Virginia Directory of Radio & prom mgr; Michael Clark, nail sls mgr; Walter Hale, rgnl sls mgr & Galax Gretna progmg dir; Peter Clark, news dir & local news ed; Mickel Pruden, chief of engrg. WBRF(FM)- Dec 15, 1961: 98.1 mhz; 100 kw. 1,756 ft TL: N36 34 WMNA(AM)- Aug 11, 1956: 730 khz; 1 kw-D, 28 w -N, DA. TL: N36 50 W80 58 23. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24 Box 838, 24333. Secondary 55 31 W79 19 50. His open: 6 AM -10 PM address: 325 Poplar Knob Rd. 24333. Phone: (276) 236-9273. Fax: Rebroadcasts WLNI(FM) Lynchburg 80 %. WLOM -FM- January 1988: 101.7 mhz; 6 kw. 469 ft TL: N36 41 17 (276) 236 -7198. E -mail: brc98prodOadelphia.net Web Site: Box 730, 677 Zion Rd., 24557. Phone: (434) 656 -1234. Fax: (434) W77 00 58. Web She: www.wlgmradio.com. Natl. Network: ABC. Law www.blueridgecountry98.com. Licensee: Blue Ridge Radio Inc. (acq 847 -5709. Web Site: www.wlni.com. Licensee: 3 Daughters Media Inc. Firm: Pepper & Corazzini. Format: Contemn country. *Tim Parsons, 4- 19 -85; FTR: 12-31-84). Natl. Network: CBS. Format: Country. Target Group owner: Bums Media Strategies Inc. (acq 11 -14-2002; $300,000 progmg dir; Peter Clark, local news ed. aud: General. *Debby Sizer Stringer, gen mgr & gen sls mgr; Betty with co-located FM). Population served: 111,000 Rgnl. Network: Liddle, progmg dir & trat mgr; Jason Blevins, mus dir; John Mullins, Agri -Net. Law Firm: Womble, Carlyle, Sandrldge & Rice. Format: chief of engrg; Ray Bass, opus mgr & pub svc dir. Country. News staff: one; News: 19 his wkly. Target aud: 18-55; family groups. Spec prog: Farm 8 firs, Black 2 hrs, bluegrass 20 his, sports Fredericksburg 10 his, gospel 15 hrs wkly. Gary E. Bums, CEO, pres & gen mgr; 2005: 90.3 mhz; 2.7 kw. Ant 538 ft TL: N36 39 27 W80 'WOKG(FM)- Mike Slenski, gen mgr; Charlotte Wells, progmg dir & disc jockey; Dale 54 22. His open: Box 889, Blacksburg, 24063. Licensee: Positive Listing follows WFVA. Cook, chief of engrg; Melissa Eckhert, traf mgr; Bob Haynes, disc WBOB(FM)- Alternative Radio Inc. Group owner: Baker Family Stations, jockey; Devin Taylor, disc jockey; Ron Franklin, disc jockey. WFLS -FM- Listing follows WYSK(AM). WWWJ(AM)- Feb 1, 1947: 1360 khz; 5 kw-D. TL: N36 39 48 W80 WMNA -FM- Feb 28, 1959: 106.3 mhz; 6 kw. Ant 260 ft TL: N36 55 54 52. Hrs open: 6 AM -10 PM Box 270, 325 Poplar Knob Rd., 24333. 31 W79 19 50. Stereo. 5:30 AM -10 PM Phone: (276) 236 -2921. Fax: (276) 236 -2922. Licensee: Twin County Rebroadcasts WLNI(FM) Lynchburg 85 %. WFVA(AM)- Sept 8, 1939: 1230 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N38 16 50 W77 26 Broadcasting Corp. (acq 4-19-85; $200,000; FTR: 4- 8-85). Population Format: Talk. News: 10 hrs wkly. Target aud: 24 -54; active & mature. 