UNITED NATIONS A General Assembly Distr. GENERAL A/51/99/Add.2 18 October 1996 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH Fifty-first session Agenda item 85 REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE ISRAELI PRACTICES AFFECTING THE HUMAN RIGHTS OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE AND OTHER ARABS OF THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES Note by the Secretary-General 1. The Secretary-General has the honour to transmit to the members of the General Assembly the twenty-eighth report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories, which was submitted to him in accordance with paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 of Assembly resolution 50/29 A of 6 December 1995. The present report should be considered together with the Special Committee’s periodic reports contained in documents A/51/99 and A/51/99/Add.1, which were transmitted to the members of the Assembly on 29 February and 30 June 1996 respectively. 2. The present report contains a summary of articles and reports received during the period covered by the present document. In preparing the report, the newspapers mentioned below have been taken into account. Reference to reports appearing in the Arab press published in the occupied territories is made when they contain relevant material not found in the Israeli newspapers listed below. The terminology used in the report is that found in the original version of the summarized newspaper reports. Israeli press Ha’aretz (Hebrew language daily) Jerusalem Post (English language daily) Arab press published in Al-Tali’ah (Arabic language daily) the occupied territories The Jerusalem Times (English language daily) 96-29123 (E) 151196 /... A/51/99/Add.2 English Page 2 CONTENTS Paragraphs Page LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL .................................................. 4 I. INTRODUCTION ......................................... 1 - 4 9 II. ORGANIZATION OF WORK ................................. 5 - 16 10 III. MANDATE .............................................. 17 - 22 12 IV. INFORMATION AND EVIDENCE RECEIVED BY THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ............................................ 23 - 773 14 A. General situation ................................ 33 - 214 19 1. General developments and policy statements ... 33 - 131 19 2. Incidents resulting from the occupation ...... 132 - 214 39 (a) List of Palestinians killed by troops or Israeli civilians ................................... 42 (b) List of other Palestinians killed as a result of the occupation ............................ 42 (c) Other incidents ......................... 139 - 214 44 B. Administration of justice, including the right to a fair trial ..................................... 215 - 272 55 1. Palestinian population ....................... 215 - 256 55 2. Israelis ..................................... 257 - 272 64 C. Treatment of civilians ........................... 273 - 565 67 1. General developments ......................... 273 - 439 67 (a) Harassment and physical ill-treatment ... 273 - 297 67 (b) Collective punishment ................... 298 - 373 72 (i) Houses or rooms that were demolished or sealed .......................... 298 - 326 72 (ii) Imposition of curfews, sealing off or closing of areas ................ 327 - 371 78 (iii) Other forms of collective punishment 372 - 373 84 /... A/51/99/Add.2 English Page 3 CONTENTS (continued) Paragraphs Page (c) Expulsions .............................. 374 85 (d) Economic and social situation ........... 375 - 422 85 (e) Other developments ...................... 423 - 439 96 2. Measures affecting certain fundamental freedoms ..................................... 440 - 536 100 (a) Freedom of movement ..................... 440 - 483 100 (b) Freedom of education .................... 484 - 502 111 (c) Freedom of religion ..................... 503 - 522 117 (d) Freedom of expression ................... 523 - 536 121 3. Information on settlers’ activities affecting the civilian population ...................... 537 - 565 123 D. Treatment of detainees ........................... 566 - 623 128 1. Measures concerning the release of detainees . 566 - 571 128 2. Other information concerning detainees ....... 572 - 623 130 E. Annexation and settlement ........................ 624 - 719 146 F. Information concerning the occupied Syrian Arab Golan ............................................ 720 - 773 168 V. CONCLUSIONS .......................................... 774 - 849 185 VI. ADOPTION OF THE REPORT ............................... 850 209 /... A/51/99/Add.2 English Page 4 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Sir, The Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories has the honour to transmit herewith its twenty-eighth report, prepared in accordance with General Assembly resolution 2443 (XXIII) of 19 December 1968, by which the Special Committee was established, and resolution 50/29 A of 6 December 1995, the latest resolution by which the General Assembly renewed its mandate. The present report covers the period from 18 August 1995, the date of the adoption of the twenty-seventh report of the Special Committee, to 20 September 1996. The report is based on written information gathered from various sources, in particular Israeli press reports and articles appearing in the Arab press published in the occupied territories. It also includes oral information received by the Special Committee through testimonies of persons having first-hand experience of the human rights situation in the occupied territories. Written information concerning the period from 19 August to 31 December 1995 is reflected in the periodic report the Special Committee presented to you on 29 February 1996 (A/51/99). Written information concerning the period from 1 January to 31 March 1996 is reflected in the periodic report the Special Committee presented to you on 30 June 1996 (A/51/99/Add.1). These periodic reports have been submitted in accordance with paragraph 6 of General Assembly resolution 50/29 A, in which the Assembly requested the Special Committee to submit regularly to the Secretary-General periodic reports on the current situation in the occupied Palestinian territory. For the purpose of collecting oral testimonies the Special Committee again organized hearings that were held at Cairo, Amman and Damascus. The Special Committee continued to monitor statements by members of the Government of Israel reflecting the policies of that Government in the occupied territories and reports on measures taken to implement them. The Special Committee further noted the letters addressed to you during the period of the present report relating to its mandate and circulated as documents of the General Assembly, and received information from Governments, organizations and individuals on various aspects of the situation in the occupied territories. In carrying out its mandate, the Special Committee benefited from the cooperation of the Governments of Egypt, Jordan and the Syrian Arab Republic and from the cooperation of Palestinian representatives. However, the Government of Israel has continued to withhold its cooperation and has not responded to communications addressed to it in this regard. His Excellency Mr. Boutros Boutros-Ghali Secretary-General of the United Nations New York /... A/51/99/Add.2 English Page 5 In preparing its report the Special Committee has attempted to put before you a composite picture of the realities in the occupied territories as they affect the human rights of the civilian population. By the present letter the Special Committee wishes to draw your attention to a number of aspects that deserve particular mention. The period covered by the Special Committee’s twenty-eighth report follows the signing at Washington, D.C., on 28 September 1995 of the Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip (the so-called Oslo II Agreement) and the elections for the Palestinian Council and chairmanship of the Palestinian Authority on 21 January 1996. These historic events were preceded by the signing of the Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements in Washington, D.C., on 13 September 1993 and by the signing at Cairo on 4 May 1994 of the Israel-PLO Agreement on the Gaza Strip and the Jericho Area. The signing of the Oslo agreements gave rise to great expectation of the international community that a new era of peace, security and hope would be ushered in for the people of the Middle East, enabling them to live in harmony, dignity and mutual respect. This is the spirit in which the Special Committee has approached its responsibility in carrying out its mandate. The information contained in the twenty-eighth report of the Special Committee shows that the situation of human rights in the occupied territories has deteriorated remarkably since the beginning of the peace process, contrary to expectations. By far the most serious aspect of the current situation of human rights in the occupied territories is the significant deterioration in the economic and social conditions stemming from the virtually hermetic closure that was imposed on the occupied territories on 25 February 1996. The closure, which was imposed in the wake of four suicide bomb attacks in Israel in which a total of 63 persons was killed and numerous others wounded, has had particularly adverse consequences on the well-being of the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip. Since both imports and exports were severely curtailed, both agriculture
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