Just because Spring forgot about us doesn’t mean we forgot about Spring. Inside is our annual award-winning Everything Spring guide, featuring home improvement and gardening tips, and much more. Wednesday, April 13, 2016 OOREFIELD XAMINER MVOLUME 125 - NUMBER 15 TWO SECTIONS • 16 PAGES 94¢ E USPS 362-300 and Hardy County News Dotson Chosen as Hardy County Superintendent of Schools By Jean A. Flanagan ments. ton. The announcement was made cation at West Virginia University. the issue of the impact of low so- Moorefield Examiner Dotson was hired by the Hardy Wednesday, April 6. He has an Administration Certifi- cio-economic students on all stu- County Board of Education as Dotson earned his undergradu- cate from Salem Teikyo University. dent education. Matthew Dotson comes to Har- the new Superintendent of Hardy ate degree in psychology at Fair- Dotson is currently working on Dotson taught and counseled dy County with an impressive list County Schools. He will succeed mont University. He received a a doctorate degree from Waldon special needs children. He was Matthew Dotson of experiences and accomplish- the retiring Barbara Whitecot- Master’s Degree in Special Edu- University. His thesis will address Continued on page 6 By Jean A. Flanagan and Technical College and will graduates, Benjamin also congrat- Moorefield Examiner soon earn her bachelor’s degree ulated the Drug Court Treatment from West Virginia University. team. Recovery from addiction to “This is not an easy journey,” “They do what they do volun- drugs and/or alcohol is a lifelong Parker told the graduates. “Drug tarily,” he said. “They help these journey and 13 people took anoth- Court helped me rebuild my life. individuals, but they also help er giant step on that journey last I’ve had a drug-free baby and will their families, their children, their Friday when they successfully com- soon graduate with a bachelor’s neighborhood and their communi- pleted the South Branch Valley degree. The sky’s the limit.” ties.” Drug Court program. The gradu- Drug Court Judge John Tread- Benjamin thanked Treadway ates were recognized at ceremo- way introduced the keynote speak- for his leadership of the program nies held at the Hampshire County er, West Virginia Supreme Court and the families of the graduates. Judicial Center. Family, friends of Appeals Justice Brent Benja- “I hope you have a mom or dad and special guests also attended. min. Benjamin has been an avid or son or daughter back, now,” he The first to speak was August supporter of the Drug Court Pro- said. Parker, a 2013 graduate of Drug gram throughout the state. “This To the graduates, Benjamin Court who currently works for the is the guy who helped us get Drug stressed they are in a position to be Photo by Jean Flanagan program. She completed her GED, Court,” Treadway said. role models to those who are still Drug Court Graduates are shown with the members of the Drug Court Treatment Team, Drug Court attended Eastern WV Community In addition to congratulating the Continued on page 6 Judge John Treadway and WV Supreme Court Justice Brent Benjamin. Commissioners Balk at Moorefield Comprehensive RDA Board Volunteers Plan Presented to Council By Jean A. Flanagan on several volunteer boards, including the Moorefield Examiner Planning Commission, the Eastern WV Com- By Jean A. Flanagan sity Law Clinic “at no expense to the Widder said the MPC worked with munity and Technical College Board of Gov- Moorefield Examiner town.” the police, park officials, public works Robert Williams and Greg Greenwalt vol- ernors, the Potomac Valley Transit Authority The draft document contains an and the town clerk to create the draft unteered to serve on the Hardy County Rural Board and is current president of the Hardy Topping the list of priorities for the Introduction, Community Snapshot, plan. Both he and Fraley said they Development Authority board. Both present- County Chamber of Commerce. future in the Draft Moorefield Com- Needs Assessment and Action Plan. could not have created the plan with- ed their credentials to the commission at the Commissioner Harold Michael responded prehensive Plan is the construction of Copies of the draft plan are avail- out the assistance of the WVU Law Monday, April 5 meeting. that the usual method of board appointments the proposed new water plant. It tops able at the town office and the Hardy Clinic. is that the board makes a recommendation to Williams was born and raised in Hardy the list of Goal #l - Improving Trans- County Public Library. Public com- “This is not a law, it’s just a plan,” County. He has a bachelor’s degree in re- the County Commission, not the other way ments are encouraged and a public portation and Infrastructure. Tom