American LaMancha Breeders Association 2nd Quarter 2018 Newsletter Production Issue Congratulations Lifetime Production Winners! In this issue….. ALBA Committees 2- 4 Production Program 5– 13 Recipe Corner 14 Dam-Sire Program 15-17 Treasurer’s Report 17 Youth Corner 18 Membership App 18 President’s letter 19 Specialty Shows 20 Lifeme Diamond Award National Show Info 20-22 25,000#M, 1000#F or 800#P Herd Recognition 23 SGCH Raintree OL Caramel Swirl 3*M 5 lactaons 24506M 988 808P Traveling w/Goats 24-26 B/O: Deb Macke, Raintree Summer Show Pics 27 Upcoming Dates : • June 15 ~ Deadline for Herd Recognition apps • June 23-30~ ADGA Na- tional Show, Columbus, OH • Deadline for 3rd quarter Lifeme Gold Award Lifeme Gold Award newsletter 20,000#M, 800#F or 640#P 20,000#M, 800#F or 640#P GCH Mint*Leaf Kaity 1*M SGCH Calico Patch Oreo Cookie 1*M • Oct. 16-21 ~ ADGA Con- 7 lactaons 24551M 778 714P 6 lactaons 20,727M 782 705P vention, Bloomington, B: .ulie 0 Kyle Ma1hys, Mint*Leaf B/O: Samantha Nagel, Calico Patch MN O: Deb Macke, Raintree or addional Producon Awards, see page 513 2nd Quarter 2018 American LaMancha Breeders Associaon News 1 Mission Statement: The American LaMancha club was organized for the purpose of promotion and development of the LaMancha breed. We aim to cooperate with all other organizations in OFFI ERS: DIRECTORS: President: Deb Macke 19) 1) Cindy Bonifield 18) N3690 Elmwood Rd. .O Box 488 )awkins, W, 54530 Sublimity, OR 90385 .hone/ 015-563-0052 .hone 805-286-6302 raintree.lamanchas1gmail.com cindy_bonifield1yahoo.com www.raintreedairygoats.com www.york-mtn-lamanchas.com Vice-President: Tricia 5reenwood 19) 2) Sharon Crain 19) 1142 Adobe Norte Ave. 521 S. Cli? St. 7allbrook, CA 92028 .erry, AR 02125 .hone/ 060-201-0050 .hone/ 501-662-4810 tgwood061gmail.com sharon56horses1yahoo.com www.argonnesdairygoats.com 3) Anne Jones 19) 1304 Bridle Bit Rd. Secretary-Treasurer: .am )ogan 19) 7lower Mound, TA 05022 650 Sardine Creek Rd. .hone/ 810-832-8686 5old )ill, OR 90525 laBedadairy1gmail.com 541-210-4009 www.laBedadairy.com 7eatherbrained7arm1ccountry.net 4) )annah Shilts 18) www.featherbrainedliteratelamanchas.weebly.com 8612 W. Ehringler Rd. Orfordville, W, 53506 .hone 608-809-3604 hmshilts1gmail.com www.rpsacres.com ALBA Committee Appointments The American LaMancha Breeders Assn. is privileged to have many enthusiasc people working together to benefit the club and the breed. ,f you would like to contribute your me and knowledge to any of our commiBees, please contact the president. We value your inputD CommiBee members must be current with membership dues. All-American Commi-ee: ficates by whomever is in charge of ALC Cer ficate printer. .air: Sharla Macke, calicoacres1gmail.com Sends out results and awards to entrants, sends results by email Members: Deb Macke, raintree.lamancha1gmail.com to webmaster and newsleer editor. Submits photos and results Sharon Crain, sharon56horses1yahoo.com to Dairy Goat Journal and United Caprine News for publica on. Commiee responsible for receiving and preparing All )orks with commiee members to suggest changes as needed American entries, contacts and lines up judges to judge All- to program and submits proposals to ALC B,D. Submit Annual American, prepares entries for judging and mails them to report to B,D in me for annual mee ng in ,ctober and up- judges. Prepares a list of awards to be purchased by Awards dates B,D throughout the year as needed or requested by B,D. Acquisi onist and sends list of winner to be printed on cer 2nd Quarter 2018 American LaMancha Breeders Associaon News 2 Awards/Youth Commi-ee: ommunicaons ommi-ee: .air: Terri Burke, [email protected] Newsle-er Editor07ebsite oordinator Members: Hannah Shilts, [email protected] Deb Macke [email protected] Tricia Greenwood, [email protected] Faceboo8 Editor Pam Hogan, [email protected] Terri Burke, [email protected] Deb Macke, [email protected] Commiee responsible for overseeing newsleer and web- Commiee coordinates the distribu on of informa on, so- site as well as communica on to members which may in- licita on of nomina ons, selec on of recipients and the clude pos ng updates on social media formats. Submit An- awards presenta ons of present ALBA awards including- .he nual report to B,D in me for annual mee ng , and updates Bob )ebb Scholarship, Ray 0ngeman Scholarship and the B,D throughout the year as needed or requested by B,D. American La1ancha Breeders Associa on 2erd Achievement Award. )orks as a commiee to develop and present to the onstuon 3 5yLaws: B,D and members new awards to support, recogni3e and Chair: Deb Macke, [email protected] honor the La1ancha breed and its breeders. Requests need- Members: Tricia Greenwood, [email protected] ed awards and cer ficates through the Awards Acquisi on- Pam Hogan, [email protected] ist. Submit Annual report to