INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR SOIL MECHANICS AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING This paper was downloaded from the Online Library of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE). The library is available here: https://www.issmge.org/publications/online-library This is an open-access database that archives thousands of papers published under the Auspices of the ISSMGE and maintained by the Innovation and Development Committee of ISSMGE. Session 1/1 Soil Morphology and Foundation Engineering Morphologie du sol et construction de fondations by G. D . A it chison , M.E., A.M.I.E. Aust., University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Summary Sommaire In the study of the foundation characteristics of the principal En étudiant les caractéristiques des sols du point de vue des fon­ populated centres of Australia it has been found that the pedological dations dans les principales agglomérations urbaines de l’Australie system of soil classification is readily adaptable to engineering re­ on trouve que le système pédologique de classification des sols quirements. s’adapte facilement aux besoins du génie civil. Since each soil type (represented by a particular soil profile) re­ Vu que chaque coupe de sol (représentée par une coupe carac­ occurs on a very large number of building sites, there is a wide téristique) reparaît dans grand nombre d’emplacements de bâti­ potential application for all information relevant to the foundation ments, il est possible d’appliquer sur une large échelle les renseigne­ behaviour of each soil. Every soil, once identified and described, ments recueillis sur l’action des fondations dans un sol. Chaque sol, may be recognised in the field solely on the basis of its characteristic une fois qu’il a été identifié et décrit, est facilement reconnu en place morphology. Against each soil type can be recorded past experience par sa seule morphologie. Pour chaque type de sol on enregistre les of foundation performance as well as measured data defining the expériences préalablement faites sur l’action des fondations et les physical properties and seasonal characteristics of the soil. Found­ résultats de mesures donnant les propriétés physiques et les variations ation design—quantitative or qualitative—can follow from such re­ caractéristiques résultant du cycle des saisons. Les observations en­ cords. registrées peuvent servir de base à l’établissement du projet de fon­ This approach to foundation engineering, based on soil morpho­ dation tant au point de vue volume que type. logy, has been developed specifically to be applicable to small Cette méthode basée sur la morphologie du sol a été particulière­ domestic-type buildings within the Australian environment. Thus ment développée pour la construction de maisons d’habitation à un it relates to shallow foundations, and to soils which are subject to étage, dans les conditions régnant en Australie, c’est-à-dire des fon­ the influences of a pronounced seasonal cycle in a warm to temperate dations peu profondes et des sols soumis aux influences du cycle bien climate. marqué des saisons dans un climat chaud ou tempéré. Introduction Among the most complex foundation problems with which pany these phenomena may be manifested in terms of a cycle the engineer must contend are those in which he must design, of freezing and thawing, or wetting and drying. Within Aus­ not only for applied structural loadings, but also for certain tralia, the average climate is such that a pronounced cycle o f variable forces of nature. Such problems are encountered in wetting and drying is the dominant seasonal effect in soils. In connection with quite a large proportion of those engineering this paper therefore, consideration is given to the foundation structures which must be built on the surface of the soil: behaviour of those soils in which there is normally an annual structures such as road pavements and domestic buildings are repetition of a more or less severe wetting and drying cycle. particularly susceptible to the effects of nature since in such cases the area of soil covered by the structure is comparatively Soil Classification small in relation to the perimeter or exposed edge. The impact of natural forces is normally seen as a cyclic An essential pre-requisite to the proper study of the engi­ effect with repetition either annually (seasonally) or over a neering behaviour of soils in nature, is the acceptance o f a longer period (as an oscillation of climate). The influences of satisfactory system of soil classification. In any large scale nature which affect the engineering behaviour of soils are study of soils and foundation performance, correlations may broadly those of a penetration of a temperature wave and a be found between any chosen category of any recognised engi­ cyclic variation of soil moisture; these may often be inter­ neering soil classification, and the corresponding foundation dependent. Physical changes in soil properties which accom ­ characteristics of the soil. However, there are serious limita­ 3 tions to the use of such classifications, due to necessity of pedological