BI£U881KF., J PRIVA1'1~. RESIDENTS, BYH 809 Brownlow Field-Marshal Sir Char!e• Bunn John William, ro Ruthmd pi. Burton Mrs. 46 Harrogate road, Hy. G.C.B. Warfield hall,Bracknell Boyne Hill, Maidenhead Caversham, Reading Brownrigg- Capt. Sir Douglas E. R. Bunney Misses, I Donnington sq.Nwbry Burton Mrs. 42 Milman rd. Reading bart.. R.N.White Waltham,Maidnhd Bunting Major Thomas King, Orchard Burton Samuel Perry, Rangemore, Brnce Hon. William Napier C.B. Cel- cottage, Sandhnl'st, Camberley Donnin!l'ton square, Newbury bridge lodge, Cookham Burberry Arthur M. Braeside, Sun- Burton W. St. Oswin's, Station l'oad, Bruce Eric Stuart, Airth, Sunning- ninghill. Ascot Wallingford dale, Ascot Burbidge Rev Richard John A.K.C.L. Burton Waiter H. The Br~wery Bruce Misses, Kenyth, The Avenue, Easton, Newbury house, Kennet road, Newbury A•cot Bnrbridg~ Albert Edward, Heath hill, Burtonshaw John Martin, rr Kidmore Brnce Mrs. Arborfield court, Arbor- Pinewood avenue, Crowthorne, We!- road, Caversham, Reading fielrl, Reading lington College Station Busby F-dward J. Cumnor hill, Cnm- Bruinier Ansco E. IO Christ Church Burckhardt Miss, Essex street, 'Vash nor, Oxford gardens, Reading Common, :Newbury Bush Herbert West, Falkland road, Brunsd0n C. F. 82 Frances rd.Windsr Bnrdekin Rev. Arthur Edward M.A. Wash Common, Newbury Bruxner Miss, Oak dene, Andover rd. The Vicarage, Cranbonrne,Windsor Bush W. H. Brig-htwalton, Wantage Newbury Burden Frederick, Crookham house, Bush-Ell J. Sinclair, Lynton, Bath Bryans Ernest M.A. Radley college, Cumnor hill, Cumnor, Oxford road, Maidenhead Radley, Abingdon Burden Mrs. Melrose, Richmond rd. Bushel! William, Florence villa, Brya.nt George J.P. Idlicote,Waltham Caversham, Reading Hermitage, Newbury St. Lawrence, Twyford Burder Mrs. Compton ho. Newbury Bnshnell Rev. Gilbert DuffusSuther- Bryant H.W. II8 Tilehurst rd.Readng Burgess GeoTge Henry,Hawthorndale, land B.A.Vicarage,Beenham,Readng Bryant Vernon S., M.A. Trelawne, Warfield, Bracknell Buswell Mrs. 7 Erleigh road,Reading Crowthorne,Wellington College Stn Burgess Haro!d, West garth,Oak Tree Butcher J.'V·44Bnlmershe rd.Readng Buchanan Archibald, Mountville, :t-oad, Tilehurst, Reading Butcher James Tappenden, q The N~wtown road, Newbury Burgess James Ernest, Warriston, Terrace, Castle hill, Maidenhead Buchanan Leslie, Heathwood, Furze Victoria road, Abingdon Butcher Misses, Hill Green house, platt, Maidenhead Burgess Mrs. Eddystone house, Priory Leckhampstead, New bury Buch:man-Dunlop Lieut.-Col. H. D. road, Newbury Butcher Mrs. 56 Albert road, Cavers- Whitley rise,Basingstoke rd.Readng Burgoyne Peter Bond, Broadlands, ham, Reading Buchannan Wm. Glenfarg, Waking- Sunninghill, Ascot Butler Rev. Henry D., B.A. Rectory, ham road, Reading Bnrke Henry Farnham C.B., C.V.O. · Inkpen, Hungerford Buckell Anthony, The Lawn, Winter- Beechcroft, Ascot Butler A. Chas. 27 Junction l'd. Rdng brook, Wallingford Burkill Mrs. Paradise, Waltharn St. Butler A. E. Gloucester st. Faringdon Buckeridge Frank, West Hagbourne, Lawrence, Twyford Butler Benj.H. rB Morgan rd.Reading Didcot Burls Mrs. Tyne cottage, Furze platt, Butler Charles Frederick, Elm villa, Buckeridge Miss, The Folly, Inkpen, Maidenhead Stock cross, Newbury Hungerford Burlton Tom Valentine, Fircroft, The Butler Charles William J.P. Standen Buck3ridge Mrs. Mistletoe cottage, Avenue, Crowthorne, Wellington manor, Hungerford Inkpen, Hungerford College Station Butler Cyril Kendall J.P. Bourton Buckeridge W. 86 London rd. Reading Burmes-ter Capt. Arnold Charles J.P. house, Shrivenham Buckingham Edward, The Limes, Newtown lodge, Hnngerford Butler Ernest B. 26 Priory avenue, Alhert road, Newbury Burn F. W. II4 Hamilton rd. Reading Caversha.m, Readin~? Buckland Rev. W. J., M.A.. Warwick Burn James, Heather Brae, Wash Butler Frnncis Mourilyan, Carswell road, Reading common, Newbury manor, Buc1dnnd, Faringdon Buckland Thomas, Kenegie, Ascot Burn Mrs. Harwarden, Linden