SYSTEMATICS Revision of the Nearctic Species of Nepalomyia Hollis :Neurigonella Robinson) (Diptera: Dolichopodidae ؍) Peloropeodinae) with a World Catalog JUSTIN B. RUNYON AND RICHARD L. HURLEY Department of Entomology, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana 59717 Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 96(4): 403Ð414 (2003) ABSTRACT Nepalomyia Hollis and Neurigonella Robinson are synonymized. The genus Nepalomyia is more fully characterized and the Nearctic species are revised. Nepalomyia nigricornis (Van Duzee) and N. sombrea (Harmston & Knowlton) are reassigned and redescribed. Two new species, N. dilaticosta Runyon & Hurley and N. hesperia Runyon & Hurley, are described. New combinations are created for the following non-Nearctic species: Nepalomyia bidentata (Yang & Saigusa), N. brevifur- cata (Yang & Saigusa), N. crassata (Yang & Saigusa), N. daliensis (Yang & Saigusa), N. daweishana (Yang & Saigusa), N. dentata (Yang & Saigusa), N. flava (Yang & Saigusa), N. furcata (Yang & Saigusa), N. henanensis (Yang, Yang, & Li), N. longa (Yang & Saigusa), N. longiseta (Yang & Saigusa), N. luteipleurata (Yang & Saigusa), N. pallipes (Yang & Saigusa), N. pallipilosa (Yang & Saigusa), N. pilifera (Yang & Saigusa), N. pingbiana (Yang & Saigusa), N. tatjanae (Negrobov), N. trifurcata (Yang & Saigusa), N. tuberculosa (Yang & Saigusa), N. yunnanensis (Yang & Saigusa), and N. zhouzhiensis (Yang & Saigusa). A key to Nearctic males and females and a catalog of the world Nepalomyia are provided. KEY WORDS Dolichopodidae, Nepalomyia, Neurigonella, taxonomic revision, catalog, key ROBINSON (1964) ERECTED Neurigonella for species of cleared using KOH, temporarily mounted in glycerin, Neurigona Rondani that have a preapical seta on femur and later transferred to polymere microtubes and at- II & III, and a spur at the base of tarsus III(1) in males. tached to the corresponding specimens. Negrobov (1984), in describing the Þrst Palearctic Discussion of Characters. Density of pollen is char- Neurigonella, indicated that Neurigonella Robinson acterized as follows: very sparse, if surface not uni- and Nepalomyia Hollis appear similar, and that the two formly covered and apparently lacking pollen except might be synonyms. To resolve this question, we sent when viewed obliquely; sparse, if pollen evidently a male paratype of Nepalomyia hesperia Runyon & present, but not noticeably modifying integument col- Hurley to the British Museum (Natural History), or; moderately dense, if pollen lending its own color where Mr. John Chainey compared it with the holo- generally to the surface, but not completely obscuring type of Nepalomyia dytei Hollis (the type species of integument beneath; dense, if integument completely Nepalomyia). We provided our description of the ge- hidden by pollen. nus with signiÞcant characters highlighted, along with In descriptions of male genitalia, “dorsal” and “ven- Figs. 4 and 7, illustrating characters we believe to be tral” refer to the true morphological position (as seen diagnostic. The Nepalomyia holotype exhibited all in illustrations). Because of similarities in the hypopy- these characters. Both names were published in 1964, gial structures of Nepalomyia to those of Achalcus Nepalomyia in an issue dated “21July, ” Neurigonella on Loew, we have followed Pollet and CummingÕs (1998) “15 October,” so Nepalomyia has priority. interpretation and terminology. In addition to the four Nearctic species, Nepalomyia Abbreviations. The following abbreviations are is also known from Nepal (two spp., Hollis 1964), used: a, anterior(ly); ad, anterodorsal(ly); av, antero- eastern Russia (one sp., Negrobov 1984), and China ventral(ly); p, posterior(ly); pd, posterodorsal(ly); pv, (20 spp., Yang et al. 1998; Yang and Saigusa 2000, 2001a, posteroventral(ly); ac, acrostichal seta(e); dc, dorso- 2001b). Here we more completely characterize and central seta(e); T1, T2, etc., abdominal tergum one, revise Nepalomyia in the Nearctic. abdominal tergum two, etc.; S1, S2, etc., abdominal sternum one, abdominal sternum two, etc. Legs are designated by roman numerals, tarsomeres by brack- Materials and Methods eted arabic numerals (e.g., Tarsus III(4) ϭ fourth Specimen Handling. Almost exclusively, dry tarsomere of metathoracic leg). The following acro- mounted material was studied. For examination and nyms for museums are used: AMNH, American Mu- illustration, genitalia, abdomens, and heads were seum of Natural History, New York; BMNH, The Nat- 0013-8746/03/0403Ð0414$04.00/0 ᭧ 2003 Entomological Society of America 404 ANNALS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA Vol. 96, no. 4 ural History Museum (formerly the British Museum nate pseudotracheae (Fig. 5). Apical epipharyngeal (Natural History)), London; CAS, California Acad- sclerite with three teeth distally, with