home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Kriete of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Aldrich return. ‘JUAREZ’ YEAR'S FINEST a brilliant premiere which will be at- Wenatchee this week, ¢d Satwiday from a trip to the Sin FIILM COMES TO ROOSEVELT tended by an impressive gathering of World’s Mr. and Mrs. John Gilden and son Francisco Fair. The Roosevelt Theatre in Grand prominent local people. and Mr. and Mrs. Don Nutt motored FOR SALE—Primrose cream sep- Coulee announces that, in line with Sufficient to justify the tremen- to Chewah Creek on a fishing trip on orator in excellent condition. This its policy of securing the highest cal- dous interest is the fact that it co- > * ‘\‘\' ’ and machine eam be bLought cheap fo. 28\CLAUDEY :(goyTHEIRGENIUS!IR BRIANA(?I‘I:ATJUAREZRAINS 'Tf,,,}\AHERNEJOHN<)s« PNg GARFIELD?\% AN i S Monday Tuesday, ibre film entertainment, it will pre- stars Paul Muni and Bette Davis, - - TUBS. Mrs, cagsh,—lnquire Dispateh. Adv, FRIDAY - SATURDAY SUN. MON. M)'. and Glen Pope of Harper, sent Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, generally ackndwledged to be the Oregon are visiting her parents, Mr Al Walker will leave Coulee City the magnificent historical saga ‘‘Juar- greatest American screen actor and and Mrs. Hans Wogensen of St. An for a few weeks to complete some ¢z’’, a motion picture whici has hecn the greatest American sereen actress :(g A(?I‘I:AT g ‘\‘\' 2 ?\% drews, Wash, work for the Bureau of Reclamation, awaited with the greatest anticipa- for the first time since the Academy " !‘/: o Several families young 17 nerth oy PN and people miles of Davenport, tory interest ever since—in 1937 of Motion Picture Arts and Hciences attend the celebration at Chelan the A number of Ccu'ee City j.eople Warner Bros. announced plans for its formally proclaimed their pre-emin- <)s« 5 NEVER[SETS+ iy 4 4 ’ THEIR i 4th. Fou th production, Plans are under way for ence. R gp-ut the at Park and Blue TR TN 8 GENIUS! 'Tf,,,}\ Mr. and M s, George Rich of Spo- lakes. N kane were visitors at the N, D. Swank SRR RN AN RRS RRAN AR ARG ANA AR with Douglas Xairbanks, Jr. Y This secticn had one inch of S home from Sunday until Tucsday half. RN RERENRRAN Basil Rathbone 28\ rain Monday and has been cool dur: HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE ARE SAVING MONEY AT ! mo.ning. Other callers at Swanks on E ing the rest of the week. & : ’ t'ese days were Mr, and Mrs. W. G. g IR Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Evans and g Wink'er of Spckane. Mr, and M.s BROWNE'S family, Willis Willis Charles Taylor visited the Swanks on Billy and Tuck- = IS 8 JUAREZ to Tuesday. > A Sunday night. € er motored Spokane on - E YUNaly Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Swedman visited ' hoiftmr ot R BRIAN AHERNE DON’T FORGET! We are still ser- el CLAUDE RAINS * JOHN GARFIELD ving those fried chicken dinners ev- friends and relatives in Everett this g Mr. and Mre, ery day for 49c¢, complete.—Peek’s week, mE Dewey Holeimb and = » = Cafe at the junction, adv Frank Abbot and Glen Serile spent children are visiting relatives in Sno- Dr, and Mrs. Ralph Gregg and A. A. Mas with his the Fourth of July with relatives im £ Held Over Until Mon., July 7 & homish this week. daughter of the Moore who been Tacoma visited at (n = son, Clarence, at Blue lake for sowe Wenatchee, Get ‘m a good thing now! Hu-dreds cf Big Bargins in M n’s. Miss Darlene Drittenbas of Soap home of Mrs, Lena Gregg over the s E time is leaving for the coast where Oscar Wanamaker and Clarence Be- Women’s and Chillren’s Wearng Appare'. L.ake is a guest of Miss Avis Maore. week end. B wick spent the week in E he will take up residence. end Spokane. S ey AIWAYS 15 OR MORE LUNCH S S(S S TtPPSy e& = Mr, and Mis. Clyde Jenkins, Walt Miss Bernice Weimer of Snohomish, GHOICES every day, from 25¢ ; -] Gilbe:y, Roy Nickerson and Mr, and visited her father, Clark Weimer last Peck’s at the jumction. adv CLEAN UPS 2 Mrs. Bob Barton left Monday for a week, g - m 59¢ Mr. and Mrs. Willie Seaumachey 98¢ POLO SHIRTS ......... = motor trip to Nel on, B. C., returning SEND BROKEN GLASSES direct = MEN’'S SLACKS ........ (Electric = City) and family are visiting at the home of Tuesday night by way. of Coeur d to Dr. Alfred E. Jones, Box 1216, = MEN’S DRESS HATS, Felts Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Jeffers. Glagses repairs manu- WORK ........ 49¢ nd Straws ............ TRIDAY —— SATURDAY Alene, Idahe. ] Spokane, and E SHIRTS 98a = Mr, and Mrs, Don Taylor and ehild factured by recognized dispensers. ““BUILDING RBROULDER DAM” ren of Spokane and Frank Taylor of AN ORDINANCE Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Hanan motored m = a Thrilling Construction Drama! 