Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19054-1 - Thomas Middleton in Context Edited by Suzanne Gossett Index More information Index Abbott, George, Archbishop of Canterbury, Beaumont, Francis 130, 140 The Knight of the Burning Pestle, 167 Act to Restrain Abuses of Players, 178 and John Fletcher, 166, 222, 319, 320 Adams, Joseph Quincy, 317 First Folio, 2, 235, 318, 320 Admiral’s Men, 25, 153, 154, 156, 168–71, Maid’s Tragedy, The, 178 186, 221 Philaster, 183 Akrigg, G. P. V., 324 de Bees, Jacques, 42 Allhallows the Great, 141 Behn, Aphra, The City Heiress, 326 Amadís de Gaule, 145 Bentley, G. E., 220, 222 American Repertory Theater, 326 Beeston, Christopher, 155, 158, 169, 171 Ancient British Drama, The, 319 Beeston’s Boys, 174 Andrewes, Lancelot, Bishop of Winchester, 142 Berger, Jesse, 333 Anne of Denmark, Queen of England, 130, 145 Bethlehem Hospital, 306–7, 313 Archbishop of Canterbury, 21 Bible, 246 Archer, William, 327 Apocrypha, 244 Beatriz Juana, 327 Geneva, 20 Aristotle, 267 New Testament, 73, 111 Armada, 4, 126, 127 Old Testament, 20, 110–11 Arminianism, 132, 133, 137, 142 Bicât, Nick, 335 Artaud, Antonin, 13, 14, 327, 336, 337, 340 Bishop’s Ban, 176 Astington, John, 170 Blackfriars Boys (Chapel Children), 158, 160, audiences, 8, 9, 154, 157, 170 162–4 Audley End, 128, 129 Blackfriars playhouse, 108, 155, 156, 157, 161, 162, 163, 169, 172–3, 179, 309 Bacon, Francis, 105 Blayney, Peter, 148 Bale, John, 251 Boccacio, Decameron, 248 Ballard, J. G., Crash, 326 Bond, Edward, 335 Balsan, Humbert, 338 Bowers, Fredson, 318 Bancroft, Richard, 141 Boys’ companies, 8, 160–4 Barclay, William, 288 Bradbrook, M. C., 281 Barker, Howard, 331–2 Bradley, A. C., 213 Barkham, Edward, 140 Branagh, Kenneth, 342 Barkstead, William, 164 Brecht, Bertolt, 13, 327, 332 Barry, Lording British Chinese Theatre, 332 Family of Love, The, 2, 164, 166 Brittin, N. A., 245 Ram Alley, 107, 110, 276 Brome, Richard, 319 Barthes, Roland, 197 Browne, John, 139 Barton, Anne, 204 Brustein, Robert, 326 Bate’s Case, 128 Buc, George, Master of the Revels, 177–9, 181 BBC, 332 Bullen, Arthur Henry, 1, 317–19 BBC Radio 4, 3 Bulmer, Bevis, 84 377 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19054-1 - Thomas Middleton in Context Edited by Suzanne Gossett Index More information 378 Index Buñuel, Luis, 340, 342 Cleaver, Robert, A Godlie Fome of Household Burbage, James, 162 Government, 271–2 Burbage, Richard, 162 Clifton, Henry, 162 Burton, Robert, The Anatomy of Melancholy, 313 Clifton, Thomas, 162 Busino, Orazio, 95–6 Cockpit (Phoenix) Theatre, 155, 158, 169, 171 Cogswell, Thomas, 144 Calverley, Walter, 113 Cokayne Project, 239 Calvinism, 3, 8, 130, 135, 137–8, 141–2, 237, 347 Coke, Edward, Lord Chief Justice, 65, 205, 290 Cambridge, 201 Commentaries on Littleton, 109 Cambridge University Press, 318 collaboration, 211, 220–2, 228, 229–31 Campbell, Cheryl, 332 College of Physicians, 5, 64–7 Campbell, James, 140 Collinson, Patrick, 136 Carleton, Dudley, 181 Compton, William, 321 Carr, Robert, Earl of Somerset, 3, 26, 65, 93, Condell, Henry, 14 119–21, 129, 180, 238 Connolly, Billy, 341 Catholic League, 131 cony-catching pamphlets, 98, 245 Catholics and Catholicism, 96, 131–3, 141, 143, 