BE CREATIVE WITH LIGHT. AND WITH SYSTEM. PREFACE 3 Dear Reader Our company, founded in 1958, create different, surprising, more exhaustive functional testing. with its three product brands, refined images. In this we want to Wherever possible, new develop- broncolor, VISATEC and kobold, offer you our full support. We take ments are made compatible with has developed over the past half- advantage of every personal con- earlier models. Systematically im- century into a “global player” in tact with your colleagues all over plemented over the years, this phi- the international market for profes- the world to ask which solutions losophy has enriched the broncolor sional lighting systems. Today we would help them meet their daily product line to such an extent that serve three business sectors: pro- challenges. The latest innovations it leaves almost nothing to be de- fessional photography, broadcast- from broncolor, which regularly sired in terms of operating conven- ing/TV, and events. We chose achieve worldwide recognition, ience, long-term value and reliability. “50 Light-Years Ahead” as the slo- grow from these valuable inputs And we stand by that. gan for our jubilee year in 2008. and the untiring efforts of our This statement also reflects our engineers in pursuit of technologi- On our website, www.broncolor. commitment for the future. cal development. com, you will find detailed informa- tion about the entire broncolor The challenge of consistently meet- But in parallel with this spirit of in- product line. Judge for yourself! ing your needs and repeatedly sur- novation, the quality and reliability, On the following pages we present prising you with innovations is our that you expect in your daily work the current broncolor product line. motivation – and light our passion. in the studio or on location, has We look forward to counting you Essentially, we have much in com- lost none of its traditional high im- among our satisfied customers mon. Every day and with every new portance. Every unit that leaves for many years to come. assignment you are challenged to our production facilities undergoes Jacques Bron 4 Sandro Bäbler, Switzerland TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 Company portrait 6 Technical concepts 8 broncolor technologies 11 The broncolor system Power packs 16 Battery power packs 22 Monolights 26 Monolight kits 28 Lamps 30 Picolite small lamp 34 Accessories Picolite small lamp 35 Para 36 Reflectors and attachments 40 Softboxes, octaboxes and speedrings 42 Special reflectors 45 Special effect lamps 46 Remote control 50 Light shapers in combination with lamps 51 Stands 52 Stand attachments 53 Flash tubes, modelling lamps and protecting glasses 54 broncolor HMI continuous light 58 HMI continuous light kits 60 broncolor HMI continuous light system 61 Various accessories 62 Useful information 64 Courses 65 Light Architecture 2 66 Sandro Bäbler, Switzerland Rental service 67 6 COMPANY PORTRAIT Creativity is compelling French and Swiss borders meet. At onal photographers and broncolor In the professional community, the this globally recognised research equipment users also plays an im- digital image is here to stay. The triangle, committed broncolor em- portant role. These discussions ha- ability to edit images on computers ployees forge the future. broncolor ve often inspired new generations is now taken for granted. But one is an international brand. Our re- of equipment, safeguarding conti- factor remains unchanged: light. presentatives and service centres nuity in an evolution that addres- This factor drives our mission to are qualified partners for our custo- ses genuine user needs. The best accompany developments in photo- mers in over 60 countries. technical features are worth very graphy and to advance technologi- little if they lack operating conveni- cal progress in professional light- The power of innovation ence. For this reason, broncolor al- ing. Today, broncolor is the leading It is the think tank in which pionee- so stands for design. Our products brand globally for flash lighting sys- ring broncolor technologies were are ergonomic, easy to understand, tems, our products can be found in invented and are continually being and aesthetically appealing. As countless studios around the world. refined. Its unfaltering quest for op- people whose perception is Precision, benchmark technology, timisation is based on a constant quintessentially visual, photogra- quality and reliability are the dri- involvement at the forefront of phers especially appreciate these vers of this success story. Our electrical engineering as well as attributes. headquarters and the technology the identification of new materials centre are located in Allschwil near and manufacturing processes. Basel, close to where the German, The ongoing dialogue with professi- 7 Quality counts broncolor representative is staffed Imagine a production day with mo- with competent advisors who can dels, makeup artists, hair stylists, assist photographers in solving assistants, creative