TENNESSll C TIZENS FOR WILDERNESS PLANNING Newsletter No. 76, October 1, 1976* The great bulk of this NEWSLETTER is devoted to Jringing you information on candidates: those running for TCWP jobs; and those you III chJose from on Nov. 2 -- President, Sena­ tor, Congressperson, and state legislators. Much is at stake on the environmental front in the next few years: so cast an informed vote FOR the environment. CONTENTS ... I Two important TCWP meetings coming soon ............. •. p. 1 .... II After 10 years, victory on the abed! . .........•. ..•p. III Other news capsules (stripmine bill, New Rive� L & W Conservation Fund) ..•p. 2 IV Nominees for TCWP jobs) and ,proposed changes in constitution and bylaws ••. �. 9 . V Information on political candidates . , .., . �. 3 A. Presidential candidates compared ... , ....p. 3 and extra page . B. Candidates for federal office . • . p. j 1. Newsletter gleanings on the record of incumbents: Pres. Ford, Sen. i3ro:k, . · · · · · Congresspersons . • p • :3 2. League of Conservation Voters scores · p. 4· . · 3. Questionnaires . · · · · · . • . p . ·l . ,- C. Candidates for state 1 egi sl ature . · · · · · · . • .p. .) . 1. Responses to TCWP questionnaire, . pp. 5,8 . 2. Newsletter gleanings on the record . · · · . .p. 6 I. TWO IMPORTANT TCWP MEETINGS A. TCWP's Tenth Annual Meeting, Oct. 22-24, Cumberland Mtn State Park We are sending out a separate mailing on this meleting to bring it to your special atten­ tion. Our excellent annual meeting committee (D,ee Jared, Martha Ketelle, Mike Holla;1d, Lynn Dye, Ann Dantzler, Bill Chandler) have workred hard to make arrangements and come up with a fine program. It is not too late for 'you to decide to come. Let's hava a good turnout for our first centrally-located weekend-long meeting! B. Candidate Forum� Wednesday, Oct. 20, 7 p.m., Crest Room, University Center, U.T., Knoxville. TCWP is one of 6 conservation groups co-sponsori1g this forum, which is being organized by James V. Lewis. Each candidate will talk for five mintues and then answer questions for 5-10 minutes. This is an excellent opportunity for us to evaluate opposing candidates. Be sure to come; and bring a friend. II. AFTER 10 YEARS -- VICTORY ON THE aBED Just three days before adjournment, the Congress passed the abed bill: the House on Sept. 27 and the Senate of Sept. 28. The bill had emerged from the House Interior Committee:>n Sept. gas part of a package, together with the Flathead and the Missouri Rivers. Sub­ committee Chairman Roy Taylor's impression that Joe Evins was opposed to inclusion of any 4th District portions of the abed system, and the fact that Congr. Evins was totally inaccessible, presented a stonewall to our continued strenuous efforts, during markup, ( o� *Editor: Lee Russell, 130 Tabor Road, Oak Ridge, TN 37830. Phone 615, 482-2153. 2 to 0.dd to thi::rTvt;!i ,:;jl�d�� Lur':,(); 1'1 t1oK, , " "7 (essentialiy, Morgan County plus Catoosa). H<Jwever, tne langu aGE: concerning Cd',(,'J::,a 1ands was improved, probably in accordance with our wis hes (we h�ve n ot seen ��e Final bill yet). The Hous e package (abed + Missouri + Flathead) was suppos ed to come to the floor Sep�. 13. In the mt::ar:time, a subcommittee of the Senate Interior Committee scheduled hearings for Sept. 24 un the Obed� the Senat e having already some time ago passed bills fOI� the ot her two rivers . During the 10 days preceding thes e hearings , some worrying oppos i':ion from Morgan Cuunty (1) seemed to surface, and clrncst made Sen. Brock waver, but this was tracked down to a couple of people interested in coal and real-es tate speculation. "rCWp, on short notice, sent tes timony for the hear"jngs and stimulated testimony by othel�s . The Senate bill, S3613, as you may recal:" conta'ined 10 more miles than the Hous e bi'll, namely the F(::ntress County portion of C\ear Creek (.regarding which there had been no oppos ition). This bill could have passed the Senate, had there been more time. Howevel', since differences between the Hou se and Senate vers ion would then have required a Con­ ference Committee, and since this would have ris ked the entire bill (including the o":her rivers ) due to the time elements the Senate Subcommittee dedded that the only practica": course was for- the Sena,te to accept the mOire 1 imi ted House b111, However, �y Sept. 24, the House bill had still not come to the floor and there wer� rurnoy's trlat -jie Senate would adjourn SepL 29, Fingernai1-biting time! Well, you kn')\'� the outcome. It feels great to us who have devoted a major portion of the past 10 years to the effort of pres erving this jewel of a river We haven1t got nearly all the mi:es