classification permits a new approach to an other­ assessing each soil layer by layer (i.e. horizon by horizon) and wise uneconomical problem. In any big city or town, the for introducing an additional factor to allow for climatic number of sites on which buildings may be erected is quite influences. large, whereas the number of different soil types which may As an alternative to the engineering soil classifications, there occur is usually quite limited. The estimated figures for two is considerable merit in the system developed by pedologists, of Australia’s capital cities—Melbourne and Adelaide— show originally for agricultural purposes (Stephens, 1952). In such a total of only 40 major soils for more than 800,000 actual or a system, the soil profile as a whole becomes the unit of the potential building sites. classification, thus eliminating the need for separate assess­ ment of each soil horizon. Since the weathering processes in Table 1 Soil Distribution in Populated Centres the soil profile are normally in equilibrium with the existing Distribution des sols dans les agglomérations urbaines climatic conditions, the classification based on such a unit automatically embodies some expression of the seasonal factor. Locality Considerable engineering use has already been made o f such Melbourne pedological soil classifications—almost entirely in relation to Adelaide ( Victoria) ( S.Australia) problems of pavement construction (Highway Research Board, 1949, 1950, 1951). Consequently, in this paper, stress is laid on the alternative application—in shallow foundations for Population 1,400,000 400.000 Area, square miles 270 100 small buildings. Number of sites for buildings A useful characteristic of the pedological classification of (existing and potential)1) 600,000 200.000 soils is that it depends largely for its application upon the direct Number of basic soil types2) 15 25 recognition in the field of features of the soil profile, i.e. it is Average number of building sites based upon the observable aspects of soil morphology, prin­ on each basic soil type 40,000 8,000 cipally depth, colour, texture and structure. Since each individual problem in shallow foundation engi­ ‘) The majority of buildings are small, single-storied, domestic type neering is usually too small to warrant laboratory examination 2) Transitional soil types and minor sub-types have been excluded of the soil from each site, the field identification aspect of the Table 2 Elements of the Soil Classification System—The Pedological Approach Adapted for the Purposes of Shallow Foundation Engineering Eléments du système de classification des sols - La méthode pédologique est adaptée aux exigences des constructions à fonda­ tions peu profondes I II III IV V VI Category Orders Sub-O rders Great Soil Groups Families Types Sub-Types Number of Classes Small Number 2 7 4 0-50 Any Number Large Number in Category (per Type) Determinant morpho­ Presence of lime or Profile color and pre­ Parent material and Texture, depth and Texture, depth and logical attributes of gypsum in A or B sence of halomorphic depth of solum. (Cate­ structure of A and B drainage status of A category horizons. Position of calcimorphic or hydro- gory used only where horizon. Emphasis on horizon horizons of organic morphic features such features domi­ B horizon matter, clay, sesqui- nate) oxides, lime and gyp­ sum Significance of cate­ Of fundamental im­ Most important cate­ Useful grouping of The basis of soil maps The most detailed ca­ gory portance in systematic gory in classification soil types with similar for land use. Each tegory. Rarely map- classification. Not but rarely interpret­ physical properties type is morphologi­ able. Related to spe­ significant in deter­ able for land use ex­ cally distinct and pos­ cific engineering land mining land use cept on broad scale. sesses definite engi­ use The basis of regional neering properties soil maps Influence of land use I, 11 and III are systematic, objective cate­ Each successive category is_ increasingly dependent on land use. An in establishment of gories and are not determined by land use. engineering bias in defining the determinant features of a soil type category No bias should be evident whether soil classi­ is entirely compatible with parallel practice in agricultural soil sur­ fied by engineer, agriculturalist, or pedologist veys Examples from Aus­ Y ellow MS soils M S 1>) tralian capital cities Podsolic Soils MS 2 M T soils M T 1 M T 2 Red Brown Earths RB 3 RB 3o ') RB 3I> RB 6 etc. ') Each soil type (and sub-type) has been observed to show characteristic engineering behaviour and to possess characteristic physical or engineering properties (vide Tables 3 and 4) Table 3 Soil T ype and Foundation Expérience T ypes de sols et expériences recueillies Foundation Experience on the Soil1) Great Soil Morphology: Soil Soil Principal Features Type Incidence of Foundation Soil Property Responsible Group of the Soil Profile Observed Satisfactory Failure on the Soil for Failure of Foundation Foundation Practice Red RB 3 0 -1 2 " A horizon: Brown silt Failures are common.
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