PLANNING COMMITTEE AGENDA 30 July 2015 PART 6: Development Presentations 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 This part of the agenda is for the committee to receive presentations on proposed developments, including when they are at the pre-application stage. 1.2 Although the reports are set out in a particular order on the agenda, the Chair may reorder the agenda on the night. Therefore, if you wish to be present for a particular application, you need to be at the meeting from the beginning. 1.3 The following information and advice applies to all those reports. 2 ADVICE TO MEMBERS 2.1 These proposed developments are being reported to committee to enable members of the committee to view them at an early stage and to comment upon them. They do not constitute applications for planning permission at this stage and any comments made are provisional and subject to full consideration of any subsequent application and the comments received as a result of consultation, publicity and notification. 2.2 Members will need to pay careful attention to the probity rules around predisposition, predetermination and bias (set out in the Planning Code of Good Practice Part 5.G of the Council’s Constitution). Failure to do so may mean that the Councillor will need to withdraw from the meeting for any subsequent application when it is considered. 3 FURTHER INFORMATION 3.1 Members are informed that any relevant material received since the publication of this part of the agenda, concerning items on it, will be reported to the Committee in an Addendum Update Report. 4 PUBLIC SPEAKING 4.1 The Council’s constitution only provides for public speaking rights for those applications being reported to Committee in the “Planning Applications for Decision” part of the agenda. Therefore reports on this part of the agenda do not attract public speaking rights. 5 BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS 5.1 For further information about the background papers used in the drafting of the reports in part 8 contact Mr P Mills (020 8760 5419). 6 RECOMMENDATION 6.1 The Committee is not required to make any decisions with respect to the reports on this part of the agenda. The attached reports are presented as background information. PLANNING COMMITTEE AGENDA 30 July 2015 PART 6: Development Presentations Item 6.1 1 DETAILS OF THE DEVELOPMENT Ref: 15/01778/PRE Location: Fairfield Masterplan Area (bounded by George Street, London- Brighton railway line, Barclay Road and Park Lane). Ward: Fairfield Description: Emerging proposals for a hybrid planning application for: • Outline planning permission for demolition and redevelopment to provide: flexible class A1 (shops) and/or class A2 (financial and professional services) and/or class A3 (food and drink); class B1 (business); class C1 (hotel); class C3 (dwelling houses); class D1 (non-institutional institutions); public realm and landscaping; and associated car and cycle parking, servicing, and access arrangements; and • Full planning permission for demolition including multi-storey car park and Barclay Road Annex, extensions and alterations to Fairfield Halls including ancillary class A3 (food and drink), erection of buildings for flexible class A1 (shops) and/or class A2 (financial and professional services) and/or class A3 (food and drink), class C3 (residential), class D1 (non-residential institutions), class D2 (assembly and leisure), public realm and landscaping; and associated car and cycle parking, servicing, and access arrangements.” Drawing Nos: Overall - 19000-000, 19000-001 (Area & Heights Schedule),19000- 0002, 9000-003, 19000-004A,19000-004B,19000-005A,19000- 005B,19000-006A,19000-006B,19000-007,19000-008; Landscape – 981091-10-001-C, 981091-10-002-D, 981091-10-003-C, 2015.07.01 COLOUR PLAN PHASE 1, 2015.07.01 COLOUR PLAN PHASE 2, 2015.07.01 COLOUR PLAN PHASE 3; Fairfield Halls – 607 Gas 150630; Phase 1 Housing – 607 FF22-12000, 607 FF22-12001, 607 FF22-12002, 607 FF22-12003; Planning Position Statement & Pre- application Design Information. Applicant: LBC Housing Development & Regeneration Agent: Turley Case Officer: Graham Harrington 2 BACKGROUND 2.1 This proposed development is being reported to enable Members of the Planning Committee to comment upon it before a planning application is submitted. The emerging scheme does not constitute an application for planning permission and any comments made on it are provisional and subject to full consideration of any subsequent application, including the comments received as a result of consultation etc. 2.2 This is the first presentation to Planning Committee of emerging proposals for the Fairfield Masterplan Area (hereafter referred to as “the Area”). The purpose is to give the Members an early opportunity to comment on proposals that the Council (as a developer) is bringing forward. 