Guantanamo Gazette Vol. 44 -- No. 217 --U.S. Navy's only shore-based daily newspaper -- Monday, November 21, 1988 Visitor, housesitting policy less restrictive By LYNN BUCK reside in quarters during the length of the more than six people. This includes mem- of government quarters. Housing Office visitor's stay. Now, visitors may stay dur- bers of the resident's family if they remain -Hosts, guests and sponsors must ing the host's absence, but are limited to in the quarters during the visitor's stay. recognize the need for cooperation and Recent changes to COMNAVBASE- members of the sponsor's immediate fam- Although these provisions allow less mutual consideration of neighbors' rights GTMOINST 4631.2C and NAVSTA- ily (i.e. parents, children, brothers, sisters). restrictions, certain responsibilities remain as well. Monitor the volume of radios and GTMOINST 11101.13E make visitor and - Previously, a housesitter was re- in force: TVs. Keep your children and pets under housesitting policy less restrictive. In order quired to be of the same grade/rank or - Residents of family housing are control. Relax, work and play in a safe to understand the intent of the policy, the equivalency as the person occupying the responsible for acts of dependents and manner. following definitions apply: quarters. Now, enlisted and equivalents guests. An act of vandalism, or damage The sponsor is the base resident re- may housesit for officers and equivalents caused by guests, will be chargeable to the As with all policies and regulations, questing the visit. and vice versa. resident for correction. they are established to benefit the majority The host is the person occupying the - Previously, no limitation was set on - If a resident is to be absent from of persons affected and can be changed to quarters in whose home the visitor will the number of visitors allowed. Now, the quarters more than 72 hours, an Absence instill tighter controls if personal responsi- reside. maximum number of persons per house from Quarters form must be filed with the bility fails toachieve desired results. With The major policy revisions are as fol- may not exceed two per bedroom and two Housing Office. the relaxed visitor policy, residents can do lows: in the living room. For example, a two- - It is illegal for residents to accept their part to make life a little more enjoy- - Previously, hosts were required to bedroom house may accommodate not payment from sponsors or visitors for use able in Guantanamo Bay Today is National Military Families Recognition Day { Congress, SECDEF salute a - o. vital resource; the military family From ARMED FORCES INFORMATION SERVICE Family members, whose support of our mission is our best resource, deserve the recognition of a grateful nation and A congressional resolution and a secretary of defense a Department of Defense that does not take their vital r a message recognize today, Monday, Nov. 21, as National contribution for granted." Military Families Recognition Day. A DoD effort to commemorate the day is to have "We appreciate our military families because they selected post offices in the United States cancel mail with contribute significantly to military readiness and retention the postmark "Military Families Recognition Day - the of that valuable military member," said Kathleen Nation Thanks You." The postmark will be applied to all O' Beirne, DoD's Family Programs Information Coordina- official mail from the Office of the Secretary of Defense tor. A service member's main reason for staying in the leaving the Pentagon and letter mail canceled at selected service is job satisfaction, whereas surveys show that one post offices at New York City, Miami, Seattle, San Fran- of the major reasons he or she leaves is because of the cisco and Washington, D.C. family's inability to cope with the challenge of the military "Military Families - Ambassadors at Home and lifestyle, she said. Abroad" is the theme for this year's event during National Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci said, "America's Family Week, November 20-26. The theme was chosen to military families help make the difference between a well- focus on "the wealth of experiences and cultures military trained force and a force that is truly ready and effective. families bring to their communities," O'Beirne said. Undesignated strikers clothing. My best advise has.always have more opportunities NAVY RESALE been that women should not ti hrow under new instruction ACTIVITY away their mail order catalog s. We advise you to still not throw aaway More opportunities are available in the ACTIONLINE your catalogs, but NAVRESS 0 has gotten in on the ground floor of one --_ 4355 of the newest and hottest tren ds inram. OPNAVINST 1430.5C, unde- women's clothing. The new