'!.... Uy, ~)4,~4 AaraIIa,.al3, 1916 CSeb) . LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Twelfth Session (Tenth Lot Sabha) (Vol. XXXVI contains Nos.} to 10) LOK SABRA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Price: Rs. 50.00 ----------------- ------ (CIUGll'IoAl ENGUSli PROCEEDINGS INClUDED IN ENGLISH VER~ION ... JIIt> ORIG NAl HINDI PROCEI!Jl(NGS INCLUDED IN HINDI VI:.RSiOJlo Will BE TIl~ATEI) As AljyHoRITArivE ANa NgJ THB TRANSLAnON THEREOf.) CONTENTS (Tenth Series, Vol. XXXVI, Twelfth Session, 1994/1916 (Saka) No.6, Wednesday, December 14, 1994/Agrahayana 23, 1916 (Saka) Columns Oral Answers to Questions: ·Starred Question Nos. 101,102 and 104 1-18 Written Answers to Questions: ·Starred Question Nos. 103 and 105 to 120 19-35 Unstarred Question Nos. 1088 to 1110, 1112 to 1205, 1207 to 1234 and 1236 to 1253. 36--185 COrrectIng Statements 186 0) Statement correcting reply to Unstarred Question No. 522 dated 27th July, 1994 Re: Paper Mills 186 (ii) Statement Correcting reply to Unstarred Question No. 1489 : Dated 3rd August, 1994 Re: Unauthorised Colonies 186 (iii) Statement Correcting reply to Unstarred Question No. 4383 : Dated 24.8.1994 Re: I.A.S. Officers posted abroad 186 Re: Laying on the Table of Gyan Prakash Committee's Report on Imports of Sugar 187-212 "The Sign + marked above the name of a Member Indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. (i) LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA District Headquarters-cum-Stations have been commit sion9d in Diglipur and Campbell Bay in Andaman Nicobar Islands to provide forward support 10 Coast Guar Wednesday, December 14, 1994IAgrahayana, 23. 1916 units deployed for inlensive surveillance patrols. In add (Saka) tion, the security interests of the country in the Andama area are also safeguard by Fortress Commander, India Navy, Andaman & Nicobar Islands with assets under h The Lok Sabha met at command. Eleven of the Clock, {Translation] (MR. SPEAKER In the Chair) SHRI ATAL BIHARI VAJPAYEE: Mr. Speaker, Sir, have carefully gone through the statement placed by It' Hon. Minister in reply to my question. is clear from tho ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS II statement th'at the vessels of several countries encroac our maritime boundary, do fishing there and if the neE [Eng/ish] arise. enter into a confrontation. Whether it is a fact ttl. the vessels of China were displaying the flag of MyanmaJ Foreign Vessel. In Indian Water. SHRI HARI KISHORE SINGH: The vessels beIongir ·,0,. SHRI ATAL BIHARI VAJPAYEE: Will the to China are caned Chinese vessels. PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state: (a) whether the Indian Coast Guard seized foreign SHRt ATAL BIHARI VAJPAYEE: Mr. Speaker, SIr, vessels poaching in Indian Waters during 1993-94 and seems that he is a sweel-toothed. These were not fishir 1994-95; trawlers but serpentine type boats which are used f, ferrying cargo. If they had come for fishing then what we (b) if so, the details thereof; the need to display the nag of Myanmar? Have they COlT (c) the details of seizures made from these vessels for the first time? Pakistani vessels have also been comir during the above period; inlo our maritime zone and the Government has at! admitted this fact in its reply. However, according to It (d) the names of the countries to which these vessels information available with me, Pakistani vessels no~ on belonged; encroach our maritime boudary and indulge in fishing b (e) the action taken by the Government in each case; lhey also try to reach upto the boundary of Andaman ar end Nicobar Islands. There has been fresh spurt in thE (I) the steps taken or proposed to be taken 10 safe- activities. I would like to know about lhe steps taken by It guard the security interests of the country, particularly in Government to give more leelh 10 the Indian Coast Guar Andaman area? Whether the Government is content with the prese security system? At least, we are not satisfied. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY [English] OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (SHRI MALLIKARJUN): (a) to (f) A Statement is laid on the Table of the House, SHRI MALLIKARJUN: Sir, it is true and in the stat ment il has been mentioned thai threelChinese V8SSE Statement have also been caught along with IhA other trawIeI The Indian Coast Guard seized 54 foreign trawlers Twenty-eight of the seized vessels ~ to Sri Lank during 1893-94 and 18 foreign trawlers during 1994-95. 24 to Thailand, 13 to Pakistan, 3 eaCh to China 81 The.. fishing vessels were seized aIongwith their fishing Indonesia and one to Taiwan. ' gear ana-utch on board. 