145, Cooper-Clarke, John, 341 165, 181, 200, 250, 252 Corrigan, Brian Jay, 222 Caxton, William, 252, 254 court, 117–25 Cecil, Robert, Earl of Salisbury, 118, 119, Cotgrave, Randle, 279 128, 177 Covent Garden, 327 Cecil, William, Lord Burghley, 118 Cox, Alex, 13, 14, 340, 343 censorship, 9, 176–82, 327 Revengers Tragedy, 14, 342–5 Cervantes, Miguel de Crane, Ralph, 179, 321 Don Quixote, 145 Crashaw, William, 37, 163, 165 Exemplary Novels, The, 145, 147 Crook, Helkiah, 310 Travails of Persiles and Sigismunda, The, 145 Crowley, Robert, 255 Chakravorty, Swapan, 68 Crystal, David, 199 Chamberlain, John, 181 Culpeper, Nicholas, 267 Chamberlain’s Men, 153, 162 Culverwell, Nathaniel, 138 Chambers, E. K., 213 Curtain Theatre, 78, 155, 161 Chapel Children, see Blackfriars Boys Chaplin, Geraldine, 336 Daborne, Robert, 221 Chapman, George, 102, 177, 183, 221 Dance of Death, 301 Bussy d’Ambois, 102 Daniel, Samuel, 177, 319 Conspiracy of Charles, Duke of Biron, The, Complaint of Rosamund, 24, 244 163, 183 Philotas, 163 “Old Joiner of Aldgate, The” 163 Darge, John, 84 Widow’s Tears, The, 276 Davies, Anthony, 234 and Ben Jonson and John Marston Dawson, Anthony, 218, 230, 234, 332 Eastward Ho!, 163, 167, 176, 313, 335 Day, John, 172 Charles I, King of England, 3, 17, 26, 62–3, 95, Isle of Gulls, 163 124–5, 131, 132–4, 142–3, 145, 146–50, 158, Law-Tricks, 110 159, 180–2, 241 Dekker, Thomas, 6, 10, 18, 48, 62, 69, 91, 98, 163, Chaucer, Geoffrey, 250, 251, 252 171, 197, 211, 221, 222–5, 319 Canterbury Tales, 231 Honest Whore, The, Part II, 313 Chettle, Henry, 221 Raven’s Almanac, 248 Chetwyn, Robert, 335 Satiromastix, 163 Children of the Chapel Royal, 161–2, 222 Shoemaker’s Holiday, The, 153, 159 Children of the King’s Revels, 108, 164 and John Webster Children of Paul’s, see Paul’s Boys Northward Ho, 313 Children of the Queen’s Revels, 162, 164, 166, 176 Westward Ho, 212, 313 Christmas, Garret, 95 Wonderful Year, The, 248 Church of England, 24, 141 Delius, N., 212 Clark, W. G., 231 Dench, Judi, 329 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19054-1 - Thomas Middleton in Context Edited by Suzanne Gossett Index More information Index 379 Derrida, Jacques, 236 Rollo, Duke of Normandy, or The Bloody Devereux, Walter, 3rd Earl of Essex, 26, 65, 120, Brother, 231, 232 123, 180 Florio, John, A Worlde of Wordes, 286 Diana, Princess of Wales, 13, 334, 341–2 Folger Theatre Group, 333 disguise, 279–86 Ford, John, 319 Dodsley, Robert, 319 Lady’s Trial, The, 112 Donne, John, 146, 245 ’Tis Pity She’s a Whore, 99 Downham, George, 141 Forman, Simon, 65 Drayton, Michael, 221 Fortune Theatre, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 168, 170 Matilda, 244 Fowler, Alastair, 236 drugs, 12, 287–94 Fox, George, 205 Dudley, Robert, Earl of Leicester, 118 Foxe, John, Actes and Monumentes duels, 32, 98–105 (Book of Martyrs), 169, 258 Duffin, R. W., Shakespeare’s Songbook, 194 Franklin, James, 65 Dury, Ian, 341 Fraser, Brad, The Ugly Man, 326 Dutch Republic, 127, 133, 142 Frederick, Elector Palatine, 130, 131, 132, 145, 147 Dyce, Alexander, 1, 317–19 Freud, Sigmund, 12, 302, 303, 304 Frith, Mary, 224 Earle, John, 198 East India Company, 74, 94 Gainsford, Thomas, 186 Eccleston, Christopher, 