The Louisiana College WILDCAT i ,-£fiSol.77No.l6 February 6, 1984 Pineville, La. National Shakespeare to help celebrate By Pat Burgess The National Shakespeare reading and hearing Shake­ lower level of Guinn Auditori­ Company wUl be returning to speare (Dr. Clanton explained um. The public is invited and Louisiana CoUege this week to that when Shakespeare was admission is free. help celebrate Fine Arts Week. aUve lhat people went to "hear" The touring company, which his plays) and vice versa. The ticket cost for each of the has performed at LC for the Shakespeare is for performing performances wiU be $3.00 for past six years, wiU present "A more so than reading," Clanton adults and $2.00 for students. Mid Summer Night's Dream" said. Tickets can be purchased al the on Friday and "Hamlet" on door on the night of the per­ Saturday. Both performances "I have two English 102 formance or at the main desk in wiU be at 7:30 pm. in Guinn classes that wUl be reading "A the Walker Student Center on Auditorium. Mid Summer Night's Dream" campus between the hours of this week, and my Shakespear­ 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. this Dr. Stacy Clanton and Profes­ ean Literature class is reaUy week. Ticket reservations may Wendy Elizabeth Gowlns, sophomore of PineviUe, was crowned sor Connie Douglas of LC's looking forward to the perform­ be made in advance by calling Miss LC 1984 by former queen, Jennifer Wilbourn. Complete cover­ English Department are ance," said Douglas. 487-7767. Special block rates wUl age of the pageant on pages 4 and 5. (Photo by Cindy RogilUo) preparing their classes for the be offered to those who pur­ Shakespearean production. Prior to each Shakespearean chase tickets in advance for performance, a lecture wiU be more than one performance at Carroll named chairman Dr. Clanlon's English 102 given on the play. Professors $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for stu-. classes and his Major British Connie Douglas and Richard dents for the two Shakespear­ Writer's class are preparing for Gwartney wiU be the featured ean productions. of LC Alumni Campaign the festival. speakers. The lectures wUl be Dr. E. Linus CarroU, Jr. of Co­ education at Louisiana CoUege presented on Friday and Satur­ Louisiana CoUege Students, lumbia wUl serve as chairman in 1960. "I am exploring some ideas day evenings al 6:30 in Bolton Faculty and Staff wiU be admit­ on the relationship of studenls of the National Alumni Cam­ The National Alumni Cam­ Chapel which is located on the ted free to aU events. paign for Louisiana CoUege, an­ paign wUl begin officiaUy with a nounced Director of Alumni kickoff banquet May 26 on cam­ and Placement Vernon BeaU. pus. The National Alumni Cam­ Vice-President for Develop­ paign, one of the final phases of ment Alton Lacey reports $5.4 In The News the coUege's $7.5 miUion Dia­ million in five-year pledges and Dr. WyneUa "Mickey" Badg- By Brant Lott over the years. Why has Mrs. mond JubUee Campaign for en­ gifts have been received ett, chairwoman of the Depart­ Thigpen stayed in the "Ubrary dowment, capital and scholar­ through the Diamond Jubilee No one can say that Mrs. business" for so long? "I love ment of Nursing at Louisiana Ruth Thigpen can't hold down a ship needs, wUl attempt to con­ Campaign. It's the largest fund CoUege, wUl be guest speaker being around students," she tact each of the more than 6,000 raising drive in the college's 77- steady job! Mrs. Thigpen is said warmly. "They are an in­ for the Feb. 15 meeting of Norton Library's own Ubrary alumni of record. Plans wUl be year history. Sigma Theta Tau national nurs­ spiration lo me." She added lhat announced during the Alumni Regional campaigns have technician and has been for the it is especiaUy rewarding when ing society at the LSU Medical last twenty years! Association luncheon at Home­ been staged or are in progress Center-New Orleans. one of her ex-studenl assistants coming on Feb. 18. in Alexandria/PinevUle, Lake Her program, base on her dis­ Mrs. Thigpen came to Louisi­ comes back years later to visit "Dr. CarroU wUl be a great Charles, Monroe, Shreveport sertation, is entitled "Charac­ ana CoUege twenty years ago and reflect on their friendships chairman for the alumni cam­ and Baton Rouge. LC employ­ teristics of the Male Student last Wednesday, when the top ... and friendships certainly paign," said Alumni Association ees, trustees and former trus­ EnroUed in Professional Nurs­ floor of Norton Memorial Li­ seem to come easily to Mrs. President Eldon A. Bninet of tees also have participated. ing Programs and a Compari­ brary was stUl being used for Thigpen. Oakdale. "An alumni campaign Academic priorities, which son of the Characteristics of classrooms and professor's of­ Her secret for durabUily? is long overdue. caU for $4.6 million, are five en­ Males and Females EnroUed in fices. Her official title Is Ubrary "I've been blessed with good The Alumni Association's Ex­ dowed chairs, 16 endowed pro­ Professional Nursing Pro­ technician, but she has also health so far," she smded, "so I ecutive Committee endorsed an fessorships and an endowment grams." served as kind of a secretary to kind of beUeve this job is going alumni campaign last faU. for faculty development Capi­ the various Ubrary directors to be permanent." CarroU wiU head a leadership tal projects, carrying a $2.4 mil- team of three co-chairmen who Uon price tag, include renova­ will be responsible for the tion of Richard W. Norton Li­ Classes of 190645, 1946-65 and brary, Hattie B. Strother Cafe­ ^Elephant Man" needs 8 1966-84 respectively. Each co- teria and Morgan W. Walker chairman wiU work with four Student Center, expansion of Tryouts for the Louisiana Col­ asked to prepare a one minute vice-chairmen who wUl coordi­ English VUlage (apartment- lege Theater's spring produc­ reading. For more information, nate contact with various style student housing complex) tion of Bernard Pommerance's contact Professor Gwartney at classes. Every class wUl have a and an energy management highly claim play, "The Ele­ 487-7598. chairman and five captains. system. The general scholar­ phant Man," wUl be on Feb. 13 "Personal contact, phone ship fund wUl get $500,000. and 14 in the Fine Arts BuUding Pre-paid order for THE ELE­ calls and letters wUl be used," Earnings from endowed in Room 215 between 7and 9 PHANT MAN T-shirts are now said BeaU, director of the cam­ chairs, which require $500,000, p.m. being taken in the Communica­ paign. 'This is the first time in are used to provide full support Professor Richard Gwartney tion Arts Department The long the coUege's history that such to outstanding professors. En­ of the Communication Arts De­ sleeved shirts are $15.00 and the an organized attempt has been dowed professorships, created partment wiU direct the play. short sleeved shirts are $10.00. made to ask alumni for private by a $100,000 gift, give partial The production needs five Contact Professor Richard support" compensation to worthy profes­ men and three women. Gwartney or Matt TuUos. CarroU, a partner in The Car­ sors. Those wishing to audition are (Photo by Pat Burgess) roU Clinic, completed pre-med Editorial Can you Student brags of college standards Dear Sophomore, Of course, 20 years ago I felt their academic leaders have I read your letter to the editor the same way you do. You see, I not succumed to the demands face LC's complaining about the difficulty was a transfer student from a of the general pubUc. of Louisiana CoUege's central state coUege. The school that I Furthermore, let me assure challenge? curriculum. had come from was not as diffi­ you, as an individual who has Only last week, I was brag­ cult as LC and I did not know been a part of the business ging about LC's high academic how to study. I had sUd through world, that LC has an outstand­ high school with no effort, and By Ellen Williams standards to some friends of ing reputation for producing mine who were deeply con­ thought that I could sUde weU-rounded graduates this Editor cerned over the poor quaUty of through coUege the same way. are a cut above many other jf | educaUon that many coUeges Needless to say, my grades seekers. " ' Reading the letter the WUdcat received last week criticizing and universities were offering were terrible. I blamed the col­ I encourage you to stay at LC, Louisiana CoUege's central curriculum, my first Inclination was to lege, certainly not myseU! agree with the disappointed sophomore. Yes, the standards are their students. I told them that I even if it is difficult Since you tough. Also, I have had a few encounters of my own in this area. was glad to be a part of an aca­ Now that I am older, I ap­ are a sophomore, you wUl soon Then, however, I began to think of the reasons I chose to attend LC demic institution that afforded preciate the fact that LC truly complete the central curricu­ in the first place. its young people (and older does offer a higher education. lum requirements and be able ones) the chaUenge of a higher Of course, I am also paying my to concentrate on your major. When I graduate I want my degree to mean something more education.
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