SPECIAL ISSUE THE KENYA GAZETTE Poblished by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the GPO) Ttee Vol. LXXV—No. 11 NAIROBI, 3rd March, 1973 Price Sh 1/50 GAZETTE Norice No 663 THE TRANSPORT LICENSING ACT (Cap 404) THE undermentioned applications will be considered by the Transport Licensing Board at the East African Community Build ings, Conference Hall, Ngong Road, Nairobi, on the following dates — (1) Monday, 19th March, 1973, at 9 am, apphcations in respect of Road Service Licences up to NB/R/45/73 (2) Tuesday, 20th March, 1973, at 9 am, apphcations in respect of Road Service Licences from NB/R/46/73 (3) Wednesday, 21st March, 1973, at 9 am, applications m respect of “B’” Carriers’ Licences Every objection in respect of an application shall be lodged with the Licensing Authority and the District Commussioner of district im which such application is to be heard and a copy thereof shall be sent to the apphcant not less than seven days before the date of the meeting at which such application 1s to be heard Objections received late will not be considered Except where otherwise stated the applications are for one vehicl. Every objector shall include the size and Registration Number of his vehicle (together with the tmetables where applicable} operating on the applicants proposed route Those who submit applications m the name of partnership and compames must bring Certificate of Registration te the TLB meeting Applicants who are Kenya, Tanzania or Uganda citizens of non African origin must produce their citizenship certificates or any other documentary proof of their citizenship MM MULWEYE, Executive Officer, Transport Licensing Board, PO Box 30440, Narob Road SERVICE LICENCES NB/R/1/73—Messrs M G Buses Service, PO Box 90, Ruiru 7/73-—Alfred Otrm1 Masinde, c/o KCC Ltd, PO Box Route Gathirum - Ruiru - Nairobi - Thika - 30131, Nairobi Route Nairobi Nakuru-Kencho Sagana Nyer - Nanyuki Meru (Two vehicles, Kisumu (One vehicle, 6 passengers ) 62 passengers each ) 8/73—Mama—Maina Munga, Munga, PO BoxK 73036, , NairobiNairobi RoutRoute 2/73—Mapenz: Munanie Jilo, PO Box 41842, Nairobi Nairobi - Athi River - Kapado (KMW 575, 16 Route Mombasa - Nairob: (Six vehicles, 6 pas- passengers) sengers each ) 3/73—William Negarutya Mungai, PO Box 156, Thika 9/73—Messrs Corrado Kamwets Karun & Lawrence Route Ndonyo Sabuk Kuilimambogo - Ndula - Migwi Mwangi, University of Nairobi, PO Box Munyu Scheme Thika (One vehicle, 6 to 12 pas- 30197, Nairobi: (or c/o Vet Labs Kabete, PO sengers) Kabete, Nairobi) Route Murang’a Town - Mukangu - Kahuhia - Kangema - Rwathia - Kthoya- 4/73—Messrs New Gicheha Quick Service, PO Box 38, Rwathia (One vehicle, 8 passengers ) Ruiru Route Gatundu§ Ruiru_ Thika - Nairobi - Embu (One vehicle, 50 to 60 passengers) 10/73—Mwang1 Machana, PO Box 73033, Nairobi §/73—Messrs Undire Bus Service, PO Box 4, Kikuyu Route Kinko Pnmary School Kagumoini-Kinain1- Route Negortba - Thika Nairobi - Kikuyu Kaweru - Murang’a - Sabasaba - Kuinyang. Limuru Naivasha Nakuru (Three vehicles, 62 Makuyu - Ithanga - Thika (KKS 190, 40 passengers and KKD 969, 18 passengers ) passengers each ) 6/73—Messrs African Lion Safans Ltd, PO Box 45227, 11/73—Bernard K Nyau, PO Box 