WHODUNIT? WINGS OVER WINNIPESAUKEE Mailing Label A delightful dinner is interrupted by a myste- Give a novice birder a helping wing. rious murder. See story on A3 See story on A9 APRIL 30, 2009 GILFORD, N.H. - FREE Gov. Lynch ‘stops by to visit’ with Gilford fourth graders BY DONNA RHODES hours away, the governor quire more exercise, another [email protected] asked if anyone had special student wanted to allow "sec- GILFORD — Each year plans for the week. When a onds" at lunch. The governor hundreds of fourth grade student named Haley said found it interesting when students pay a visit to the she was going to Jamaica, he someone else added that they Capitol Building in Concord then asked, "Have you ever would ban cars from the while studying the State of thought you'd want the gov- state. New Hampshire and its gov- ernor to go with you?" He The discussion then led to ernment. Governor John said he would have his aide budgets and what happens Lynch considers these visits give her his phone number on a day-to-day basis at the one of the highlights of his so she could ask her parents State House. Lynch asked if term in office. He will even and get back to him, bringing anyone knew what tax mon- interrupt a meeting in order giggles from Haley and her ey was spent on in New to spend time with his spe- classmates. Hampshire. The students cial guests. But, when the Gil- Gov. Lynch then tested were able to successfully list ford Elementary fourth their knowledge of New education, healthcare, pay- graders arrived in Concord Hampshire, quizzing them ing bills, and building roads to wish him a happy birth- on things like the state bird and bridges. day on Nov. 25, Lynch was (purple finch), state fruit (the "And for the good stuff away on other business. Feel- pumpkin) and the state in- that you do!" called out one ing badly about disappoint- sect (the ladybug). It was ob- student. ing the boys and girls, he vious the group had done "Well, yes for that, too," he made a special trip to Gilford their homework as they were said with a smile. to see them instead. It is not not stumped by any of his Turning to fun and per- often that he visits schools questions. sonal topics, Gov. Lynch told but he felt he owed it to these He next asked everyone stories of his home life and students. what changes they would about the many cats his fam- "I am so sorry I wasn't make if they could be gover- ily owns. One cat's name, he PHOTO BY DONNA RHODES Gov. Lynch quizzed fourth graders at Gilford Elementary School last Friday on their knowledge of New there when you came," he nor for a day.One boy said he told them, is Harry Potter. Hampshire. Lynch made a special trip to visit with them after learning he had missed meeting them on their apologized. "But, it was in- would like to stop looting. A Despite having five cats the trip to the State Capitol in November. deed my birthday and I got young lady in the class want- governor revealed he really the cards you had made. I was ed to make everyone recycle. likes dogs so recently his wife laughed. Clintons, Barack Obama, "Oh! I have a good one for so touched by them - in fact I A few others had more per- came home with a puppy. The students were curious Arnold Schwarzenegger and you," he said with a smile. still have them. Thank you sonal goals such as longer "Can you imagine what as to what famous people George Bush, which brought "You're going to like this one. very much!" gym classes for more exer- that puppy is doing with five Lynch has met in his five "oohs" and "aahs" from the I met David Ortiz!" With spring vacation just cise and, in what might re- cats at home right now?' he years in office. He listed the crowd. SEE GOVERNOR PAGE A8 ‘Tolerance Night’ educates GMS parents on the social issues students face BY DANIELLE DELISLE about the level of bullying Wall said that they have in- sults were a little frustrating, problem is that most of the ages of underage students to [email protected] and chaotic behavior on the tegrated bullying and ha- said Lamontagne, since 43 building will take place on other GMS students. Parents voiced their con- buses and listened while De- rassment into the DARE pro- percent of students said they text messages, Livejournal, “I had two cases this year cerns about bullying on tective/SRO Doug Wall ex- gram for the first time. Ha- had been bullied that year.Of MySpace, Facebook and oth- of females who had explicit school buses last week, at the plained what bullying is and rassment is defined as a the students