\ Reg. No. GRlRNP/GOiV32 \ \ RNINo.GOAENG/2002l6410 I Panaji, 28th July, 2005 (Sravana6, 1927) SERIES'III No; 17 OFFICIAL GAZETTE ··GOVERNMENT OF GOA GOVERNMENT OF GOA Department of Revenue sAt ~ falU<HICI(;ftVlIi t:Oc CbcYI<Hial ,!'6i::atl '.!it 1'&"1>"*,ii ~. iffift-<5IsT ai'lcn No 18/20/01- CAB/By e -Law s . <D, ra~d1I0'1 ~~CFllqc;ftctlC'l q)2:Cf.ic;:(CFI ~ Q)caic:lCFI ~«'i=«fta ' Cf.iT.COT ~ ~ ~ II ~- 3tl"T-~'lT. ~-" •.. :rn;;JI-~ 'L'ifm q{~~lIo"IM J:{~1~4i:r:ft "IT'ICR <lifildcl<'41 CR ""'ti ~ ~i?lijFU~CfH mm ~ l'l1-on ~ "'" cRl 1.1 'hl'l~~n\ <wfto (if'llc<'11'"d) ~ a1m'ft cr~ _ ~ WUIR!l 4~1"'1iil ~ >iIamr 'r" ~1<'4lpil ~ ~ fcr>:ol fi :mWf crU ~ ~ {I~IJII_~I ~QI\iFII~H~:q ~, o>nfil, ~. 1If'hffid """ ~ <'II~ &5"", ....ta <'IRT ~ Qot\14H=11a1 Cf f~q6aL4'i cliaFq ulJl'8ldl <ioifmr "B~ "i(1Fil"'1ISp"lIJi:q ~ 'f!4O(\ijUljld -irff. 4~1"'1i.q1 ~ ~ l1dGR~.tr ~ ~ 31l% ~ 4i1~111"11 :aTI'I"hR 'l!fuf.I- ~~~"f@, '?- ~E;- ,n~.jj<;)\ "'1m'! f.I '141 q <'il iI &51 &00'1 ~ ~ ~~(1<'4'I!lJ\, ~ ~ ~ "fl11'IT\ ~ ~ '<'1T'JUll't ~ l'l1-on , "li'"4T ~<IT. ~o ~ ~UG ~. <J;;fi fI (q; j{q; 9:'"1 ~m~~ 3T4W<f ~ 31"'<'1<'4' "~ ~ Fl"O<tij<Sjifl" 31JUllRIfd ~. 'If'IT'i5'!T Cfillj~I=a:j1 '1::t«1CfiIMI "1 jfI "'1'1 ~ q;n:~m: 'I I<'1 fCi ''I 1(11 ~ ~ ~ (""') 31l%a. ~- ~19- ~ ~ U'<i"lf.! q:)'toldl~l 6W! ~ CR ""'ti ~ qi"Silii\",l ~ ';&M&5 ~ ~l''1I<1lal wr 4~1"'1h-' 'B= cffirtiil\TT ~ a1m'ft ~ q 'lfI'<'4rn crtle! ~ ~ ~ '31ffi:'«fi 4041CfiUtl. <'IT ~ 'L'ifm <it1 'l'lfo ~ Wl\TT '3ll'r f<l>4R m... ~ ~ 31m"Im ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. o.mq, ~ 31s"l,npil ~ ;;;;fu q ~ ~ 6W! 'h1'lM\ '<'!' ~ ~ """ ~ ~ "R1'<'il m q ~ '4R1RIfd iIf<;.' ~ m ~ ~ l:j'T([ i'rl\TT ~ ~ ~ ~ m... ... ~ ~roft ~ m m '<'!' qlif'ldi ~ 6W! 'hl'l~~n\ '4R1RIfd ircIr. :rn;;JI-~- crtle! <it1~ <'IT ~ ~ <;m i'rl\TT "hl'it 3,~ cit 'Cflf <'IT 0(Iqffi ~ <14'" ''II d ircIr. , .. 244 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA SERIES III No. 17 28TH JUf"Y; 2005 9 ~ ~ u . ;rn;<Il-~- v:<!'T wmr "5:I!\'f ~ m "'IT '1amf ~ • <it ~ 'lil~i:!in{ ~. ;rn;<Il-~- ~4~1"'"ld "5:I!\'f ~ m RAft ~ <:R ~ ~ "'IT wmr ~ ~ <it '1!\'f 'lil~~<i){ ~ 01JCI ~ q 31m ~ 01JCI. ~ 4~1","i'" mr <l'j"'dld . u-' """"" ,,- ,,",~1f{ -q;, wm ~ 'liR"lf{ ~ -q;, lisoft 141"~1.q1 wm m~ "'Ii"{1R!ffi ~ "ref mrr"f1i<l WIT1 amil. wm ~ -q;, ~ ->If""'" ~ 141"~I,a amit. f.l" :;; 'Lq; ('1lt;fq 041i4I, ~ ~ >IT'<f tl,~"",dt Cfl«041i1I, ,,",~.,-m cj:g03lq{ q ~ ~ <!1 ~ 1'fmm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. fu<:prr crrrfd'R;j iM QI1<1M'Ii{ m-r "<i'l 4:;; ",1 ill w'mR~ ->If""'" ~ <'1jii3la"jcl ~~if1t"i <it ->If""'" ~; RAft crrrfd'R;j <!1 ~~I\iI~if1 ~~. fu<:prr crrrfd'R;j ~ "<i'l ~ ->If""'" "<i'l 4:;; ",I '<il f.!q:g i;j f«I "" Id ~~ ..,.m; (['ITfi!, f"":;;'Lq; Cfl{041't:11 ->If""'" ~ ~ "'liT'!'([ ""' ~w, :pm: ~ ~ . ~. ~ "dlC"f'i, ,,",~.,-m 4:;;<XI1"1<?I "<i'l iM . QI'16tctCfl{ ~ ~~(ijlqlT{'1 ~ ~I~"i%l ~"%~. "W<f 'lhIT, 'I$; '"!i<T:sl 3lTf1Jr iM '!l ~~ I""1M .~ "<i'l ~ <rr<1". ~ilI<Ml", . ~ ~1~qill'5l <ml f.i%uft Cfl'104iill (+ffi ~) ->If""'" ~ 'I1Jf "<i'l ~ .~ . ~ ->If""'" "'I® am ~4"'dld. V No. 34443/2005. --H.