11. Hrs open: 24 Box 269, 1914 Mimosa St., 22405. Phone: (540) served: 50,373 Natl. Network: CBS. Rgnl. Network: Va. News Net. Melissa Eckhed, hat mgr; Brian Wegan. disc jockey; Charlotte 373 -7721. Fax: (540) 899-3879. E -mail: wNa @am1230wfva.com Web Format: Gospel. News: one hr wkly. Target 18 plus. Spec prog: aud: Wells, disc jockey; Dave Lewis, disc jockey; Larry Richmond, disc She: www.am1230wtva.com. Licensee: Mid -Atlantic Network Inc. Sp 20 hrs, farm one hr wkly. *Deborah E. Stringer, pres & gen mgr; jockey; Mari White, disc jockey; Rich Roth, progmg dir, women's int ed (group owner) Population served: 125,000 Rgnl. Network: Va. News J. Brice Parks, gen sls mgr; Carole Bonn, progmg dir & traf mgr; John & disc jockey. Net. Law Finn: Cole, Raywid & Braverman. Format: MOR, talk. News Mullins, chief of engrg; Joe Hicks, disc jockey; Joel Bonn, disc jockey; staff: 3; News: 15 hrs wkly. Target aud: 35 plus. Spec prog: Samantha Farmer, mus dir & disc jockey. Washington Redskins football. *John P. Lewis, pres; Shawn Sloan, gen mgr, Brian Demay, opns dir; Kat Kammer, gen sls mgr; Jessica Grundy Beadel, prom dir, Rod Spencer, progmg mgr; Veronica Robinson, Gate City news dir; John Diamantis, chief of engrg. WMJD(FM) -Listing follows WNRG(AM). WGAT(AM)- July 24, 1959: 1050 khz; 1 kw -D, 266 w -N. TL: N36 37 WGRG(FM) -See Colonial Beach 59 W82 34 56. His open: 24 117 E. Jackson, Suite 2, 24251. Phone: WNRG(AM)- Nov 16, 1955: 940 khz; 5 kw -D, 14 w -N. TL: N37 18 08 (276) 386 -7025. Fax: (276) 386-7025. E -mail: [email protected] W82 07 04. Hrs open: Box 2045, 24614. Secondary address: Rt. 460 Licensee: Tri -Cities Broadcasting Corp. (acq 11- 28-90; $70,000; FTR: W. 24614. Phone: (276) 935-7227. Fax: (276) 935-2587. E -mail: 'WJYJ(FM)- May 6, 1983: 90.5 mhz; 38 kw. Ant 500 lt TL: N38 11 12- 17-90). Population served: 700,000 Natl. Network: Salem Radio wnrg9400 hotmail.com Web Site: www.wnrg -wnjd-tv7.com. Licensee: 48 W77 33 45. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24 Box 113, Warrenton, 20188. Network. Law Firm: Dow, Lohnes & Albertson. Format: Sports, Peggy Sue Broadcasting Corp. (group owner; acq 3-29- 2004; $200,000 Phone: (540) 347 -4825. Fax: (540) 347 -3562. E -mail: infoFJwper.org Southern Gospel Music. News staff: one; News: 10 hrs wkly. Target with co-located FM). Population served: 40,000 Natl. Network: ABC, Web Site: w nv.wper.org. Licensee: Positive Alternative Radio Inc. aud: 25 plus. *Alan Giles, pres; Mike Long, gen mgr. Salem Radio Network. Format: Southern gospel. News staff: 2. Spec (group owner; (acq 12-30-2005; grpsl). Format: Contemp Christian. prog: Farm 5 his wkly. Dirk Hall, gen mgr, opus mgr, gen sls mgr & Frankie Morea, gen mgr & stn mgr. progmg dir. Glade Spring WYSK(AM)- July 15, 1960: 1350 khz; 1 kw -D, 37 w-N. TL: N38 18 WMJD(FM) -Co -owned with WNRG(AM). June 21, 1965: 100.7 mhz; 46 W77 26 20. Hrs open: 24 616 Amelia St., 22401. Phone: (540) 2.3 kw. Ant 535 ff TL: N37 18 08 W82 07 04.24 Phone: (276) WFYE(FM)-Not on air, target dale: unknown: 102.7 mhz; 6 kw. Ant 373-1500. Fax: (540) 374-5525. Web Site: www.wysk.com. Licensee: 935 -7227. E -mail: wmjd97 @hotmail.com Web