2 » = Delrio. called at the home of Mr. and No. 127 : tfo St. John, to visit Mrs, Hanan's ALSO Jack London’s = M:s. W. A. Pollin on Saturday. AN ORDINANCE entitled an ordin daughters, Mrs. Don Catree and Fran- i *WOLF CALL’’ “THE POPULAR PRICE Rev. and Mrs. Nelson J. Wright of arce to regulate, ces Tichacek, STORB'’ Movita ~— John Carroll license and econtrol Pennsylvania arcived in Coulee Satur- rnechanical amusement devices anc Bonnie Jean Snively left Monday EANENEREARRERRINNARNRENNNNRNEANERRN AARENGRNSENARARNRSERRNERRDé He will conduct in the RR SUN, MON, TUES. diy. services mechanical games of skill ineluding for Spokane and Idaho where she will .’-x'esß}'tex'ian church this summer, the limiting of the number and loca visit friends and relatives. 7> Ty monERT Lola Mae Fope2 of Salem, Oregon, ticn of such mechanical devices, and Mr. and Mrs. W. A I‘ofiin and fam- TAYIOR arrived in Coulee City Monday to providing penalties for violation of ily were called to Spokane Saturday ¥5-BEERY spend with the summer her father R. provisions of this ordinance. : by the serioms illness of Mr. Pollin’s . » » W. : This1S WeekWeeK. Pope. BE 1T ORDAINED BY THE father. : Twio John Deere combines were COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF (OU- A GENERAL LINE OF DR. HESS the Philbein at Tucker Auto a QIS scld by Dodd & Gilbery during the ILEE CITY: PRODUCTS for livestock and poultry. apartment the Camp is having com- ut T past fey days. Frid Sinkler cf Hait- 1. co: Podd and Gilbe ry. plete decorating, walls tinted and woodwork enameled, which makes ~ SECTION That any person, ' Adv line purchased a model 35, and Wen- partnership, firm or cerporation, before Mr. and Mrs,. J. E. Tucker visited it a very attractive place, Also the new roof arrangement to make dell Bogart a model 17. installing or having in their posses: at the home of W, C. Willis on Tues- the apartments more cool in hot weather, and they will -be painted, Mrs. C. B. Evans and children, Mry ??)’. sion within the corporation limits of The best kept up court in this neighborhood. Always lented. Why! W. C. Willis, Mrs, T, E. Willis and the town of Coulee City. any amuse: Mr. nad Mrs. Everett Reed of Ya son, Mrs C. J. Eggleton, all Cou-| Paint and varnish does it. Clean, neat cabins are always in demand. of ment device or mechanical game of kima, vigited at the Harry Mitchell lee City and Darrel Box of Wenatchee skill, shall pay to the Town Clerk of home the Fourth. Paint and varnish is an investment. not an expense! visited at the home of Mr and | Mrs. the Town of Coulee City at the rate Mrs, Oscar Osborne of Oshorne,, e S T ..S, SN S S| Chris Jorgensen and Mr. and Mrs. H of SIO.OO per month for a period of Wash., vigited her gister, Mrs. Jenkins L. at St, Andrews on Frit Jorgensen six months in advance as a license fce and Mrs, Fred Adams, last week. day, , for each and every amusement device ~ Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mitchell visit- Mary Miss Rhodes visited friends in or mechanieal game of skill which he ed Mrs. Mitchell’s mother, Mrs. Dar- Coulee City and City Adrian called on Coulee or they shall have in their possession by, at Mansfield, over the week end. GREGG HALL friends Monday. _ o 1 operation. The application for such Mrs. R. A. Wannamaker of Ritzville license shall state the name of the ap- Modern Dance Every is visiting at the home of her daugh- Saturday plicant and place whe:e such ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L. F, device illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIII;;lll;IIlIIllIII:gg%gg;;IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIII will be located or installed, and shall old-Time Dance Every Wed. Rhodes Jr. l Le filed with the Town Clerk of said Mr, and Mrs. Oscar of MUSIC BY THR Drummond town, Rimrock were shopping in town ‘‘CACTUS KIDS ORCHESTRA'’ om SECTION 2, For the purpose of Saturday. this ordinance, the words ‘‘amusement MAKE THIS CAFE YOUR REGTU:; device or mecnhanical game of skill*’ LAR EATING PLACE—Open from 5 Adm‘SO( —_— Free shall be held, understood and constru- Ladies a. m. to Ady Food Ip. m—Gem Cafe. ed to mean any machine or deviec Miss' Alma Tucker is visiting at the iwherein acoin,. metal slug or token may be inserted and in return for which, the person so depositing ‘the 25¢ receives qt. metal slug or token the Cream coin, brick FOOD or de- ilce BARGAINS right privilege to operate said vice or game of skill as a test of = 19¢ skill or for pleasure.
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