BISHOP’S CASTLE NEWS A - M 2018 I 57 2 The Basil Hough on Memorial Trust is a local gran giving Trust able o make small gran s o suppor people wi h learning disabili ies and heir family carers ei her directly or hrough volun ary organisa ions suppor ing people wi h learning disabili ies. The Trust was established wi h an endowmen from Mrs .oris Hough on and named af er her son, he la e Basil Hough on of 0hrewsbury, who himself had a learning disabili y. Mrs Hough on was par icularly keen ha he money should be used o allow people wi h a learning disabili y o fulfil heir dreams or aspira ions and o improve he 1uali y of heir lives ei her individually or collectively 23amples of he ype of award given o da e include4 • Con ribu ions owards holidays wi h or wi hou he family • Paymen s for suppor o enable ravel or en er ainmen or social activi ies • Paymen s o achieve an individual ambi ion • Paymen for services or e1uipmen which will enhance someone7s life and is no a sta u ory re1uiremen The Trust has and is able o make small gran s wi hin he following strict cri eria4 • Individual beneficiaries must have a learning disabili y and be residen in 0hropshire. • 8rganisa ions seeking suppor for groups of people wi h learn9 ing disabili ies should be loca ed wi hin he Coun y of 0hropshire and should be registered chari ies or be estab9 lished for chari able purposes :ran s will only be awarded for services which are no he responsi9 bili y of s a u ory bodies or are addi ional o hose provided by sta u9 ory bodies Individual applican s may apply for up o ;350. :ran s o organisa9 ions will be considered on heir meri bu will generally be around ;1200 ma3 per group per annum Anyone in erested in making an applica ion should con act he Basil Hough on Trust by email o Hough on. rust=shropshire -rcc.org.uk The Trustees mee 1uar erly in June, 0ep ember, .ecember and March 3 The following ar icles are from he Town Plan eam Broadband Are you hinking of upgrading your broadband service o he new high speed fibre service? This could increase your download and upload speed 1ui e significan ly making hings like BBC iPlayer, Ne flics and 0po ify much more reli9 able. If so, here some ips for wha o do4 - There7s lo s of useful informa ion on h p4AA connectingshropshire.co.uk and loads of links o really use9 ful info on h p4AAconnectingshropshire.co.u'Amake - he - swi chA including info on business gran s o ge you connected if he superfast service is no available in your area. However, bear in mind ha no all providers will do his. I may cost you more bu you can of en nego ia e a new con ract wi h a be er price. Buestions o ask: - - Cill he new service improve my broadband speed? This depends on how close you are o he BT cabine as his is where he high speed in erne fibre service ends and your copper connection star s. The leng h of he copper ca9 ble and i s 1uali y are very impor an . - How can I be sure ha a new service will improve my speed? Talk directly o your customer service eam and make sure ha you know wha he cooling -off period is. Most providers should le you move back o your old deal if he new one is no be er 8f en a new con ract will ie you in for 12-18 mon hs wi h a penal y for ending early. If you are already using 0uperfas please ell us wha your e3perience has been. 2-mail us a ownplan=bishopscastle.co.uk. Dood Hub Al hough i is disappoin ing ha we haven7 been able o ge he agreemen of our local supermarke s o giving us heir surplus food for re -distribu ion, he good news is ha he Churchstoke Co -op has offered us heir surplus bread prod9 ucts Eloaves, rolls, wraps, e c). 