cross-banding emy of Sciences, San Francisco, CA; CAU, China Ag- proximally (Fig. 6). ricultural University, Beijing, China; CNC, Canadian Scutum with six pairs of long dc (four or Þve dc in National Collection, Ottawa, Canada; FSCA, Florida some non-Nearctic species); with ac in two distinct State Collection of Arthropods, Gainesville, FL; KIZ, rows extending to a margin of prescutellar ßattening. Kunming Institute of Zoology, Kunming, China; Posterior third of scutum distinctly ßattened. Scutel- MTEC, Montana Entomology Collection, Bozeman, lum with one strong median seta and one lateral seta MT; USNM, United States National Museum of Nat- (Ϸone-third length of median)/side. Notopleuron ural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, with two setae. Humerus with one strong seta and one D.C.; ZIN, Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological smaller seta (ϭone-third to one-half strong seta). Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia. Lower proepisternum with one strong seta and usually a few short, Þne hairs; upper proepisternum usually with one or more very Þne hairs. Proepimeron bare. Nepalomyia Hollis 1964 Coxae and legs yellow (brown in some non-Nearc- Nepalomyia Hollis 1964: 110 (new species; key, Ne- tic species) with black hairs and setae. Coxa I with pal); Dyte 1975: 254 (catalog, Oriental); Negrobov short dark hairs full length a, with row of larger setae 1984: 1113 (possible synonymy with Neurigonella). at apex. Coxa II similarly haired, with larger ad seta at Type species: Nepalomyia dytei by original designa- one-half. Coxa III bare except large ad seta at one-half tion. Neurigonella Robinson 1964: 119 (key, Nearctic); and short, slender appressed ad hair near apex. Tro- Robinson 1970: 56 (subfamily placement); Robinson chanter II with two long, slender ad setae. Femora & Vockeroth 1981: 634 (key to genera, Nearctic); without setae other than preapical a on II and III, and Negrobov 1984: 1113 (new species); 1991: 31(catalog, slender p preapical on femur II. Tibia I lacking obvious Palearctic); Poole & Gentili 1996: 146 (species list, setae except weak apical. Tibia II with ad seta at Nearctic); Yang et al. 1998: 81 (new species); Yang one-fourth and just beyond one-half; with pd seta at 1998: 344 (new species); Yang & Saigusa 2000: 237 one-Þfth and one-half; with small pv seta just beyond (new species); 2001a: 375 (new species; key to males, one-half. Tibia III with 1Ð2 ad setae and large ad China); 2001b: 237 (new species). Type species: subapical; with pd seta at one-Þfth, one-half, and Neurigona nigricornis Van Duzee by original designa- smaller pd seta at four-Þfths; usually with small p seta tion. New synonym. near one-half. Tarsus I and II plain. Tarsus III(1) short Diagnosis. Vertex not excavate. Scape without dis- (Յone-half tarsus III(2)), thicker than III(2Ð5) tinct setae on d surface. First ßagellomere without (greatly thickened in some non-Nearctic species), setae. Arista long, pubescent, tapering to Þne point, with short pv seta (ϭwidth of tibia) at base (Fig. 4). inserted in notch immediately lateral to apex of Þrst Abdominal terga dark brown with black hairs and ßagellomere. Costa continuous to tip of M. M un- setae; T1with row of long p setae (ϭthree-fourths T2). branched, nearly parallel to R4 ϩ 5. Scutum with ac in S1unsclerotized, bare. two distinct rows. Notopleuron with two setae. Upper Wing with R2 ϩ 3 and R4 ϩ 5 slightly diverging toward proepisternum with at most, a few Þne hairs. Male: apex; R4 ϩ 5 and M1 nearly parallel beyond crossvein Tarsus III(1) with small dark p spur at base that in- dm-cu; M not forked; A1 fading near posterior wing terlocks with apex of tibia. Apex of T7 usually clearly margin; anal angle poorly developed. Crossvein dm-cu evident as dark, inverted “V” in membrane of p edge slightly before middle of wing, distinctly shorter than of T6. Hypopygium bulbous, forming loose, broad- last section of CuA1 (Figs. 2 and 3). Calypter yellow ened cap to abdomen. to brown, with apex darkened; calypteral setae long, Length 2Ð3.5 mm. Yellow to brown in color, lacking brown, appearing pale in certain lights. Stem of halter metallic reßections (some non-Nearctic species me- yellow, knob yellow to infuscated. tallic green). Vertex not excavate. Lower face short, Male. Face narrow (ϭone-half to three-fourths dis- ending at three-Þfths distance antenna to lower mar- tance between lateral ocelli), narrowed below. Tarsus gin of eye. Ocellar tubercle with two very strong III(1) with small dark p spur at base that interlocks ocellars, with two short hairs p to vertex. Vertical very with apex of tibia (Fig. 4). Costa with slight (hesperia, long (subequal to ocellars). Paravertical shorter than nigricornis, sombrea) (Fig. 3) to distinct (dilaticosta) uppermost postocular
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