163, Kikuyu Route Nairobi Route within Kenya for carnage of Nairobi Kyabe Turn off - Narok Town (Two \} tourists (Twenty vehicle , 7 possergere each venues, 6 Passengers each ) {251 252 THE KENYA GAZETTE 3rd March, 1973 Roap Service LicENcES—(Contd ) NB/R/12/73—Mugane Chege, PO Box 160, Nairobi Route 25/73— Messrs Omao Investments, PO Box 24654, Karen, Githima Narvasha Giigil - Nairobi Ol’Kaiou - Natrobr Route Nazrobi Nakuru - Kertcho - Ol Joro Orok - Thomson’s Falls - Mununga - Kisii. (Four vehicles, 7 passengers each } Negarua (Two vehicles, 57 passengers each ) 26/73—Messrs Amon Ndung’u & Co, PO Box 45730 13/73—Kimani Kuru & Co, PO Box 41, Thika Route Nairobi Route Limuru Ruirom - Gitaru Ruiruta Ikumbi Tea Factory Kaharati Murang’a Thika-Ruiru- Nairobi (One vehicle, 62 passengers ) Kiambu Nyabunt Ol Kalou Ndundori - Lanett - Nairobi Thika Ikumbi (Two vehicles, 68 to 72 27/73--Messrs Kamau Gihohi Githua, E G Ngumi, P passengers each ) Mwangi Henrey, Mwangi Macharia and P Waruru, TLB 8199—Messrs Travelworld (Kenya) Ltd, PO Box 44690, PO Box 74429, Nairobi Route Kiambutha Nairobi Route Within Kenya for carnage of Village Waranga Mananga Keent Kamwiyono Kammbugi - Gituyu Nyakihai Murang’a - tournts (KDL 434, KDL 435, KDL 436 KDL Maragwa - Sabasaba - Makutano - Kabati - Thika - 437, KDL 438, 7 passengers each and ten more Juja Ruitu Nairobi (One vehicle, 25 passengers ) vehicles 7 passengers each ) 9368-——Zachary Negugi, PQ Box 23027, Lower Kabete 10912—Messrs Donald Vincent Tounsm Ltd, PO Box Variation of route to add Nairobi Present route 41746, Nairobi Route withm Kenya for carriage Tigom. Ndenderu Karura Wangige - Gitaru - of tounsts (KPB 918, 5 passengers } Kikuyu Limuru (KHV 92, 41 passengers ) 28/73—Messrs Dani Bus Services, PO Box 45827, 14/73—John M Mutham:, PO Box 13055, Naurobi Nairobi Route Alego - Ulafu Sirembe - Kodiage Route Ithanga - Kibtku - Kainiki - Mahiami - Kisumu =Nakuru Nairobi (Two vehicles, 50 to Nairobt Kibiku Wangige Kikuyu-M Hospital 60 passengers } (2) Route Kisumu Muhuru (Two Wangige - Karura - Kiambu (Two vehicles, 14 pas vehicles, 50 to 60 passengers ) (3) Route Kisumu - sengers each )} Kibowsa - Majengo - Eldoret (Two vehicles, 50 to 60 passengers ) (4) Route Uranga Siaya ~ Ndere - 15/73—David Munene, PO Box 44181, Nairobi Route Neinda - Murang’a - Minira Sagana Road - Gem Kodiaga Kisumu - Nakuru - Nairobi (Two Makuyu Road Thika - Ruiru - Nairobi Neinda vehicles, 50 to 60 passengers ) Kigumo Gathera Neginda (One vehicle, 30 to 40 29/73—Messrs Daniel Kinuthta & Boniface Mutiso, PO passengers } Box 12642, Nairob1 Route Nairobi Eastern 16/73—Njoroge Githuku, Leyland Pamts (K) Lid, PO Central Provinces - Nyanza - Kitale (Eight vehicles, Box 18124 Nairobi Route Natrobi - Wangige - 7 passengers each ) Ongata Longai - Kesenan Magadi Nairobi 30/73—Messrs Kenya Rent A Car Ltd, PO Box 49795, (One vehicle, 52 passengers ) Nairobi Route Kenya for carnage of tounsts 17;73—Messrs Bongo Tours Safar, c/o S K Mwenda & (KPE 712, KPE 713, KPE 714, KPE 715, KPE 716 Samson Negara, PO Box 72843, Nairobi Within KPE 717, KPE 718, KPE 719, KPE 720, KPE 721, Kenya National Parks for carnage of tourists 7 passengers each ) (Twenty vehicles, 7 passengers