SPORTS.' 22 SPORTS.' • THE. EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON, T). C„ SATURHAT. MARCH 10,. 19S8, Nationals Likely to Retain McMullen : Final Bell Sounded for Kid Lavigne BIG BOWLING CARD PLAYERS BELONGING TO REDS CLASHES TODAY EX-LOUISVILLE CATCHER j TEN Fights Last Night MANAGER, KING JOHN C. HIINDRICKR. LIGHTWEIGHT FOR D. C. TONIGHT Where Flayed IN BASKET TOURNEY Ilelghl. Wright. Last IS RATED ABOVE COOPER j Pitchers. Home AiMrraa. Bata. Throws. Year. By the Annotated f’rpxa. 11. Arnr.en. Newport, Ky. 5.11 170 R R Cln. Amateurs Seven intercity matches, a big league Lawrence BUFFALO.-—Frankie Genrao, N. B. Kenneth L. Ash Anmoore, VV. Va. 5.l(l!i 165 R R Petersburg,Va. Twenty amateur basket ball teams champion, Frisco ; meeting and the start of a Joint leagues Cincinnati A. flyweight defeated Washington Janies .1. Beckman. .Cincinnati, Ohio 5.1A 172 R R are today Involved In the second block Crane, Philippines *10). DEAD 4 will interest DURING sweepstakes m | Worth, Cincinnati Not Hitter Like Rival, But Seems Better Thrower and ' bowlers tonight. j Peter J. Donohue... N. Fort Tex. 6.02 180 R R of games in the South Atlantic amateur Firpo, : .lames C. Pontotoc, Miss. 155 R L Seattle HOT SPRINGS, Ark—Pete Three of the intercity matches will Edwards.. 6.02!a tournament, which opened auspiciously ’ Detroit, knocked out “Red” Beck, Pin No. 2 i Peter W.Jablonowski,Terryvllle. Conn. 5.11 180 R R llartford-Cln. Is to (iet Berth—West Hurt be bowled here. At King Cincinnati at the Arcadia last Memphis (4). Champion Six Years, Boxer Apt Again. Mayer girls Ladles' District 1 Raymond Carl Kolp.North Canton, Ohio 5.11 180 R R night. Davis of the R Cincinnati LOS ANGELES.—Tony I«os League to conclude their battle with j Charles F. Lucas... Nashville, Tenn. 5.09!* 170 L Play started at 10 o'clock this morn- Fuente. are Havana, R Cincinnati . Angeles, and Joe Lohm&n, Cleveland Bowling girls of Baltimore. Adolfo Clique Cuba 5.10 169 R ing Toils as Laborer After Nationals Battle Braves Today. tile Center and the schedule provides continued (lOj, I Stanfords will end hostilities with Clar- ; Frank Spruiell May. Wendell. N. C. 5.08 178 R L Cincinnati 1 draw. ! '. combat until 10:45 tonight. endon on the Coliseum alleys and at Carl William Mavs.. Portland, Ore. 5.11! 185 L R Cincinnati TAMPA, Fla.—Alex Simmons. Can- Losing Title. King Pin No. 1 Washington William Curtis Miller, Chicago, 111. 6.02 170 R R Chl.-semt-pro In the opening games last night, Cen- • ton. Ohio, won from Bobby Marriott, BY DENMAN THOMPSON. paper to be the mast formidable club , Hechts Eppa Rixey. L Cincinnati , will start a home-nnd-home fight with Jr Terrace Park, Ohio 6.05 210 R tral High defeated Calvary M. E„ 32 to, Baltimore (10>. A1 Friedman, New of Star. ; that has represented the Hub in the Alins E. Sweeney... Grenada, Miss. 6.00 165 R R Orlando, Fla. York, Srwirts Editor The , Baltimore Hechts. 17; Woltz Medicos, 70 , outpointed Andreas Castano, ' National League for many years, and as Wykoff. Osborne, Springfield, humbled Army HO). :i By Pie f 11 . Three men's teams are carded for Richard 11. Kans. 5.10 175 L R Cuba I A.srx'ia tad Fl.v. March 10.—Although a result Bill Carrtgan and his Red Sox to 25; Business defeated Stanleys, 56 ' J no intimation has been forth- , lilts on foreign drives. Megaw’s Arcadia Catchers. Mass. OMAHA.—Joe Medill, Chicago, de- . DETROIT. March 10 —The final bell i of the rival American League are likely Eugene F. Hargrave. St. Paul. Minn. 5.11 175 R R Cincinnati to 24, in 145-pound ranks; De Luxe j coming from official sources * , All-Stars will encounter a select team j seated Tommy Grogan, Omaha the ; to find the going pretty tough ill the Valentine J. Piclnich. I.eonla, N. J. 5.09 165 R R Cincinnati won the 130-pound game from Original HOt. •• has sounded for George Lavigne, anent plans for the inevitable e on the Catonsvllle. Md. alleys in the Reds, 20-16; Boys' Club Standards , Irish Kennedy, St. Paul, won from Kid : race for patronage in Boston. match, Clyde 1,. Sukrforth . Medford, Mass. 5.10 155 L R Cincinnati “Saginaw KJd,” former world light- TAMPA.reduction of the Washington | opening block of a 10-game the copped Ray, Wayne, Nebr., (6). Joe Greb, J It settled that Horace Lisenbee, the fray from North- 1 was ' | Joseph * Phillips crew will lire fielders. 