-- Department of Transport The Sarpanch, Office of the Village Panchayat, Loutulim shall take necessary action to display the sign Office of the District Magistrate, South Goa District boards and report compliance. Margao, 8th July, 2005.- The District Magistrate, Notification J. B. Singh. No. 37/32/200li/MAG/1580 In exercise of the powers conferred on me under Sections 113, 115 & 116 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (Central Act, 59 of 1988) read with Government Notification Notification No. 5/28/88·TPT(Part) dated 26th September, 1989, I,. J. B. Singh, District Magistrate, No. 37/31/2005/MAG/1581 South Goa, Margao do hereby notify No Parking Zone as indicated in the Schedule below specified in Column 2 and also direct to erect the traffic sign boards In exercise of the powers conferred on me under specified in Column No. 3 of the Schedule for the Sections 112 & 116 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 purpose of regulating Motor Vehicular Traffic. (Central A~t, 59 of 1988) read with Government SCHEDULE Notification No. 5/28/88-TPT(Part) dated 26th Sl. Name of the public Type of No. of Traffic September, 1989, I, J. B. Singh, District Magistrate, No. place sign boards sign boards South Goa, Margao do hereby notify in public 2 3 4 interest, Speed Breaker as indicated in Column 2 1. A stretch of road 10 metres No Parking 2 (Two) of the Schedule below and also direct to erect the on either side of the Bus Zone One each at traffic sign boards specified in Column 3 of the Stop near Loutulim Church both the end at Loutulim. of notified por­ Schedule for the purpose of regulating Motor Vehicular tion of the road. Traffic. t' OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA 245 SERIES III No. 17 28TH JULY, 2005 SCHEDULE Vinayak Haldankar,r/p at C/o Shri Ashok Pundalik Kolvekar, Near Power House, Cuncolim, Salcete-Goa, S1. Name of 'the pUQlic Type of No; of No. place sign boards / traffic registered under entry No. 98/2003 with the respondent sign -boards No. 1 Shri Deepak Madhusudan Mathkar, Indian Na­ 1 2 3 4 tional, rio H. No. 11, Carapur Tisk, Sanquelim, Bicholim­ Goa stands annulled. Further the Civil Registrar of 1. One' Speed Breaker on Speed Breaker One each on Bicholim is ordered to annul the Miuriage Registration Guddemol·Sanvordem Ahead both sides of road near Bus Stop in the proposed against .entry No. 98/2003 registered in the Marriage ~ V. p.. S~nvordem. speed' breaker. Book after publication of the same in the Official Gazette. The Sarpanch, Office of the Village Panchayat, Sanvordem, Sanguem shall take necessary action to Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, this construct the speed breaker and to display the sign 12th July, 2005. boards and report compliance. Sayonara Thlles Laad, Civil Judge, Senior Division, Margao, 8th July, 2005,- The District Magistrate, Bicholim-Goa. J. B. Singh. --."-.