4 Ce are hoping he Communi y College will be able o make use of hese i ems. Ce7re still looking for volun eers o help wi h picking up from he Co -op and delivering o he Communi y College. h ps4AAwww.facebook.comAcommuni yplanA Digh The Plastic campaign 8n Mon 5 h Deb, he Bishop7s Castle Digh The Plastics group, a coali ion of he BC Town Plan 0us ainabili y Corking :roup E0C:F, he Communi y College, BC Coopera ive shop staff and Ligh foo 2n erprises held a mee ing in he Town Hall. The plan is o hold a series of ac ions o Digh he Plas ic in food packag9 ing, o ry and find ways o reduce he problem of e3cessive, unnecessary and par icularly 0ingle Use Packaging E0UPF, oo much of which is ending up in our seas and oceans, landfill, no ge ing recycled or incinera ed, releasing C82. The Digh The Plastic group are staging a series of even s and actions o campaign for a change in legisla ion, in supermarke packaging and in he way people shop, locally, and we need your help and ideas o make Bishop7s Castle 0ingle Use Plastic Dree. Activi ies already planned are4 Beach Clean even s, on 1I h March in Aberystwy h, and in Bor h, on 15 h April Mee ing Philip .unne, on 9 h March a he college where Year 10 Communi y College studen s will grill our MP on wha can and should be done a na ional level Liaison be ween he Coopera ive :roup 2nvironmen al staff in Manchester and he Communi y College studen 7s o understand plas ic food packaging problems Communi y College studen s o a end a Coopera ive Academies 2co -Conference 5 BLM’ CN Town Plan eam Con inuedR 0ome of he o her ideas being e39 TMO CMPQ plored include4- Dull Council mee ings ake rd Corking wi h Seolia over he recy9 palace usually on he 3 cling of mi3ed plas ics; working wi h Tuesday of each mon h4 all shops o ge hem on boardT free, Tuesday 12 h .ecember wa er-bo le filling poin s in Bishop7s Tuesday 1I h January 18 CastleT a .ay of Action in he own Tuesday 20 h Debruary 18 cen re, wi h pressARadio 0hropshireT a Pe i ion o presen o all shops and All meetings are held in a Mass Li er Collection on he roads the Town Hall and com- mence at 7.30pm. Mem- around Bishop7s Castle. 2ven hough we live I0 miles inland, all plastic bers of the public are most welcome to attend. li er will even ually break down in o micro-, hen nano-plastic siVe and There is a specific point in end up in he seas, damaging he each agenda that marine life. members of the public If you would like o be involved, or may speak. Should you Wust have fur her ideas, please have an issue you would con ac 4 like to bring to the Council’s attention or .ave Luckhurst on 01588 I80250 something you would like or to discuss, please let the daveluckhurst=ho mail.co.uk Clerk know beforehand 0ee also h ps:AAwww.facebook.comA that you would like to communi yplan speak and the subject matter so that we can prepare. 6 SerenitySerenitySerenity Sports & Holistic Massage Therapies Sports Massage Pre/Post-Event Maintenance Team/Individual Event Attendance Holistic Therapies Swedish Body/Back Massage * Indian Head Massage * Warm Bamboo Massage * Ayurvedic Facial Massage * Meditation Massage * Reiki * Corporate/Seated Massage * Group/Holiday/Pamper Parties Jenny Hudson – Massage Therapist 01588 630 717 07968087981 Bishop’s Castle SpArC Newtown Mobile Facebook/Twitter www.serenityholisticmassagetherapies.co.uk 7 Friends of Bishop Castle Community, Care Home and Hospital Regis ered Chari y No. 1005980 JOIN US NOW AND SUPPORT YOUR COMMUNITY We warmly invite you to become a member of the Friends and help to promote the health, safety and well being of people within our community whether at home, in Stone House Care Home or in the Community Hospital. To become a member we ask for an annual donation of £5. All donations to be sent, with name and address to Membership Secretary Mrs Joan Grant, 4 Clive House, Bishop's Castle, SY9 5AZ (Cheques payable to Friends of Bishop's Castle Community, Care Home and Hospital.) 8 The ‘Managing your joint pain’ clinic has arrived in Bishops Castle. Are you aged 45 or older, and had hip, knee or back pain for more than 3 months? Or are you aged 45 or older, and have suffered with Osteoarthri%s for more than 3 months with no recent trauma If you've answered yes, don't panic... )Managing you joint pain' clinics are now here in ,ishops Castle. )Managing your joint pain' clinics allow you to meet with one of our fully trained joint pain advisors to discuss your joint pain. .our joint pain advisor will give you advice on various ways of managing your pain, so that you can carry on with daily ac%vi%es without pain. On booking into the clinic, you will be invited to a/end an ini%al 30 minute ap1 pointment to discuss your lifestyle, challenges, and personal goals with an advi1 sor.
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