343 Galen and Galenism, 5, 65–7, 288 Edward III, 229 Game and Playe of Chesse, The (1474), 252 Edward VI, King of England, 251 Gammer Gurton’s Needle, 306 Edwards, Richard, 161 Gaskill, William, 326 Eld, G., 337 gender, 11, 240–1 Eliot, T. S., 25 and music, 186–9 Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia, 123, 130, 131, 133, pregnancy and birth, 11, 264, 266–70 145, 147 rape, 24, 228, 241, 266, 341 Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 64, 69, 117, 127, sexuality, 263–70 144, 251 women’s life stages, 271–7 Elizabeth II, Queen of England, 345 genre, 10, 166, 172, 235–42, 293–4, 317 Elizabethan Stage Society, 327 city comedy, 154, 163, 164–5, 212, 236, 287, Elliott, Marianne, 3–4 290, 291 Elwes, Gervase, 65 revenge tragedy, 287, 290 Emanuel, Elizabeth, 341 satire, 21–3, 25, 249 Evans, Henry, 161, 162 tragedy, 236 Everard, John, 142 tragicomedy, 112–13, 235, 287, 290, 292 Ewbank, Inga-Stina, 232 Geoffrey of Monmouth, History of the Kings of Eyre, Richard, 332 Britain, 253, 256 George I, King of England, 130 Falco, Raphael, 251 Gerard, John, Herball, 66 Farrant, Richard, 161 Gifford, William, 317 Felton, John, 133 Giles, Nathaniel, 162 Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor, 129, 130, 131 Giles, Thomas, 161 Field, Nathan, 162, 164, 222 Globe Theatre, 134, 155, 156, 157, 158, 170, 172–3, Amends for Ladies, 271 213, 216 Fishbourne, Richard, 139, 140 Gondomar, Don Diego Sarmiento, Count of, 26, Fitzgeoffrey, Henry, Satyres and Satirical 123, 127, 131, 133, 142, 145, 146, 147–9, Epigrams, 108 180–2, 239 Fleay, Frederick G., 212 Gossett, Suzanne, 171 Fletcher, John, 145, 215, 222, 229, 231, Gouge, William, 138 232, 235 Of Domesticall Duties, 274 Faithful Shepherdess, The, 156, 235 Gowing, Laura, 275 and Philip Massinger Grant, Hugh, 332 Pilgrim, The, 313 Grant, John, 140 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19054-1 - Thomas Middleton in Context Edited by Suzanne Gossett Index More information 380 Index Greenaway, Peter, 340 Holmes, Thomas, 179 The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Holy Trinity Priory Aldgate, 52 Lover, 341 Hooker, Richard, 112 Greenblatt, Stephen, Renaissance Self-Fashioning, Hope, Jonathan, 212 12, 280 Horace, 48, 243 Greene, Robert, 11, 21, 22, 98, 243 Horne, Thomas, 85 Blacke Booke’s Messenger, The, 245 Hoskins, Bob, 333 Ciceronis Amor, 244 Howard, Charles, Baron Effingham, 321 Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay, 25, 175, 259 Howard, Frances, Duchess of Somerset, 3, 26, 65, Gresham, Thomas, 69 93, 120–1, 180, 238–9, 264 Grove, Mary, 64 Howard, Henry, Earl of Northampton, 121 Guarini, Giovanni Battista, 112 Howard, Mary, Lady Effingham, 321 Guilpin, Everard, 245 Howard, Thomas, Earl of Suffolk, 121, 122, Gunpowder Plot, 17, 146, 165 128–9, 177 Gurr, Andrew, 169, 172, 279 Hunnish, William, 161 Hafler, Max, 335 Inns of Court, 106, 108 Hakewill, George, 132 Inner Temple, 108 Hall, Joseph, 176, 249 Ioppolo, Grace, 223, 233, 238 Vergidemiarum, 21, 245 Hamersley, Hugh, 140 Jack of Dover, 247 Hands, Terry, 329 Jackson, Elizabeth, 64 Harington, Lucy, Countess of Bedford, 177 Jackson, MacDonald P., 2, 212, 320
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