2.3 Planning policy is established by the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), the London Plan (2015), the Croydon Local Plan Strategic Policies (CLP1), the saved policies in the Croydon Replacement UDP (CRUDP) and the emerging Croydon Local Plan: Detailed Policies (Preferred and Alternative Options 2013) (CLP2). The area is within the Croydon Metropolitan Centre (CMC) and is also within the London Plan Croydon Opportunity Area (COA). It is also identified as being within the Fair Field Masterplan Area, an Area of High Density and an Archaeological Priority Zone. 2.4 The Croydon Opportunity Area Planning Framework (2013) (OAPF) provides guidance for the COA as a whole and the Fair Field Masterplan (2012) (the Masterplan) provides area-specific guidance. 3 PROPOSAL AND LOCATION DETAILS Proposal 3.1 The applicant has divided the area into six Development Zones as shown on the plan below. It is intended to submit a ‘hybrid’ planning application, where parts of the proposals are in outline form and parts are in detail. Those parts of the site that would be subject to detailed proposals are the Fairfield Halls, College Green and the multi-storey car park (parts of Zones 03 and 05). The rest of the area would be the subject of outline proposals. All matters would be reserved for the outline element, with the applicant proposing that future reserved matters applications would be informed by (a) a series of parameter plans which define minimum and maximum building envelopes, the range of uses and quantum of uses within each zone or part of a zone; (b) development guidelines; and (c) illustrative masterplan and landscape masterplan. 3.2 The form and nature of the application is under discussion with the Local Planning Authority (LPA), including the scope of plans and documents that are proposed to be submitted for approval and for information in relation to the outline element of a planning application. These elements have not yet been agreed. 3.3 Whilst identified as a Development Zone, the main Croydon College building is not included in the emerging scheme at present. However, the applicant is investigating the potential for a new College campus in a new, smaller (in terms of floorspace) and more efficient building elsewhere in the Area and has identified land at the rear of Fairfield Halls and existing College Annex as a potential location for such a new building. The applicant is considering what alternative uses might be viable for Zone 06 if the main College building were to be converted or re-developed. 3.4 The proposed Development Zones are identified in the plan below. 3.5 The current proposal is to demolish all existing buildings within the area except for the Fairfield Halls (Zone 05) and the main College site (Zone 06) and to redevelop the resultant sites. The applicant sets out a range and quantum of proposed uses for all of the Zones except Zone 06. Taken together, this would allow for between approx. 176,500sqm and 201,000sqm (GEA) of development across Zones 01 to 05. Within this, the following range of uses are proposed: • A1/A2/A3 (Shops/financial & professional services/restaurants & cafes); • B1 (Office, research & development & light industry); • C1 (Hotels); • C3 (Dwellings); • D1 (Non-residential Institutions); and • D2 (Assembly & leisure). 3.6 Vehicular access arrangements ass follows: • College Road retained to provide access to adjoining sites and College East; • Phase 1 housing on multi-storey car park site (Zone 03) to be accessed via the Barclay Road car park ramp (reduced from four to two lanes). Emergency and occasional controlled maintenance to be at ground level via a new route between Fairfield Halls and the Courts building; • Phase 2 housing on multi-storey car park site and the Courts building and new D1 space at the rear of Fairfield Halls (Zones 03 and 04) to be accessed via the Barclay Road car park ramp. Emergency and occasional controlled maintenance to be via the ramp and College Road and a podium level route between Fairfield Halls and the Courts building; and • Existing Hazeldean Road vehicle access across railway bridge to be stopped up. 3.7 Pedestrian and cycle access at ground level would be via College Road, College Walk, Hazeldean Road railway bridge (with new stairs and lift) and new north-south routes between George Street and Barclay Road that would be created through redevelopment of the College Annex and Courts building. 3.8 The emerging scheme currently identifies proposed building footprints and the extent of public realm (including limits of deviation) in each Development Zone and minimum width assurances in relation to Zone 02. 3.9 The applicant has also identified minimum and maximum buildings heights for all Zones except Zones 05 (Fairfield Halls) and Zone 06 (the main College building) in terms of metres Above Ordnance Datum (sea level). Minimum and maximum storey heights above ground will vary depending on the use and design of individual buildings, but are indicated as follows: • Zone 01: 7 to 9-storeys; • Zone 02: 13 to 28-storeys; • Zone 03: 4 to 21-storeys; and • Zone 04: 4 to 8-storeys.
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