115-pound ’ j weight boxing champion. *quad. it is apparent f.om the relative Bob Burke and Clayton Van Alstyne open In westerns, 39 to 19, and Port Myer Mid- . New York, outpointed Johnny Rose, the , against the Park Citys at Baltimore and Hugh Melville 147 ’ j Lavigne, who ruled the lightweight shotting of various contenders for 'l would whack up pitching duties for the l Crltx.Greenwood. Miss. 5.08 R R Cincinnati gets scored in 100-pound ranks over St. Fremont, Nebr., <4>. v 1899, are doomed Washington Standard Oils will bo in Charles W. Decatur, Cincinnati ranks from 1893 to died at his different positions that some Griffmen. with McMullen and Tate . Dressen. 111. 5.05 146 R R Martin Rovers, 19 to 9. EAU Wis—Ollle Bartlett, after a brief adrift, to return, while J J Baltimore to end their scrap with the Horace Hills Ford.. Winchester, Mass. 165 R R Cincinnati CLAIRE. » home here last night to be cut never dividing the catching burden and with 5.10 Games scheduled today, tomorrow Minneapolis, won from Mike Valentine, to heart will farmed out for additional Standard Oil team of that city. L. Ke11y.... San Francisco, Cal. 200 R R Cincinnati r . illness. Death was due others be • Rice starting in right field and Jack George 6.03 and Monday follow: Duluth Wallie Eau seasoning and recalled for select teams of the Washington R. Emmet McCann. Philadelphia, Pa. 170 R R Columbus UOt. McElwain. 1 disease. probably ; Hayes at short. The latter is a young- Two 6.00 Claire, defeated Johnny Jlomung. St. years further inspection in the Fall or next Ladles’ league will start matches in Walter Charles Pipp.Grand Rapids,Mich. 6.02 180 I. L TOO AVS GAME#. The “Kid.” who was 58 old. -1 j ster who has filled out and looks much Cincinnati . Paul <H). “Kid” Breen. Eau Claire, earned a small Spring. than he reported lo the I Philadelphia with teams composed of Clarke A. Pittenger. Toledo. Ohio 5.10 160 R R Cincinnati Ifln-uniind rlxss—Gnnzaxa I'rrii* vs. Ar- . | was reputed to have i better when stars cadians, 10 o'clock: St. John's Victor* vs. knocked out Harris Ash, Eau Clair* <4>. • fortune In the ring, but of that there This is true to a greater degree of last Summer, and will bear watch- of the Financial and Pennsylvania John Peter White... Forest llills, L. I. 5.07!* 150 Roth R Cincinnati l*ark Flashes, II Roys candi- team I Railroad circuits. Cleveland o'clock: ! SAN DIEGO, Calif—Dick Ramies, was nothing left. For the past few pitchers and in fielders than of ing. | riub Kilts vs. Aztec*. 1 o’clock: Hvattsville , | Outfielders. I’reps v*. Senator ‘1 HO).. j years he had been as a night dates for the other jobs, probably be- Bump Hadley's progress toward re- At King Pin No. 1 tonight Federal Whirlwinds. o'clock. San Diego, beat Billy Hoon. lowa employed of them. Readers and District Government Ethan Nathan Allen. Cincinnati, Ohio 6.00 175 R R Cincinnati i:iO-r>nniid class—Mount Vernon Cardinal* ' SAN FRANCISCO—Midget Mike j watchman at a Ford Motor Co. plant. cause there are more * covery from the appendicitis operation | circuits will Raymond v*. Star A C.. .'t o'clock: Corinthians vs. t already ap- start their joint, sweepstakes, R. Bressler.Cincinnati. Ohio 6.00 187 R L Cincinnati Epiphany, O’Dowd, Ohio, ) Ascending the lightweight throne oe of this column have been he underwent a week ago today has and at Martin F. Callaghan. Norwood. 5.10 160 I, Seattle 4 o'clock. Columbus. beat Pancho prised identity a who ! Convention Mass. L ItS-pound elnss—Central Hiah Reserves Flores, (10». I the retirement of jack McAuliffe. of the of number ’ been so satisfactory that his attending Hall the Eastern Star I, « | Texas make the at women will meet to elect Everett Virgil Purdy. Beatrice, Nebr. 5.06 150 R Seattle-Cin. vs. Montrose. o'clock: Trcmonts v*. Alex- Lavigne defended his title against such have no chance to grade, physician has given permission for him { officers and William Beevllle, Tex. 162 L Cincinnati andria Rutv> 7:15 o'clock. but thus far has plan for next season's C. Walker.. 5.09!* R —V. v*. boxers as Joe Wolcott, the “Barbadoes least this year, little ' to leave the hospital tomorrow. How- campaign. N. 175 I nllmlted class M. C. A. Omntico been ventured here regarding the prob- j j William A. Zitxmann Nutley, J. 5.10!* R R Cincinnati Marin**, 8:30 o'clock: Woodiothians vs Demon"; Andy Bowen. Young Griffo, ever. on the recommendation of Trainer McLean A. ('.. 11:45 o’clock. able winner of the duel between Hugh youthful pitcher, who Washington and Baltimore divided | GILLESPIE, MESMER Charley McKeever. VM'% Connelly. 1 Mike Martin the (iAMKR. McMullen and Pete Cooper for the posi- ' j yesterday was able to take an airing in honors at Convention Hall last night ; TOMORROW"# | Dick Burge, the English champion: tion of assistant to Rurl and Tate, in chair the for the first when the Western Union teams of the V’olimllrd class—Com nan.v >'.
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