we want IJps tream, but (a) there III be some protection to the excluded upstre.ll11 PiJ1'ts as a res ult of the requirements we now have to protect water quality of the included dO\ln­ stream portions; and (b) there are many good rea�ons for thinking we have a chance to acid ups tream mi1 E:S wi thin the not-too-di s Lan L future, One bi 9 vi ctory in the bi 11 that pas�;ed: as a result of our efforts, the managi ng agency I;;i � 1 be the fie. t,ana 1 Park Servi ce (eJ:cq.:(; for the Catoosa porti ons , where it I n be TWRA) .. - rather than TVA, as had been propo�ied in the Dept, of Interior study, The USDJ, in te�t fying on Sept, 24, did recommend tile entire 100 miles and is on the record as far as �ticking with this recommendation in the future. , What you should do: Please thank Congresswoman Llo yd for introducing and pushing her "_I·��- abed bil L viithout her wi11 i ngness we wou1, d haVE! got nowhere in the Congress., (The Hon. Marilyn Lloyd, 1017 Longworth House Office E:ldg. , Washington, D,C, 20515), --, Thank Senators Brock and Baker� who introduced the Senate bill this summer and delegated efficient staff people to watch its progress (Sen Wm. Eo Brock III, attn,: Helen Zemaitis, Senate Off�ce Bldg., Washington. 0 C. 20510; Sen. Howard H Baker, Jr., attn. Rick Herod, same address). For a while it looked very good for a resurrectec. stripmine bill, H.R. 13950; and many TCWP members wrote to Rules Committee members in the hope that history would not be repeated. (To remind you: Rules Committee bottled up the till in March), However, history was repeated and, on Sept, 15, the committee voted 9 to 6 to table the l)i11 once more,So there we �o again, next year. On Sept. 11, Pres . Ford signed H.R. 13372, the bill that designates a portion of the New River as a National Scenic River and thus prevents construction of a highly des tructive pumped storage project. Getting as; gnature on the bi 11 was the fi na 1 victory ; n a 14- year struggle to save the river. Some of us helped in the las t year or two, and can share in the joy. Legis lation recently pas sed by both Houses will increas e the annual authorizat ion for the Land & Water Cons ervation Fund to $900 million over a three-year period, and will extend the Fund to 1989. Thes e are the moneys used for land acquis ition for federal, state, and local parklands . Under the terms of the bill, $314 billion will be available over a lO-year .., .,J 10/1/76 period (compare to Pres. Fordls much publicized Yell owstone speech which proposed $1. 5 bill ion for park'] ands ; n the next 10 years) , (Foy' item IV see PP _ ...: ") V. INFORMATION ON POLITICAL CANDIDATES A. PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES COMPARED Please be sure to take a careful look � both �jes of the enclosed page, which gives a tabular comparison of Ford and Carter. These comparisons were compiled by the staffs of the Sierra Ciub and COll1l1on Cause after careful research. For any of you who are intl:r­ ested, we have lots of additional material on both candidates on file. Also, part of our report on incumbents (Bl, belm,,) covers Gerald Ford's performance. B. CANDIDATES FOR FEDERAL OFFICE I. Newsletter gleanin�s on the record of incumbents Our past two years NEWSLETTERS contain bits of information on the position and record of incumbents with regard to issues that were of particular interest to TCWP during that peri od. These were compil ed by TCWP member Beth Simpson and are summarized here to round out the League of Conservation Voters' scores, belew) and other material included in this NEWSLETTER. Pres. Ford; Made two successive appointments for Secretary of Interior that were bitterly opposed by conservationists: Hathaway, who subsequently resigned, and Kleppe, our present Secretary (NL 68, �14; NL 69, �12; NL 71, �8A) . - For TVA Board, Ford nominated Jamt�s Hooper, whose wife was Republican National Committ.. eewoman from Mississippi, but who lacked all qualifications for the job and had a record of business failures (NL 69, �2, etc.) . Hoop':r1s nomination was not confirmed. Ford then nominated Longshore, a private power executive, who also failed to get confirmed. -- A League of Conservation Voters analysis of candidates for the primary elections (NL 74, �lO) stated that Ford had IIresis­ ted virtually every environmental initiative taken by the Congress and offered none of his own. While slashing funds from environmental programs, he has supported spendin!] for pork-barrel projects." [Be sure not to miss our enclosed tabular comparison of the Presidential candidates.] Brock: Strongly supported Pres.
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