28 of the seized vessels belonged to Sri Lanka, 24 to Thailand, 13 to Pakistan, 3 Sir, as has been menliioned by the han. Member II each to ChIna and Indonesia and one to Taiwan. In security environment in Andarnan & ~ aIM is respect Of all these vessels, action has been taken under matter of concern to all of us. Iht proviaions of the Maritime Zones of India Ad, 1981 and Sir, all these trawlers, which' have been caugtt, we !he rulea ~under by handing over the vessels to t'MI poaching vessels. There was nothing as such, which COl Police at the designated ports for further legal action. be detected. for which these vessels have entered into c Em.nced surveillance Is maintained by Coast Guard territorial waters for any other purpose. That has also be< IhIpa and aln:tall in the maritime zones of India adjacent to verified. !he Andaman & Nicobar Islands to safeguard the security Inl....ti or the country In the area. All operational ships The measures that the Coast Guard is taking a baed In the Andamans are ~ed on IUV8ilIance constant air swveIIIance and patrol, particularly in Artc paIraI. Foq levels are augmented by Caul GUIld 001'- man & Nicobar area. He ~ Commander, Indi. ~ Madraa which are ~ tor _.IIIM Nevy, under whom there are Brigade troops wiIh ...... ance lNt.oooRIa@d air ..a patrol. Two CollI GuIld his command. Even we have .... ... atrIp at Car Nicol: 3 Drill Answers AGRAHAYANA 23 1916 (Saka) to QuestIOns 4 where our helicopters are positioned to meet any avantual- (English] ity and to safeguard the security environment in that area. What is the basis on which this Govllrnment has come So far as catching of these, almost 72, vessels in to the conclusion that they were mere fishing vessels? Sir, 1993-94 and 1994-95 is concerned, as per the Maritime it is a very sophisticated modern technology and by the Zones of India Act these vessels have been handed over time our friend will acquire the vessels, for which the order to Police at designated Port. has been placed, the Domier planes will become outdated. As he is a good friend of mine, I want him to be sure of his MR. SPEAKER: No, Mr. Mallikarjun, the question answer because I will move a Privilege Motion on this. So. asked was, "Are you going to take any steps to strengthen he should be very careful. the Coast Guard?" MR. SPEAKER: You are not allowed to threaten the SHRI MALUKARJUN: This is what I have told, Sir. We Minister like this. are strengthening the Coast Guard. In fact, alter the SHRI HARI KISHORE SINGH: I withdraw and I 1978, creation of Indian Coast Guard in today we have a apologise. Bul he must be sure of his answer because I fleet of some vessels and to strengthen to Coast Guard. In have information to the contrary. There is a continuous 1992-1997, the Coast Guard Development Plan we are pressure on this country to yield in other spheres. NPT going to acquire three advanced off-shore fast vessels and other things. Arabian sea. Bay of Bengal and other Islands. six interceptors. Already in this area, we have six dorniers In Andamans. especially. for promotion of tourism this aircraft for air surveillance and we are going to strengthen Government is planning to sell Islands to certain NRI this. interests. So. I want that the Government should not [Translation] mislead the country. The people are determined to protect the interests of the country and not this Government. SHRI ATAL BIHARI VAJPAYEE: Whether it is a fact SHRI MALLIKARJUN: Sir. the hon. Member is a good that besides Andaman & Nicobar Islands, activities of friend of mine. foreign trawlers is also increasing in Bay of Bengal? Further, whether some countries are also trying to occupy MR. SPEAKER: Therefore. that is a friendly talk the islands in Bay of Bengal? Whether the attention of the between you. Govemment has been drawn towards the news appearing SHRI MALLIKARJUN: I do not mind if he moves a in the newspapers in this regard? Privilege Motion against me . ... (Inlerruptions) (English] SHRI HARI KISHORE SINGH: I have already apolog- ised. I will move against the hon. Minister of State in the SHRI MALLIKARJUN: Sir, to safeguard these islands. Ministry of Defence or against this incompetent Govern- for which there is an assumption of annexion, our lIeets. ment. which are available, are taking care of it. So far, no such SHRI BASUDEB ACHARYA: He will not move ... {/nter- island has been annexed by anybody, nor will our country rupflons) allow anybody to annex any such island which is not inhabited now. SHRI MALLIKARJUN: To judge whether there is competence or incompetences is not my concern at this SHRI HARI KISHORE SINGH: Sir, this is not the moment. Firstly. the Government is not misleading. Sec- question thai we are ignoring our defence reguirements ondly ..
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