)spl- 2a 05 I t'H1 t...Et 9d uAD - ot- aO+ o!ptD MATATBALAY Clit Dir.tO^ of r!? RELTASED Blrr[li. ?ratipartt ,IIM /b E Delartmert ot Gtuation BY REGION X. NORTHERN MINDANAO ItN DIVISION OT MAIJTYBAJJIY CITY DIVISION Mf,MORANDUM No. o& , s 2021 To Assista[t Schools D},lsion Superinlendent ChiefEducation Supervisors, SGOD and CID Education Program Supervisors Public Schools District Supervisors All Elementary and Secondary School Heads All others concemed From VICTO v. GAZO Di sion Superintendent \chools t Date Jamary 6,2021 SubJectl ONLINE REGISTRATION OF QUALTFIED SCHOOL LEADf,R AND TEACHf,R SCHOLARS FOR NEAP - RECOGNIZED PROFESSTONAL DE}'ELOPMf,NT PROGRAMS AND COURSES l. In line with the in-service professioml development for teachers and school leaders in ensuring quality basic education for all, the Deparbnent of Education ( DepEd),through the Nalional Educators Academy ofthe Philippines ( NEAP ) issues the guidelines on the registratron of teachers zmd school leaders for NEAP Recognized Professional Developnent Proglams and Courses. 2. This rs part of the strategic program for upskilling and reskilling of public school teachers and school leaders by giving them accessto a wide range ofNEAP-recognized professional development programs and courses that are integrated align to thePhilippirle kofessional Standards for Teachen ( PPST ) ard glowth-oriented responsive to the timely needs' assessment gathered 3. Enclos€d here$lth is the list of scholars and there assigned course and progmms ( Enclosure A ), 4. Scholars identified by the Office are required to submit their letter ofintent ( Enclosure B ) through online and register their assigned professional development plogram or AddressrSayre Hi-way, Purok 6, Cesisang, MalaYbalaYCitY ti-lr Telehx No.: 088.31+m94j Telephone No.: oE8_813.1246 's' EmailAddress: " ,,::i,, 'l:, r( ir,- JH-t :..EF XtgcIrU( d O. Stitgirti ;tselsrtmert of @lutatior REGION X . I{ORTHERN IIiINDAI{AO DIVISION OF MAI/IYBALAY CITY course to the NEAP office using the link: bllp./llilUN&lEBIEDBCgiSg4ig! and must register their profile u$ng the link . https://aitryurlcom/malaybalayicons 5. Deadline ofregistration and submrssron ofthe letter of intent will be on January 8, 2021, Friday until (3 00 prn). 6. [n the conduct of this aclivity there shall no drscnmination in t}le Eovision ofl-eamltrg and Development interventions oD account of age, school, gender, civil status, disability, religotr, or other similar factorVpersonal circumsta.nces that run counter to the principles of equal opportunity 7. Shoutd there be queries, conlact WOODROW W fON B. MERIDA,Serior Education Program Specialist - Human Resource Development at 0966175209J or RIA K' ALCUIZAR, EdrJcation Progam Speqalist ll - LIRD at 0927 I 50 I 978 Copy fumishedl Records Unit HRD.WWBM addr€ss:sayre Hi-waY, Purok 6, casisan& MalaYbalaY CitY Te lefux No.: 088_31+Oo94i Telephone No.: 08a-813'1245 EmailAddress: ,i: ,. , r. I - ! ,r 'l:i I i"' a4![Ii.'ffij ol 6? r]iliwitEr Delrrtnent ot Glotation REGION X. T{ORTHERN IT,IINDANAO DIVISION OF MAI,,/TYBALAY CITY Enclosare A of Dtviston Menorahdun ho. OOC s 2021 LIST OF SCHOOL Lf,ADER AND TEACHf,R SCHOLARS FOR NEAP RECOGNIZEI' PROFESSIONAL DEVET,OPMENT PROGRAMS ANDCOURSf,S NEAP-RECOGNIZEO PROG RAM/COU RSE Name school Ilde of Protram/Course 1 Normihidaya Ramoso Malayb.lay City Centr.l School 2 Julius Bayocot SumponS central school GURO 2l COURSE 1 3 M uffit M. Oocdocil Apo Macote NHS 4 Richard B. crsanos Cendiisan lS 1 Glnalyn M. Eandao