he said. “It’s what we want Moore- source management, a masters degree in agri- around. Widder and Jeff Fraley, representing hearing will be held on May 31. Fol- field to look like in the future.” business management, has traveled in Europe, Michael is the commission’s representative the Moorefield Planning Commission lowing the public hearing, the MPC Asia and Australia, and has worked for large on the RDA board and has served for many submitted a draft Comprehensive will consider changing the draft and financial corporations. Eleven years ago, he years prior to being elected to the commission. Plan to the Moorefield Council at the send a final version to the council for Park Report moved back to Hardy County to raise a fam- “Since when are you doing the agenda?” Tuesday, April 5 meeting. “This has approval. The council must also hold Juwana Bridger reported the park ily. “I want to make this county a better place,” he asked Commission President William “JR” been two years in the making,” Wid- a public hearing to garner input. department has been busy getting he said. Keplinger. “It’s a sign of respect. All board ap- der said. “Once this is approved, we will be- ready for the summer season. In ad- Greenwalt was also born and raised in Har- pointments come through a procedure.” Widder said the MPC had assis- gin to work on the zoning and subdivi- dition to general maintenance, they dy County. He owns a business here and serves Continued on page 8 tance from the West Virginia Univer- sion ordinances,” Fraley said. Continued on page 6 BOE Approves PRO for East Hardy High School By Jean A. Flanagan siders that unacceptable. Ward. was grant funded with a board of educa- said. “The world is not as safe as it was Moorefield Examiner Ward spoke to the Hardy County “In 2006, I was hired as a School Re- tion match, was cut from the school bud- last year.” Board of Education at their regular meet- source Officer,” Ward said. “I was as- get. Ward noted that while Moorefield In a best case scenario, in case of an ing Monday, April 4, and requested they signed to a school and there were some “Since 2009, the (school) Safety Com- schools do not have an officer in the emergency, a Hardy County Sheriff’s approve a Prevention Resource Officer issues as to my role in the schools. mittee has asked for a School Resource schools, the proximity of the Moorefield Deputy could not reach the East Hardy for East Hardy High School. “I have worked my entire career trying officer, primarily to provide a law en- Police Department and the Hardy Coun- School campus in less than 10 minutes. Several parents and EHHS Princi- to bridge the gap between cops and kids.” forcement presence in the two schools ty Sheriff’s Office guarantees a response Hardy County Sheriff Bryan Ward con- pal Jennifer Strawderman accompanied Ward said in 2008, the program, which on the eastern side of the county,” Ward Continued on page 7 Q&A with the Candidates | Board of Education didate was given the opportunity to on the Board. He is a HVAC, heat- respond to the questions and their ing and plumbing contractor. responses are below. J. Brad Simmons was a teacher Hardy County Board of Educa- in Hardy County for 29 years and tion - Two of the five positions on By Jean A. Flanagan was principal at East Hardy High the Hardy County Board of Educa- School for 7 years. Moorefield Examiner tion are to be filled. Hardy County Board of Education members are Question #1 - What is the most Editor’s Note: This is part one of a nonpartisan and serve four-year pressing issue facing the Board of three-part series. In an effort to bet- terms. Education? ter inform the public about the can- Hahn: I believe the biggest issue didates seeking public office in Har- Candidates - Nancy Hahn has facing the school system is student dy County, the Moorefield Examiner served two terms on the Board. achievement. I don’t necessar- has contacted each candidate with She works as an office manager for ily agree with all the testing, but a series of questions relative to the Dr. Jerry Hahn. that’s how we’re judged. We have Nancy Hahn Loy Kesner J. Brad Simmons position they are aspiring. Each can- Loy Kesner has served two terms Continued on page 7 CONNECT www.MoorefieldExaminer.com WEATHER Source: National Weather Service On Twitter On Facebook News: @MoorefieldEx Moorefield Examiner Sports: @HardyCoSports 2 - MOOREFIELD (WV) EXAMINER, Wednesday, April 13, 2016 OPINION Register! Then Vote! MY UNBASED OPINION Spring time on Moore’s Run. Water Cress. Middle to the end hauled the water to turkeys he In less than 4 weeks, West Virginians will go to the Sitting on Doghouse’s deck, I con- of March is best.
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