who said they er networking Web sites. photos of themselves texted “Tolerance Night” organized why kids might not chose to course of conduct directed at were bullied, 25 percent said These incidents happen off to other students,” said Wall. by the School Resource Offi- report incidences of bully- a specific person that causes they reported it and the prob- school property, but if the “This is happening here. cers and Gilford Middle ing. He defined bullying as substantial emotional dis- lem continued. bullying affects them at They take the pictures and School administrators. any ongoing physical or ver- tress in the targeted person. “Those are the most frus- school, such as grades, then sending them to their “I could ride the bus after bal mistreatment where Kara Lamontagne, GMS As- trating ones for us,” said La- it becomes the responsibility boyfriend, they break up and school and I have,” said Jim there is an imbalance of pow- sistant Principal, stressed montagne. “The ones that are of the school. This bullying the boyfriend sends the pic- Kemmerer, principal of er and the victim is exposed that parents need to get let continuing to suffer.” can even take the form of tures to everyone in their cell GMS, “but it has no sustain- repeatedly to negative ac- the faculty and staff know Kemmerer said that the sending inappropriate im- SEE TOLERANCE PAGE A4 ability. As soon as I stop rid- tions on the part of more stu- about any incidents so they ing the bus it will go back to dents. can be proactive and prevent the way it was. As matter of “In the 1980s we were told problems before they start. fact it will get worse because if someone gets in your face, Each year GMS does a bul- GPD outlines plan for grant money they’ll think ‘Oh good! The hit them back,” said Wall. ly survey and asks the stu- BY DANIELLE DELISLE so like to add two more tasers ready in service. In the re- [email protected] principal isn’t here.’” “That didn’t work then, and dents questions about their to their force. Eleven officers port to the Board of Select- Parents were concerned it doesn’t work now.” experiences bullying. The re- The Gilford Police De- have completed the painful men, Keenan wrote that the partment has announced its training and the GPD cur- new radar guns would en- plan for the stimulus money rently has nine tasers. They hance the department’s abil- that will be coming their way are also requesting to pur- ity to conduct speed enforce- PTA poetry reading lets students shine through a cooperative effort chase a new radar gun and ment on the roads. BY DANIELLE DELISLE with the other departments several new firearms to sup- “The server that takes [email protected] in the county. plement the firearms al- SEE GRANT MONEY PAGE A8 Encouraging students to “Belknap County has express emotion in just a few been certified as a disparate lines, Gilford Parent Teacher county,” said GPD Deputy Gilford students may be Association celebrated their Chief Kevin Keenan. “This eighth Annual Gilford means that we have to enter able to sleep in Wednesdays Schools Poetry Competition. into a memorandum of un- “I just thought about how derstanding with the Belk- BY DANIELLE DELISLE 8:50 a.m., late bell at 8:54 a.m. [email protected] my boyfriend made me feel,” nap County Sheriff ’s De- with four minutes for home- said Shawna Yale, Gilford partment. This MOU entitles In order to allow teachers room. Students would have High School junior, about them to a portion of our al- more time to assess students three blocks of academics for her poem, which won in her lotted funds.” and their progress, the Gil- 54 minutes each. Lunch is fol- class. The money is coming ford and Gilmanton School lowed by two final periods of Other students were in- through the Edward Bryne districts are proposing de- academics before dismissal spired by paintings or their Memorial Justice Assis- laying school openings on at 2:14 p.m. This would give families, Danica Baxter, tance Grant Formula Pro- Wednesdays. the school 1,021 instructional whose poem was titled “The gram, which President “In almost all NEASC Self- hours, which is over the 990 Bruised Ones,” said her sis- Barack Obama put money Study reports, the need for required hours mandated by ters inspired her when they into earlier this year. common time for faculty col- the state. If adopted the dis- don’t get something they Through this grant and in co- laboration is paramount,” trict would discontinue early want.
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