MC NSHS 2 EemelT, vasaya BanScud NHS Guro 21 Course 2 3 Easter Sunday N. Tadlas San lose Elementary School 4 Emma Linda Miasco Lalawan Es 7 AEie B. Ducusin Can-ayan lS TEACHeXCELS 2 NairobiJose B. Baja Panamucan Es 1 Perlita B. wales San Martin ASro lndustrial NHS SUPEReXCELS 2 Marylan G. Tandog Magsaysay lS 1 Fermer Montaiez Manalog lS PEACeXCELS 2 Danny T. Flores Baganao ES 1 PastorAbejuela Mahagok National High School LEADeXCELS 2 Gina Q. Allaba P.dernalEs L Nyms M. Docdocil Mapaya8 lS HEALTHeXCELS 2 Mark Tuquib Bendolan ES 1 Maria Ella Rabino Gbangahan ES Executive Program for Career Stage 2 and 3 of 2 PaulS. Orong Malaybalay City National Science High School schoolHeads Phase 1 1 Evernold C. Berial District 10 Executive Program for Careersta8eZand3of 2 Jasmin J. Adriatico Division Office Supervrsors Phase 1 1 CHERRY D. APARECE CAPITAN ANGEL INTEGRATED SCHOOL SafeSuarding Edu€ation: 2 ANNELIE M. MANSAMAY Canayan lntegrated school Education Continuity 3 Malaybalay city central school Planning and the Whole Address: sayre Hi-way, Purok 6, cas6ang, Malaybalay City Telefax No.r 08a-314-m94j Telephone No-: 08a-813-1245 ,s"{iJTat EmailAddress: *'"il.*%'1 trqd,lir'.F-, d O! plilipiur De$rmrent of Gtuation RIGION X. NORTHERN MINDAT{AO DIVISION OF I{TALAYBAJJIY CITY Heaven C, Ocladina Natid-asan Eleme School SchoolApproach 5 Janefred L. Bondad Bangcud centralschool lnnovation in Education JOHN MAflX CoMAYAS DELA PEfiA MAPAYAG INTEGRATED SCHOOL 7 Jiralyn Y.Hinampas Dapulan Elementary School I SOSIT G. LACHICA SAEELA AYALA GONZATES ES 9 MARYIANET, MACARIO SIMAYA INTEGRATED SCHOOT 10 lririam G. Suclatan Bagong SilanS Elementary School 11 Menia G. Baret€ Managok Central School t2 Catherin C. Pacut Miglamin Elementary School 13 Riza D. Supero St. Peter Elem. school t4 Ermrnrlda Q. HinSpit Busdr lntegrated khool 15 Edeliza M.SumbonSan Mapulo Elementary School 15 RHEA GALORPORT PLAZOS PIGPAMULAHAN ETEMENTARY SCHOOL 17 CHARLON B. ACUB APO MACOTE NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOT 18 Nilfa B. Ni60 Eangcud National High School 19 IANE EYRE B. CRUZ BU(IDNON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOI- 20 SWEET MAI5RY C, GOC.ONG CASISANG NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL 21 Florence tumb3b 0ublas Managok National High School 22 Analyn Micabalo Esta Apo Macote National Hrgh school 23 zita A. Cruda Ban8cud Natronal Hrgh School 24 Janryl Louis L. Okrl Dalwanqan National Hiqh Scfrool 25 Cheol U. Oaumar lmbavao National Hioh School 1 Oalwangan Elementary School 2 Everlyn P, Esperanza candiisan lnte8rated School l Helen G. Bayron Sta. Ana Elementary School 4 DORIS OTARA LOPEZ MABUHAY INTEGRATED SCHOOL 5 Maria Adoracion g.Florita san Jose Elementary school lnnovation in Education 6 Kathrina 5. Hubac Bendolan Elementary school 7 Erma C. Bolastig Padernal Elementary School 8 Eva Mae c. lbafiez SAWAGA ELEMENTARY SCHOOI 9 suzette L FonStong Dumayas Elementary School 10 ROSEMARIE 8, MORANO INDALASA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Address: Sayre Hi-way, Purok 5, CasEanS, Malaybalay City eet:n Teletux No.: 088-314-00e4j Telephone No.: 08a-88-1246 'Br EmailAddress iuiJ* A=, -'+- itrul ir d tlt flilimirrr lBelurtment of Clxrltion REGION X. NORTHERN MINDANAO DIVISION OF MAI,IYBALAY CITY 11 Charlyn G. Mefra SILAE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 12 C-atherine 5. Ke-e BUKIDNON NATIONAI, HIGH SCHOOL 13 SYVIL MELISION BUSDI INTEGRATED SCHOOL 14 Rosemarie E.lsada Gn-ayan lntegrated School 15 