each and three more 31;73—Messrs James Nyjoroge & Co, PO Box 156, vehicles, 45 passengers each ) Kiaambu Route Nyamuthanga Githungurn Kiambu- 18/73—S Paul Kathu, PO Box 19093, Nairobi Route Nairobi (One vehicle, 62 passengers ) Ath: River Machakos - Thika Nazrobi - Kayjtado Ndadora Koma Rock - Tala - Misyant - Mwala 32/73—Gaithuma Waime, c/o Admunistration Camp Mitabom - Senia - Wamunyu - Masn (Ten vehicles, Thogoto Village, PO Kikuyu Route Nairobi - 7 to 12 passengers each )} Thogoto Gikambura Lusigett - Kamangu - Mutarakwa - Narvasha - Gilgil - Nakuru Nyjoro - PO Box 57, Ruiru Varia 546/1—Charles K Gathecha, Mau Narok (Three vehicles, 42 passengers each ) tion to delete Matuu Present route Kigann - Nairobi - Thika Murang’a and Matuu (KMC 33/73—Miss Magrate W Sindiyo, PO Box 301808, 481, 52 passengers ) Nairobi Route Nairobi Kyabe - Naurragie - 546/3—Messts G G Kigwe & Bros, PO Box 57, Enkare Narok - Nairobi (Six vehicles, 6 to 7 pas- Ruiu Vanation of route to add Kiganjo Present sengers each )} (KMR route Kiambu Mbium Thika - Nairobi 35/73—David Sumryu Munyoron, TP T BN, Kenya Army, 762, 56 passengers) PO Box 48702, Nairobi Route Busia Nambale- 1529-—Messrs Nairobi Blue Transporters, PO Box 73718, Amukura - Mungatst - Myanga - Matokho - Nairobi Route within Kenya for carnage of Bungoma - Webuye (Broderick Falls) (One vehicle, tourists (Forty vehicles, 7 passengers each ) 12 passengers ) 7379--Mwangi Mbothu, PO Box 190 Kiambu Variation 36/73—Messrs Marsabit Transport Co Ltd, cfo PO of route to add Thomson’s Falls Nakuru and Box 16047, Nairobi Route Nairobi Thika delete Ndumberr - Namanga Present route Fort Hall - Sagana Embu - Meru - Isiolo - Ndumben - Nairob: - Namanga (KPE 119, 67 Marsabit-Moyale through mam road and back, on passengers ) the same route to Nairobi Natrobi Thika - Fort 49/73—Samuel Mutua Kavuitu & Geoffrey Mathews Kakuh, Hail Sagana Karatma - Kiganjo - Nanyuki - PO Box 72458, Nairobi Route Kenya for carnage Timau - Isiolo - Garabatulla - Modogashe - of tourists (Ten vehicles, 7 passengers each ) Habaswen - Wayr Buna Moyale through main road and back to Nairobi, on the same route (Four 20/73—Messrs Muturi Mutun & G Kamau, PO Box 82, vehicles, 56 passengers each ) Uplands Route Kamahndu - Githungur - Kiambu - Nairobi Limuru - Natvasha - Gilgil - 37/73—James Munyiny1, PO Box 30060, Nairobi Route Ol Kalou Thomson’s Falls (One vehicle, 15 Nairobi Limurn (KMJ 95, 14 passengers ) passengers) 38 /73—Phihp Mwaniki Wainaina, PO Box 74458, Nairobi 21/73—Wilham Kamau Githenn, PO Box 30124, Nairobi Route Kapenguna - Kitale - Eldoret - Nakuru - Route Nairobi - Ruiru Thika - Kandara - Nairobi (Two vehicles, 67 passengers each ) Kamurugu - Githumu WNyrt’s High School (One 39/73—Joe Nyuguna Wakaba, c/o Cleansing Section, vehicle, 30 to 40 passengers ) PHD, PO Box 30108, Nairobi Route 22/73—Michael Kiptalam Komen, NHIF, PO Box Mutunguru - Gatundu Ruiru - Nairobi (Four 30443, Nairobi Route Kabartonjo - Kabarnet vehicles, 7 passengers each ) Nakuru - Nairobi (One vehicle, 10 passengers ) 40/73—Kirumba Nyuguna, PO Box 10219, Nairobi 23/73—Messrs Justus Karmki Maigua & David Waweru Route Nairobi- Kencho
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