B,D in me for annual mee ng Cindy Bonifield, cindy_bonifi[email protected] and updates B,D throughout the year as needed. .his com- Sharon Crain, [email protected] miee is also responsible for coordina ng youth awards as Anne Jones, laBedadairy1gmail.com needed with other commiees. )annah Shilts, hmshilts1gmail.com Julie MaBhys, EuliemaBhys1aol.com Awards Ac2uisionist 3 Display .air: Commiee responsible for enforcing the ALBA cons tu on .air: Deb Macke, [email protected] and bylaws. Du es include making sure C 5 BL is followed by Person designated responsible for networking with standing officers, directors and members and working with members commiee Chairs to provide economical and appealing to make changes to C & BL when appropriate. Submit Annu- awards, in accordance with the annual ALBA Budget, for all al report to BOD in me for annual mee ng, and updates ALBA deserving program par cipants. Submit Annual report B,D throughout the year as needed or requested by B,D. to B,D in me for annual mee ng, and updates B,D throughout the year as needed or requested by B,D. Fundraising0Ra:e ommi-ee: .air: Cindy Bonifield, cindy_bonifield1yahoo.com Breed Standards Commi-ee: Members: .am )ogan, 7eatherbrained7arm1ccountry.net .air: Anne Jones, laBedadairy1gmail.com Members: )annah Shilts, hmshilts1gmail.com Commiee responsible for fundraising to support the ALBA Jullie MaBhys, EuliemaBhys1aol.com and its business. Du es include the .-shirts, ra7e, solici ng Commiee responsible for monitoring and working with dona ons via whatever media route available, from breed- ADGA on the current and future LaMancha breed standards. ers and companies, submi4ng dona on informa on to Du es include discussion of breed standard issues, possible newsleer and website for promo on, preparing items for change to breed standard, submi4ng polls for membership display at Conven on8Na onal Show and with help from if called for and working directly with the ADGA Breed member volunteers, oversee the ra7e, selling ckets and Standards commiee. Submit Annual report to B,D in me conduc ng the physical ra7e at Conven on. )ill package for annual mee ng,, and updates B,D throughout the year and ship ra7e items when necessary and prepare a state- as needed or requested by B,D. ment of ra7e winners for newsleer and website. )ill de- velop addi onal fundraising possibili es throughout the year. Submit Annual report to B,D in me for annual mee ng, and updates B,D throughout the year as needed or requested by B,D. 2nd Quarter 2018 American LaMancha Breeders Associaon News 3 History ommi-ee: Commiee responsible for overseeing and administering AL- Chair: Terri Burke, backlashlamancha1aol.com BA Specialty Shows. Du es include promo ng the program, Members: .am )ogan, 7eatherbrained7arm1ccountry.net receiving applica ons and verifying shows fitness to hold a Lynne Fary-Rana, lynne1karydairygoats.com specialty, preparing a list of awards to be ordered by awards Commiee responsible for keeping a complete record of ALBA acquisi on designed, preparing list of cer ficates to be print- 2istory. Du es include maintaining copies of past and present ed by ALBA printer possessor, packaging and shipping en re newsleers, photographs of historical value to the breed, news- specialty program awards and cer ficates as well as any addi- paper clippings, AL BA program results and compiling scrap- onal correspondence with local specialty chairs, receiving books that can be used at Na onal Show and Conven on. Sub- specialty results and preparing photos and results for submis- mit Annual report to B,D in me for annual mee ng,, and up- sion to newsleer editor and webmaster, keeping track of dates B,D throughout the year as needed or requested by B,D meline for results and submi4ng request for payment re- Nominaons ommi-ee: funds to S8.. Chair will be in contact with commiee members Chair: Terri Burke, backlashlamancha1aol.com to choose approved shows and for discussion of changes to Members: Deb Macke, raintree.lamancha1gmail.com program to submit to B,D for approval. Submit Annual report Commiee responsible for procuring candidates to run for o6c- to B,D in me for annual mee ng, and updates B,D ers and B,D. Du es include promo ng open posi ons and up- throughout the year as needed or requested by B,D. coming elec ons, providing ballot informa on to the newsleer Video Rental editor to be posted online for vo ng as spelled out in the C 5 Deb Macke, raintree.lamancha1gmail.com BL9s, receiving vo ng results and verifying membership status, tallying vo ng results, no fying candidates of results and an- nouncing results to the membership. Submit annual report to B,D in me for annual mee ng, and updates B,D throughout Newsle-er is publis.ed 2uarterly: the year as needed or requested by B,D.
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