directors, and lighting problems. At the same the client assembled in a studio. time, broncolor’s in-house instruc- Everything is in place, everything tors provide training for local ser- is ready. And then, at the decisive vice technicians and acquaint moment, the flash system fails: them with innovations and new a catastrophe for the client, the technologies. agency, and the photographer. Apart from fascination and techni- In addition to the assurance that Helge Kirchberger, Austria, Client: www.hangar-7.com cal progress, what drives us is they can count on assured support the meticulous compliance of eve- virtually everywhere, photogra- ry broncolor product with the phers also have access to another loftiest standards of quality, preci- welcome service at approaching sion, and dependability. And these 120 locations around the world: standards are defined by the the “broncolor World Light Rental photographer’s expectations. Prior System.“ broncolor’s dedication to to delivery, every single power quality is also evident by our popu- pack, every monolight, and each lar workshops on lighting tech- lamp is painstakingly tested for niques and the numerous publica- unrestricted functionality and flaw- tions we produce. For details, see less quality. Our two-year factory page 65, or log on to our website warranty proves that we stand be- at www.broncolor.com. hind our work. This commitment is globally acknowledged. Once you have made a decision in favour of broncolor, we provide re- The world is our home gular software updates to make su- Quality generates acceptance. re your product retains its functio- The world’s most professionally nality as long as possible, in some managed studios have embraced cases even extending its capabili- broncolor products as the stan- ties. This approach allows us to dard for perfect lighting. In return, actively protect your investment in we emphasise worldwide customer the interest of a long-term partner- support with more than 100 ser- ship – a partnership that lets you vice centres. In addition to mainte- and us join forces to shape the fu- nance and repair specialists, every ture of light in photography. 8 Technical concepts How important are joules about the actual amount of light units, it is common to quote a for exposure? that is emitted and that is crucial guide number, which is the product To be able to objectively evaluate for lighting purposes, since it ig- of the f-stop and the distance be- and compare technical devices, nores certain important factors tween the subject and the light assessment criteria that include that can decrease the conversion source. For example: distance technical and economic aspects of electrical energy to light. For from light source to subject = 2 m, have to be considered. example, the flash tube and the measured f-stop = f/11; 2 × 11 = The amount of light reaching the unit must be co-ordinated with one 22, and the guide number for that CCD chip is important. The param- another, the reflector must be unit is therefore 22. If this value is eter J (joules) – also called Ws adapted to the flash tube and the to serve as a parameter for a flash (watt-seconds) – quantifies the en- power cable must be dimensioned unit, it must be dependably appli- ergy content or storage capacity of appropriately. Losses between cable in every case (i.e. constant). the flash capacitors. If a flash unit the flash capacitors and flash This condition is met only when has a storage capacity of 300 tubes, which would otherwise have the light intensity decreases as joules, it can operate a 300-watt a negative effect on efficiency, the square of the distance. This is lamp for 1 second or a are thereby minimised. certainly the case when the light 300,000-watt lamp for 1/1000 source is small in comparison with second. The number of joules or Guide numbers and f-stops the distance between it and the watt-seconds gives no information For amateur and portable flash subject, a requirement which flash 9 units for amateurs fulfil very well, ment about exposure that has voltage. This outstanding repeti- but only seldom flash systems. already taken into account all the tive precision is especially impor- Their light sources are generally losses and efficiencies not ac- tant for images using multi-shot not point-like, but instead are of- counted for in the energy rating. cameras. The high-end Scoro pow- ten larger than the subject itself or The figure also allows users to er pack is moreover equipped the distance between the light compare the effects of different with broncolor‘s patented ECTC source and subject. Since in this reflectors. (Enhanced Colour Temperature case the light does not diminish Control) technology, which ensures proportionally with the squared Flash units and a constant (or deliberately varia- distance, the expected f-stop can- digital photography ble) colour temperature over the not be calculated with this method. Light quality depends on two fac- entire control range.
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