-- V. No. 34539/2005. Advertisements Matrimonial Petition No. 12/2004/A In the Court of the Civil Judge, Senior Division at Shri Mahendra Shantaram Sawant, , . Bicholim-Goa House No. 591, Kasarwada, . Mulgao, Bicholim-Goa. - Plaintiff Matrimonial Petition No. 21/2004/A Vis Miss Trupti Dilip Haldankar, . Mrs. Mahima Mahendra Sawant, C/o Shri Bikaro Nakul Gad, .daughter of Shri Dilip Vinayak Near ·KelbaiTemple, Mulgaop, Haldankar, residing at Bicholim-Goa. - Defendant c/o Shri Ashok Pundalik Kolvekar, Near Power HOlise, Cuncolim, . 'Notice Salcete, Goa. - Petitioner 2. It is hereby made known to the public that by Judgement and Decree' dated 28th February, 2005 Vis passed by this Court, the marriage between the " petitioner/plaintiff Shri Mahendra ShantaramSawant, 1. Shri Deepak Madhusudan Mathkar, House No. 591, Kasarwada, Mulgaon, Bicholim-Goa and Indian National, rio H. No. 11, the respondent/defendant Mrs. Mahima Mahendra Carapur Tisk, Sanquelim, Sawant, c/o Shri Bikaro Nakul Gad, near Kelbai Bicholim-Goa. Temple, Mulgaon, Bicholim-Goa is dissolved by divorce under Article 4(4) of Law. of Divorce and the Sub-Registtar-cum-Givll Registrar ofBicholim Thluka is 2. 8mt, Dipa Dilip Haldankar, directed to cancel' the entry of marriage registered widow of Dilip Haldankar, under entry No. 623/2001 from the Register of Marriage Indian National, rio H. No. 11, maintained for the year 20010f the marriage solemnized Carapur Tisk, Sanquelim, on 24'-12-2001 after publication. of notice in the Official· Bicholim-Goa. - Respondent Gazette. Given under my hand and the seit! of the Court, this Notice 14th July, 2005.' ..... It is hereby made known to the public that by Sayonara Telles' Laad, Judgement and Decree dated 23rd February, 2005 passed Civil Judge, Senior Division, BicholimcGoa. by this Court, the marriage between the petitioner Miss Trupti Dili!,> Haldankar, daughter of Shri Dilip . V. No. 34580/2005. ~. 246, OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT, OF GOA SERIES III No, 17 28TH JULY, 2001, Matrimonial Petition No. 21!2000/A The compromise arrhied at before Lok Nayalaya is acceptea. Matrimonial Petition stands decree. Snit. Sharmila Raghu Vaigankar, d/o Shri Raghu Poto Vaigankar, Given under my hand· and the seal of the Court, this wife of Shri Vishnu Mahadev Gawde, 12th July, 2005. aged about 22 years, married, Sayonara Telles Laad, residing at Murmure-Guleli, Civil Judge, .Senior Division, Satari-Goa. - Plaintiff . at Bicholim-Goa. Vis V No. 34620/2005. shii Vishnu Mahadev Gawade alias --+--' Vishnu Mahadev 'I'ivrekar, son of Mahadev Govind Gawade alias In the Court of the Civil Judge, Senior Division, at Mahadev Tivrekar, aged about Panaji-Goa 40' years, .married. service, residing. at Vante, Satari-Goa. - Defendant Mat. Petn. No. 44/04/B Notice Shri Mohammed Shaheed Khan, major of age, married, son of 3. It is hereby made known to the public that by Shri Barkat Ali Khan, rio Models compromise Decree dated 9th September, 2001 passed Construction,. Lydia Garden; Flat No. G-2, BJdg.2, St. Inez, . by Lok Nayalaya, the marriage between the plaintiff Panaji-Goa. ,- Plaintiff Smt. Sharmila Raghu Vaigankar, d/o Shri Raghu Poto . Vis Vaigankar alias Raghu Poto Wagekar, wife of Shri Vishnu Smt, Julekha· Begum, Mahadev Gawde, aged 22 years, married, residing.
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