EETHSAgE MACABAYA 0alwangan National High School MARITES PENASO SUICO MALAYBALAY CITY NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL 77 Johnrey H. Castlllo Managok National High school 18 JOAN R. BUTONG BUKIDNON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL 19 Novem Mae Jans A. Yap Lalawan National Hioh School 20 l\4ARlA FATIITA J. l\,lARlIrON MALAYBALAY CITY NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL 1 Carmen B. lndapan Kalasungay centrai school 2 CHRISTINE ROSE A, SUAREZ KILAP.AGAN INTEGRATED SCHOOL 3 Airport Village Elementary school 4 RHEA E. SALI CASISANG CENTRAL INTEGRATED SCHOOL 5 Vergenia G. Dayola cabangahan Elem. school 5 layson G, Javenar san Roque Elementary school 7 Emma Lrnda M. Miasco Lalawan Elementary school 8 Flordelin C. GerozaSa Langasihan Elementary School 9 Norman R. Manatad Kibalabag Elementary school 1o Mari-ane T Almahan l(ulaman ES 11 anna Rina S. Pataca St. Peter Elementary school Education rn virtual 12 Odessa J. Tandayag can-ayan lntegrated school Environment 13 Maria Theresa G, Wae DalwanSan National High S.hool 14 lesie Rex V. Regaion lmbayao National High school 15 ANGELLEE P, GANDILAN KIEATASAG INTEGRATED SCHOOL 16 JENNIFER C, BURATO (ilap-agan lntegrated school 17 Daisy L. Tapio Lalawan National High school 18 Rosa T. Dagaang Luyungan High school 19 Ethyl Mae Sawalan Mabuhay lntegrated school 20 PHOEBE JANE C, SIMENE MAGSAYSAY INTEGRATED SCHOOL z1 Merly B, Mamaran MALAYBALAY CITY NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL 22 BREN DON ESTRAOA MANALOG INTEGRATED SCHOOL Addrers:sayre Hi.way, Purok 5, Gsisang, Malaybalaycity Te l€fax No. r 088-31+m94i Telephone No.: 08a-E13-1246 EmailAddressr , r:r!r. , ,.:.it u' i.u,i"'.'U:'%'' Srgd'l& dtE Britmild Degutncnt of GUuution RXGION X. NORTHERN MINDANAO DTVISION OT MAI"AYBALAY CITY 21 Rowena A, De la Rosa min NationalHi h School 24 Joyln L. Mariano San Martin Agro industrial NationalHigh School JERLET G. CONCEPCION MIGLAMIN NATIONAL HIGH SCHooL 26 MARIANE CRYSSAA. TUOUIB BUKIONON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL 27 Junela Jone BUSDI INTEGRATEO SCHOOL 2A qaisyline V F!9!qq qalt-?yq4deSlqEq Sctrool 29 CHRISTOPHER A, BABIDA CAPITAN ANGEL INTEGRATED SCHOOL 3o Grace Amhor C, Pesisano Malaybalay City NationalSciencs Hiqh S.hool 1 Emmylou P. Binayao Kalasungay Central School 2 IANE MARIE P. GUDITO SUMPONG CENTRAL SCHOOL 3 Cozette Amor M. Huiso Barangay 9 Elementary School 4 Ana Marie C. Beliganio Aglayan centralSchool 5 Geraldine E Abendan Laguitas Elementary School 5 Nuevelyn Valde, Tagabi BrnalbaSan Elementary school 7 Ritchiel L. Galope Macote Elementary school 8 Lera Mae G, Latras Paiwaig Elementary School I RUBITIZA N CASTITLON Lunokan Elementary School Classroom Management: Uncovering Deeper 10 DEUANE AMOR B, MAGAN MAPAYAG INTEGRATED SCHOOL Layers of Learning and 11 JELLYT, LIHOTAN PIGHALUGAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Supponina Students with 12 Julie B.Gonrales Tuburan lntegrated Sahool Learning Disabilrties 13 HARY L. TEROJR CAPITAN ANGEL INTEGRATED SCHOOL !4 LEAH JEAN R, DAEA MATAYBAIAY CN'Y NATIONALSCIENCE HIGH SCHOOL 15 CHERRY MAY V, REQUILME sAN MARTIN AGRGINDUSTRIAL NATIONALHIGH 5CHOOL lessie Lei Farth Bentuan Silae National Hi8h thool 17 Philip R. Quitor simaya lntegrated School 18 Hannah S. Hansol st. Peter National HiSh School 19 MICHELLE O.GALVE CASISANG NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL 20 John Mark A.
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