USOO786.6248B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7.866,248 B2 Moore, III et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jan. 11, 2011 (54) ENCAPSULATED CERAMIC COMPOSITE 3.684,631 A 8, 1972 Dunbar ........................ 428/46 ARMOR 3,765.299 A 10/1973 Pagano et al. 3,804,017 A 4, 1974 Venable et al. (75) Inventors: Dan T. Moore, III, Cleveland Heights, 3,815,312 A 6, 1974 Lench OH (US); Ajit Sane, Medina, OH (US); 3,826,172 A 7, 1974 Dawson Jeff Lennartz, Cleveland, OH (US); 3,834,948 A 9, 1974 Brickner et al. : . s 3,916,060 A * 10/1975 Fish et al. ................ 428,2994 Bruce O. Budinger, Chagrin Falls, OH 4,111,097 A 9, 1978 Lasker (US); James L. Eucker, North 4,125,053 A 1 1/1978 Lasker Ridgeville, OH (US); Charles M. 4,179,979 A 12/1979 Cook et al. 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