aven. Butler Harry, Thornycroft, Bray, Buckle Mrs. J. Elma, Victoria road, Furze platt, Maidenhead Maidenhead Abingdon Burnably-Dyott Miss. Gortun, Mur- Butler Harry, 208 Tilehurst rd.Readng Buckmaster Mrs. 3 Foxley villas, doch road, Wokingham Butler Hy. 29 The Terrace,Woknghm Wellington road, Wokingham Burnay Miss, 3r St. Mark's road, Butler John, I4 St. Peter's hill, Buckmaster Mrs. r2 Ray Park aven. Windsor Caversham, Reading Maidenhead Burne Rev. John Butler M.A.Rectory, Butler Miss, Audley house, Buck- Budrl Major-Gen. Richard C. 4 Col- Wasing, Reading land, Faring-don le2e road, Beading Bnrnell Chas. Desboroug-h, Widmore, Butler Miss, 33 Christ Church road, Buddcn Sidnev T. G. 40 Talfonrd Remenham Hill. Henley-on-Tbames Reading- avenue, Reading Bnrnett Fassett C. Raymead house, Butler Miss, London road, Faring-don Budgen Jn.Shirley,Castle hill,Maidnhd Ray Mill road, Maidenhead Butler Miss, 239 Oxford st. ReadinQ' Budgett Mrs. Lady grove, Abingdon Burnett Misses, 49 Norfolk rd. Mdnhd Butlel' Montague S. D., O.V.O., Budibent Rev. George Bryan M.A. Bnrnett Stanley Henry, Cromwell C.I.E. The Manse, Bourton, Somerset cottage, Clewer lodge, Thames street, Wallingford Shrivenham Buhl Chas. H. 3 Belle aven. Reading Burnc:v Herman B.A. 47 Kendrick rd Butler ~{rs. Carswell manor, Bnck- Bulkeley Major Henry Chas. D.S.O., Reading land, Faringdon J.P. Linden hill, Kiln Grn.Twyford llnrnham J.3 Craufurd rise,Maidnhd Butler Mrs. ~o Cookham rd.Maidnhrl Bulkley Mr•. The Gables, Brimpton Burns Misses. The Woodlands, Read- Butler Mrs. Cowley, Ray Park road, c:>mmon, Brimpton, Reading i.ng road. Wokingbam Maidenhead Bull Rev. Arthur Albert B.A. ·Vicar- Burrell John, Languedoc, Windsor rei. Butler SI. 226 Tilehurst rd. Reading age, Waltham St. Lawrence,Twyfrd Maidenhead Butler Thomas, Gothic cottage, Bull Alfd. H. 6 College rd. Reading Barrell-Smith Misses, 23 Broad st Blewbury, Didcot Bull A.lfd.N.2I Bulmershe rd.Reading Wokingham Butler Waiter Rowlaud, Oakdene, Bull Henry, Wells Bridge house, Bnrrett. Edwin John, 94 South- Bucklebury. .Reading Sunninghill, Ascot ampton street, Readin!! Butler Wm. E. 293 Oxford rd.Readng Bull Mrs. Redwood, Bath rd.Maidnhd Burrid!:e E. James, Woodleigh, Ascot Butler William Joseph J'.P. Woolstone Bullen-Smith Mrs. Holmlea, Binfield, Burrous::h Miss M. Olney lodge. lodge, Farin!!don Brackn~ll Donning-ton squ~re, Ne"<>bnr:v Butt Miss, Vanwood, Ascot Bullivant Frederick Arthur, Thatched Bnrroughs Miss, The Limes, Clewer, Butt Mrs. Edinburgh house, Priory . house, Moulsford, Wallin!!f01•rl Windsor road, Newbur:v Bullock Rev.Edwin, West Hagboume, Burrom!'hs Mrs. E. M. 2I Russell st Butter C. A. J.Wytham abbey,Oxford Didcot Reading Butterly Miss, St. Winefrides, Bullock Ernest Arthnr, Bonrton, Sta- 1'1urrows J. W.J, f'nllege ~v.Maidnh<l Springfield road, Windsor tinn road, Wokingham Bnrrows James Waiter, Elm housP, Buttan John Nichols, 23 Priest hill, Bullock George Sidnev, Ca•tlenau, Cookham road, Mairlenhearl Caversham, Reading Bray Wick road. Maidenhead Burrows Miss, Hillsid~. Mortimer. Buxtan lvan, The Cottaj!'e, Kidmore Bnllock-WPhster Miss, Blythe mead, Readin!! End road, Caversham, Reading Binfield. Bracknell Burrows Wm. The Nook, Wargrave Buxton Mrs. 33· Derby road, Cavers- Bulpitt David D. I Chester street, Burson Mrs. rs Denmark rd. Readin~: ham, Beading- Caversham, Reading Burt Mrs. 75 Frances Td. Windsor Byard James Henry B.A. Llanberis, Bulteel John Geor!l'e, Brook lodge, Burton Charles V. Heathcott, Boar'' Stur!!es road, Wokingham Sunnin!!'hill. A•cot hill, Oxforrl Bye Mrs. The Firs, Swallowfield, Bunoo Edward, Highclere, Tilehurst, Burton F~k. 1 En~tern nr. Reading- Reading- Readin!l' Burton Harry, ro Matlock road. B~-ham Cyril Moncriffe, 90 AlOOrt rd. llunce F'"'•· M. J Culver rd.- Rea<lin!! Coversbam,"Reading Caversham, Reading Bungey Mrs. 47 Craven rd. Newbury .. • .
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