trendUnderrnis signated strikers have more chances in (CAPTAIN'S HOTLINE,4800) called "multiples". Basically a multiple is an article picking a specific rating to enter. Signifi- ShopliftingNote condone it among your friends. of clothing that can be worn in two or cant changes include: Now that the Christmas shopping three different ways, which m eans a - Undesignated strikers may compete season is in full swing, sales are up Query: I went to the sale at the NEX woman can buy several outfits for the for any rating, with the exception of ratings and, unfortunately, so is shoplifting. * Dive Shop which was advertised for price of one. But wait, there'ss more! with specific prerequisites, such as "A" We have caught numerous high school Monday, Oct. 31. The store was closed These multiples are one size Ifits school requirements and ratings not open students shoplifting lately. Many ado- on Monday. almost all and will fit a woman an witha to women. lescents go through a period of devel- Reply: Our error. The wrong date was waistline from as small as 22 inches - When necessary, maximum quotas opment where risk taking or thrill printed on the sales flyer. Thank you for to as large as 52 inches. Pregrnant. for women will be established in certain seeking becomes a temptation, and bringing this to our attention. women can buy them and stil 1 wear ratings based on combat-exclusion re- our adolescents in Guantanamo Bay them after their baby is born, which quirements, seashore rotation, etc. are no different. Bulletin Board Note makes these articles highly ve versatile. Unless entry prerequisites change, However, there is one big differ- On the last "Open Line" show a These multiples are the la test rage ratings will remain designated as either ence that we have in Guantanamo Bay caller requested that an information among the fashion industry arnd, ac- "open" or "closed" for each exam cycle. that you don't find in the states. Back bulletin be provided at the Exchange. cording to marketing experts, may - Striker designations will now be home, if a person is caught stealing it We will allow residents to use the revolutionize women's fashion ns. centrally controlled through the advance- only affects the culprit involved. Here, bulletin board outside the Exchange. It is How can something that fits a. meant system to provide better control of if you get caught shoplifting, you are a locked bulletin board because we want woman of all sizes look any good? Navy-wide rating imbalances. jeopardizing not only your own future, to ensure no unauthorized notices or During our last assist visit, m: any of - It is no longer necessary to ask but the future of your entire family. underground businessmen advertise on our buyers were wearing these 'e High school students who get caught this board. Please contact the store multiples in the store and our custom- sonnel Command to compete for a rating in shoplifting may endanger their manager for permission to put up ers did not even know it. Lool k for parents' careers because parents can notices. these multiples to appear on o ur man- the proper path of advancement. be held accountable for inappropriate Women's Clothing Note nequins soon. Additionally, w'e will Semi-annual NAVOPs will be is- actions. Don't be the person respon- Try as we might, we have obviously have a fashion show to illustr ate how sued at least two months before each ad- sible for destroying Mom's or Dad's not been able to meet the diverse needs one outfit can look like three different vancement exam to provide projected E-4 career. Don't shoplift and don't and tastes of women when it comes to outfits and still be in style. advancement opportunity ranges and the estimated number of women who may be Advancedin designated ratings. New Arrivals Baby's Name: Steven Douglas Weight: 6 lbs. 11.5 oz. BAY NEWS Baby's Name: Stephanie Karen Weight: 6 lbs. 12 oz. Country Christmas dance PCS orders Parents: Chaplain and Sandy Brown Come to the Country Christmas Dance spon- Military with PCS orders should reserve rooms Date: Nov. 17, 1988 sored by the Gitmo Swingers Square Dance Club, at the Navy Lodge as soon as they receive their December 3, at 8 p.m. Country & western music, orders. The rooms will be limited for the next two To announce thenewestarrivalin your family in the Guantanamo Christmas music, good food and lots of fun will be months due to a lot of PCS personnel. The Navy Gazette, submit the baby's name, the parents' name, the date of the order of the evening. Tickets are S5 per couple. Lodge hours are Monday through Saturday from 7 birth and the weight of the baby. For more information, call T. Wilaby at 2915 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday from 8:30 a.m.
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