8 Purpose and functions 12 About PTV 12 Achievements this year 13 2018–19 Overview 14 Every Victorian can connect and participate 16 Victoria is prosperous and sustainable 23 Every Victorian travels safely 30 Delivering value and expertise for Victorians 32 Organisation changes 34 Direct costs attributable to machinery of government changes 34 PTV’s current year financial review 35 6 Public Transport Victoria Annual Report 2018–19 Vision A public transport service that Victorians value and choose to use. Purpose We get people where they want to go by providing a safe, reliable and inclusive public transport network. Values PTV operates according to the Victorian Public Sector Values. Section 1 Year in review 7 PTV also promotes the values of: Passenger first Collaboration We put the passenger first. Passenger We are united by common goals, safety is paramount and we innovate not defined by reporting lines and to transform the passenger experience. organisational structure. Passion Integrity We enthusiastically advocate for public In our interactions with each other, transport use. our partners and our customers we will be reliable, open and transparent. Delivery excellence We uphold high professional standards in how we manage our work, ensuring we achieve results while working safely. 8 Public Transport Victoria Annual Report 2018–19 Chief Executive’s foreword It’s visible in the increased service frequency at the neighbourhood bus stop; to the newly-accessible tram stop at the local shopping strip; to the metropolitan and As a connector to life – be it regional train stations undergoing significant upgrades employment, education, essential and maintenance; and everywhere in between. services or recreation - public Recent figures reflect that over 70 per cent of transport continues to form Victorians have used public transport at least once an integral component of the in the last three months, contributing to over 600 million passenger trips on our network in the past Victorian community. year – record patronage supported by nearly 2,300 new weekly services introduced across all modes. Throughout the 2018–19 year, PTV has continued to keep passengers at the centre of everything we do and in doing so, has delivered some key improvements for the network. In August 2018, a new eight-kilometre rail extension to Mernda opened for service – the culmination of nearly 18 months of construction works, and a great example of the cross-agency collaboration within the transport portfolio. That cross-agency collaboration has also been critical in a time of major disruption on the network, as the Major Transport Infrastructure Authority continues to work towards the delivery of major multi-year transport projects and infrastructure – including the Metro Tunnel, the removal of level crossings across the network, and the Regional Rail Revival. Across 2018–19, PTV worked with operators and agencies to minimise disruption impacts and keep passengers moving through several construction blitzes – facilitating the operation of hundreds of replacement buses and a major cross-agency communications strategy aimed at keeping commuters informed and aware of their alternative transport options. As our passengers seek to remain connected to one another and to key services in a growing digital space, we’ve responded with improved ways to engage with our products and services. In January, we launched a refreshed PTV website with design and functionality informed by a seven-month period of public beta testing. Through 80,000 visits across more than 40,000 unique users, we iterated and tweaked based on user activity and direct feedback. Since launch, we’ve seen substantial growth in traffic, Jeroen Weimar particularly on mobile devices – a great outcome for Chief Executive this collaborative design process. Section 1 Year in review 9 In March, we unveiled our next-generation digital ticketing This announcement is the fuller realisation of the solution – Mobile myki – on Android devices, with Victoria Transport Integration Act under which PTV was being one of the first in the world to make use of new originally formed – to provide an integrated approach technology powered by Google. The passenger response to the way Victoria plans, develops and maintains its to this new way to travel has been phenomenal – with transport system. over 100,000 Mobile mykis already in use, and an average By coming together as a single transport entity for the 650 added every day. State, we will support the ongoing development and The iconic Flinders Street Station, one of the network’s delivery of simple, connected journeys for all Victorians busiest, was the first to benefit from updated – allowing them to live their lives, regardless of their passenger and digital wayfinding, making use of transport choices. our new colour-coded route signage and new-look The 2018–19 PTV Annual Report provides a snapshot passenger information displays. of the activities of our collective achievements over We’re also continuing to make improvements to the the last 12 months, but more broadly, the spirit of broader network to ensure that it meets the diverse the organisation and its people over the past seven needs of our passengers. Our work to make Route 96 years, and the passenger commitment – to providing Melbourne’s first-fully accessible tram route saw the an inclusive public transport service that all Victorians delivery of three new easy-access stops on Nicholson value and choose to use – that we’ll take with us as Street, with a further six scheduled for early 2020. part of the new Department of Transport. We want our network to be inclusive and accessible to all Victorians. Our ongoing engagement with the disability community continues to foster greater
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