Site: -14 ft TL: N36 48 45.38 W81 33 20.38. His open: 5835 Lawrence Dr., The Free Lance -Star Publishing Co. (group owner). Population www.wnrg- wmjd- tv7.com.50,000 Natl. Network: ABC. Format: Indianapolis. IN, 46226. Phone: (317) 541-0417. Fax: (317) 541 -0417. Classic served: 85,000 Format: Latino. News staff: 3; News: 12 hrs wkly. country. News staff: 5. Target aud: 24 -59. Ron Cole, stn mgr; Elliott E -mail: asradio @aol.com Licensee: ASRadio LLC. *Alan Sneed, gen Target aud: General. Jahn Moen, gen mgr; Jim Butler, sls dir; Jo news mgr. Stewart, mus dir & dir; Marie Fair, traf mgr & disc jockey; Bink Anne Pope, prom dir; Chris Wilk, chief of engrg; Sandy Ridgeway, traf Rush, disc jockey; Jesse Wagner, disc jockey. mgr. Glen Allen Hampden- Sydney WFLS -FM- Co-owned with WYSK(AM). June 12, 1962: 93.3 mhz; 50 kw. 492 ft TL: N38 18 46 W77 26 20. Stereo. 24 Web Site: WTOX(AM)- 2004: 1480 khz; 6.3 kw -D, 1.5 kw -N, DA -2. TL: N37 40 www.wfs.com.225,000 Format: Country. News staff: 4. Target aud: WWHS -FM- Oct 11, 1972: 92.1 mhz; 10 w. 140 ft TL: N37 14 19 56 W77 33 49. His open: 24 308 W. Broad St., Richmond, 23220. 25 -54; adults. *Paul Johnson, opns dir & progmg mgr, Frank W78 27 48. (CP: Mt 216 ft.). Stereo. Hrs opn: 6 AM-2 AM Box 606, Phone: (804) 6430990. Fax (804)474-5070. E-mat dt ®radaichmond.c m Hammon, news dir & pub aft dir. Hampden -Sydney College, 23943. Phone: (434) 223-6009. E -mail: Web Site: www.radiorichmond.com. Licensee: Davidson Media Station wwhsOhsc.edu Web Site: people.hsc.edu. Licensee: President & WTOX Licensee LLC. Group owner: 4M Communications Inc. (acq Board of Trustees of Hampden- Sydney College. Population served: 5 -13 -2005; grpsl). Population served: 650,000 Format: Rgnl Mexican. 3,700 Format: CHR, dry, progsv. News: 5 hrs wkly. Target aud: 18.25; Target aud: 25 plus; Hispanic. *Peter Davidson, pres: Michael college community. Spec prog: Blues 2 hrs, class 2 hrs, jazz 6 hrs, Front Royal Mazursky, gen mgr; Tim Hurley, opns dir; Demetrio Flores, progmg dir. reggae 4 hrs. funk 4 hrs wkly. Elijah Wallace, gen mgr. WFOX(FM)- Jan 17, 1973: 99.3 mhz; 3 kw. 295 ft TL: N39 00 11 W78 20 28. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24 510 Pegasus Ct., Winchester, 22602. Gloucester Hampton Phone: (540)662-5101. Fax: (540) 662 -8610. Web Site: www.9931hetox.com. Licensee: TX LP. Capstan Group owner Clear Charnel Communications w -D. TL: WXGM(AM)- Jan 20, 1957: 1420 khz; 740 N37 24 36 W76 WHOV(FM)- Mar 5, 1964: 88.1 mhz; 2 kw horiz, 8 kw vert. 200 ft Inc. (acq Population 8 -30-00; grpsl). served: 127,000 Format: Rock/AOR. Stereo. Hrs 24 Professional 32 52. opn: Box 634, 6267 Dr., 23061. TL: N37 01 03 W76 20 13. Stereo. His opn: 17 Dept. of Mass Media News statt: 3; News: one hr wkly. Target aud: 25 -49; men. Jim Shea, Phone: (804) 693-2105. Phone: (804) 693-9946. Fax: (804)693 -2182. Arts, Hampton Univ., 23668.
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